How to Avoid Fast Fashion: 8 Rules for Conscious Fashion Consumption (2024)

The buy-wear-dispose model of fashion that many of us are used to is in serious need of a closet overhaul. Fortunately, there are many ways we can look and feel great in our clothes—without damaging our planet.

Here are some tried and tested ideas for adding some hot fashion pieces to your wardrobe while still keeping our planet cool:

Shop locally.

We’ve all been guilty of purchasing from fast fashion companies like H&M, ASOS, Forever 21, etc. While their prices may be attractive, their true costs as we know aren’t listed on the price tag.

Instead, save your money for an independent quality piece that’s locally made and ecologically-aligned. You’ll support your local economy and will end up with longer lasting garments that haven’t been mass-produced.

Host a clothing swap.

Invite a few friends, grab a couple bottles of wine (and several facemasks), and turn one (wo)man’s trash into another (wo)man’s treasure! This is a great way to get some new-to-you clothes, connect with friends after months of socially distancing, and keep clothes out of waste streams.

Make second-hand the first option.

Fast fashion may be cheap, but second-hand goods are generally cheaper, and so, so much better for our world.

Plan an afternoon to check out your local or the many online thrift stores.

There’s a good chance you’ll find some exciting pieces and may even stumble across a barely-worn garment with the original price tag attached.

Here are our go-to thrift shopping tips for making the most out of your thrifting efforts.

Second hand clothes shopping is the single best way to avoid fast fashion on a budget and give your closet a much needed refresh!

And remember you can also be on the other side of this two way street – to sell used clothes online is now easier than ever and diverts further waste from hitting the landfill.

Rent an outfit.

When you run into the problem of having “nothing to wear,” for an occasion, avoid the urge to buy new; rather opt for clothing and dress rental.

Think wedding dresses, interviews, or even a first date.

You’ll find an endless choice of styles and sizes, and this is hands-down the most affordable way to wear something high-end from your favorite luxury brand.

Learn new skills.

One of the biggest reasons we hit the “add to cart” button is because the garments we currently own are missing a button, have a stuck zipper, or a hole that keeps growing (looking at you, favorite leggings). So instead of “checking-out”, try your hand at garment repair.

The internet is abound with a plethora of how-to YouTube videos and guides that will help you mend anything. Yes, that new skirt is only $49.99, but those new skills are priceless and will last a lifetime (and help our favorite peplum do the same).

Utilize clothes repair services.

If mending is not one of your many talents, there are several online clothing repair and alteration services that can take on the task of fixing up old garments for you.

Clothes Doctor, for example, offers a variety of services, including repair, cleaning, alteration, and renewal.

Not only are they going green by encouraging people to breathe new life into what they already own, but they do so using eco friendly, plant-based, and cruelty free detergents and plastic free clothing care products.

How to Avoid Fast Fashion: 8 Rules for Conscious Fashion Consumption (2024)


How to Avoid Fast Fashion: 8 Rules for Conscious Fashion Consumption? ›

There are many alternative options to buying fast fashion including shopping at second-hand stores, organizing a clothing swap, renting clothes, and adopting new habits to help you resist the urge to buy fast fashion items. Here is a complete list of the top tips for avoiding fast fashion: Buy second-hand.

What is the answer to fast fashion? ›

There are many alternative options to buying fast fashion including shopping at second-hand stores, organizing a clothing swap, renting clothes, and adopting new habits to help you resist the urge to buy fast fashion items. Here is a complete list of the top tips for avoiding fast fashion: Buy second-hand.

How do you avoid fast fashion clothes? ›

Steps for how to stop fast fashion:
  1. Identify fast fashion brands. The first step in stopping fast fashion brands is identifying them and avoiding them. ...
  2. Shop sustainable fashion brands. ...
  3. Buy used clothing. ...
  4. Borrow or rent clothes. ...
  5. Create a minimalist wardrobe. ...
  6. Upcycle clothing to make your own style.
Jun 1, 2023

What is one thing people can do to slow the consumption of fast fashion? ›

Buy second-hand and/or through clothes swaps.

Buying from op shops or thrift shops will not only reduce the consumption of new clothes, but by doing so you can also support the work of charities and not-for-profits.

What 3 things define fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion is a design, manufacturing, and marketing method focused on rapidly producing high volumes of clothing. Fast fashion garment production leverages trend replication and low-quality materials (like synthetic fabrics) in order to bring inexpensive styles to the end consumer.

Why fast fashion is a problem? ›

The pressure to reduce costs and speed up production time means environmental corners are more likely to be cut. Fast fashion's negative impact includes its use of cheap, toxic textile dyes—making the fashion industry the one of the largest polluters of clean water globally, right up there with agriculture.

Why do people avoid fast fashion? ›

Negative impacts include worker harassment, diseases due to toxic chemical use, poverty, wage theft, increased green house gas emissions, biodiversity loss, and resource and soil depletion. As you can see, fast fashion companies work under a system that has dire social and environmental impacts.

Should we avoid fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion has an enormous environmental footprint for both its production and disposal. Clothing production requires a considerable amount of energy and resources, while it depends on toxic fabric dyes and other chemicals that contaminate fresh water. Fashion produces a tenth of the world's carbon emissions.

How do you break the fast fashion cycle? ›

The key to breaking the cycle of fast fashion is to only buy what you need, when you need it. This will help you avoid purchasing clothes which end up sitting in the back of your wardrobe never to be worn. This can be a difficult habit to get in to, especially in our current culture.

What are 3 negative impacts of fast fashion? ›

Plastic fibres are polluting the oceans, the wastewater, toxic dyes, and the exploitation of underpaid workers. Fast fashion is big business, and while the environmental costs are rising, experts say there is another way: a circular economy for textiles.

What is most affected by fast fashion? ›

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

It dries up water sources and pollutes rivers and streams, while 85% of all textiles go to dumps each year. Even washing clothes releases 500,000 tons of microfibres into the ocean each year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

How do you make people aware of eco fashion? ›

Regardless of your knowledge on the topic or how much time you can commit, there is a form of sustainable fashion activism to suit you.
  1. Educate yourself on the fast fashion industry. ...
  2. Spread the word to family and friends. ...
  3. Call out greenwashing. ...
  4. Contact a brand directly. ...
  5. Organise a sustainable fashion focused event.

Why do people consume fast fashion? ›

Affordability is a major factor that drives consumers to choose fast fashion over sustainable options. While some brands offer more affordable sustainably-made items, fast fashion brands can produce garments at a much lower cost than sustainable fashion brands, allowing them to sell their products at a lower price.

How does fast fashion affect everyone? ›

Social impacts

This means fast fashion companies can get away with paying workers very low wages. In some cases, workers are paid so little that they cannot even afford to feed themselves or their families. This often leads to workers being forced to work long hours, as they need to earn enough money to survive.

What are the factors influencing fast fashion consumption? ›

All seven factors (Perceived Price, Perceived Quality, Brand Consciousness, Fashion Consciousness, Hedonic Shopping Value, Store Environment, and Sales Promotion) influence positively Purchase Intention of Millennials towards fast fashion products.

How can we solve fashion waste? ›

Top 10 ways to reduce fashion waste
  1. Reuse. Increase the number of times you wear your clothes. ...
  2. Repair. Of course you can get creative and add learning to sew to your skillset! ...
  3. Look after your clothes. ...
  4. Buy quality over quantity. ...
  5. Rent. ...
  6. Shop preloved. ...
  7. Swap. ...
  8. Sell your clothes online.

What is the government doing about fast fashion? ›

Across the Atlantic in America, the Fashioning Accountability and Building Real Institutional Change Act—known as the FABRIC Act—is the first federal fashion bill which aims to improve the labor rights of garment workers and encourage reshoring of the American garment manufacturing industry.

How do you solve sustainable fashion? ›

Sustainable Fashion: How to Reduce your Environmental Impact
  1. Choose Organic or Recycled Fabric. ...
  2. Repair your Clothes Instead of Buying New Ones. ...
  3. Second-hand Shops are Useful. ...
  4. Buy Clothes Made with Organic Flax or Hemp. ...
  5. Choose Locally-made Clothes. ...
  6. Choose Transparent Brands. ...
  7. Wash your Clothes Correctly.
Sep 19, 2022

Why do people say no to fast fashion? ›

The rapid change in clothing styles leads to excessive clothing waste that can be difficult to recycle. Fast fashion is often produced in sweatshops and other low-wage labor environments, where workers are subjected to long hours, low pay, and hazardous working conditions.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.