How to Avoid Overpacking (2024)

Everyone knows that less is more when it comes to luggage on a long trip. Ask any traveler on a big trip what they wish that they would have done differently, and most will tell you that they should have brought less.

Overpacking is by far the biggest mistake that travelers make. And once you have all that stuff with you, the choices are limited: lug it around for the duration of the trip, give it away, or throw it out.

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Don't Pack to Capacity

How to Avoid Overpacking (1)

Ideally, you should take several passes at packing for a long trip. For best results, leave your luggage alone then reevaluate your packing job on the following day. The decision to take or leave items often changes over time.

If your luggage is even remotely close to full capacity, you may have a problem. Although many travelers mostly worry about weight, volume should be given serious consideration, too. A bag that takes too much effort to pack will prove to be a serious burden throughout your trip.

Keep these things in mind:

  • Dirty laundry takes up far more room than neatly folded/rolled clothing.
  • You will undoubtedly make new purchases while on a trip.
  • Repacking your luggage for every move should not require working a time-consuming puzzle.

Aim to leave home with bags only slightly more than half full if at all possible.

Tip: If you travel annually, make some simple packing notes at the end of each trip. List items that weren't used so that you can remember to leave them out for the next trip.

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Don't Go into "Survival" Mode

There's just something about leaving your comfort zone that flips a mental switch into survival mode. If you don't regularly use a 30-function multi-tool or an Everest-worthy travel first aid kit at home, there's a good chance you won't need them on the road.

The truth is that travelers accumulate lots of useless travel-and-survival gadgets. Department stores and outfitting shops are full of fun, mostly useless things designed to tempt travelers—and to bloat bags.

Unless you really are heading to the jungle in Papua or plan to wander the Himalayas independently, stay out of the "what if" mentality. It's a mindset that encourages people to add seldom-used survival gizmos.

Besides, the locals in your planned destinations were getting along just fine without lightweight, titanium sporks and gadgets before you arrived. They'll most likely have everything that you need to survive.

If you find yourself asking "what if" and mentally running through disaster scenarios while packing, just walk away.

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Understand Your Destination

Knowing a little about your destination will eliminate some of the guesswork from packing.

  • Laundry: Is laundry service available at your destination? Chances are, it is. Although doing laundry on a trip doesn't sound like that much fun, paying for service halfway through your trip means that you can carry far less clothing—a worthwhile investment.
  • Check the weather: Knowing the climate at your destination before you go can save you from carrying around clothing and footwear that aren't appropriate for the region. Why pack an umbrella when you can just buy one if it rains?
  • Check the weather: Knowing the climate at your destination before you go can save you from carrying around clothing and footwear that aren't appropriate for the region. Why pack an umbrella when you can just buy one if it rains?

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Make Several Passes at Packing

As mentioned earlier, make more than one pass at packing before a big trip.

Waiting until the last minute to pack is a sure way to take too much.

Do the initial packing, then leave your luggage alone—preferably overnight. On the second or third pass of packing, you'll probably ask yourself why you thought you needed a particular item in the first place!

Before putting everything into your luggage, stage it on the bed or floor first. Not only will this give you a chance to eliminate unnecessary things from your bags, you'll have a great mental image of exactly what you brought along.

Continue to 5 of 10 below.

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Don't Add Last-Minute Items

In the last frantic moments before a big trip, many travelers have a tendency to stuff small, last-minute items into their bags. If nothing else, people add items just for peace of mind that the packing process is complete.

After your second or third pass at packing, close and store your luggage until you depart. Doing so will help you avoid the temptation of adding more in the final hours before your trip.

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Choose a Smaller Bag

If you give yourself lots of room in luggage, chances are that you'll use it!

Opting for a smaller backpack or suitcase from the beginning will deliberately force you to pack more carefully and efficiently.

Regardless of how small a bag you choose, you still shouldn't pack it to full capacity.

Tip: A waterproof day bag is a great way to protect books and electronics from harsh environments. Choose a bag that is water resistant or one that comes with a rain cover. In a pinch, the inside of a suitcase can be lined with a large garbage bag.

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Take Smaller Sizes

How to Avoid Overpacking (3)

Why fill travel-sized bottles if you're only going somewhere for a week or two? No one says you have to fill bottles—or anything—to full capacity.

Get into the mindset of only taking as much as you need accordingto the duration of the trip. Buy more if and when you come up short on something.

Put the extra effort into preliminary planning for what you will wear each day. Doing so is more productive than packing extra shirts/shoes/shorts/belts and planning to work it out later.

Tip: Travel-sized toiletries and personal items definitely have a "cute" factor, but they are rarely good deals. Instead, buy a few quality travel bottles and refill them from your full-sized products.

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Don't Waste Space

Packing is best done modularly. Try to pack in "kits" based on need.

By keeping items of similar purpose together, you'll save time and energy while trying to find things later. Colored stuff sacks and compression bags are great ways to organize and save space. Consider implementing packing cubes or the ever-useful Hoboroll by GobiGear, a lightweight bag that allows clothing to be rolled and compressed. Rolling clothing actually prevents wrinkles and takes up less space.

Stuff smaller objects into hollow spaces to maximize room inside of your luggage. Socks can be stuffed inside of shoes. Remove all packaging for anything new. Use makeshift cases or fashion your own ways to protect things if doing so eliminates weight.

Tip: Opt for packing items into soft containers that conform rather than rigid ones to avoid dead space inside of luggage.

Continue to 9 of 10 below.

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Take Less Toys

Remember:You're going to be in an exciting new place with lots of things to see and do. You most certainly won't need as many distractions for entertainment as you do at home!

Why pack cards or games when there's a new country waiting to be explored? Even carrying a smartphone, if not used with discretion, can detract as much as it adds to the experience of traveling.

If traveling to more than one country, carry only one guidebook with you then exchange it along the way. Unless you intend to work while traveling and need a full-size laptop, carry only a small device (e.g., tablet, smartphone, etc) for checking messages and posting photos.​

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Plan to Buy Stuff Locally

How to Avoid Overpacking (4)

The well-known mantra of "pack less, bring more money" almost always holds true. Unless you're a bartering pro, cash is far more useful and flexible on a trip than physical belongings.

Forgot to pack something? No worries, just buy the local version!

Shopping in new places and trying local products is a big part of the fun. With some exceptions, you'll often find the same stuff cheaper in Asia, anyway.

Hit the local markets—You may find something much more valuable than a good bargain: cultural insight.

Unless you're absolutely positive that you won't find what you need at your destination, pack only a small quantity of everything then buy more as needed (e.g., don't take extra AA batteries, they're available pretty much everywhere. Pack only a few ibuprofen rather than the bottle, etc).

Greetings fellow travel enthusiasts! As someone who has explored diverse corners of the globe, mastering the art of efficient packing has been pivotal to my seamless and enjoyable journeys. My experiences range from navigating bustling markets in Asia to trekking through the Himalayas, providing me with first-hand insights into the challenges and triumphs of travel.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article on savvy packing for a long trip:

1. Don't Pack to Capacity:

  • Advice to make multiple passes at packing, emphasizing the importance of leaving room for new purchases and making the packing process efficient.
  • Highlighting that dirty laundry takes up more space than neatly folded/rolled clothing, and providing a tip to make packing notes after each trip.

2. Don't Go into "Survival" Mode:

  • Cautioning against the accumulation of unnecessary travel and survival gadgets, encouraging travelers to stay practical and avoid overloading with seldom-used items.
  • Emphasizing that locals in your destination likely have everything you need, and discouraging the "what if" mentality.

3. Understand Your Destination:

  • Advising travelers to research their destination to eliminate unnecessary items, considering factors like laundry services and local weather conditions.
  • Suggesting that knowledge of local conditions can save space by allowing for on-the-go purchases like umbrellas.

4. Make Several Passes at Packing:

  • Reinforcing the idea of making multiple passes at packing to prevent overpacking.
  • Recommending staging items before putting them into luggage to visualize and eliminate unnecessary items.

5. Don't Add Last-Minute Items:

  • Warning against the urge to add small, last-minute items in the frantic moments before a trip, promoting a disciplined approach to packing.

6. Choose a Smaller Bag:

  • Encouraging the use of smaller bags to promote careful and efficient packing.
  • Advising against packing any bag to full capacity and suggesting the use of waterproof day bags for added protection.

7. Take Smaller Sizes:

  • Promoting the idea of taking only as much as needed for the trip's duration, suggesting preliminary planning for daily outfits.
  • Recommending the use of quality travel bottles and refilling them from full-sized products.

8. Don't Waste Space:

  • Advocating modular packing and organizing items based on need to save time and energy.
  • Recommending the use of colored stuff sacks, compression bags, packing cubes, or Hoboroll for efficient packing.

9. Take Less Toys:

  • Reminding travelers that the excitement of a new place often negates the need for many entertainment distractions.
  • Suggesting carrying only essential electronic devices and limiting distractions like cards or games.

10. Plan to Buy Stuff Locally:

  • Encouraging the mindset of "pack less, bring more money" and highlighting the flexibility of cash during travel.
  • Advising travelers to embrace local markets, explore, and buy items locally, minimizing the need to carry excess supplies.

Remember, the key to a successful trip lies not just in the destinations you explore but in the thoughtful curation of your travel essentials. Happy and light packing!

How to Avoid Overpacking (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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