How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (2024)

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Whether you’re old enough to remember the Grandmaster Flash song,J-Lo’s dance troupe from the ’90s or that infamous Missy Elliot line from Work It, this fact remains: the term ‘Fly Girl’ ain’t nothing new. In fact, it’s borderline ancient and undeniably African-American – but essentially, one of the most flattering colloquialisms you could use to compliment a woman, then and now. Somehow, it manages to defy the flimsiness of ‘pretty’ and the clichés of ‘sexy’, but doesn’t need to contend with ‘beautiful’. How so? Being ‘fly’ is as much about personality, mindset, swag and charm, as it is about aesthetics. Still, a Fly Girl is a bonafide babe (simply because she’s fly – catch the gist?).

But the real kicker – and the reason it inspired the name of Fly Girl Collective – is that easily relates to all things wellness. So, a handful of women from the Collective (including myself!) share their own inspirational definitions of a Fly Girl. Read on!

How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (1)


“All my life I’ve never been a morning person, but for the last 30 days I’ve got up at 6am to work my body harder than the day before. Being a fly girl is about having a winning mentality and forcing yourself outside of comfort zone. We all have what it takes but it’s about showing up for yourself again and again!”

How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (2)


“A fly girl is a game changer. She is confident in her own worth and embraces her unique femininity. Her kind of strength is for inspiration, not for show. She enjoys being a fly girl.”

How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (3)


“A fly girl understands the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Whether she is in the beginning or well-established on this journey, she has identified fitness and nutritional goals to lead a healthy lifestyle. For me, I’m at the beginning of my journey and look at our Fly Girl Collective community as inspiration. Incorporating fitness into my daily lifestyle has proven harder than expected, but I can always count of the community for the support and advice to push through.”

How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (4)


“A Fly Girl is a woman who’s made a commitment to progress. She rises above limitations, whether they be from society, circ*mstances or her own self-doubt. Fitness is one of the methods she uses to cultivate this mindset. I aspire to be a Fly Girl because I know that the Fly Girl mindset is valuable, not only for my health, but every other part of life.”

How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (5)


“A fly girl is a woman who doesn’t compare herself to others because she’s one of a kind. She’s unique. She’s wonderfully and fearfully made. She understands the importance of looking after her health and fitness, as it impacts everything else in her life – but the beautiful thing is, she doesn’t strive for perfection. She keeps it 💯 about who she is and where she’s at, but has made a choice to make each day better than the last. Before she knows it, she’s created new habits, which become a lifestyle – and that’s what makes her fly (in more ways than one 😉)”

(Photography: Ollie Trenchard)

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How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective (2024)


How to be fly: the definition of a Fly Girl - Fly Girl Collective? ›

“A Fly Girl is a woman who's made a commitment to progress. She rises above limitations, whether they be from society, circ*mstances or her own self-doubt. Fitness is one of the methods she uses to cultivate this mindset.

What defines a fly person? ›

A Flyperson - also referred to as a Fly Operator - is someone who operates the permanent weighted systems in theatres which are used to raise and lower scenery on stage. To 'fly something' means to raise or lower an object via this system.

What was a fly girl? ›

Fly Girls (dance troupe), dance troupe from the television series In Living Color. Fly Girls (book) about 5 female pioneers of aviation and women's equality from the 1920's and 1930's in the US: Amelia Earhart, Louise Thaden, Ruth Elder, Ruth Rowland Nichols, and Florence Klingensmith.

What does so fly girl mean? ›

Urban Dictionary:'Fly Girl" a girl who knows what she wants and goes for it. she doesnt care what anyone says about it.

What does it mean to be a fly? ›

Slang. stylish, attractive, sophisticated, etc.: She put on silver stilettos, her flyest outfit, and plenty of bling, ready to party till dawn.

What is a male and female fly? ›

A fly's abdomen is made up of many different segments. On a male fly, the last two segments of the abdomen are much darker than the female. The males have thick black bands, whereas the females tend to have one darker band on the bottom with a lighter band on top of that.

What does a fly mean spiritually? ›

From a broad perspective, flies are often seen as messengers of change. Much like how they appear to materialize out of nowhere, flies in the spiritual realm can signify an abrupt shift or transformation in one's life. This isn't always a harbinger of negativity; change, as we know, is the only constant in life.

Who is the most famous Fly Girl? ›

The original Fly Girl troupe included Carrie Ann Inaba (now of 'Dancing with the Stars'), Deidre Lang, Cari French, Lisa Marie Todd, and Michelle Whitney-Morrison (Jennifer Lopez, the most famous Fly Girl, didn't enter the picture until season 3).

Who started as a fly girl? ›

The Fly Girls troupe had various members over In Living Color's five-season run. The original lineup consisted of Cari French, Carrie Ann Inaba, Deidre Lang, Lisa Marie Todd, and Michelle Whitney-Morrison.

What famous person was a fly girl? ›

Lopez began her career as a dancer, making her television debut as a Fly Girl on the sketch comedy series In Living Color in 1991. She later rose to prominence as an actress, with leading roles in the films Selena (1997), Anaconda (1997) and Out of Sight (1998) establishing her as the highest-paid Latin actress.

What is a wing girl slang? ›

A Wing woman is the female version of a wingman! A Wing Woman goes out with you to social settings and helps you attract a potential partner. Not everyone has a best friend that is available to go to social events with, and NOT every best friend is actually a good “Wing Woman”.

What does good wing girl mean? ›

Everyone who knows a thing or two about dating knows just how crucial a good wingperson is for a successful date. When it comes down to it, a good wingwoman is your cheerleader. She saves you from awkward situations, looks out for you and tells you that guy is someone to hold on to and never let go.

What is bad slang for? ›

"Bad" means good. Actually "bad" means even better than good. It's often used in reference to someone's appearance. Bet. "Bet" is used when you're in agreement with something.

Why are flies so annoying? ›

They can be very irritating. Flies make an annoying buzzing sound, some bite, and they land on your food, not to mention what they do after they land. The house fly is the most common fly pest around homes. This fly lays eggs on wet, decaying organic matter such as moist garbage, animal manure, or rotting plant debris.

Why do flies rub their hands? ›

Flies rub their hands together to clean themselves off.

When flies walk around, these sensors can get clogged with dirt, dust, and food particles. So when a fly rubs its little hands together, it's getting ready to taste its next delicious meal.

What does fly mean in school? ›

What is a fly-in program? It is a program hosted by a college or university that provides prospective high school students to visit the campus. These programs are usually free, and serve as a great opportunity for visiting students to learn more about the school's academic programs and experience campus life.

Does fly mean smart? ›

fly in British English

(flaɪ ) adjectiveWord forms: flyer, flyest slang. 1. mainly British. knowing and sharp; smart.

Do flies have personalities? ›

( —Fruit flies may have more individuality and personality than we imagine. And it might all be down to a bit of genetic shuffling in nerve cells that makes every fly brain unique, suggest Oxford University scientists.

Why is it called your fly? ›

The flap of fabric that covers the zipper on trousers would fly in the breeze if you didn't do your zipper up. So tailors called it a 'fly'.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.