How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (2024)

Image classification is one of the most important applications of deep learning and Artificial Intelligence. Image classification refers to assigning labels to images based on certain characteristics or features present in them. The algorithm identifies these features and uses them to differentiate between different images and assign labels to them. In this tutorial titled ‘The ultimate guide to building powerful Keras Image Classification Models’, you will learn how to perform image classification with Keras, a deep learning library.

What Is Image Classification?

Image classification is the process of assigning classes to images. This is done by finding similar features in images belonging to different classes and using them to identify and label images.

Image classification is done with the help of neural networks. Neural networks are deep learning algorithms. The below picture shows a neural network.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (1)

Figure 1: Neural Network

Neural Networks contain multiple layers of neurons that perform prediction, classification, etc. The output of each neuron is fed to the neurons in the next layer which helps fine-tune the output until we reach the final output layer. The different layers which are present in a neural network are :

  • Input Layer: This is the layer through which we give the input to your neural network
  • Hidden Layer: This layer contains various neurons which process the input received from the input layer
  • Output Layer: The final layer in the network which processes your data one last time and gives you the output

Neural networks can be easily implemented using a deep learning library like Keras, Tensorflow, or Pytorch. You will be using Keras to implement your Neural Networks. Keras is a Python library that supports other deep learning libraries as backends while providing a user-friendly frontend. It offers strong computational power while maintaining ease of implementation.

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How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (2)

Intel Image Classification Dataset

The dataset that you will be using is the Intel Image Classification dataset which contains images of different landforms such as forests, glaciers, mountains, sea, buildings, and streets. It is a well-collected dataset with images meticulously collected and stored in different folders.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (3)

Figure 2: Intel Image Classification Dataset

Loading the Data

You will begin by loading your data and importing the necessary modules.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (4)

Figure 3: Importing modules

You will also declare variables that contain the class names and the corresponding label and define the desired IMAGE_SIZE for our pictures. You must define the labels corresponding to the various classes in the dataset.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (5)

Figure 4: Defining class labels

Now, load our data. You will define a function called load_data which you can use to load your train and test data.

  • You have two folders within the data folder, the seg_train folder, and seg_test folder.
  • Within each of these folders, you also have a folder containing images from each class.
  • You will read individual images from each folder and push them into your image array after converting them to RPG form and resizing.
  • You will append a label to this image and append it to the output array.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (6)

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (7)

Figure 5: Loading our data

You will then call your load_data() function and save your training and testing data. To better train the model, you will shuffle the data in your train dataset.

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Figure 6: Creating your training and testing dataset

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How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (9)

How to Create a Convolution Neural Network?

Creating a Convolution Neural Network with Keras is relatively easy. You can define which model you want. In this case, you will be using a sequential model. You then define the different layers.

  • You are using one hidden layer for our model.
  • You must define your input layer as a convolution layer followed by a MaxPooling layer.
  • You have a hidden layer of another convolution layer and a hidden layer.
  • You flatten your outputs to reduce the number of features and you have an output layer consisting of a dense relu layer and a dense softmax layer.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (10)

Figure 7: Creating a CNN

Following this, you have to compile our model. You need to use an Adam optimizer to optimize your model and a loss function to calculate the loss. The metrics define which metric you want to calculate. In this case, it is accuracy.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (11)

Figure 8: Compiling the model

After compiling, fit the model to your training data, ie: train the model. You will train it in batch sizes of 128 with 6 epochs and use 20% of the data as the validation set.

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Figure 9 : Training our model

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How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (13)

Plotting Accuracy

To plot the accuracy of the model, define a function plot_accuracy_loss(). The data returned after your neural network also includes the final accuracy and loss of the model. You plot the accuracy of the training set and validation set for each epoch to understand the variation in your accuracy. Along with this, you also plot the loss and validation loss.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (14)

Figure 10: Plotting accuracy of the model

Now call your plot function with the results of your training.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (15)

Figure 11: Accuracy of your model

Now, evaluate the loss and accuracy of your model on the test data. From the graphs, you can see that the accuracy of the model increases with every epoch for both training and testing sets. The loss of the model decreases with every epoch as your model learns and gets better.

Along with this, you must also save the model predictions and use them to make a classification report of different metrics such as precision, recall, etc to get a clear view of how well the model is performing.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (16)

Figure 12: Creating a classification report

How to Create a VGG16 Model?

VGG16 is a pre-trained CNN model which is used for image classification. It is trained on a large and varied dataset and fine-tuned to fit image classification datasets with ease.

Now, import a VGG16 model. You must initialize the model and add input and output layers.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (17)

Figure 13: Importing VGG16

You must now extract the features from the dataset and save them as train and test features.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (18)

Figure 14: Feature Extraction

Now, create the final model by specifying the inputs and outputs. You use convolution and MaxPooling layers as input layers and then flatten and use Dense layers for the output.

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Figure 15: Creating the model

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How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (20)

You then need to compile your model using the adam optimizer and use the accuracy metric.

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Figure 16: Compiling our model

You then train the model on your test data.

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (22)

Figure 17: Training the VGG16 Model

You can plot the model error by calling the plot_accuracy_loss() function.

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Figure 18: Plotting accuracy of VGG16

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In this tutorial titled ‘The ultimate guide to building powerful Keras Image Classification Models’, you explored image classification and understood the basic principle behind neural networks. You then looked into your dataset and the Intel Image Classification Dataset. Moving on, you learned how to load data for the program and implement image classification using Keras with CNN. You calculated and plotted the accuracy of your model and finally took a look at the VGG16 architecture.

If you wish to learn more about Image Classification and Deep Learning check out the Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning by Simplilearn in Collaboration with Perdue University and IBM. You will learn many crucial topics like NLP, Keras, Tensorflow, and much more.

Hope this tutorial taught you the basics of image classification and how to perform it using Keras. Do you have any doubts or questions for us? Mention them in this tutorial’s comments section, and we'll have our experts answer them for you at the earliest!

How To Build Powerful Keras Image Classification Models | Simplilearn (2024)


Which Keras model is best for image classification? ›

VGG16 is a pre-trained CNN model which is used for image classification. It is trained on a large and varied dataset and fine-tuned to fit image classification datasets with ease. Now, import a VGG16 model. You must initialize the model and add input and output layers.

How do you improve image classification accuracy in keras? ›

How to Improve the Accuracy of Your Image Recognition Models
  1. Get More Data. Deep learning models are only as powerful as the data you bring in. ...
  2. Add More Layers. ...
  3. Change Your Image Size. ...
  4. Increase Epochs. ...
  5. Decrease Colour Channels. ...
  6. Transfer Learning.
Nov 29, 2021

What is the best algorithm for image classification? ›

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is the most popular neural network model being used for image classification problem. The big idea behind CNNs is that a local understanding of an image is good enough.

How can you increase the accuracy of an image classification model? ›

Some of the methods that can be applied on the data side are as follows:
  1. Method 1: Acquire more data. ...
  2. Method 2: Missing value treatment. ...
  3. Method 3: Outlier treatment. ...
  4. Method 4: Feature engineering. ...
  5. Method 1: Hyperparameter tuning. ...
  6. Method 2: Applying different models. ...
  7. Method 3: Ensembling methods. ...
  8. Method 4: Cross-validation.
May 6, 2022

Is XGBoost good for image classification? ›

XGBoost has been widely used in image classification [7,13] and has good performance. Ren et al. [14] proposed an image classification method based on CNN and XGBoost. In this model, CNN is used to obtain features from the input, and XGBoost as a recognizer produces results to provide more accurate output.

Why is ResNet better for image classification? ›

ResNet is recommended. First, it is deep enough with 34 layers, 50 layers, or 101 layers. The deeper the hierarchy, the stronger the representation capability, and the higher the classification accuracy. Second, it is learnable.

Which Optimizer is best for image classification? ›

SGDM: Recommended!

This optimizer has given the best results in the experiments. However, it might not work well if the starting learning rate is low. Otherwise, it converges fast and also helps the model's generalizability.

Which CNN algorithm is best for image classification? ›

Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition(VGG-16) The VGG-16 is one of the most popular pre-trained models for image classification.

Why is image classification difficult? ›

The main challenges in image classification are the large number of images, the high dimensionality of the data, and the lack of labeled data. Images can be very large, containing a large number of pixels. The data in each image may be high-dimensional, with many different features.

Does increasing epochs increase accuracy? ›

A very big epoch size does not always increase accuracy. After one epoch in a neural network, all of the training data had been used to refine the models' parameters. Epoch sizes may boost precision up to a certain limit, beyond which the model begins to overfit the data.

Which deep learning model is best for image classification? ›

Different from traditional machine learning, convolution neural network can be better used for image and time series data processing, especially for image classification and language recognition.

Does increasing batch size increase accuracy? ›

Finding: higher batch sizes leads to lower asymptotic test accuracy. The x-axis shows the number of epochs of training. The y-axis is labelled for each plot. MNIST is obviously an easy dataset to train on; we can achieve 100% train and 98% test accuracy with just our base MLP model at batch size 64.

Is SVM good for image classification? ›

SVM is a very good algorithm for doing classification. It's a supervised learning algorithm that is mainly used to classify data into different classes. SVM trains on a set of label data. The main advantage of SVM is that it can be used for both classification and regression problems.

Is ResNet better than VGG? ›

Resnet is faster than VGG, but for a different reason. Also, as @mrgloom pointed out that computational speed may depend heavily on the implementation. Below I'll discuss simple computational case. Also, I'll avoid counting FLOPs for activation functions and pooling layers, since they have relatively low cost.

Why is CNN better than SVM for image classification? ›

The finding shows that both models have acceptable rate of accuracy, recall, and precision. However, the accuracy of the CNN model has 1% higher on accuracy and recall than the SVM model.

What is the disadvantage of XGBoost? ›

Disadvantages. XGBoost does not perform so well on sparse and unstructured data. A common thing often forgotten is that Gradient Boosting is very sensitive to outliers since every classifier is forced to fix the errors in the predecessor learners. The overall method is hardly scalable.

Is anything better than XGBoost? ›

LightGBM is significantly faster than XGBoost but delivers almost equivalent performance.

Why is XGBoost so powerful? ›

It has both linear model solver and tree learning algorithms. So, what makes it fast is its capacity to do parallel computation on a single machine. It also has additional features for doing cross-validation and finding important variables.

What are the disadvantages of ResNet? ›

The main disadvantages of ResNets are that for a deeper network, the detection of errors becomes difficult. Additionally, if the network is too shallow, the learning might be very inefficient. ResNets resulted in deeper networks, while Inception resulted in wider networks.

Is ResNet 50 better than VGG16? ›

We have concluded that the ResNet50 is the best architecture based on the comparison. These models have provided accuracies of 0.9667, 0.9707, and 0.9733 for VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50 at epoch 20. The data provided is a real-life data set, sourced from a regional retailer.

How many images do I need to train ResNet? ›

Because we are doing from-scratch image classification, I recommend that you have at least 1000 images per category and an overall dataset size of at least 20,000 images. If you have fewer images, consider the transfer learning tutorial (it uses the same data format).

Should I use Adam or SGD? ›

Adam is well known to perform worse than SGD for image classification tasks [22]. For our experiment, we tuned the learning rate and could only get an accuracy of 71.16%. In comparison, Adam-LAWN achieves an accuracy of more than 76%, marginally surpassing the performance of SGD-LAWN and SGD.

Why Adam Optimizer is better than SGD? ›

Unlike maintaining a single learning rate through training in SGD, Adam optimizer updates the learning rate for each network weight individually. The creators of the Adam optimization algorithm know the benefits of AdaGrad and RMSProp algorithms, which are also extensions of the stochastic gradient descent algorithms.

Is there a better optimizer than Adam? ›

SGD is better? One interesting and dominant argument about optimizers is that SGD better generalizes than Adam. These papers argue that although Adam converges faster, SGD generalizes better than Adam and thus results in improved final performance.

What are the disadvantages of CNN for image classification? ›

Some of the disadvantages of CNNs: include the fact that a lot of training data is needed for the CNN to be effective and that they fail to encode the position and orientation of objects. They fail to encode the position and orientation of objects. They have a hard time classifying images with different positions.

How do you increase image classification accuracy on CNN? ›

Increase the Accuracy of Your CNN by Following These 5 Tips I Learned From the Kaggle Community
  1. Use bigger pre-trained models.
  2. Use K-Fold Cross Optimization.
  3. Use CutMix to augment your images.
  4. Use MixUp to augment your images.
  5. Using Ensemble learning.
Feb 22, 2021

Which is better for image classification CNN or RNN? ›

While RNNs are suitable for handling temporal or sequential data, CNNs are suitable for handling spatial data (images).

How many images are enough for image classification? ›

Usually around 100 images are sufficient to train a class. If the images in a class are very similar, fewer images might be sufficient. the training images are representative of the variation typically found within the class.

Is decision tree good for image classification? ›

In image classification, the decision trees are mostly reliable and easy to interpret, as their structure consists of a tree with leaves which represent class labels, and branches that use logical conjunction to produce a value based on an ”if-then” rule.

Why is deep learning better for image classification? ›

Deep learning allows machines to identify and extract features from images. This means they can learn the features to look for in images by analysing lots of pictures. So, programmers don't need to enter these filters by hand.

Why CNN model is best for image classification? ›

The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN or ConvNet) is a subtype of Neural Networks that is mainly used for applications in image and speech recognition. Its built-in convolutional layer reduces the high dimensionality of images without losing its information. That is why CNNs are especially suited for this use case.

Which model is best for classification? ›

Common Classification Models
  • Logistic Regression. Even though the word “regression” is in the name, logistic regression is used for binary classification problems (those where the data has only two classes). ...
  • Naive Bayes. ...
  • k-Nearest Neighbor. ...
  • Decision Trees. ...
  • Support Vector Machine. ...
  • Neural Networks.

What is the best CNN for image classification? ›

VGG-19 is a convolutional neural network that is 19 layers deep and can classify images into 1000 object categories such as a keyboard, mouse, and many animals. The model trained on more than a million images from the Imagenet database with an accuracy of 92%.

What is VGG16 model for image classification? ›

VGG16 is object detection and classification algorithm which is able to classify 1000 images of 1000 different categories with 92.7% accuracy. It is one of the popular algorithms for image classification and is easy to use with transfer learning.

Which dataset is best for classification? ›

One of the best sources for classification datasets is the UCI Machine Learning Repository. The Mushroom dataset is a classic, the perfect data source for logistic regression, decision tree, or random forest classification practice.

Which classifier is the most accurate? ›

Naive Bayes classifier algorithm gives the best type of results as desired compared to other algorithms like classification algorithms like Logistic Regression, Tree-Based Algorithms, Support Vector Machines. Hence it is preferred in applications like spam filters and sentiment analysis that involves text.

Which classification algorithm is easiest? ›

KNN is simple and easiest to implement. There's no need to build a model, tuning several parameters, or make additional assumptions like some of the other classification algorithms. It can be used for classification, regression, and search. So, it is flexible.

Why ResNet is better than CNN? ›

Residual Network (ResNet) is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture that overcame the “vanishing gradient” problem, making it possible to construct networks with up to thousands of convolutional layers, which outperform shallower networks. A vanishing gradient occurs during backpropagation.

What are the disadvantages of VGG16? ›

One of the crucial downsides of the VGG16 network is that it is a huge network, which means that it takes more time to train its parameters. Because of its depth and number of fully connected layers, the VGG16 model is more than 533MB. This makes implementing a VGG network a time-consuming task.

Why VGG16 is better than VGG19? ›

What is the Difference Between VGG16 and VGG19? The only difference between VGG16 and VGG19 is that VGG19 has three extra convolutional layers. The other features like pooling layers, fully connected layers, and classification channels are the same for both networks.

What is the difference between VGG16 and ResNet50? ›

We have concluded that the ResNet50 is the best architecture based on the comparison. These models have provided accuracies of 0.9667, 0.9707, and 0.9733 for VGG16, VGG19, and ResNet50 at epoch 20. The data provided is a real-life data set, sourced from a regional retailer.

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