How to channel the roaring twenties at 'The Great Gatsby' in London | London Theatre (2024)

Are you ready to attend a little soirée? Pop open the champagne bottles and clink your glasses, as The Great Gatsby in London comes alive once more. Experience all the highs and lows of the roaring twenties, complete with Charleston dances, flapper dresses, and plenty of moonshine.

The Great Gatsby in London creates its own Jazz Age. The Great Gatsby is inspired by the seminal F. Scott Fitzgerald novel, with audiences able to schmooze with the epochal party host, Jay Gatsby. But the fun continues when Jay Gatsby isn’t in the room too, as Daisy Buchanan and guests encourage audiences to take part and be in the party.

Dressing up to the nines is heavily encouraged for all The Great Gatsby theatregoers. Forget current fashions though, you’ll want to tap into the 1920s looks for a striking Gatsby-esque outfit. So what are you waiting for? Secure your invite to Jay Gatsby’s hottest event.

Book The Great Gatsby tickets on London Theatre.

The Great Gatsby and 1920s fashion

The Great Gatsby is set in the 1920s in the United States, a celebratory era where communities were reveling in post-war bliss. This exhilarating time influenced the 1920s clothing styles; outfits were typically freer and made of looser, vibrant materials. Day to day, women began to show more skin than normal. Skirts became shorter with each fashion cycle, eventually showing off the knee by the late 1920s. For men, three-piece suits were still worn occasionally, but men were also beginning to wear softer fabrics and colourful argyle socks.

What to wear to The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is the place to wear 1920s evening wear. For women who want to catch Jay Gatsby or Nick Carraway’s attentions, we recommend wearing a flapper dress. A flapper dress is a sleeveless dress that cuts straight on your body, creating a simple silhouette.

Counterbalance this silhouette with plenty of fringing and beading on your dress, so that when you move, your dress will sway in the wind. Pair your flapper dress with your favourite heeled dancing shoes and a feather in your hair for the ultimate Gatsby look.

Want to rival Jay Gatsby in the fashion department at The Great Gatsby? We recommend wearing a white shirt and colourful tie, paired with a matching waistcoat and suit trousers. Shine your shoes too, so that they dazzle under the lights of the jazziest party in town.

If you don’t want to wear a tie, then why not unbutton the top two buttons of your shirt and tuck in a neckerchief. Or perhaps a scarf and trilby hat combo may be more to your liking. However you dress, you’ll definitely fit the (dollar) bill.

How to create The Great Gatsby hair and makeup looks

For an authentic 1920s hairstyle, why not create easy finger waves? To master the style, run your hands through wet hair and combing it in place with hairspray to finish off the look. If you’ve already got short hair, we recommend a sleek, straight bob, perhaps paired with a pearl hair slide or a feather. The Great Gatsby makeup is all about thin eyebrows, a fairly natural complexion but rosy red cheeks to look constantly blushed.

Men have it slightly easier here, as trilby hats were commonplace in 1920s outfits. However your hair looks, if you put on a black trilby hat that’s adorned with a white ribbon, you’ll immediately look the part.

The Great Gatsby co*cktails

No visit to The Great Gatsby is complete without a tipple or two — it is the Prohibition era after all. While you’re at The Great Gatsby, you’ll be able to visit a fully-stocked bar where you can enjoy 1920s themed co*cktails. Gin-based drinks are fitting with the 1920s theme, as many distillers would make their own gin away from the watchful eyes of the police.

Unsurprisingly, the champagne is free-flowing at The Great Gatsby too. At multiple times in The Great Gatsby, you’ll be asked to raise a glass. So make sure you’ve got your champagne at the ready to toast Jay Gatsby, celebrating a night to remember.

How can I prepare before seeing The Great Gatsby?

To get into the spirit of The Great Gatsby, we recommend watching (or rewatching) the 2013 Baz Luhrmann film adaptation. The recent film revitalised the F. Scott Fitzgerald story for younger generations, perhaps thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby and Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan.

The Great Gatsby also features a pop soundtrack infused with 1920s jazz with songs by Sia, Lana Del Rey, and Bryan Ferry. Did you know that director Baz Luhrmann also directed the Moulin Rouge! film. Moulin Rouge! The Musical is at London's Piccadilly Theatre.

For the Gatsby purists out there, re-reading The Great Gatsby before seeing the live show is a wise decision. As parts of the storyline are altered slightly, you may want to re-read the story quicker than you can say “old sport.” During the show, audience members are called on to join characters in their side stories, so if you’ve read The Great Gatsby, you can discover even more about what goes on inside the minds of those invited to Jay Gatsby’s latest affair.

Book The Great Gatsby tickets on London Theatre.

Photo credit: The Great Gatsby (Photo courtesy of The Great Gatsby)

How to channel the roaring twenties at 'The Great Gatsby' in London | London Theatre (2024)


How are the Roaring Twenties shown in The Great Gatsby? ›

Fitzgerald portrays the 1920s as an era of decayed social and moral values, evidenced in its overarching cynicism, greed, and empty pursuit of pleasure.

Why is it often called the Roaring Twenties in The Great Gatsby? ›

The Great Gatsby is set against the backdrop of 1920s New York City, a period known as the “Roaring Twenties” for the exhilarating pace set by the rapidly evolving culture and technology.

How is The Great Gatsby a satire of the Roaring Twenties? ›

Scott Fitzgerald uses satire throughout The Great Gatsby to highlight a number of problems that emerged during the 1920s. Characters like Tom and Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker represent the reckless behavior of the leisure class, which was America's social elite of the era.

How did The Great Gatsby reflect society in the 20's? ›

The story of The Great Gatsby reflects the social and economic conditions of the 1920s through its exploration of the American Dream, decadence of the wealthy, economic inequality, and hero worship.

What were the main points of the Roaring 20s? ›

In the Roaring Twenties, a surging economy created an era of mass consumerism, as Jazz-Age flappers flouted Prohibition laws and the Harlem Renaissance redefined arts and culture.

What can the Roaring Twenties be described as? ›

The 1920s was the first decade to have a nickname: “Roaring 20s" or "Jazz Age." It was a decade of prosperity and dissipation, and of jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers.

Why were the roaring 20's referred to as roaring? ›

Roaring Twenties, colloquial term for the 1920s, especially within the United States and other Western countries where the decade was characterized by economic prosperity, rapid social and cultural change, and a mood of exuberant optimism.

Was the roaring 20s good or bad? ›

Jazz music became wildly popular in the “Roaring Twenties,” a decade that witnessed unprecedented economic growth and prosperity in the United States. Consumer culture flourished, with ever greater numbers of Americans purchasing automobiles, electrical appliances, and other widely available consumer products.

What does in my Roaring 20s mean? ›

The 1920s in the United States, called “roaring” because of the exuberant, freewheeling popular culture of the decade. The Roaring Twenties was a time when many people defied Prohibition , indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards. ( See flappers and Jazz Age .)

Does The Great Gatsby accurately portray the 1920's? ›

The film does a solid job of accurately portraying defining aspects of the Roaring 20s such as jazz music, the integration of cars into modern society, prohibition, changing social attitudes and controversial fashion while, in true Hollywood nature, taking a few artistic liberties and minorly altering a few of the more ...

How does The Great Gatsby movie represent the 1920s? ›

Jazz Age Fashion in The Great Gatsby

The “Roaring Twenties” was a decade when fashion was nothing if not loud and outrageous. And the movie certainly reflects the extravagant sartorial choices of the age. The clothing both evokes the Twenties and translates the luxury of the book to the movie.

How does The Great Gatsby criticize the 1920s? ›

In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes American society in the 1920? s for its tendencies to waste, advertise, form superficial relationships, and obsess over appearances.

How does the roaring 20s relate to The Great Gatsby? ›

While The Great Gatsby captures the exuberance of the 1920s, it's ultimately a portrayal of the darker side of the era, and a pointed criticism of the corruption and immorality lurking beneath the glitz and glamour.

What lesson did The Great Gatsby teach? ›

The moral of The Great Gatsby is that the American Dream is illusory. Gatsby's dream was to be with Daisy, but even after he attained her lifestyle, he was unable to be with her. Meanwhile, the people that had money, like Daisy and Tom, could not achieve happiness either.

Does The Great Gatsby accurately represent the American Dream of the 1920s? ›

"The Great Gatsby" deeply portrays ideals of the American Dream through its display of wealth and the interactions among its characters. The American Dream and its initial status as a symbol of hope for success and a better life is blurred into a symbol of getting rich. This ideal, this dream, is essentially corrupted.

What are the characteristics of the 1920s in The Great Gatsby? ›

The Great Gatsby era was distinguised by an economic boom, the rejection of old social restrictions, and progressive movements of all kinds: Prohibition, Bootlegging, and the Speakeasy. The U.S. banned alcohol, ushering in a vast underground criminal empire, including speakeasies - underground social clubs.

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