How to choose and wear your fascinator (2024)

How to choose and wear your fascinator (1)

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July 28, 2022 5 min read

A fascinator is a formal headpiece for women, often worn as an alternative to a hat. They are worn to occasions such as premium horse racing events, weddings and may even be worn by brides as an alternative to a veil. Since the early 2010's, the term hatinator has been used to describe a larger fascinator with hat-like characteristics. This style is particularly favoured by the duch*ess of Cambridge who is often seen wearing hatinators. Choosing a fascinator can be a daunting process so we have put together a list of pointers to help you pick the perfect one for you.

Should a fascinator match the dress?

Whilst it is possible to build an outfit around a statement fascinator, it is often best to choose your dress first. This means you can pick a fascinator that matches or compliments the exact colour of the dress. However, keep in mind that it can be tricky to find perfect matches, especially if the dress is a more unusual colour. If your dress features more than one colour you could match the fascinator to accent colours within it. This gives you more colour options to choose from so a matching fascinator may be easier to find.

It can be difficult to match a fascinator to a photo of your dress so we would also recommend bringing your dress along with you when you are shopping for your fascinator.

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Can a bride wear a fascinator?

There are two main types of fascinator: headbands or combs. Comb fascinators are usually small and light so they stay in the hair easily. Lets talk wedding fascinators, comb fascinators are great for wedding guests that don't want a large hat or fascinator. They would also be perfect for bridesmaids or even the bride! Combs are versatile as they can be worn anywhere in the hair. You could have it on the side of the head or even secured into a bun at the back. If you find your comb is a little heavier, or you have sleek, slippery hair, try spraying your hair with a little hairspray or texturising spray before putting in your comb to help it grip.

How to choose and wear your fascinator (2)

Headbands are a very popular choice and are generally quite low maintenance throughout the day. The choice of size is greater too, as headbands can hold much larger decorations, so, if you want a statement fascinator, headbands will be the one for you! It is often easy to hide the headband with your hair if you wish, although most are covered with material which matches the fascinator and can look lovely on show as well. The bride can most definitely wear headband fascinators too!

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How do you choose the colour of a fascinator?

There are a few options you could go for when choosing what colour fascinator to wear. Firstly, you could match the fascinator to the colour of your dress, a popular choice which looks sleek and classic. Secondly, you could match your fascinator to accessories you will be wearing such as your shoes or bag. This could be done to create a beautiful pop of colour and can really tie an outfit together.
Finally, you could go for a fascinator in a contrasting colour to your dress. For example, a navy dress would look beautiful with a contrasting fascinator in red, pink or orange. However, the contrasting colour does not have to be bright. A pink dress would look lovely with a classic black fascinator whilst silver-grey fascinators compliment turquoise dresses beautifully.

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How do you choose the size of a fascinator?

There are no set rules on how small or large your fascinator should be, but there are a few traditional guidelines which you may wish to adhere to.

If your fascinator is for a wedding, traditionally the mother of the bride has the largest fascinator of all the guests. It really is a time to be daring and go for something statement and beautiful! The mother of the groom could also opt for a large fascinator. Wedding guests would usually go for fascinators smaller than the mothers of the bride and groom. Traditionally, the closer the relation to the people getting married, the larger the hat they wear!

If your fascinator is for the races, such as Ascot, the general rule is the bigger the better! You will see all sorts of large and fabulous creations as the races so don't be afraid to go for something different and outstanding!

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How do you wear a hair fascinator?

Fascinators are usually worn on the right side of the head. This is a historical tradition originating from when women always stood on the right side of a man as his sword was always carried on the left. Therefore, women's hats tilted to the to the right so that it wouldn't shield her face from him. Although men no long carry swords, the tradition of wearing hats and fascinators on the right has continued and is particularly seen amongst fascinator wearing royals. This means many fascinators are still designed to be worn on the right side of the head.
However, the design of some fascinators mean they can be worn on either side of the head, and it often looks best to wear the fascinator on the same side of the head as your parting falls.

How do fascinators stay in?

Headbands are easy to wear as you simply pop them on and go, but combs can take a little more time to get the hang of. However, once you master it, it really is simple. If you have smooth or slippery hair, add a little hairspray now for extra grip. Hold the comb upside down against your head so the fascinator is on the inside and the curve of the comb is pointing upwards. Then, hold your hair back into the position you want it with your other hand and run the teeth of the comb through your hair away from your face. Flip the comb back over and push it forwards towards your face until it stays firmly in place.

Step-by-step guide:

1. Hold the comb upside down against your head.

2. Run the comb through your hair away from your face.

3. Flip the comb over and push forwards towards your face.

4. When it's firmly in place you are ready to go!

How to choose and wear your fascinator (6)

Shop Our Hair Comb Collection

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Shop our fascinator collection here

As a fascinator alternative, we would recommend our Swarovksi Crystal collection is perfect for any occasion that you would wear a fascinator to! Our Crystal Combs are a beautiful hair accessory to wear to weddings and the races. Headbands are always a good alternative to fascinators.

Swarovski Crystal Collection

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Don't forget to tag us on our socials with photos of your lovely fascinators!


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How to choose and wear your fascinator (2024)


Should your fascinator match your shoes or dress? ›

Firstly, you could match the fascinator to the colour of your dress, a popular choice which looks sleek and classic. Secondly, you could match your fascinator to accessories you will be wearing such as your shoes or bag. This could be done to create a beautiful pop of colour and can really tie an outfit together.

How do I choose a fascinator color? ›

Colour-wise, we'd recommend matching the colour of the fascinator to your accessories, jewellery, shoes and clutch bag, this will show off beautiful contrast rather than trying to match your dress.

Which side should a lady wear a fascinator? ›

The origin of this tradition is believed to date back to an old custom where a gentleman accompanies his lady on the left side and so by wearing her hat or fascinator on the right-hand side it would allow her face to be visible with unobstructed conversation.

Should you see the headband on a fascinator? ›

If your fascinator is secured by elastic there are a few things you should consider, namely to show or not show. Many fashionistas will tell you that showing the elastic is akin to show your bra strap – that is, not so stylish. Most choose try to hide the elastic within their hairstyle.

Do you keep a fascinator on all day at a wedding? ›

Forget about worrying about where to put your hat at the wedding breakfast. Fascinators can be worn for the whole day. (And they don't give you Hat Hair!) Fascinators look lovely at both the service and at an evening reception.

Should fascinator match dress color? ›

If the wedding you're attending is a very formal occasion, a hat or fascinator is recommended and it should ideally match the colour of your dress or two-piece – whether it's the same shade or a complementary hue.

How long do you keep a fascinator on at a wedding? ›

WHEN SHOULD A MOTHER OF THE BRIDE TAKE HER HAT OR FASCINATOR OFF AFTER THE CEREMONY? Traditionally a mother of the bride will wear her hat from the start of the proceedings through until the end of the wedding breakfast (the formal part of the proceedings).

Can you wear a fascinator with a floral dress? ›

Pastel Headband or Gold Crown with a Floral Dress

A spring favourite, feel ultra-feminine when you head to the races in a floral print dress with a pink lace fascinator or classic gold headpiece.

Can you wear a fascinator with your hair down? ›

Choosing a Fascinator

Wear a large fascinator if you're wearing your hair down and in a voluminous style. Pick the material based on the season. If it's warmer outside, you'll want to go with a fascinator that's made of a lighter, more breathable material, such as straw.

Can I wear a fascinator with very short hair? ›

If you have short hair and want to wear a fascinator we have a gorgeous collection of small fascinators featuring beak hair clips or headbands which are perfect for short hairstyles and they come in a big choice of colours and designs to suit all tastes.

What is the purpose of a fascinator? ›

Since the 1990s, the term has referred to a type of formal headwear worn as an alternative to the hat; it is usually a large decorative design attached to a band or clip. In contrast to a hat, its function is purely ornamental: it covers very little of the head and offers little or no protection from the weather.

Who wears a fascinator at a wedding? ›

A fascinator is a high-society headpiece that is often worn by women at weddings and other events in the U.K. It's an alternative to a hat and usually consists of a large decorative design attached to a band or clip.

Do people still wear fascinators? ›

Fascinators are a staple for many formal occasions, particularly at weddings and the races.

How to choose a headband? ›

Choice of Headband

Choose the fabric of the headband that suits your personality and your outfit. Knitted headbands and velvet headbands are great for the winter, but they will not be a good idea in the summer. Similarly, summer headbands are lightweight and usually made of plastic.

How do I keep my fascinator from falling off? ›

Tiny hair elastics is one of the easiest ways how to keep your fascinator in place. Just make 1-2 small piggy tails in the area where you will place the fascinator and then thread the comb or hairclip through them. Micro hair elastics will be a good choice if you have short hair.

Can you wear a fascinator to an American wedding? ›

Wearing a fascinator to a wedding is always appropriate, unless the bride has specifically mentioned not to in the dress code. If you are uncertain about whether of not to wear a fascinator to a wedding, contact the bride and tell her you would like to, and if that is appropriate for her dress code.

Should the mother of the bride wear a hat or fascinator? ›

'Do Mothers of the Bride have to wear a hat? The answer is NO. It is completely your choice as to whether you wear a hat or not. You need to feel comfortable on the day and if you feel uncomfortable wearing one then don't.

Can I wear fascinator to dinner? ›

Yes you can leave it on. Fascinators are often pinned in so not easily removed.

When should the bride's mother remove her hat? ›

Traditionally the mother of the bride removes her hat after the meal when the men would take off their jackets. But for less formal weddings, when you are eating outside, or from a buffet, ladies can remove their hats after the ceremony.

Do shoes and fascinator have to match? ›

In many cases it is the color of the shoes or the clutch that helps to make the final decision about the color of the fascinator. Keep in mind that bright colors in your clothing should be matched also with a fascinator in bright colors. Pastel colored fascinators will compliment outfit in softer, neutral shades.

What colour fascinator goes with blonde hair? ›

Hair Colour: Brunettes & Dark haired people really suit Bright bold colours such as Fuchsia pink, Emerald Green or Reds. Redheads should consider neutral tones such as cream or nude and dark or olive green also suits. Blondes & light haired people suit Warm colours, pastels & neutral colours.

Can I wear a white dress with flowers all over it to a wedding? ›

Never! "The bride may or may not wear white (maybe ivory, maybe champagne) but it's her color for that day. You don't want to be mistaken for the bride in a white or lace gown," Brandi Hamerstone, owner and wedding planner at All Events Planned, says.

What's the difference between a head piece and a fascinator? ›

Fascinators are also much smaller than hats. Some people in the fashion industry even say that if a fascinator is over 4 inches wide, it is technically classified as a hat. Simply put, fascinators are smaller, more decorated hats, so to speak, and they don't have a brim or a crown.

How can I make my thin hair look thicker for my wedding? ›

Adding hair extensions to your wedding day hairstyle can be the perfect instant fix to longer thicker hair that will have the benefit of longer lasting hairstyling results on your wedding day.

Is it OK to match the dress and shoes? ›

Don't be afraid to match patterns.

Not everyone has a patterned dress and a pair of shoes in the exact same pattern sitting in their closet, but occasionally you want to make a big statement, and there is no better way to do it than by pairing accessories and an outfit in the same pattern.

Which color shoes go with everything? ›

Neutral-hued shoes are fantastic because they go with anything, including all colors, patterns, and prints. In this case, it's best to stick to basics like black, white, cream, beige, brown, and gray, or switch things up and choose navy, which, yes, is considered neutral, too. Why are neutral colors best for traveling?

What is the rule for shoe color? ›

The old school rule is that shoe color should be equal to or darker than your hem. Traditionally, that's meant dark blue, brown, or black. But these days, it can be lime, plum, fuchsia, pumpkin – or any dark color that makes the ensemble “pop.”

What shoe colors match with every outfit? ›

The Basics: Black, Beige, and Grey

Black, beige, and grey shoes go with anything. Since they are all neutrals, you can wear these colors to offset a more vibrant outfit. Of course, with these neutrals, you can either mix and match or keep them in a similar tonal family.

Should the mother of the bride wear a fascinator? ›

It's tradition for the mother of the bride to wear a suitable hat or fascinator on the big day of her daughter's wedding.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.