How To Clean A Bubble Tube - Rhino UK (2024)

How To Clean A Bubble Tube - Rhino UK (1)

How often should a Bubble Tube be cleaned?

We recommend that you empty your Bubble Tube about every six weeks and refill it with fresh clean water. If de-ionised (distilled) water has been used then this will only need to be changed every 3 months.

What do I need to clean and refill a Bubble Column?

You will need the following for a quick, clean and easy procedure:

  • Length of hose
  • Bucket
  • Soft brush (or a cloth tied to a pole)
  • Pump (optional but recommended for tall tubes)
  • Easy access to water and drain
  • BCB – Bubble Column Additive (or water purification tablets)

How do I clean a Bubble Column?

Do not try to lift or drain the Bubble Tube single-handedly. And make sure you disconnect from the mains before emptying.

A 1.2m Bubble Column will need approximately 20 litres of water and a 1.75m Bubble Column will require approximately 40 litres of water.

Draining a Bubble Column

  1. Remove Bubble Column security bracket
  2. Remove podium pad and lid
  3. Disconnect the electrical cables at the base of the column
  4. Remove the bubble column lid
  5. Empty the column using the hose and creating a siphon (or use a pump)
  6. When almost empty lift the Bubble Column from the podium or position and tilt the column so the remaining water drains into a bucket.
  7. Remove any inserts such as fish or balls

Cleaning a Bubble Column

  1. Use a soft bristled brush (or tie a cloth to a pole) and clean the interior of the bubble tube with warm soapy water (Do not use hard or metallic cleaning tools that would scratch the acrylic)
  2. Clean out any algae and debris at the base of the bubble tube
  3. Thoroughly rinse out to ensure that any soap residue is removed.
  4. The exterior of the tube can be cleaned with normal spray polish and a soft cloth
  5. Replace the Bubble Column back in its position or position in the room.
  6. If using Ball Insert replace the inner tube

Refilling a Bubble Column

  1. Reconnect with electrical supplies (it runs on low voltage so this is safe)
  2. Replace Podium Lid
  3. Switch the Bubble Tube on to allow the pump to run
  4. Using a hosepipe from a tap or a bucket refill the column with water whilst the pump is running
  5. Fill with water to approx. 10cm from the top of the bubble tube
  6. Place any inserts or floating items back into the bubble tube
  7. Replace the podium pad
  8. Replace and secure the security bracket

Feel this is all too much for you to take on? Why not use a waterless Bubble Column our fantastic Hurricane Tube which visually resembles a bubble tube looking almost identical.

Need further assistance with ongoing maintenance? Call Rhino UK to request a maintenance plan.

(NB: This article is based on the Rhino Bubble Tubes please check original manufacturers instructions before proceeding if your Bubble Column was purchased elsewhere)
How To Clean A Bubble Tube - Rhino UK (2024)


Why is my bubble tube not bubbling? ›

If your bubble tube has stopped producing bubbles, and you hear a “hum” or feel a vibration from the bubble tube as if the pump is trying to work, the diffuser plate may be clogged with algae/bacteria due to lack of proper cleaning and care.

Do bubble tubes need distilled water? ›

We recommend that distilled water is used inside a bubble tube as this helps to keep the water cleaner for longer and helps with the longevity of the bubble tube. Tap water can be used, but this does make the tube dirtier a lot quicker and will require more frequent cleaning to prevent bacteria from building up.

Why won't my bubble lamp fish swim? ›

IMPORTANT: Some of the fish may not swim right away. This is because they have air bubbles inside them right out of the package which take some time to get out. You can get them acclimated to the water faster by occasionally poking them down now and then.

What is the best way to clean a bubbler pipe? ›

The cleaning process itself is simple. Fill your bubbler, pipe, bong, whatever glassware you're cleaning with Isopropyl Alcohol, and give it a shake. Make sure you have a good solid grip, especially if your hands are wet. This is also the step where having something to plug up the openings in your bubbler helps.

Can you clean a bubble machine? ›

Loosen the closure screw on the front of the machine, and carefully allow the bottom plate to open down. Remove the bubble juice reservoir and rinse in tap water until the water runs clean. Replace the bubble juice reservoir in the bottom plate, close, and re-tighten the closure screw on the front of the machine.

How do you unclog a bubble wall? ›

To clean, wipe down your bubble panel with a damp, soft towel. Never use abrasive cleaners or glass cleaners. If bubble output becomes clogged, drain the tank and remove the bubble wand tube from the tank by pulling the wand straight out and away from the tank. Wand output holes may be cleaned with a tooth brush.

Why are the bubbles in my fish tank not popping? ›

Too much protein in the water of a fish tank can coat the bubbles, preventing them from popping. Protein foam is an indicator that your tank needs to be cleaned. A dirty filter and debris in the aquarium can cause this problem.

Why is my bubble curtain not working? ›

The majority of the time, the problem is that the bubble wand has become clogged. Cleaning your bubble wands regularly is vital for keeping your bubble water wall in perfect condition!

Which liquid is used in bubble tube? ›

A dip pipe immersed in the liquid sulphur. A control cabinet holding a pressure regulator, a flow meter, and a pressure indicator. The Bubble Tube works by measuring the amount of pressure needed in order to release a constant airflow through the dip pipe submerged in the liquid sulphur.

How much distilled water do I put in a bubble lamp? ›

This bubble tube has an on/ off switch and is not remote controlled and the lights are not adjustable. The flow rate is adjustable. Requires 9.8 litres of distilled water.

Can you boil water instead of buying distilled? ›

At the same time, boiling does not have an effect on other impurities like minerals, and so these remain in the water. Therefore, while boiled water can't be used in the ways that distilled water is used because of its mineral content, it can be consumed.

Can you put tap water in a fish lamp? ›

Colourful and fun, this bubble fish lamp is a sensory treat. This fascinating piece features 6 artificial fishes bobbing gently in a bubbly tube shaped Habitat. It changes between 3 colours and is really easy to set up. Simply fill it with normal tap water and away you go.

Do fish hate bubbles? ›

Some Fish Like Bubbles More Than Others

Schooling fish aren't afraid of bubbles, but they avoid them if they think it may disrupt their coordinated swimming.

How long can aquarium fish go without bubbles? ›

How Long Can Fish Live Without an Air Pump? Fish can live for up to two days without an air pump. However, during this period, you should keep a close eye on them and ensure their tank is well-aerated.

How often should you change the water in a bubbler pipe? ›

Always use fresh water each time you break out your bong or pipe. At the bare minimum, daily consumers should change their bong water every two to three days. Those that live in hot, dry climates may be able to get away with waiting as long as one week, but this is not recommended.

Can you put water in a bubbler pipe? ›

A bubbler is basically a mix between a water bong and a pipe. It has a rush (the hole on the side) like a bowl, and you add water to it like you would with a water bong.

How do you clean a bubbler pipe without rubbing alcohol? ›

White vinegar and coarse salt create a safe pipe-cleaning mixture and should get the job done after a little more vigorous work than if you used alcohol.

Can you use Dawn in a bubble machine? ›

Using the soap in the Machine:

*Use dish soap (Dawn or something like that) Put the soap in and add some water to get a good consistency. *After putting the soap in please sure that you don't move it around too much because the soap cannot get on the motor.

How can I make my bubble machine work better? ›

When detergent is added to water, it lowers the surface tension so that bubbles can form. Add other things, such as corn syrup or glycerin, to improve the bubbles.

What is de ionized water in bubble tube? ›

De-ionised water is free from minerals and other contaminants, reducing salt build-up and corrosion inside your bubble tube and reducing the need for frequent water changes. 175cm Columns require approximately 45 litres of water. With de-ionised water, you'll only have to change your bubble water every three months.

What is a bubble tube? ›

A bubble tube is a sensory piece of equipment used to provide a relaxing, colourful and joyful experience. First conceived by Ad Verheul and Jan Hulsegg in Holland in 1974 as they were creating 'snoezelens' (Sensory Rooms).

Can you have too much aeration in a fish tank? ›

Too much oxygen in water can lead to the potentially lethal gas bubble disease, in which gas comes out of solution inside the fish, creating bubbles in its skin and around its eyes. (Excess nitrogen, however, is a far more common cause of this disease.)

Can too many bubbles in a fish tank be bad for the fish? ›

Yes, too many micro bubbles in a fish tank can kill or harm your fish. While a few micro bubbles are good for your fish as they help create a healthy ecosystem for your fish, in the presence of too many micro bubbles, oxygen levels and other tank parameters are disturbed.

Why are there soapy looking bubbles in my fish tank? ›

Protein foam is the result of organic waste (feces, dead fish, and uneaten food) forming an oxygen-trapping surface film that creates small air bubbles that stick together and form a smelly foam. It is more prevalent in saltwater aquariums but is seen occasionally in freshwater tanks as well.

How do I know if my fish tank has enough oxygen? ›

The most telling sign that your fish need more oxygen is if you see them gasping at the surface -- they will also tend to hang out back by the filter output. This area of your tank tends to possess the highest oxygen concentration as it is near the most disturbed surface.

How do I add more oxygen to my fish tank? ›

Increasing water movement is the quickest way to increase oxygen (O2) levels in a fish tank, as it allows more O2 to dissolve and carbon dioxide (CO2) to be released. This can be easily done using an air pump, performing large water changes, manually stirring the water, or placing a fan near the aquarium.

Do fish like air stones? ›

The answer is an absolute yes, it does not matter whether you have a filter in your aquarium or not, attaching an air stone makes the water circulation much better. Adding an air stone will keep the water cleaner, provide the fish with more oxygen, and it has a lot of health benefits for the aquatic life.

Why do you put glycerin in bubble solution? ›

Glycerin is a thick liquid which attracts moisture. Adding glycerin to the water and dish detergent helps make the bubbles last by slowing down how quickly the bubbles dry out.

What increases the sensitiveness of a bubble tube? ›

Hence, The sensitivity of a level tube increases with an increase in the radius of curvature of the bubble tube and The smoothness of the finish of the inner surface of the bubble tube.

Will distilled water make the bulb glow? ›

Aqueous calcium chloride contains free ions of calcium and chloride whereas no such ions are present in distilled water. Thus bulb does not glow in case of distilled water.

How do you make a Ziplock bubble lamp? ›

Break one antacid tablet into pieces (only use one tablet at a time). Drop the pieces into the bag. As the antacid dissolves, the sodium bicarbonate and citric acid react together, creating carbon dioxide gas bubbles. You made a bubble lamp!

What liquid is in vintage bubble lights? ›

The fluid inside old or new bubble lights most frequently is methylene chloride. Methylene chloride can cause serious poisoning if it is inhaled, swallowed, or spilled on the skin. In the body, methylene chloride is converted to carbon monoxide.

Why can't you buy distilled water anymore? ›

A combination of high demand and supply chain issues have led to a shortage of distilled water across the country. Distilled water is the purest form of H2O, stripped of all minerals and other substances and is typically needed for medical and industrial processes.

Can I drink distilled water? ›

Distilled water is safe to drink. But you'll probably find it flat or bland. That's because it's stripped of important minerals like calcium, sodium, and magnesium that give tap water its familiar flavor. What's left is just hydrogen and oxygen and nothing else.

Why is distilled water not allowed? ›

What are the risks of drinking distilled water? The main risks of drinking only distilled water are linked to its lack of minerals, including magnesium and calcium.

What kills fish in tap water? ›

But, the same chemicals which keep people safe can be VERY toxic to fish. Adding tap water with chlorine or chloramine to a tank can kill off fish quickly. It can also kill off the bio-filter bacteria that keep your tank healthy and happy.

How long does it take for tap water to be safe for fish tank? ›

If you are sure your tap water contains chlorine and not chloramine, you can let the water sit for 1-5 days to allow all the chlorine to evaporate. To speed up the evaporation process, aerate the water with an air stone for 12-24 hours or boil the water for 15-20 minutes.

Why shouldn't you tap on the glass of a fish tank? ›

The same noise level in the air could lead to serious hearing damage over time. And fish have it even worse: since the sound pressure is four times higher under water than it is in the air, a good portion of deaths in public aquarium can be traced back to repeated tapping on the glass.

Are air stones loud for fish? ›

Air stones may be clogged with bacteria, waste, or algae. Water flow produced by some airstones may not meet the requirements of large aquariums. Some air stones make much loud noise, which is annoying.

Do bubblers stress fish out? ›

Certain fish have adapted to stagnant water, like betta, and can even draw water from the surface. In this case, the water movement caused by a bubbler can actually stress the fish.

Do fish get oxygen from bubbles? ›

Fish can breathe underwater because their gills go intake and outtake and they have a little box inside them and then the water comes through the gills and water turns into oxygen. Fish put their mouth and gills in bubbles because bubbles have air and they can breathe.

What is the easiest fish to keep? ›

Some of the easiest fish to take care of include white cloud minnows, cherry barbs, goldfish, guppies, neon tetras, and cory catfish. All of these species are relatively peaceful, non-demanding fish that do well in a beginning fish tank.

Should I turn off the bubbles in my fish tank at night? ›

Generally, fish should be able to sleep without being bothered by bubbles or water agitation created by air pumps. Besides, if you want, you can turn off your air pump at night, but make sure the filter continues to run, so it fulfills the required aeration in the aquarium.

Can I turn off the filter in my fish tank at night? ›

It is not a good idea to turn off your aquarium filter every night. The filter plays a key role in the health of your tank, and shutting it down for hours at a time can eventually lead to problems.

How do you clean buildup on a PEG tube? ›

Use a clean cloth and tap water to wash around your PEG tube. Clean the skin insertion site and under the plastic flange at least two times per day. Start with cleaning as part of your daily shower routine. Some people may need to clean under the plastic disc more frequently.

What is the easiest way to clean the inside of a test tube? ›

Use test tube brushes with soapy water to clean inside test tubes or beakers; use sponges to clean inside beakers.

How do you clear a clogged enteral tube? ›

Fill a 50ml syringe with warm water from the kettle (which has been boiled and left to cool for 20 minutes). Connect it to the tube. Push and pull on the syringe (like using a bicycle pump) to try to dislodge the blockage. It may take up to 30 minutes before the tube becomes unblocked.

How often should a feeding tube be cleaned? ›

Most tubes need to be flushed at least daily with some water to keep them from clogging — even tubes that are not used. You should be given a large syringe for this. Please flush with 30 – 60 mls (1 - 2 ounces) of tap water for this purpose.

What pressure do you use to clean a tube? ›

The pump's pressure can be adjusted and is usually set for 350-450 PSI. This range is what is considered the optimal range for condenser tube and heat exchanger tube cleaning. This range is best because at these pressures, the tube cleaners usually pass through tubes at a rate of about 15 feet per second.

Can you clean a peg tube with vinegar? ›

Flush feeding tube and Button with 2 - 5 cc's of tap water at the end of the feeding. 16 ounces of distilled vinegar) for 3 hours or overnight. Remove from vinegar solution and rinse with tap water. Allow to air dry.

What tool is used to clean the inside of a test tube? ›

A test tube brush or spout brush is a brush used for cleaning test tubes and narrow mouth laboratory glassware, such as graduated cylinders, burettes, and Erlenmeyer flasks.

How do you clean bubble walls? ›

To clean, wipe down your bubble panel with a damp, soft towel. Never use abrasive cleaners or glass cleaners. If bubble output becomes clogged, drain the tank and remove the bubble wand tube from the tank by pulling the wand straight out and away from the tank. Wand output holes may be cleaned with a tooth brush.

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