How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (2024)

During the summer months, your Sperrys will get a lot more action. That means one thing — they’ll need to be cleaned more often.

We’ll teach you how to clean Sperrys whether yours are made of canvas, suede, or leather. Next time you get your Sperrys dirty, you’ll know how to restore them to perfection!

Key Takeaways

  • Clean leather Sperrys using a dish soap solution, a microfiber cloth, and leather conditioner and polish.
  • Canvas Sperrys can be cleaned with mild laundry detergent and a shoe brush, or washed in a washing machine on a gentle cycle.
  • Suede Sperrys require a suede brush, suede bar or eraser, and suede protection spray for proper cleaning.
  • To keep Sperrys smelling fresh, use a versatile shoe spray regularly and consider wearing socks with the shoes.

Table of Contents

  • Can Sperrys Get Wet?
  • Types of Sperrys
  • How to Clean Sperrys
  • FAQs
  • Good as New

Can Sperrys Get Wet?

If you’re wondering whether you should wear your Sperrys to the beach, go right ahead (1)! They won’t keep your feet dry because they’re not waterproof. But they are water-friendly. If they get wet, they will dry without any damage.

In fact, according to Sperry, getting them wet only makes them look better! Being exposed to water, salt water specifically, gives them a more seasoned look that adds a unique vibe to your shoes.

Plus, their water-friendliness makes them a breeze to clean. You can use water to clean your shoes.

Types of Sperrys

Within the Sperry brand, they offer a few types of shoes:

  • Leather: Leather is Sperry’s most popular shoe type, and their leather shoes come in a range of different styles. Leather is stylish and ages really well, so you’ll get your money’s worth! Even though leather is sensitive and can get dirty easily, it’s not hard to clean. Keep in mind that these are made of real leather, so if you’re a vegan or vegetarian, they’re probably not the shoes for you.
  • Canvas: Sperry canvas shoes are lightweight, flexible, and also come in many styles. They’re stylish enough for most occasions and perfect for summer. However, they’re not the most supportive shoes, as they don’t offer much backing around the ankle, so keep that in mind.
  • Suede: Sperry’s suede shoes also come in a range of styles from sneakers to slippers. Suede shoes are highly durable and breathable. Keep in mind that they do attract dirt pretty easily, so you’ll need to clean them more often than canvas shoes. Plus, they’re made with animal skin, so if you’re a vegan or vegetarian — or just don’t like wearing animal products — keep that in mind.

Sperry also offers shoes made from chambray, linen, mesh, nylon, rubber, tweed, wool and nubuck. Today, though, we’re focusing on leather, canvas and suede only.

How to Clean Sperrys

We’ll take you through how to clean suede, canvas, and leather Sperrys, as well as flip-flops and Sperry insoles.

Leather Sperrys

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (1)

What You Need


  1. Remove dirt: Use your shoe brush or toothbrush to gently brush away dirt and debris from the surface of the shoes. Use gentle strokes and go in the same direction across the shoes.
  2. Mix a cleaning solution: Put on your rubber gloves. In a basin, mix together cool water with a few drops of dish soap.
  3. Clean the shoes: Dip your microfiber cloth into the cleaning solution. Rub the cloth along the shoes in circular motions while applying a decent amount of pressure. This will remove dirt and scuffs. Don’t soak the shoes, but they can get slightly damp.
  4. Dry: With another microfiber cloth, wipe the shoes dry in a circular motion. You may need to leave them to air dry for a little while before moving onto the next step.
  5. Leather conditioner: If you buy an all-in-one conditioner and polish, you can do this step now. If you have two separate products, you need to leave 20 minutes between both products. Apply some leather conditioner & polish to a cloth and wipe it along the shoes, creating a thin layer. Let it dry for 20 minutes before wiping the shoes with a clean dry cloth to remove excess residue.
  6. Buff: With another microfiber cloth, buff your shoes in circular motions using a bit of pressure. This will leave a nice shine and neat finish.

What About Stains?

Well, the dish soap solution will get out the majority of stains. But for things like grease or oil, sprinkle half a teaspoon of baking soda or talcum powder over the affected area. Rub it in gently with a damp cloth before letting it sit overnight. Wipe it off in the morning and hopefully, the stain will be gone!

For dark stains, like ink, mix isopropyl alcohol and water in a spray bottle at a 1:1 ratio. Spray onto the affected area and pat the stain gently with a clean cloth until the stain removes. Wipe with a separate cloth, then dry with a towel before letting the shoes air dry completely.

Canvas Sperrys

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (2)

What You Need

  • Rubber gloves.
  • A basin or sink.
  • Mild laundry detergent.
  • A shoe brush or toothbrush.
  • A cloth.
  • Newspaper.


  1. Mix a solution: Wearing your rubber gloves, mix together warm water and enough laundry detergent for there to be bubbles at the top.
  2. Scrub: Dip the shoe brush into the solution and scrub the shoes to remove dirt, debris and stains. If this doesn’t work, you can dip the stained part of the shoes into the solution. Don’t submerge the shoes fully, as soaking wet shoes can increase the chances of mold and mildew.
  3. Rinse: Soak a cloth in clean warm water and wipe the shoes to remove all soap residue.
  4. Air dry: Remove the soles and hang the shoes and soles to dry outside. Stuff the shoes with newspaper to help them keep their shape. Wait until they are completely dry before wearing again.

When it comes to stain removal, you can actually put your canvas Sperrys in the washing machine! Use a gentle cycle, cold water and half the normal amount of detergent. Run the full cycle.


Don’t put the shoes in the dryer. The heat can melt shoe glue and your canvas shoes might fall apart.

Suede Sperrys

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (3)

What You Need


  1. Brush: Use the suede brush to gently brush the shoes in short strokes, going in the same direction. This removes surface dirt and debris.
  2. Sandpaper: For scuffs that are matted down, use sandpaper to gently lift the scuff.
  3. Erase: If the scuff mark remains, use a suede bar or an eraser to rub over the scuff mark with a decent amount of pressure.
  4. Clean: Use a wet sponge to dampen the shoe’s exterior. This will help remove water stains.
  5. Steam: If the shoes still aren’t clean, use steam from your kettle or a garment steamer to lift up stains and dirt. When the dirt is loosened, use the suede brush to wipe it away.
  6. Protect: Spray the shoe’s exterior with the protector spray.
  7. Stuff: Stuff the shoes with newspaper so they hold their shape while air drying. This should take about 24 hours.

If you have persistent water stains, dampen the sponge with distilled white vinegar instead of water in place of step four.

For oil stains, sprinkle cornstarch over the affected area. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Wipe it away with a cloth. The cornstarch should absorb the oil so you can clean the shoes normally.

Act Quickly

For stains on suede, treat them as soon as you notice them for more successful results.

Sperry Flip-Flops

Sperry flip-flops are made from leather, so follow our same tips for leather Sperrys. To recap, here are the instructions:

  1. Use a shoe brush or toothbrush to wipe away surface dirt and debris.
  2. Mix together a few drops of dish soap and water.
  3. Use a microfiber cloth to apply to the solution to the outside and straps of the shoes.
  4. Wipe dry with another microfiber cloth. Let the shoes air dry until they are completely dry.
  5. Spread a thin layer of leather conditioner and polish over the shoes with a microfiber cloth.
  6. Let it sit for 20 minutes before buffing in circular motions with a microfiber cloth.

Sperry Insoles

The insoles of your Sperrys can get pretty dirty and smelly, too! Here’s how we recommend washing them.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (4)

What You Need

  • Dish soap, vegetable soap or glycerine.
  • Microfiber cloth.
  • Baking soda.


  1. If the shoes have removable insoles, take them out and do this separately.
  2. Rinse the insoles under cool water.
  3. Pour a little bit of dish soap, vegetable oil or glycerine onto a microfiber cloth. Rub it onto the insoles.
  4. Rinse the insoles again.
  5. Let the insoles air dry.

If the insoles are not removable, and the insoles aren’t made of leather, then sprinkle baking soda into the shoe. Just make sure it doesn’t come in contact with any leather part of the shoe as this can cause damage. Scrub the baking soda with a damp toothbrush to work it in. After a few minutes, vacuum the remaining residue out.


How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (5)

Can You Wash Sperry Sneakers?

Yes! Sperry sneakers come in a range of materials including leather, canvas and suede. When washing Sperry sneakers, use our tips depending on the shoe’s material.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (6)

How Do You Clean White Sperry Shoes?

When cleaning white Sperrys, our step by step instructions will work. Just always make sure the sprays and conditioners are safe for white shoes.

There are two other tips you can try for white shoes:

  • Mr Clean Magic Eraser: For white leather shoes, use this to remove dirt and stains on the soles of the shoes.
  • Baking soda and white vinegar: For white canvas shoes, mix together a tablespoon of baking soda, two tablespoons of white vinegar and a cup of warm water. Using a cloth or brush, apply the solution to the entire exterior of the shoes. Brush off remaining paste and let the shoes air dry.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (7)

How Do I Stop My Sperrys From Smelling?

The best way to stop your Sperrys from smelling is to use a versatile shoe spray. There are many shoe sprays that work on all types of shoes, including suede, leather, and canvas.

These sprays fight off odors and freshen your shoes. If you use them regularly, they can prevent smells as well.

We also recommend wearing socks with your Sperrys. This will keep your feet cool and prevent bad odors in the shoes.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (8)

Do Sperrys Get Ruined in the Rain?

Sperrys are boating shoes, so they can get wet. While they won’t keep your feet dry, the shoes will survive! They’ll dry up soon enough and there will be minimal evidence they were ever wet. However, if you do notice water stains, just go through our cleaning steps to remove them.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (9)

How to Clean Sperrys Without Leather Cleaner

If you don’t have leather cleaner, use our handy dish soap and water solution to clean your shoes. While we do recommend a leather conditioner to protect your Sperrys, it’s not entirely necessary.

Just keep in mind, your Sperrys might show signs of wear and tear sooner than they would if you did use leather conditioner and polish.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (10)

Do You Wear Socks With Sperrys?

You can wear socks with Sperrys, but for the maximum impact and to rock the look, keep the socks in the drawer. They are boating shoes, designed to be functional and stylish while keeping you safe onboard your boat.

How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (11)

How Long Do Sperrys Take to Dry?

The time your Sperrys take to dry depends on how you dry them. For the best results, leave them to air dry, which takes between 12 and 15 hours.

Good as New

With our tips and tricks for cleaning Sperrys, your shoes will look as good as new, even after a day at the beach or on the boat!

Make sure to check the material of your Sperrys before cleaning them, as you should use the proper method for your shoe type.

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How to Clean Sperrys (Leather, Canvas and Suede) - Oh So Spotless (2024)


How do you get stains out of Sperrys? ›

Using either a bucket or spray bottle, fully dunk or spritz your Sperrys with clean, cold water. Next, apply a small amount of mild dish soap to the exterior of the shoes, about a tablespoon per shoe. Then gently scrub the surface of the shoes using your brush.

Can canvas Sperrys be washed? ›

Canvas shoes can be washed in a washing machine or by hand using detergent. Never dry them in the clothes dryer since the heat can melt shoe adhesives. Take into account that it can take two days for canvas shoes to air dry fully. Here's how to clean all types of canvas and fabric shoes properly by hand and by machine.

Can you wash leather Sperrys in the washing machine? ›

Rinse the soles out well and let them air dry, not exposed to any heat to avoid shrivelling. Replace and make sure you deodorize them often. These shoes are NOT designed to go into the washing machine, so take good care of them and you'll have your Sperry shoes last you for years.

How do you clean suede canvas shoes? ›

We recommend wetting the corner of a dry cloth with a small amount of suede cleaner, white vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Be sure not to drench the shoe in liquid, but rather lightly dampen the suede. Massage the shoe with a rapid side-to-side motion, and then allow the suede to dry.

What is the best cleaner for suede leather shoes? ›

Clean Suede with Vinegar

For tough stains on suede shoes, dip a microfiber cloth in white vinegar and gently rub the stain, taking care to dampen and not soak the surface.

What is the best thing to clean suede shoes with? ›

Plain white vinegar or rubbing alcohol can easily remove spots without staining the suede. Pour either liquid onto a soft cloth and rub it into the stain. After letting the fabric dry, brush with a dry towel to fluff the suede. To protect your suede belongings in the future, you can purchase a suede protectant spray.

Does water mess up Sperrys? ›

While Sperry leather boat shoes, including the Authentic Original™ Boat Shoe, aren't waterproof, they are water friendly. It's fine to get your leather boat shoes wet. They can handle water and will eventually dry, with a patina that looks even better than they did pre-soak.

Can you wash leather and canvas shoes? ›

Wash, Soak, and Scrub

Wash the shoes by hand using a small amount of liquid laundry detergent mixed with water. Pre-treat stains by applying detergent directly to the spot and allowing it to sit for at least 15 minutes. Clean the entire shoe by scrubbing with a sponge or cloth dipped in the detergent solution.

Can you clean leather shoes with soap and water? ›

To clean your leather shoes: Remove the laces to either wash or replace. With a cloth or brush, dust away any dried dirt or grime. Make a solution of warm water and dish soap , dampen a cloth with the soapy water to wipe down the shoes.

Can you use Dawn to clean a boat? ›

The use of standard household cleaning products, like dish soap, to wash boats and cushions. This is potentially the most damaging practice that we see. The chemical compounds in standard dish soap can break down the cushion's materials and, over time, will permanently damage the vinyl.

Can I use Windex to clean my boat? ›

Stop right there. The first rule of screen cleaning is DON'T USE WINDEX! Or any other alcohol or vinegar-based product.

Can I use Windex on my boat? ›

Under no circ*mstances should you use Windex, Rain-X, Pledge, Plexus, Simple Green, Orpine, or any other harsh cleaner to clean Strataglass products — this can damage your windows, and will void the warranty on your product.

Does Dawn remove boat wax? ›

You can use Dawn on tghe non-waxed deck surfaces if you like but I would strongly suggest not using it on waxed surfaces at it WILL remove the wax.......

Does vinegar remove boat wax? ›

Cleaning waxed surfaces – vinegar dissolves the wax, and should not be used to clean waxed furniture. However, vinegar is a reliable option for removing an old coat of wax from a surface. To clean waxed surfaces, a wax cleaning solvent should be used instead.

Will vinegar clean a boat? ›

All-purpose cleaner

This simple mixture can be used for general cleaning purposes on your boat. In a bucket, add one cup of white vinegar to a gallon of water. Use a scrub brush or cloth to clean surfaces of dirt and grime. Rinse area with water.

Can you use rubbing alcohol to clean canvas shoes? ›

Rubbing alcohol is efficient at getting rid of germs and bacteria on many different surfaces and is safe to use on most types of shoes. A good rule of thumb for a shoe sanitizer spray is to use a three-to-one concoction of rubbing alcohol and water.

How do you make suede shoes look new? ›

That's nothing a bit of vinegar or alcohol can't fix! Rub the suede all over with a white cloth dampened with vinegar or alcohol, then let it dry completely. After it's dry, fluff up the fabric one last time using the brush. And voila, your suede will look clean, lustrous, and fabulous!

Can you clean canvas shoes with alcohol? ›

When it comes to cleaning you should first remove the stains. You can use nail polish remover, hair spray, hand sanitizer or rubbing alcohol for this purpose. After stain removal, you can move to clean the canvas shoe thoroughly.

How do professionals clean suede? ›

Step 1: Use a suede brush to remove dust or grime particles. Step 2: Treat stains by dabbing suede cleaner on them using a light-colored cloth. Take care not to saturate the shoe when applying a suede cleaner. Step 3: Allow the shoes to air dry, away from direct sunlight or heat.

What household cleaner can I use to clean suede? ›

Use white vinegar or rubbing alcohol for general stains

You can't use water-based cleaning methods to clean suede, so vinegar and alcohol are great substitutes. Pour a little bit of white vinegar or rubbing alcohol onto a washcloth, gently rub the stained area, then let it totally dry before reassessing.

How do you clean leather and suede? ›

You can spot-treat most stains on suede with a suede brush and eraser. But more serious stains require a good suede shampoo or a mix of soap and water to really penetrate the soiled areas. To take off any debris, lightly brush the suede, with the grain, using a suede brush, an old toothbrush, or a terry-cloth towel.

How do you clean suede shoes with Mr clean Magic Eraser? ›

Use Suede brush and magic eraser

Slide the brush over the affected area to get rid of any remaining dirt and particles. Then, clean the shoe more thoroughly by starting with the undersole. Scrub the shoe until it's clean, using a medium-firm brush dipped in the shoe cleaning solution and water mixture.

What not to clean suede with? ›

Avoid Saturating Suede with Water

“Most suedes are porous and absorb water, so they cannot be washed in the washing machine," Higgins says. "Typically, water and soaps can damage suede, so checking the garment's care label is essential to avoid ruining suede clothing.”

Can you use alcohol wipes on suede shoes? ›

Here's how to clean suede shoes with rubbing alcohol: Dampen a small section of a clean, white cleaning cloth with rubbing alcohol. Dab stained and dirty areas, switching to a clean part of the cloth when one part gets dirty. Don't overdo it with the alcohol and soak the suede or rub the nap.

Is it okay to wash Sperrys? ›

Even though your Sperry leather shoes can get wet, you want to avoid washing them with water. This will dry out the natural oils that add shine and luster to the leather. Luckily, Sperry leather cleaner removes dirt and stains while maintaining the moisture leather needs to look its best.

Is it OK to get Sperrys wet? ›

Sperrys are one of the most trusted and widely-worn brands of boat shoes in the world. Since they're built for boating, a little water won't hurt them, and they'll usually air dry just fine on their own in 12-24 hours.

Are Sperrys meant to be worn without socks? ›

"The Sperry Authentic Original boat shoe is a timeless classic. Socks or no socks, with cuffed jeans or a skirt, wear them in a way that expresses your personal style."

Can suede Sperrys get wet? ›

Yes, suede shoes can get wet and still be wearable, but in order to prevent damage, you need to to treat them quickly afterward, which can be time consuming.

Are you not supposed to wear socks with Sperrys? ›

Looking for the short answer? Yes, you should wear socks with Sperrys. For enhanced comfort, your personal health (more on this below) and to extend the life of your shoes, it is recommended to wear socks with Sperrys.

Can you use Windex on boat seats? ›

Avoid using harsh cleaners that contain ammonia, bleach, Windex or Simple Green. They can easily scrub off or sand down the material.

What is best to clean a boat interior? ›

Marine Carpet

Some types of boats, like bass boats, are commonly carpeted inside from bow to stern. In either case, the best way to clean it is to first use a vacuum to remove loose dirt, then give it an old-fashioned scrub-down with a stiff-bristle brush, soap, and water.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.