How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (2024)

When you think of a geode cake your mind might jump straight to the ever popular Geode Cake where your cake looks like a whole geode just waiting to be cracked open, butcandy rock crystals aren’t being limited to cakes. Check out ourPinterest Page to see rock crystal cake pops, cupcakes, and cookies. The geode cookies especially have been popping up on our Insta feeds recently and we are in love!

How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (1) How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (2) How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (3)

The process for applyingrock crystals to your cakes, cupcakes, or cookies, is fairly straightforward: simply press the rock crystals directly into your buttercream. If you are using fondant, or if your buttercream has crusted over, spread a little piping gel over the area you want to decorate and the rock crystals will adhere easily.

You can space the crystals out to create an elegant and simple finish to a cake, try them out with a fault line cake, or pack them into a carved out crevice to create that cracked open geode look.

How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (4) How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (5) How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (6)

When it comes to colouring yourrock crystals there are two main methods, each giving a different effect.

In our opinion, the easiest method is to simply put your rock crystals into a bag with some duster colour (Rolkem Sparkles Dusts and Rainbow Spectrum Dustswork really well!), and a few drops of Rose Spirit, then gently shake and rub the crystals in the bag until they are evenly coloured.

If you are wanting to create an ombre effect do a few batches, adding a little extra colour in each new batch, until you have a range of shades.

The second method works really well for the geode crevice cake style, especially if you are after that watercolour-ombre effect. Attach the rock crystals to the cake first, and paint the centre with an ediblecolour (we recommend Amerimist).Start by painting the centre with a concentrated colour,graduallydiluting the paint as you get closer to the edge of the geode crevice.

This technique can be a little more fiddly and less forgiving if you make a mistake but the results can be quite stunning!

If our social media feeds are anything to go by, this trend is far from over! We’d love to see your candy rock crystal creations so feel free to join ourCake Hub Facebook Group and share photos.

How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (7)

How To Colour Candy Rock Crystals (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.