How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (2024)

There are effective ways to negotiate with suppliers on Alibaba and there are bad ways. Today, I'm going to show 6 dos and do-nots for finding, contacting, and negotiating with suppliers.

Alibaba Do &Do-not #1

DONOTsearch for suppliers using the Products dropdown in Alibaba search

When you first go to the home page, you will see a dropdown on the left side of the search bar. By default, it is set to Products. I know you're searching for a product to sell, but do not be deceived. You are actually looking for a supplier to buy products from.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (1)

If you search by Products, then Alibaba will show you all listings that sell the product. Alibaba will not factor in whether or not the supplier selling the product also makes the product.

If the supplier does not make the product...

The supplier may not be able to fulfill reorders for you. Yes, you can still make short-term money. But then you'll have to keep searching for one-off products and suppliers over and over, costing you time. If you buy from a supplier that makes the products, then you can sell the products under your own brand, reorder, continue to capitalize in a market niche, and put more time back into your day. This selling model, called "private label", can generate passive income.

Suppliers that don't make their own products probably won't be able to make customizations for you. Let's say that in product research you discovered shoppers want to buy copper colored French presses. But all your competitors only sell them in silver. So, you go to a supplier and say, "Hey, these are great, but could you make them copper colored?" And they can't because they don't make the product.

A supplier that does not make the product may be a trading company. Trading companies are middle-men who buy products from a manufacturer and then resell it to you for a higher price. Let's say you want to sell an insulated French press. A trading company might buy them from a manufacturer for $6 each and sell them to you at $10 each. If instead you went directly to the manufacturer, that could have saved you $4 per unit. Even if you only ordered a batch of 100 units, that's still $400 you could have saved. (Note: Some suppliers can be both a trading company and a manufacturer.)

As an alternative...

DOsearch for suppliers using the Suppliers dropdown in Alibaba search.

Click on the dropdown, and select Suppliers.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (2)

Suppliers search results are more likely to contain suppliers that can build you a customized product rather than just sell you what they have.

Type in your shortest main keyword that describes your product. For example, if you want to sell a French press insulated coffee and tea maker that is made of stainless steel with a 500ml capacity, search "insulated French press". If you search "French press", that might work too, but since you want to sell a specific type of French press, it may save you time if you add one extra adjective.

Alibaba Do &Do-not #2

DONOTsearch for products via the Ready to Ship product type.

If you went down the rabbit hole of searching via Products instead of Suppliers like I told you to (*shame*), then you'll see the Ready to Ship option that you do not want to click.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (3)

Ready to Ship means that the supplier will send you products as-is. That's fine if you're doing wholesale or just want to have a few dozen French presses to give to your friends and family for Christmas, but not fine for private label.

Click here to be convinced that private label is the best path towards passive income when you sell products online.

DO filter for trustworthy suppliers before you reach out to them.

First, you need to search your main keyword on Alibaba.

Only then will you see two boxes to click: Trade Assurance & Verified Supplier.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (4)

Tick these two boxes. Alibaba will reload the page each time.

Trade Assurance is a deal where you typically pay the supplier 30% upfront and 70% when the job is done. However, you can't just "promise" that you'll send over the 70% later. You have to send those funds to a third-party holdingaccount called an "escrow" account. In this case, Alibaba will serve as that intermediary escrow holder.

Your supplier receives 30% of the funds upfront so they can get the raw materials and labor to start manufacturing your product. Your supplier only gets the other 70% of the funds after you tell Alibaba that the supplier has fulfilled all the terms of your contract. It's fair to you because that supplier can't take your money and run, and it's fair to the supplier because they don't have to break your legs like a loan shark to get their money when the deal is done.

Verified Suppliers are confirmed by a third party working for Alibaba. In order to be Verified, suppliers must submit proof of their operation, abilities, network, and a ton of other paperwork. They are just about as legitimate as suppliers get.

Alibaba Do &Do-not #3

DONOTcontact potential suppliers through the Start Order button.

Choosing “Start Order” only makes sense if you are ready to order from the supplier. If you want to make passive income through your own private label brand, this is not the option for you.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (5)

DO contact potential suppliers through the Contact Supplier button.

Use the “Contact Supplier” option to speak directly with a representative.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (6)

It’s similar to sending an email, but it's through the Alibaba site. You’ll receive an email notification for every response the supplier sends you. You can also attach pictures of examples, etc.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (7)

Most Verified suppliers that offer Trade Assurance and have competitive prices will be from mainland China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong. So, the upcoming Dos and Do Nots have Chinese suppliers in mind.

Alibaba Do &Do-not #4

DONOTask 21 questions of your supplier in the first message.

When you ask Chinese suppliers even three questions in your first contact, you will often only get an answer to one. The time difference makes these conversations last days. Asking only one or two questions at a time makes it even longer. But remember that building your own business is not a quick cash-grab. It's a journey that's well worth it.

A few messages into your conversation, you can ask them to fill out a form where you ask for quote information, etc. A decent supplier will fill out at least half the sheet. Great suppliers will explain why they didn't fill out a section if they left one blank.

DO ask if the supplier can make your product.

Asking about price is not the worst first message you can send, but it's not what matters at the beginning.

Price is irrelevant if the supplier cannot make changes to your product. If they cannot make your customizations, then your product will probably look like every other product on Amazon. You'll blend in, fail to compete with sellers who already have reviews, and close up shop. Make sure that the supplier will be able to make your differentiated product.

Alibaba Do &Do-not #5

DONOTnegotiate on samples.

Most legitimate suppliers are happy to fulfill sample orders. You’ll have to pay a much steeper price for the samples per unit than when you buy in bulk. That's the price of verifying the suppliers' craftsmanship.

If you try to negotiate on the sample, you'll look like a novice. A sample's cost is a one-time expense. Instead, worry about the recurring costs that have a much greater effect on your bottom line.

DOnegotiate on large product orders.

When you're not ordering samples, your supplier will have a minimum order quantity (MOQ) that you must meet. The MOQ is the fewest number of units your supplier will make for you at a time. For example, if you want to buy insulated French presses from your supplier, they could require that you must order at least 500 units or else they won't make them.

Suppliers don't make a ton of money per unit sold. Their profit model requires bulk sales. If you don't order enough in one batch, then it's not worth it to them.

Your MOQ could range from under 200 to over 20,000 units. More expensive items tend to have lower MOQs.

In general, purchasing a larger number of units will lower the cost per unit.

I was once offered a $0.50 discount if I ordered an additional 200 items, and because I was just starting out, I thought $0.50 was ridiculous and penny-grabbing. But $0.50 can add up. If you order 5,000 units of that item, with $0.50 off each, that’s $2,500. Don’t assume the supplier is just pinching pennies. You might be getting a better deal than you realize by upping the quantity of your order.

A lot of suppliers don’t mind a bit of bargaining as long as you’re respectful, polite, and not too pushy. For example, you can say, “I’m looking for a long-term supplier relationship. Would you be willing to offer a $0.20 per item discount if I order 500 units?” The worst they can do is say, "No."

Alibaba Do &Do-not #6

DONOTwrite a lot of fluff in your communication with suppliers.

If you’re working with a supplier from China, their English is probably not strong. Be as clear, simple, and straight-forward as possible. Time spent clarifying miscommunications is time wasted.

They do not care if you work for IBM or Main Street Local Store Number Two. As long as you position yourself as competent and assertive, Chinese suppliers will work with you.

DOwrite like you are talking with another human begin.

Just like you, suppliers are real people working real jobs. Treat them like human beings. Ask them how their days are going. It never hurts to be friendly.

One supplier I had worked with for over a year once offered me a $5 discount per item. I was unbelievably grateful. Building a friendly, open, trusting relationship with this supplier benefited me because she knew I would continue to be a faithful customer and bring her more business.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (8)

What I've just gone over is just an overview of how to communicate with suppliers. Get the full how-to, including filtering suppliers on Alibaba, starting production on your inventory, launching your new products on Amazon, and so much more at

Our team of coaches will show you how you how you can end the death-by-paycheck cycle and make the most of the time and money you invest. Before you know it, you’ll be building passive income, so you have more time to focus on doing the things you love with the people you love.

How to Communicate and Negotiate with Alibaba Suppliers | Just One Dime Blog (2024)


Can you negotiate Sample price on Alibaba? ›

The answer is YES! If you are serious about getting a reasonable price for the product, you need to find a way to dominate Alibaba suppliers. Price negotiation is also part of business culture in China. So, if you will not negotiate with them, they will be surprised.

How do I talk to a supplier on Alibaba? ›

It's where you show you are a serious buyer, and it's where you make sure you find a seller you can trust. You can reach out by clicking “Contact Supplier” on the product detail page. Sellers receive a large number of inquiries every day.

What do you say say to negotiate the price lower? ›

Top eight phrases to use when negotiating a lower price
  1. All I have in my budget is X.
  2. What would your cash price be?
  3. How far can you come down in price to meet me?
  4. What? or Wow.
  5. Is that the best you can do?
  6. Ill give you X if we can close the deal now.
  7. Ill agree to this price if you.
  8. Your competitor offers.
Jun 15, 2020

How do you negotiate respectfully price? ›

Tips to help you negotiate a better price
  1. Do your research. ...
  2. Have a good opening line. ...
  3. Be polite. ...
  4. Be aware of your body language. ...
  5. Look for opportune times to buy. ...
  6. Think about the situation from the seller's perspective. ...
  7. Draw attention to unique features. ...
  8. Ask for add-ons.
Nov 27, 2020

How do you ask a supplier to reduce the price? ›

How to write a price negotiation letter
  1. Use a positive tone. It's important you keep a positive tone throughout your negotiation letter. ...
  2. Compliment the supplier. ...
  3. Explain your perspective. ...
  4. Request a discount. ...
  5. Set clear terms. ...
  6. Hint at an incentive. ...
  7. Choose a date for a response. ...
  8. Get to know your supplier.
Jun 8, 2021

How do you negotiate a price without being rude? ›

Simply ask what the other side wants. Ask why they want it.
  1. Frame the negotiations as a problem-solving challenge.
  2. Take the time to make small talk. It'll build connections you can leverage later on.
  3. Stress the areas on which you agree, and use words like “we” to signal you are invested in the relationship.
Apr 9, 2015

What questions should I ask a supplier on Alibaba? ›

Questions to ask Alibaba suppliers about price
  • What is the unit price of the products available?
  • How much do you charge for the product samples?
  • What is payment method do you accept?
  • Do you allow the free samples?
  • What is the shipping cost from China to my country?
  • Are customs duties applicable to my products?

How do I contact multiple suppliers on Alibaba? ›

DO contact potential suppliers through the Contact Supplier button. Use the “Contact Supplier” option to speak directly with a representative. It's similar to sending an email, but it's through the Alibaba site. You'll receive an email notification for every response the supplier sends you.

How do you start a conversation with a supplier? ›

Here are 5 tips for improving communication with your suppliers and reaping the results.
  1. Set Clear Expectations for Reporting and Supplier Communication. ...
  2. Know Your Parts. ...
  3. Establish Clear Measurement Requirements. ...
  4. Be Respectful of Their Time. ...
  5. Be Quick, But Don't Hurry. ...
  6. The Importance of Communication With Suppliers.

What to say when contacting suppliers? ›

Talking to vendors in the right way can change the quality of that relationship, so keep the following in mind.
  1. Be informed. ...
  2. Straight talk. ...
  3. Ask questions. ...
  4. Give your vendor time to answer. ...
  5. Broach the money subject. ...
  6. Set clear expectations. ...
  7. Address issues. ...
  8. Don't ask for the impossible.
Oct 30, 2018

How do I write a letter to Alibaba suppliers? ›

I'm very interested in your company's product. I would like you to send me details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples about the production in other details. If your prices and terms meet my requirements, I will be glad to start a business relationship with you.

How do you start a negotiation conversation? ›

How to start a negotiation: Begin as you mean to continue
  1. Get a sounding board, work through the issues, and practice what you will say.
  2. Don't be afraid. Use the facts you have—or gather those you do not—and push through. ...
  3. Take stock of the other side's perspective and needs. ...
  4. Prepare your negotiation partner.
Nov 6, 2017

How do you politely say offer is too low? ›

Maintain a respectful tone and tell the hiring manager how much you appreciate them for taking the time to interview you. However, make it clear that the salary they're offering is too low for you to accept — that you know your worth and you're willing to stand by it.

How do you negotiate professionally? ›

15 Tactics For Successful Business Negotiations
  1. Listen and understand the other party's issues and point of view. ...
  2. Be prepared. ...
  3. Keep the negotiations professional and courteous. ...
  4. Understand the deal dynamics. ...
  5. Always draft the first version of the agreement. ...
  6. Be prepared to “play poker” and be ready to walk away.
Sep 16, 2016

How do you negotiate 5 tips when negotiating better? ›

What to do when negotiating
  1. Be the first to make an offer. Part of being a good negotiator is taking control of the deal. ...
  2. Provide set terms instead of price ranges. ...
  3. Use words wisely while negotiating. ...
  4. Ask open-ended questions and be a good listener. ...
  5. Offer a win-win scenario.

What are three tips to follow when preparing to negotiate? ›

5 Tips for Negotiating Better
  1. Make the first offer. ...
  2. When discussing money, use concrete numbers instead of a range. ...
  3. Only talk as much as you need to. ...
  4. Ask open-ended questions and listen carefully. ...
  5. Remember, the best-negotiated agreement lets both sides win.
Jun 7, 2021

What are the 5 stages of negotiation? ›

Definition of ground rules. Clarification and justification. Bargaining and problem-solving. Closure and implementation.

What is the best way to negotiate with suppliers? ›

How to deal with suppliers: 6 strategies to negotiate a better deal with suppliers
  1. Communication is key. ...
  2. Be a loyal customer. ...
  3. Offer larger deposits. ...
  4. It's more than a price point. ...
  5. Make sure you're both on the same page. ...
  6. Manage supplier invoices in a timely fashion.
Mar 1, 2021

What are the 7 negotiating techniques? ›

Here are effective techniques that can help you become more successful during negotiations:
  • Manage your emotions. ...
  • Consider leading the discussion. ...
  • Use silence effectively. ...
  • Ask for advice. ...
  • Consider involving an arbitrator. ...
  • Know when to compromise. ...
  • Request sufficient time.
Nov 6, 2022

What are the 4 rules of negotiating? ›

The 4 Golden Rules Of Negotiating
  • Golden Rule #1: Never Sell.
  • Golden Rule #2: Build Trust.
  • Golden Rule #3: Come from a Position of Strength.
  • Golden Rule #4: Know When to Walk Away.
Nov 1, 2017

How do you ask a supplier for a quote? ›

Here's a list of steps you can take to request a price quote via email:
  1. Write a subject line. ...
  2. Develop a strong opening. ...
  3. Ask for a quote for specific items. ...
  4. Add additional details and requests. ...
  5. Close the email.
Nov 23, 2021

How do you quote professionally? ›

How to write a quote?
  1. Choose a professional quote template.
  2. Enter your quote number.
  3. Add customer information.
  4. Add product or service descriptions.
  5. Add your business and contact information.
  6. Include the issue date.
  7. Specify the terms and conditions of your quote.
  8. Include notes and/or additional details.
Jan 25, 2022

How do you write a quote for beginners? ›

Be conversational, yet avoid trite, filler language. Use phrasing that is memorable and helps create a picture in the reader's mind. Provide meaningful insights and perspectives in a quote that increase the value of the quote and the likelihood of its pick-up by media. Opinion is fine, but hype is counterproductive.

What are the two most important questions to ask your supplier? ›

7 questions to ask when selecting the right supplier
  • What are your unique selling points? ...
  • Is your company financially secure? ...
  • Can we speak to your customers/reference sites? ...
  • Do you have capacity to meet our demand? ...
  • Can we grow profitably together? ...
  • Do you have service level agreements?
Jun 6, 2019

What is the weakness of Alibaba? ›

Weaknesses of Alibaba

Increase in counterfeit goods – China is known to produce counterfeit products in abundance. The country is very lenient on laws regarding patent protection and forged technology and products.

How do I get a better supplier from Alibaba? ›

When searching for products/companies through Alibaba, check off the button that says “Trade Assurance.” From there, you'll be able to look at products and suppliers who have signed up with Alibaba's trade assurance policy.

What do you say when asking for a quote? ›

Some Things to Remember!

Include standard greeting, closing, and signature. Make sure to keep it professional and include a friendly salutation and a warm ending. If you have a deadline to meet, let the manufacturer know in the initial quote request. It may cost more to rush orders.

What do you say when sending a quote? ›

What should I include in a quote template?
  1. your telephone number and email address.
  2. recipient's name, address and contact information.
  3. the date that the quotation was made.
  4. a brief description of services and their price.
  5. name, price and quantity of any goods sold.
  6. VAT where applicable.

What is the difference between request for quotation and quotation? ›

Generally, businesses use an RFQ when they already know the exact product or service they need, and all they are looking for is the price. An RFP may be used when a business isn't entirely sure what they need. They're requesting vendors to send in a proposal outlining how they would solve the given problem.

How can I avoid being scammed on Alibaba? ›

Overall, to avoid this kind of Alibaba scams, the best way is to pay through Alibaba trade assurance. Paying by PayPal (specifically by a credit card and not bank transfer) offers you very strong protection. If you are paying via wire transfer, make sure the payment is to a company bank account in China.

How do I avoid high shipping costs on Alibaba? ›

Top 9 ways to save Alibaba shipping costs
  1. Sourcing better types of product. ...
  2. Purchasing in proper quantity. ...
  3. Improve your package resolution. ...
  4. Find the proper method of shipping. ...
  5. Choose a good shipping route. ...
  6. Check with third-party tools. ...
  7. Compare between different shipping agencies for the best price.
Sep 12, 2021

How do I get in contact with wholesale? ›

10 Tips for Finding a Wholesale Distributor
  1. Understand Distribution Channels.
  2. Try the Manufacturer First.
  3. Have a Productive First Contact.
  4. Get Specific in Online Searches.
  5. Look for Wholesale Lots on eBay.
  6. Check Major B2B Marketplaces.
  7. Join Professional Networks.
  8. Subscribe to Trade Publications.
Oct 13, 2022

How do you successfully negotiate with suppliers? ›

  1. Research the market. What does the product or service you're buying cost in a retail environment? ...
  2. Walk into negotiations with a goal in mind. ...
  3. Let your supplier do the talking. ...
  4. Tell them how doing business with you creates more value than just the current sale. ...
  5. Be prepared to pay on the spot. ...
  6. Know when to walk away.

How do you negotiate a lower price with suppliers? ›

7 tips for negotiating the best deal with your suppliers
  1. Sell yourself as someone who will give them a lot of business. ...
  2. Think outside of the price box. ...
  3. Talk to multiple suppliers. ...
  4. Offer larger deposits for a bigger discount. ...
  5. Don't accept the first offer. ...
  6. Consider transferring all your business to one supplier.
May 27, 2015

How do you ask for lower price to suppliers? ›

How to write a price negotiation letter
  1. Use a positive tone. It's important you keep a positive tone throughout your negotiation letter. ...
  2. Compliment the supplier. ...
  3. Explain your perspective. ...
  4. Request a discount. ...
  5. Set clear terms. ...
  6. Hint at an incentive. ...
  7. Choose a date for a response. ...
  8. Get to know your supplier.
Jun 8, 2021

What are the 5 P's of negotiation? ›

But Mullett proposes a more succinct, repeatable system he's come to call the "Five P's:" prepare, probe, possibilities, propose and partner.

What are the 3 ways to look for a reputable supplier in Alibaba? ›

Assess sellers

One of the most important parts of sourcing on is knowing who you're buying from. You want to make sure that they are reliable and trustworthy. Checking for the Gold Supplier, Verified Supplier, and Trade Assurance Supplier qualifications is a good place to start.

How do I find a trusted supplier on Alibaba? ›

Verified Suppliers can be identified through the “Verified Supplier” tag on The tag is viewable to buyers in the platform's search results, on product pages, and on suppliers' company profiles. Members of the Verified Supplier program also have access to exclusive perks and benefits.

How do you negotiate with single source? ›

Tips For Negotiating With A Sole Source
  1. Find out what motivates the vendor and make it win-win. ...
  2. Look for small “value adds” to enhance the deal. ...
  3. Create tiered risk/rewards scenarios for Service Level Agreements. ...
  4. Agree on an objective price adjustment method for the future.
Feb 2, 2021

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.