How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (2024)

The global supply chain is great in that you can source garments from quality Asian suppliers.

But unfortunately, not all continents use the same measurement systems for clothing.

If your store sells in multiple countries, you'll need to implement proper size conversions to avoid unhappy customers and refunds.

In this post, we'll cover Asian size to US size conversions, as well as the other most popular measuring systems.

Ready to dive in? Let's go!

Asian Size to US Size Conversion Overview

Inconvenient as it may be, not every country measures clothing sizes in the same way. Asian clothing manufacturers use a different system than US ones, which use different sizes than Europe, and so on.

If your store sells clothing that's made in another country, you'll likely have to convert the sizes to your own country's. Having accurate size conversion info is also critical when ordering stock from Asian suppliers.

As a general rule, Asian clothing runs smaller than US or European clothing. So for example, when comparing Asian sizes to US sizes, an Asian large may be a US size small, which in turn may be a European size medium. The size conversion depends on a couple of different factors which we'll cover below.

Asian Size to US Size Charts

Converting Asian size to US size is easiest done via size conversion charts. We scoured the internet & consulted with our merchant base to bring all the conversion measurements you might need into one place. Feel free to reuse these charts to help your customers get the right fit, or simply use them as reference when sourcing new clothing products for your store.

Asian Sizes to US Sizes Women's

When it comes to ordering women's clothing from a supplier, you may be wondering "what is an American large in Asian size?" or the reverse "what is an Asian size large in US?". No matter what you're unsure of, this chart will help you get the answers you're looking for:

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (1)

Asian Sizes to US Sizes Men's

You might assume that conversions for men's and women's clothing is the same, but that's not the case. For example, Asian size to US size shirt conversions are different for men and women. This Asian to American size chart will help you (or your shoppers) to find the best sizes.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (2)

Asian to US Chart for Kid's Clothing

If you're buying or selling kids clothing, this chart will help you find the best sizes.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (3)

Asian to US Size Conversion Charts for Jackets & Suits

Here's how to convert coat and suit sizes from Asian to US measurements.

Men’s Suit/Coat/Sweater Sizes

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (4)

Men’s Bottoms & Trouser Sizes

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (5)

Asian Shoes to US Size Conversion Charts

And lastly, here are the charts to help you convert shoes from Asian to US sizes.

Asian Shoe Size to US - Women

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (6)

Asian Shoe Size to US - Men

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (7)

Asian Shoe Size to US - Children

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (8)

4 Tips for Converting Asian Size to US in Your eCommerce Store

Ok, hopefully those charts help you understand the different sizes across different continents and markets. With those covered, here are a few tips to help your or your customers understand size conversions. Remember, the less doubt your customers have, the more sales (and upsells) you'll get on your checkout pages.

1. Make the Sizing System Super Clear on The Product Page

If your store sells products to multiple countries, consider using a different version of each product page depending on where a user is from. If that's not possible, you'll need to make it super clear to customers which system you're using. Each product page and option should include whether you're using US, EU, or Asian sizes as the default.

2. Make Your Size Charts Easy to Find & Read

For stores that have multiple size systems, make your charts easy to find from each product page. The less hassle it is to figure out the right size, the more of your customers that will make it to the checkout.

3. Contact Suppliers or Visit Their Websites

The best way to find out product sizes is by contacting the suppliers themselves. Most of the time a supplier will include their sizing chart on-site. From there, you'll have to convert each size for your own store.

4. Test Order Your Own Products

You should also test out each product before you start selling. It's always best practice to order samples of the product to get a hands-on view if the sizes are accurate. In addition, ordering a product helps you judge the quality too. What's more is that you can then take custom photos of the product for use on your product pages and in your marketing collateral.

Shopify Apps to Convert Asian Size to US Size

If you've got a lot of products and are looking for an automated solution to help you convert clothing sizes, an app might be a good solution for your. Each of the apps below are decent choices when it comes to adding sizing charts to your store. The features on each are pretty similar, and they all have free plans available.

1. Clean Size Charts

Clean allows for unlimited customized size charts for each store, full customization, and in-app analytics for $4.99 a month. The free plan allows merchant to add up to 2 size charts from a set of pre-made templates.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (9)

2. ESC Size Charts & Guides

ESC is a completely free app that allows for unlimited customizations and charts to help you create a style that fits your store's needs.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (10)

3. AVADA Size Charts

AVADA allows for unlimited size charts with advanced customization, and even has features to show different charts depending on the customer's country. The free plan doesn't come with the same level of functionality, but it's still a great choice for merchants with size options.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (11)

Converting Asian Size to US Size Doesn't Have to be Complicated!

Converting Asian to US sizes might seem tedious, but it's critical to get right for clothing e-retailers. Selling to international customers or working with international buyers means you'll be dealing with various measurement systems.

If a customer buys the wrong size because you haven't accounted for that, they're likely to leave a negative review and return the product. Too many returns and you'll be well in the red.

Hopefully, today's guide helps you avoid that and makes it easy to convert sizes for your store. If you found this post useful, make sure to check out more content from our blog!

Asian Size to US Size FAQ

Here are a few questions we see commonly on Asian and US clothing sizes.

What is Asian size to US size?

Asian sizes are typically much smaller than US sizes. If you're ordering clothes wholesale from China or Japan it's wise to order larger sizes that you or your customer's typically wear. Use Asian to Us size conversion charts to figure out which sizes are best for you.

What is Asian XL in US size?

As a general rule, Asian XL sizes are roughly equal to US large sizes. However, the conversion depends on if you're converting for men, women or children. The type of garment can also impact the size conversion. Please refer to the charts above to get the most accurate answer.

What is an Asian size large in US?

A large in Asian sizes is smaller than a larger in US sizes. For example, for men, an Asian large would fit a man 175cm tall (5ft 8in). In the US, man of this height would most likely wear a medium or even a small depending on the cut of the garment and his style preference.

What is an American Large in Asian size?

For women's clothing an American large translates to 168-173cm or 98-102" in Chinese clothing sizes. in Japan an American large is a size LL or XL, while for Korea an American size large equates to a size 77. For men, an American large typically translates to XL or XXL in most Asian size

How do I convert Asian size to European size?

To find the right conversion for Asian to European sizes, refer to the tables we've included above.

How to Convert Asian Size to US Size: A eCommerce Merchant's Guide | ReConvert (2024)
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