How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year (2024)

How do you create a winning marketplace pricing strategy? Here’s all you need to know about the BEST marketplace pricing models.

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Ever asked yourself, “What is marketplace pricing?”

You’ve come to the right place. Today, we look at exactly how to set up a marketplace pricing strategy that will attract and retain marketplace users.

Ready to dive right in? Here we go.

How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year (1)

Source: Pexel

Why the success of your marketplace depends on your pricing strategy

Why is your marketplace pricing strategy so important?

A marketplace business is one of the most lucrative business models. After all, you as the marketplace owner don’t have to pay for inventory or use your time on performing a service. Instead, you provide a platform and get paid based on every transaction or as a direct payment to you. Once you start scaling your marketplace, your income grows exponentially.

That’s not to say that marketplaces are a piece of cake. According to Harvard Business Review, one of the main reasons marketplace platforms fail is because businesses fail to recognize which user base should get charged and which user base should get subsidized.

Not understanding how to price your marketplace could mean that your business gets beaten by all the competition out there. Take Sidecar, which was one of the first ridesharing services. It grew slowly and steadily without much outside funding.

You know what happened next… Uber and Lyft took over because they understood how to attract both sellers and buyers with their pricing strategy. Sidecar never became a household name like these ridesharing companies.

Or look at Etsy. It strategically priced its commission (before 3.5%, now 5%) lower than Ebay and other competitors (often 10%). For Etsy, it made sense to price its commission like this to position itself as a champion of creatives.

That’s why understanding your pricing strategy is so important. The success of your marketplace literally hangs on it.

Here’s how to choose the right pricing strategy for your marketplace.

Which marketplace pricing strategy is right for you?

Marketplaces have different pricing strategies based on things like their business model and competition. The most common pricing strategy is commission-based pricing, ie. taking a cut of every transaction. But because there are other options, we’ll take a quick look at all of them.

Different marketplace pricing models

What are the different marketplace pricing models? Here they are:


A commission consists of a chunk of the transaction price. Commissions are relatively easy to implement and one of the most common marketplace pricing strategies. Most bigger platforms ask for a commission, such as Airbnb, Etsy, and Upwork.

You might create different commission levels. Premium sellers might get a reduction on their commission or other perks. For example, Upwork offers different commission levels depending on lifetime project value. Airbnb offers different types of perks for its Superhosts.


You could charge a subscription, which would mean that people pay you every month to use your platform. The most prominent service that works with subscription fees (although it isn’t a full-blown marketplace) is Amazon Prime.


You can charge a fee for listings. For example, Etsy charges a listing fee for every product listing.


Your customers can pay an ad fee to get more visibility on your platform. One marketplace doing just that is Yelp, which lets businesses buy ad listings to get higher up in searches.


Your marketplace can operate on a freemium model. So your platform is free to use, but you offer extra services (like insurance or customer service) for free. This marketplace monetization model works best for marketplaces for free services or products (think: a marketplace that lets people borrow products).

How to decide on your marketplace pricing strategy

You might be wondering:

How do you choose the right pricing strategy for your marketplace?

Here’s the thing: You shouldn’t just “set and forget” your price. In fact, companies that win at setting their pricing strategy (and maximize their profits) actively monitor their strategy after they’ve implemented it.

But how (and if) you change your prices depends on where you are in your marketplace’s lifecycle. The different phases are: The launch phase, the midlife phase, and the late life phase. The key to success is to set expectations for your pricing model and then track your assumptions through every lifecycle.

In the launch phase, you need to decide on a pricing strategy that brings in the most value in the long-term.

In the midlife phase, your marketplace has gained stable market acceptance and is probably one of the leaders out there. This is when “me too” products pop up and you face a lot of price competition. At this stage, you should analyze your pricing carefully and start looking at pricing models that could disrupt your business.

In the last phase, the late life phase, you have loyal customers who are comfortable with a price hike thanks to the value your marketplace brings them. For example, this is what Upwork did. Once it had established itself as a leader in the freelance marketplace space, it increased its prices.

During each life cycle, you need to evaluate your pricing strategy and compare it to other strategies to figure out which pricing strategy keeps you competitive and maximizes your returns.

What you need to know about marketplace commission as a pricing strategy

Commission-based pricing is the most common and often the most profitable pricing strategy for marketplaces.

But how do you decide on how much commission to charge? That’s what we’ll look at now.

Profit margins

One of the main things you need to keep in mind when you set your commission is your sellers’ marginal costs. You see, if your sellers don’t make a big profit on their sales, you can’t take a big commission. However, if they do, you can increase your commission.

Take ecommerce products, like handcrafted items. It takes time to produce these products, market them, and ship them to buyers.

That’s why a marketplace like Etsy can’t charge a huge commission. Oh the other hand, a marketplace that sells digital products can take a higher commission because sellers don’t have to recreate the products or pay for shipping.


What does your competition look like? If your market is more crowded, you will need to take that into consideration when setting your commission.

What commission can you charge that’s competitive but doesn’t start a race to the bottom? After all, if you start charging a low commission, you can be sure that a competitor will charge even less. If you only compete on price, you won’t be in business for very long.

Network effect

Another factor that impacts your commission pricing is the network effect. The network effect means that the value of your marketplace increases for your customers when you have more providers. So the bigger the network effect, the higher your commission can be.

However, the network effect doesn’t apply to all markets, like local marketplaces.

Think about it: Customers who travel appreciate a lot of options at different prices and so Airbnb becomes a lot more valuable than a property rental website with 20 listings. But when a customer needs transportation within a city at the exact same price, it doesn’t really matter if a site has 20 drivers or 100 as long as both sites do an equal job in terms of offering transportation.

Different marketplace commission examples

So, as you can see, your marketplace commission depends on your specific marketplace. Curious to see a few marketplace commission examples?

Here you go:

Airbnb (vacation rentals) - Hosts are charged 3% of the rental price and guests are typically charged 13% plus taxes and charges.

Etsy (handcrafted goods) - $0.2 as a listing fee and 5% as a transaction fee.

Ebay (ecommerce) - Ebay’s commission depends on the type of product and it ranges from 2%-12%. Ebay also charges listing fees depending on the product category. Some of them are free and cost $0.35/listing after 50 listings, and some listings cost $20/listing.

Upwork (freelance platform) - Upwork charges 5-20% of the project rate from freelancers, as well as a $0.15 per project proposal.

Rover (pet care) - Pet sitters are charged 15-25%. Pet owners are charged a service fee of up to $12.

TaskRabbit (miscellaneous tasks) - The service fee is 15%.

Want to get started building your marketplace business?

There you have it. Now you know how to decide on your marketplace pricing strategy. What it comes down to is evaluating the different pricing models, making projections about your pricing strategy, and then following up on it over time.

Want to get started earning money from your marketplace? You need a marketplace platform that makes it easy for you to set up your payment plan.

Our own marketplace builder, Kreezalid, lets you set up your payment solutions right away with two different payment solutions that are tailored for marketplaces, Stripe Connect and Mangopay.

Right now, you can try our platform free of charge for 14 days.

How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year (2)

About Charlène Guicheron

Co-Founder and CEO of Kreezalid

After 5 years helping companies to develop their online marketplace, I saw success stories as well as failures. Today I share my experience and my clients feedbacks through useful resources that will allow you to focus on what really matters for the success of your online marketplace. Because believe me, the secret isn't in the code ...

How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year (3)

Learn how to manage and develop your online marketplace

Join 20,000+ other marketers & startups and get proven strategies on how to grow a profitable marketplace business

As an expert in online marketplace strategies and pricing models, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to guide you through the intricacies of creating a winning marketplace pricing strategy. My expertise is demonstrated by a deep understanding of various marketplace business models, successful case studies, and a comprehensive knowledge of the key concepts discussed in the article.

The importance of a well-crafted pricing strategy for marketplaces cannot be overstated. It directly influences the success and sustainability of your business. Marketplaces, being one of the most lucrative business models, offer a platform where owners can generate income without the need for inventory or direct service provision. However, failure to recognize which user base should be charged and which should be subsidized is a common pitfall leading to marketplace platform failures.

The article rightly points out the success stories of companies like Uber, Lyft, Etsy, and Upwork, emphasizing the pivotal role of pricing strategies in their triumphs. For instance, Etsy strategically priced its commission lower than competitors, positioning itself as a champion of creatives. Conversely, Sidecar's failure to grasp effective pricing strategies allowed Uber and Lyft to dominate the ridesharing market.

The article outlines various marketplace pricing models, including commission-based pricing, subscription fees, listing fees, ad fees, and freemium models. Each model caters to different business needs and market dynamics. Commission-based pricing, prevalent in platforms like Airbnb, Etsy, and Upwork, involves taking a percentage cut from each transaction. Subscription fees, exemplified by Amazon Prime, require users to pay a monthly fee for platform access. Listing fees, as seen on Etsy, involve charging a fee for every product listing. Ad fees, employed by Yelp, allow businesses to pay for increased visibility. Lastly, the freemium model offers free platform usage with additional paid services.

Choosing the right pricing strategy is a dynamic process that evolves through different phases of a marketplace's lifecycle: launch phase, midlife phase, and late life phase. Successful companies actively monitor and adjust their pricing strategies based on market dynamics and competition during each phase.

The article provides valuable insights into determining commission rates, considering factors such as sellers' profit margins, competition, and the network effect. It emphasizes the need for aligning commission rates with sellers' profitability to ensure a sustainable business model. Additionally, it highlights the impact of competition on commission rates and the role of the network effect in enhancing a marketplace's value.

To illustrate commission examples, the article cites platforms like Airbnb, Etsy, Ebay, Upwork, Rover, and TaskRabbit, showcasing the diversity of commission structures across different marketplaces.

In conclusion, the comprehensive coverage of marketplace pricing strategies in the article, combined with my expertise, equips you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and build a successful online marketplace.

How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year (2024)


How to Create a Winning Marketplace Pricing Strategy This Year? ›

Value pricing is perhaps the most important pricing strategy of all. This takes into account how beneficial, high-quality, and important your customers believe your products or services to be.

What is the most successful pricing strategy? ›

Value pricing is perhaps the most important pricing strategy of all. This takes into account how beneficial, high-quality, and important your customers believe your products or services to be.

How do you create a marketplace strategy? ›

Here's a quick look at the process:
  1. Define your idea. Start by defining the core concept of your marketplace. ...
  2. Conduct market research. ...
  3. Develop a business model. ...
  4. Define the platform's functionality. ...
  5. Choose your technology. ...
  6. Build the platform. ...
  7. Test your platform. ...
  8. Attract sellers.
Sep 11, 2023

What is the most popular pricing strategy in the marketplace called? ›

Value-based pricing: This strategy sets the price based on the perceived value to your target customers, and it's often the go-to choice for companies if they have the flexibility to choose, as it tends to maximize profits.

What are the 4 steps to pricing strategy? ›

How to price your products in 4 steps
  • Choose a pricing strategy.
  • Understand lifetime value (LTV)
  • Choose a pricing model.
  • Monitor and adjust the price.
Mar 29, 2023

What are the four 4 pricing strategies explain each strategy? ›

When it comes to setting prices for your products or services, there are four main strategies that you need to be aware of: premium, skimming, economy, and penetration. Depending on your specific situation, one (or a combination) of these strategies might make the most sense for your business.

What are the two most common and effective strategies for raising prices? ›

Common Pricing Strategies
  • One approach is to focus on high velocity SKUs, that is, products that account for the majority of sales. ...
  • A second approach is to use pricing to capture more sales from existing customers. ...
  • Another common pricing strategy is to use a surcharge approach.

What 3 factors most commonly influence pricing strategy? ›

Three important factors are whether the buyers perceive the product offers value, how many buyers there are, and how sensitive they are to changes in price.

What are five marketplace tips? ›

5 Tips & Best Practices For Marketplace Ecommerce Sellers
  • Write Masterful Product Descriptions. ...
  • Focus On Building Reviews. ...
  • Invest In High-Quality Photos. ...
  • Don't Try To Be Too Unique With Your Pricing. ...
  • Put Effort Into Customer Service.
May 23, 2023

How do you attract buyers on the marketplace? ›

20 Ways to Attract Buyers and Sellers on the Marketplace
  1. Develop a Plan for Customer Acquisition.
  2. Reach out Through Cold Calls and Emails.
  3. Craft an Engaging Newsletter Content.
  4. Find Prospects on Social Media.
  5. Check Your 'Contact Us' Page.
  6. Work with Your Local Newspapers.
  7. Press Releases or Magazines.
  8. Consumer Sales Promotion.

What makes a successful marketplace? ›

Having a well-planned business model makes the marketplace to run smoothly without any issues. The key to success for any business is to have the right business model that suits your marketplace requirement. In the marketplace, organizing the flow of your operation and communication are two important factors.

What is premium pricing strategy? ›

Premium pricing is a strategy that involves tactically pricing your company's product higher than your immediate competition. The purpose of pricing your product at a premium is to cultivate a sense of your product's market being just that bit higher in quality than the rest.

What are the three major pricing strategies? ›

The 3 Most Common Pricing Strategies
  • Cost-based or cost-plus pricing.
  • Market-based pricing.
  • Value-based pricing.
Mar 11, 2020

What pricing strategy do most companies use? ›

Here are some of the common pricing strategy types used in businesses:
  • Premium pricing. ...
  • Skimming pricing. ...
  • Bundle pricing. ...
  • Competitive pricing. ...
  • Captive-product pricing. ...
  • Effect of price on profit margins. ...
  • Price and business positioning.
Jan 15, 2024

Which pricing strategy is the best for your business? ›

5 different pricing strategies for small businesses
  1. Penetration pricing. Penetration pricing is a very popular pricing strategy for startups. ...
  2. Economy and premium pricing. Economy pricing is a keen strategy for small businesses looking to offer a budget product. ...
  3. Competitor pricing. ...
  4. Price anchoring. ...
  5. Psychology pricing.

What is the main pricing strategy? ›

Pricing strategy in marketing, in simple terms, is adjusting prices according to market determinants. Price is the value one assigns to a good or service which they determine by research. A pricing strategy considers market conditions, consumer willingness to pay, competition, trade margins, costs incurred, etc.

Which company has best pricing strategy? ›

Apple has been successful in making this daunting pricing strategy seem like fine art. The company boasts the most loyal customers who prioritize the product's value rather than worry about its exorbitant price tag. Apple's modus operandi in setting value-based pricing revolves entirely around the customer.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.