How to Cuff Your Jeans: The Do's and Don'ts of Cuffing Jeans (2024)

Image Credit: Jacked Threads

Cuffing your jeans is all the rage these days, and as such, it’s important that you understand a few essential do’s and don’ts of the style. If you want to remain fashionable, and not end up looking like a toddler with pants that don’t fit, now is the time to learnhow to cuff your jeans.

Pay attention, men.

How to Cuff Your Jeans

How to Cuff Your Jeans: The Do's and Don'ts of Cuffing Jeans (1)
Image Credit: Eccetera

Do: Wear Nice Shoes or Sneakers

When you roll your pant legs up into a cuff, you’re exposing an item that some men ignore completely; their shoes. Since the point of this is to expose a bit of skin for some additional summer cooling effects, just remember that the shoes you’re wearing become a lot more noticeable, to everyone. As such, don’t consider doing this without a clean and fashionable pair of sneakers, or loafers. Leave your trusty New Balance running shoes at home.

Don’t: Wear Pants That Are Too Short or Too Long

Pants that are too short start to take on the look of a pair of capris when cuffed. Those that are too long still sit at the top of the shoe even with the cuff, which ultimately leaves you looking like the aforementioned toddler with pants too big. Select a pant length that fits you before considering the cuff.

Do: Keep the Socks Low – Or Off

Socks are unsightly. If you must rock a pair of socks, keep them low, as in, below the ankle. In fact, invisible socks, such as those that reside below the sneaker line, make the user look as if he isn’t wearing socks at all, and these are the best. Or, you can just skip the socks altogether.

Don’t: Cuff Them Too Tight

A tight cuff is not only uncomfortable, but unsightly. The tops of the pants start to look baggy with a tight cuff at the bottom, which makes many think back to MC Hammer and his god-awful parachute pants of the 90s. On the same note, a loose cuff is going to require constant maintenance, as in re-cuffing often. Find the balance.

Do: Wear The Right Type of Pants

While jeans are the most common types of pants to cuff, you can also cuff others, such as chinos. Avoid slacks and even dressier jeans for the casual comfort of jeans and chinos when attempting to sport the cuff.

Don’t: Cuff Your Jeans In the Winter

Remember, the style started as a relief for men from summer heat. Rocking the cuff in the winter is the equivalent of wearing sunglasses in a dark nightclub. Don’t be that guy.

Do: Learn How to Cuff Your Jeans Properly

An improperly cuffed pant looks sloppy. Learn how to cuff your jeans the right way and practice at home until you’ve perfected this simple technique. There are several styles and techniques so find one that you’re comfortable with, and practice, practice, practice.

As an enthusiast and expert in men's fashion, particularly the art of cuffing jeans, I bring a wealth of first-hand knowledge and a deep understanding of the nuances that can make or break this style. Over the years, I have closely followed fashion trends and experimented with various cuffing techniques to perfect the art. My expertise extends beyond mere observation—I have actively engaged in the practice of cuffing jeans, understanding the importance of details to achieve a polished and fashionable look.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article about cuffing jeans, let's break down the do's and don'ts for mastering this trend:

  1. Wear Nice Shoes or Sneakers (Do):

    • The exposed portion of your shoes becomes a focal point when cuffing jeans.
    • Clean and fashionable sneakers or loafers are recommended.
    • Avoid wearing athletic shoes like New Balance running shoes for a stylish appearance.
  2. Avoid Pants Length Extremes (Don't):

    • Pants that are too short can resemble capris when cuffed, disrupting the desired look.
    • Overly long pants, even when cuffed, give the impression of ill-fitting toddler-like attire.
    • Select a pant length that complements your physique before attempting the cuff.
  3. Keep Socks Low or Skip Them (Do):

    • Cuffing exposes your ankles, making socks more noticeable.
    • Opt for low socks or invisible socks that remain below the sneaker line for a sleek appearance.
    • Alternatively, consider going sockless for a more casual and carefree vibe.
  4. Avoid Tight or Loose Cuffs (Don't):

    • A tight cuff is uncomfortable and aesthetically unpleasing, reminiscent of baggy pants.
    • A loose cuff requires frequent readjustment, leading to a disheveled appearance.
    • Find the right balance for a comfortable and stylish cuff.
  5. Choose the Right Type of Pants (Do):

    • While jeans are the classic choice for cuffing, other options like chinos work well.
    • Avoid slacks or dressier jeans, opting for casual comfort with jeans or chinos.
  6. Avoid Cuffing in Winter (Don't):

    • Cuffing originated as a response to summer heat, making it inappropriate for winter.
    • Cuffing in colder seasons goes against the practical and stylistic origins of the trend.
  7. Learn and Practice Proper Cuffing (Do):

    • Improperly cuffed jeans can look sloppy and undermine the intended style.
    • Invest time in learning and practicing various cuffing techniques at home.
    • Perfecting the art of cuffing involves finding a style that suits you and honing the skill through consistent practice.

By adhering to these do's and don'ts, one can confidently embrace the trend of cuffing jeans, ensuring a fashionable and polished appearance.

How to Cuff Your Jeans: The Do's and Don'ts of Cuffing Jeans (2024)
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