How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (2024)

By now, your event has probably garnered attention from at least a few well-known sponsors. Congratulations! All the hard work you’ve put into perfecting your sponsorship deck and pitching it to potential partners has finally paid off. You’ve earned credibility as well as some additional funds or in-kind donations to work with.
Now you have to deliver on your side of the deal: adding value for your sponsors.
Although their motivations certainly vary, most partners have probably chosen to partner with you for at least one of a few reasons:

  • Philanthropy
    Your event might be closely connected to a cause that’s in line with their mission, so a sponsorship just makes sense. For example, if you put on a successful art festival, it would make sense for some larger art and cultural organizations to sponsor your event. It makes them feel good to invest in something that’s so closely aligned with what they do.
  • Brand Awareness
    Some sponsors may choose to invest in your event for increased or unique brand exposure. If their name and logo are associated with a particular part of your event that’s highly visible to your attendees, then that sponsorship acts as another advertising touch point. It helps them stay top-of-mind with potential consumers, especially over their competitors.
  • ROI
    If your event’s attendee demographic information lines up enough with your sponsor’s target audience, then there’s a pretty high chance that your event could be a good way for them to acquire new customers. These kinds of sponsorships are a no-brainer, because the return on investment is obvious.

Even though the motivation behind sponsorship decisions runs the gamut, one thing must always be true: for an organization to sponsor your event, it has to make good business sense for them. And for a sponsorship to make good business sense, it has to make the sponsor look good.

How to Deliver

Your website is a phenomenal tool to help you keep your side of the bargain and get your sponsors the exposure they were promised. It’s essentially an online billboard where thousands of people each month can be exposed to your sponsor’s brand.
The best part about a website is that you can incorporate your sponsors’ logos at multiple touchpoints—adding credibility to your event and increasing their exposure. Win-win!

1. Prioritize your presenting sponsor

If you’ve secured a presenting sponsor for your event, then you’ll want to have them front and center on your website to recognize their large contribution. One way to do this is by creating a combined logo that appears in the header of your website. This will be the first thing users see when they land on your site, so they always know to associate your brand with your presenting sponsor’s brand.

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (1)

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (2)

Plus, if your website features a “sticky” navigation, or one that follows users down the page as they scroll, then their logo will always be visible.

2. Have a well-designed sponsor page

One of the most obvious and common means of promoting sponsors is on a sponsor page. Sponsor pages are necessary and generally part of the package when selling sponsorships to an event. They are also typically some of the most lackluster pages on a website.

How many times have you seen a sponsor page where everyone’s logo is a different size and shape? Maybe some logos are in color and others aren’t? It’s very easy for sponsor pages to become really overwhelming, really quickly.

And maybe a better question: when have you ever joyously perused a sponsor page? Never because they’re typically so bland, right?

Long story short: a successful sponsor page must be well-designed in order to protect your sponsors’ reputations.
(Interested in what this might look like on your site? Let’s chat.) Above all else, your sponsor page should prioritize a clear hierarchy of sponsorship levels and uniform image sizes.
Let’s dive into an example:

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (3)

Warehouse Theatre’s sponsor page relies on effective design in a few major ways:

  • To clearly differentiate each sponsorship tier through large, eye-catching headlines
  • To draw attention to sponsors who don’t have logos, like individuals or family foundations, by listing them in bold yellow text in each category.
  • To establish balance by displaying logos as a uniform size

Without effective design, this sponsor page could’ve quickly become a large, unorganized list of sponsors.
In addition, consider displaying your biggest sponsors at the top of your sponsor page and with larger, more prominent logos. Giving bigger sponsors more real estate on your website is a great value-add.

3. Think outside the box: create more opportunities to showcase your sponosors

We’ve already pointed out how common “sponsor” pages are on event websites. By now, sponsors have probably grown to expect that level of recognition. However, you can take it a step further by blending sponsor recognition into your site, rather than keeping it secluded on its own page.

Sponsored Exhibits
If your event features different exhibits, break-outs, or anything else that’s customizable, consider customizing the pages on your site to include a sponsor’s logo. This way, every time a user goes to that page on your website, they associate the event with its sponsor.

4. City Guides & Out of Town Guest Guides

You’ve probably got people coming in from out of town to attend your event. So give them every opportunity to fall in love with your city and extend their trip (and tourism dollars).

Creating a place on your website that out-of-towners can go to to find local hot spots, must-see attractions, and everything else they need to live like a local is a great and sneaky way of adding in some extra value to sponsors.

Local businesses, restaurants, hotels, breweries, etc. all make for great suggestions to an out-of-towner. Showcase those who you have a sponsorship or partnership with.

The euphoria website does this masterfully. They showcase hotel partnerships under their accommodations:

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (6)

Under the ‘Things to Do’ section, guests can get insights from local media influencers about their favorite things to do around town. If you partner with influencers, this is a great way to give them more exposure and help out your users.

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (7)

At the end of the day, thoughtful details will help set you apart from other events and organizations that might be seeking the same sponsors. What can you do for your sponsors that other events aren’t doing? If a sponsor has to choose between investing in your event or another event, make sure their choice is clear.
Always hold up your end of the deal—maximize the amount of website real estate you offer your sponsors and always make sure their brand is well-represented.

How to Display & Add Value to Donors and Sponsors on a Website - Engenius (8)

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How do you add value to sponsors? ›

Here are 15 ways you can add value to your corporate sponsorship program to attract the right sponsors.
  1. Provide direct sales opportunities. ...
  2. Measure success and outcomes. ...
  3. Use media partnerships to promote sponsors. ...
  4. Hold a sponsor summit. ...
  5. Build a custom offering for your sponsor's needs. ...
  6. Provide audience data.
May 13, 2020

How to display sponsors on a website? ›

Prioritize your presenting sponsor

One way to do this is by creating a combined logo that appears in the header of your website. This will be the first thing users see when they land on your site, so they always know to associate your brand with your presenting sponsor's brand.

How to do sponsorship valuation? ›

To do this, you should first estimate the net profit by attributing, measuring incrementality, and estimating lifetime value. Then, you should estimate the cost of your sponsorship by including direct and indirect costs such as the sponsorship fee, production cost, promotion cost, and staff cost.

Do you mention sponsors in a press release? ›

In speaking to or sending press releases to newspaper reporters, radio and TV interviewers and other media personnel, please stress that full sponsorship and funding credit should be included in all articles and features.

How do you add value and make contributions? ›

8 Ways to Add Value at Work
  1. Know What You Do Best. As an employee, you want to understand what you do best and hone in on it. ...
  2. Meet (and Exceed) Expectations. ...
  3. Identify and Solve Problems. ...
  4. Focus on Results. ...
  5. Work to Improve the Bottom Line. ...
  6. Improve Technical & Interpersonal Skills. ...
  7. Take Initiative. ...
  8. Focus on Your Reputation.
Apr 10, 2023

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How to add value to your business
  1. Be a customer. You could become a customer if you want to understand your company's business better. ...
  2. Submit high-quality work. ...
  3. Make a unique product. ...
  4. Encourage faster production. ...
  5. Adjust your marketing strategy. ...
  6. Ask the right questions. ...
  7. Become an expert. ...
  8. Focus on what you can do.
Feb 3, 2023

How do I get sponsors for my website? ›

Before you start securing a sponsorship, keep these 8 key tactics in mind:
  1. Research potential sponsors. ...
  2. Tell your organization's story. ...
  3. Provide sponsor incentives. ...
  4. Reach out to established companies. ...
  5. Use data to legitimize your pitch. ...
  6. Find the right contact. ...
  7. Build a connection over time. ...
  8. Follow up.
Jul 10, 2023

How to advertise sponsorship? ›

Place the sponsor's name or logo on event promotional banners and flyers. Mention the sponsor's company in your blog posts, email newsletters, and social media posts. Give event-related freebies or discounts to customers that purchase the sponsor's product or sign up for its service.

How to price a sponsorship? ›

How to Effectively Price Event Sponsorship Packages
  1. Determine Your Audience Size. ...
  2. Outline Your Sponsorship Packages. ...
  3. Look Up the Market Rate. ...
  4. Consider the Actual Value of the Package. ...
  5. Be Willing to Negotiate. ...
  6. Adjust Your Price Points Over Time. ...
  7. Over to You.

What is the ROI formula for sponsorships? ›

Formula 1: ROI based on Attributable Revenue

This formula calculates ROI as a percentage by comparing the attributable revenue (revenue directly linked to the sponsorship) to the sponsorship costs. Incremental Revenue (IR): Incremental revenue is the additional revenue generated as a result of the sponsorship.

How do you increase sponsorship revenue? ›

One of the most effective ways to drive sponsorship revenue is to increase the value that you're providing to exhibitors. To do so, it's crucial to understand why they are exhibiting at your event in the first place. All too often, we assume the goals are to showcase their products and gain further leads.

What not to include in a press release? ›

To craft a press release that will attract the media coverage and attention you seek, avoid these common press release mistakes.
  • Failing to Provide a Newsworthy Angle. ...
  • Neglecting an Engaging Headline. ...
  • Ignoring the Inverted Pyramid Structure. ...
  • Not Following Journalistic Writing Style. ...
  • Trying to Cover Too Much Information.
Oct 30, 2023

Is a sponsorship considered a donation or advertising? ›

The main difference between a sponsorship and a donation is that sponsorships are based on reciprocity – where cash or in-kind gifts are contributed, usually in exchange for marketing or advertising consideration.

What does sponsored content look like? ›

All sponsored content is native advertising, but not all native advertising is sponsored content. The difference is that sponsored content is just that – content. It's a video or photo or article that looks like any other video, photo, or article on the page.

How do you show appreciation to sponsors? ›

You can also thank your event sponsors and partners by giving them recognition and appreciation. You can do this by featuring them on your website, newsletter, or podcast, by sending them a certificate, a plaque, or a trophy, or by inviting them to a special event, a webinar, or a workshop.

How do you price sponsors? ›

How to Effectively Price Event Sponsorship Packages
  1. Determine Your Audience Size. ...
  2. Outline Your Sponsorship Packages. ...
  3. Look Up the Market Rate. ...
  4. Consider the Actual Value of the Package. ...
  5. Be Willing to Negotiate. ...
  6. Adjust Your Price Points Over Time. ...
  7. Over to You.

How do you honor a sponsor? ›

Use the following tips to put some spice into your thank yous:
  1. Use the gift bag. Many companies are very creative with the items in the gift bag. ...
  2. Give them an award. Present the CEO or owner of each sponsor with an award and have every. ...
  3. Think outside the banner. ...
  4. Ask them what they want. ...
  5. Pick one.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.