How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (2024)

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard how organic reach on Facebook has been on the decline over the last few years, driving the need for brands to focus more on Facebook sponsored posts.

But what are Facebook sponsored posts? How do they work? And what is the difference between a Facebook sponsored post and Facebook ads? We’ve got the answers for you here.

What are Facebook sponsored posts?

A Facebook sponsored post is a post that businesses pay for, in order to reach a larger audience than they otherwise would be able to organically. Simply put, when you see the term "sponsored" on Facebook, it indicates that the post is from a business that has invested money to display their content to you, regardless of whether you currently follow that business or not.

A Facebook sponsored post is almost entirely like an ordinary post in appearance, as it looks just the same as all other posts inside a user’s feed (formerly known as “newsfeed”), the only difference is that a sponsored post is labelled as such.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (1)

Sponsoring a post on Facebook is an easy and quick process and a great way to get more - and more relevant - eyes on a post. It’s important, though, that when you sponsor a post, you have a clear audience in mind and your messaging is appropriately targeted toward that audience, but we’ll talk more about this later.

First, let’s take a look at how Facebook Sponsored Posts work.

How do Facebook Sponsored Posts work?

A Facebook sponsored post is essentially a normal organic post that you pay to ‘boost’ in order to reach an audience outside of the people already following your business on Facebook.

Let's say you want to promote a conference to a group of new people. You may already have a Facebook business page related to your conference but you want to reach a wider audience, or perhaps an audience with a specific geographic location. Whatever your goals are, a Facebook sponsored post will allow you to reach more of the people who may be interested in the conference you are hosting.

Why should you sponsor a post on Facebook?

Why sponsor a Facebook post instead of just posting it and hoping for the best?

The answer is simple. In 99.9% of cases, your organic post on Facebook will likely reach very few new people, if any at all.

Organic reach on Facebook, was estimated to be somewhere around 2.2% as of 2021 (depending on different variables – such as the size of your following – some brands can experience as low as 1% organic reach). This means that when you simply post on your Facebook business site, people most likely won’t see it or interact with it despite how engaging or relevant the post might be.

We saw dwindling Facebook organic reach as early as 2014, and by 2017, it had dropped from 26% in 2011 to 0.5%. This was largely attributed to an increase in competition, as more and more businesses were taking to Facebook, crowding out feeds.

The dramatic drop-off we've seen over recent years, though, has been largely attributed to continuous changes in the Facebook algorithm. These changes are aimed at making users’ feeds more relevant to them.

As Facebook’s organic reach continues to decline for businesses, it becomes increasingly more important for brands and marketers to leverage paid content to boost the visibility of their Facebook business pages.

In other words, if you want to make sure that a greater number of your followers are able to see your content, you often have to pay to get a better reach.

A shift away from users being inundated with low-quality news stories or content is perhaps a welcomed change. But it does make it harder for brands to get their content seen. This is why it’s so critical for businesses and brands to sponsor their posts.

What’s more, a recent update to sponsored post content allows you to encourage users to visit your site or landing page instead of just engaging with your post.

How to create a sponsored post on Facebook

So how do you create a sponsored post on Facebook? Sponsoring - also called boosting - a post on Facebook is actually very simple. We’ll help you do it in 9 simple steps:

1. Go to your Facebook business page.

Sponsoring a post on Facebook starts in the control room of your Facebook business page. It's easy to get there – once on Facebook, you can access your Facebook business page by clicking on it in the left-hand toolbar.

2. Choose to create a new post to sponsor or sponsor an existing post.

One method is not necessarily better than the other. A good approach, though, might be to post organically. You can then see which posts are naturally gaining traction with your intended audience and then boost the posts performing well to get more eyes on it. You can analyse how your organic posts are performing in the “Insights” – keep an eye on important metrics such as Reach and Engagement.

If you want to sponsor a new post on Facebook, you can use various advertising spy tools to determine which kind of ads or themes reasonates the best with audiences at the moment.

Regardless of the option you choose, your next step is to select boost.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (2)

3. Specify your goal:

  • Getting more website traffic
  • Getting more engagements: reactions, comments and shares

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (3)

4. Select a CTA button between a number of preset options.

The option you choose will likely hold relevance to the kind of content you’re offering as well as the products or services you sell. Keep in mind, though,certain CTAs tend to work better than others.

5. Specify your target audience.

Choose between:

  • People you choose through targeting: you can create an audience, whereby you specify an age range, gender, location and specific attributes, such as demographics, interests or behavior. You can also choose to specifically exclude certain audiences.
  • People who like your page
  • People who like your page and their friends
  • People in your local area

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (4)

  • You can also select an automatic audience: This is the one that Facebook decides upon, based on who it thinks would find your content relevant. This is the selection that Facebook recommends for the sake of getting the most bang for your budget.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (5)

6. Set the duration of time you wish to sponsor your post for.

You can do this by selecting the number of days you want the Facebook post to be sponsored, or by selecting an end date for sponsorship.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (6)

7. Set the budget for your sponsored Facebook post.

The amount of money you allocate will be split between the amount of time you specify for your post to be sponsored.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (7)

Once you’ve finished inputting your budget, be sure to turn on conversion tracking, which you can do with the slider icon at the bottom of this section. This will allow you to better understand the engagements you get from your sponsored efforts, in order to get a better indication of your return on ad spend.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (8)

8. Enter in your payment info.

Once you save your credit card info, you won’t need to complete this step again to sponsor a post.

9. Hit boost, and keep an eye on the results!

You’ll want to compare the results you’re seeing to the initial goals you set for the post. You can optimise your post copy, pictures, targeting, etc in line with what you learn. It good approach is to keep some sort of log with your learnings.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (9)

How much does Facebook sponsored posts cost?

Sponsoring a Facebook post can be rather affordable. In fact, you can start sponsoring a post on Facebook with as little as a $1 minimum. The cost of sponsoring a post on Facebook depends entirely on the size of the audience that you want to see your post. Facebook will provide you estimates of the number of people you can reach with the budget you specify.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (10)

A good approach is to first determinewho exactly you want to reach, what you want those people to do and how much that action is worth to you.

What is the difference between Facebook sponsored posts vs Facebook ads?

Facebook sponsored posts and Facebook ads share many similarities. The primary difference lies in the tools used for their creation. To elaborate, Facebook ads are crafted through a dedicated platform known as "Ads Manager." Conversely, sponsored posts can be initiated directly from your business page.

In essence, while both serve the purpose of promoting content, the key disparity lies in the interface utilized for their development – Ads Manager for ads and the business page for sponsored posts.

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are created in Meta Ads Manager (now simply called the “Ads Manager”). So rather than simply creating them through your business profile, you would need to set them up through Ads Manager, which may require a bit of time to get to know.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (11)

Once you do, though, Ads Manager will allow you more specification options when it comes to creating your audience and allocating your budget. Here are the main advantages:

Advantages of Facebook Ads

  • No time limit: A Facebook Ad can run for as long as you like.
  • More complex targeting and budgeting options
  • With Facebook Ads, the following marketing objectives can be accomplished: awareness, traffic, engagement, leads, app promotion and sales. (Facebook used to have the objectives of brand awareness, reach, traffic, app instals, engagement, video views, lead generation, messages, conversions, catalogue sales, and store visits but these have been simplified to just six. If you used the previous objectives – Meta guides you here on how to select your new objective based on your previous objective.)

Disadvantages of Facebook ads

  • You can’t create an ad straight from your business account, you will need to use Meta Ads Manager
  • There is a slight learning curve you will need to get over before you can navigate Ads Manager and learn the best targeting and budgeting options. In this way, it’s a bit higher risk.

When should you use a Facebook sponsored post over a Facebook Ad?

  • A Facebook Ad might be your best bet if your focus is a more long-term ad, built into a strategic campaign or content plan. Many companies, for example, appreciate the added control and greater customization that you get with Facebook Ads.
  • A Facebook sponsored post is quick and easy to disseminate and great for one-off efforts. If your goal is increased awareness at an affordable price a Facebook sponsored post might be the best bet for you.

What is a Facebook Automated Ad?

Facebook Automated ads are those that Facebook helps you to create and disseminate on an ongoing basis with minimal maintenance needed.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (12)

How do Facebook Automated Ads work?

Facebook will ask you a series of questions about your business and your goals. They’ll then give you suggestions about how to set up your ad, including inputs on images, budget and audience, based on these objectives.

Your ad will then run continuously and Facebook will instruct you as to how you can optimise it for the best results.

Success tips for Sponsored Facebook Posts and paid distribution in general on Facebook

Now that you’ve nailed down the basics, it may be time to consider the content you are posting to Facebook and how it fits into your overall strategy. We’ve got some resources that can definitely help you on this journey.

  • First off, learn fromindustry best practices. While thinking out of the box and doing something different is the best way to get attention, you have to start somewhere. Your first step should probably be laying down the foundations and understanding how others were successful.
  • Along the same lines, check out some great examples. We’ve put together some of our favorites here.
  • Put it all into a larger strategy with set KPIs. Learn howhere.
  • Be aware, Facebook users are inundated with ads all the time. Your best bet is to be informative, not interruptive. Discover how you can approach Facebook in a non-disruptive way righthere.

Feeling like an expert yet?

Now that you’ve mastered paid distribution on Facebook, perhaps you’re wondering about the other social media channels. Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to visit our article dedicated entirely to advertising on social media.

How to drive results with sponsored posts on Facebook (2024)


How to get the best results with Facebook ads? ›

Here are five tips to set you up for success and help you get the most out of your campaigns.
  1. Install the Facebook pixel. ...
  2. Choose the campaign objective that aligns with your business goals. ...
  3. Define your target audience. ...
  4. Optimize for business outcomes, not clicks. ...
  5. Be flexible with your ad placements.

How effective are sponsored ads on Facebook? ›

The average conversion rate on Facebook ads is 9.21% across all industries. Lead conversion ads contributed to a major boost in conversion rates, as industries that tend to use them (such as fitness, education, and healthcare) help them yield higher success (WordStream, 2021).

How to make your ads more engaging? ›

Get to know your target audience.

Speak directly to their motivations or address the barriers preventing them from becoming your customers. Consider having different versions of creative for different audiences to ensure you are speaking to what motivates each group.

Why are my Facebook posts not getting views? ›

Adjust post frequency: Post in moderation. You might not see a high level of engagement on a post if you already posted a few times that day. You may also appear inactive to your audience if you don't post enough. Review how often you post and decide if you should try posting more or less often.

Why am I not getting enough results on Facebook ads? ›

Sometimes this means that other ads in the same ad set or campaign won't deliver. If you want your ads to deliver equally, try creating an A/B test. If the Delivery status for your ad set is "Learning" or "Learning limited," you can optimize your setup to receive more results.

How much should you spend on Facebook ads to get results? ›

Your Facebook ads cost will depend on your entire ad budget, goal, ad bid, ad quality, and how competitive your space is. Start small, test out, and scale up your budget as you start to see results. Generally, though, you will need to spend $2-$5/ day to see statistically significant results.

How to run Facebook ads efficiently? ›

Keep reading to learn more about how the process works.
  1. Create a Facebook Ads Manager account. ...
  2. Start a new campaign. ...
  3. Choose your objective. ...
  4. Set a budget and schedule. ...
  5. Select a target audience. ...
  6. Create your Facebook ad. ...
  7. Monitor analytics and set up reporting.

How do you boost Facebook ads effectively? ›

Here's how to set it up.
  1. Go to Advertise, then Facebook Boost. Click on Set up an automated boost.
  2. If you have multiple Facebook Pages connected to Hootsuite, choose the correct one. Give your automatic boost campaign a name.
  3. Choose an Engagement Trigger. ...
  4. Edit your boost post settings.
Feb 22, 2023

How can I improve my Facebook ad effectiveness? ›

1. Get your advertising account in tip-top shape
  1. Verify your business.
  2. Create a detailed business account.
  3. Set up a Facebook pixel.
  4. Install conversion tracking.
  5. Structure your ad account properly.
  6. Create custom audiences, use the Facebook Ad Library, and test and optimize your campaigns.

How to reset FB algorithm? ›

First up, the “reset.” Click your profile picture and select Settings and privacy > Feed. Use the options here to make an immediate Facebook algorithm change. To see more content from specific people and brands, add them to Favorites.

How do I make sure all my friends see my posts on Facebook? ›

Below your name, tap the audience selector (example: Friends). 3. Tap the circle to the right of the audience you'd like to see your content (example: Friends, Public or Only Me). Learn more about the audiences you can choose on Facebook.

Why is no one reacting to my Facebook posts? ›

A lack of engagement on Facebook often comes from a slippery slope of Facebook's algorithms that goes something like this: You don't post content that is interesting to your followers, and therefore, no one engages with it. When followers don't engage with your content, they stop seeing your posts.

What is the best strategy for Facebook ads? ›

What to Know Before Setting Up Your Facebook Ads
  • Understand who your customer is. ...
  • Determine your average customer journey. ...
  • Break your audience into segments. ...
  • Install Meta pixel. ...
  • Combine Facebook ads with content marketing. ...
  • Collaborate with influencers who align with your brand values.
May 27, 2024

How to make effective FB ads? ›

How to Create the Perfect Facebook Ad in Minutes
  1. Create a simple CTA with one clear action. ...
  2. Use an audience targeting strategy that helps you refine over time. ...
  3. Write a clear and conversational headline. ...
  4. Use an image that has creative tension with the headline. ...
  5. Use the description area to remove friction for your CTA.
Jan 8, 2018

What kind of ads are most successful on Facebook? ›

The best types of Facebook Ads are:
  • Video ads: to drive engagement.
  • Carousel ads: to increase conversions and sales.
  • Collection ads: for boosting catalog sales.
  • Instant experience ads: for offering an immersive experience.
Mar 15, 2022

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.