How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (2024)


How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (1)


How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (2)

Editor Note: Keep in mind this was written several years ago and affects early versions of Android. Your modern version will vary wildly. In fact, modern Android phones will no longer support these steps.

Previously we showed you how to pull up RTN information on your Android phone using a dial code. Unfortunately, the process didn’t work for everyone and it seems only a handful of phones can use that method. So, this time around, we have a solid method that doesn’t use a phone code. Using a custom launcher, we’ll create a shortcut on the home screen that will open up any hidden menu on your Android phone.

Before we get started, you’ll need to make sure you have an app installed that will add the “activities” option to your shortcut creator.


  • An Android phone. (I’ve only tested this on version 2.1 and higher)
  • A custom home screen launcher, I suggest Launcher Pro. (it’s free!)
    ADW Launcher and others also work, but the steps below are shown using Launcher Pro.

All set? Let’s get started.

Step 1

Go to your home screen (using a custom launcher) and Long-Press on an empty spot.
The “Add to Home screen” menu should appear; Tap Shortcuts.

This also works with ADW launcher, but the process is changed to Custom Shortcut > Pick your activity > Activities

How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (3)How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (4)

Step 2

From the next menu, Select Activities.* Now you should be at a black screen with a list of phone activities. Slide-down to whatever activity you can find with “hiddenmenu” in the name. (e.g. on my Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G it was called

Tap the hidden menu entry and then below you’ll see a list of all hidden menus on your phone. From here you can access any one of them.

*Note this may be called something else if you are using a launcher other than Launcher Pro.

How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (5)How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (6)


Now you have a shortcut to one of your hidden menus on your home screen, and you can keep adding them to your heart’s content. I first chose the RTN hidden menu because several people were wondering how to access it on phones that don’t support the # codes after reading our previous article. I hope this helps you with your Android phone, and feel free to post a comment below with your results!

How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (7)How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (8)

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  1. Regravity

    Thats great if you are running certain roms.

    I’ve got Launcher Pro, and CyanogenMod v7.03 on HTC Desire and I don’t have an option for

    So either a) I don’t have hidden menus b) your method still doesn’t work for everyone.


    • katia

      I did the same thing, and I didn’t have an option for…now what?


  2. Willem Schoonakker

    is it possible that i don’t have that menu on my wildfire? cause i can’t find it either :s


  3. KR

    Found the list of hiddenmenus through LauncherPro as described above…do you know which one allows you to disable the full battery notification?!


  4. Rakesh Jani

    hi i have bought samsung galaxy s 2 gt9100 , first two day it didnt work at all then , i went to o2 store again , then they found problem in sim card but i want be sure that my mobile phone is brand new , shouldnt be refurbished one so i tried your both method but it didnt worked . so can u tell me if you have any solution for samsung s 2 . it would be great if you give me solution for my phone so that i am sure i am using brand new phone .thank you bye


  5. Aimee

    Has anyone found a solution for the G2? This method doesn’t work and neither does the number one. I have searched everywhere but no go. I really want to know if Asurion screwed me again by sending me a refurbished phone.


  6. Peter

    ##RTN# works only on CDMA phones. That means any phones using GSM (SIM Card) will not work.
    In U.S., only Sprint, Verizon (3G only not 4G LTE), MetroPCS (also 3G only not 4G LTE), Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile, Alltel, U.S. Cellular, and some other small MVNO’s (Mobile Virtual Network Operators) use CDMA.
    However, for those who uses MSL (Master Subsidy Lock) activation methods (despite those carriers using default ‘000000’ MSL i.e. Verizon) uses ##RTN#. That means anyone using Sprint line (Sprint, Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile) can only uses ##RTN#.
    I hope this clear any confusions.


  7. Makara

    Hi, I installed “Launcherpro” – but on my Samsung Galaxy S-2, I cannot find any “hidden” menu – any clues?


    • c*nt

      can’t find it either


  8. MtD

    Worked exactly as explained on froyo Thanks!


  9. Sabrina

    I too have a galaxy s II skyrocket from Asurion and need to know if they’re screwing me over because. of my experience dealing with them plus all of the bad reviews I’ve read.


  10. SiliRat

    The dialing codes do not work on my phone, and the launcher does not turn up any *.hiddenmenu options. I’m guessing Google has decided that vendors should have the right to rip us off


  11. fewf4

    How do I check the RTN on an HTC ONE S?


  12. cool

    No use


  13. albanokofsha

    i found this
    while in launcher pro
    1- tap on screen antil menu apears and select “shortcuts”
    2- select “activities” a menu will apear
    3- from menu select “settings” a big menu will apear
    4- find “refurbish info” and tap it and select ok
    5- an icon will apear at screen tap it and refurbish counter will apper if 0 then phone is new
    i found this myself hope will help you


  14. rastaman

    I downloaded launcher pro and open the activities menu but the hidden menu thing doesnt appear anywhere. i have a motorola xt912
    Please HELP i suspect that my phone is refurbished


  15. Lovergrl

    your app is AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!1 U ROCK


  16. elreyrob

    Sprint HTC evo 4LTE did not work … no hidden menu option


  17. Shenal

    the above process of finding the refurbished status of samsung galaxy core i8262 did not worked properly.please tell me how to find the refurbished status of the new samsung galaxy core that runs on android Sri Lanka here we use only GSM mobile phones.please answer soon.thanks.


  18. arsi

    I just bought an HTC one m7 and i feel like its been refurbished, i followed your method but my phone has no hidden menus is there any other way??


    See Also
  19. danish

    that was better than previous description :-)


  20. Ayub

    It shows me That This File vouod not be launched!!!
    What should I do now?


  21. sara

    does the #786 work on htc desire 816 .. anyone knows ?


  22. zaffar

    Due to some problem the HTC service centre refuse to repair free of cost and returned the phone.I approached another centre they said that the motherboard has been changed.How do I verify the board of ny HTC desire 816.plz help me.


  23. behram sandhu

    Its fake.not work don’t do i can not uninstall adw launcher.its harm your mobile.


  24. Informagenie

    Cool ! I’ll try it later !


  25. slaphappy

    Go to Google play and find the Launcher Pro app and it should give you option to uninstall. Worked for me.


  26. WilliAndroidninja

    unless you downloaded a nasty malicious Copy(never seen one I”couldnt” in install) you probabaly allowed ADW in the accessability menu which Ya gotta disable first to uninstall


  27. Faisal

    An error has occured when i clicked on activities, its says “unfortunately launcher pro has stopped working”. Plz assist.


  28. Muzmmal Shabbir

    There is no hidden menu in list of activities . .. i have Samsung galaxy note2 and both method did not work either dieler or louncher… tell me some solution . ..?


  29. OhCarol

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S2. I used Launcher Pro from my Google Play Store and followed the directions, but found no hidden menus.

    PLEASE HELP ME NOW as how do I get back my Home screens with folders & apps?

    I only have Messaging, Play Store, Web, and Maps. I had many folders and separate apps on my Home screens!


    • Jay

      I could be wrong (and probably am), but I don’t believe what launcher or activity/shortcut app you use would matter in regards to what the activity is called, I would think that would depend on the Android version, phone manufacturer or mobile provider since it’s basically a pre-installed system app from whatever brand your phone is. I have a Samsung Galaxy A50 on Android 9 through Sprint, and it is called ‘IOTHiddenMenu’, and in case it does matter, I use Nova Launcher.

      But more importantly, and once again, I am far from an expert on this, I don’t believe the hidden menu is meant to be ‘launched’, I believe it is meant to be hidden… Most of the activities are meant for USSD quick codes and can seriously mess up your phone if you are launching random activities without knowing what is exactly contained in that activity… But I could be totally wrong on my assumption (and probably am)


  30. OhCarol

    I also have white icons of dialer, contacts, Applications, Messaging, arrows going in opposite directions in a circle, and 10 +.

    Please, how can I return to my home screens that I had organized with separate apps and apps in folders?


    • Jay

      Settings → Apps → Default Apps → Home Screen → Choose One UI Home (Everything should be exactly the way you left them)


  31. Shahzar Khan

    Do you think the retailer or shopkeeper will give you the chance to test/check all these stuff. better to tell us method as soon as we unboxed the handset, we can realized that this is a refurbished phone.


  32. saad hassan

    how to check motorola droid turbo refurbished and korean or not?? please tell anyone.


  33. dew

    go to shortcut
    scroll to em simme lock
    select tab lock list
    psswd is 12345678


  34. Yash

    There’s no RTN option on my Nexus 6p


  35. JP

    My LauncherPro Application “unfortunately stops” everytime I click on the “activities” button step. Any idea why?


  36. Rohit Kamra

    I just bought a note 8 and i would like to know if its refurbished i tried the above and found RTN in .IOThiddenmenus but as soon as it comes to my homepage and i click on RTN it says this application is not installed what do i do please help


  37. Shiro Minamino

    Both process didnt work on my phone my my


  38. The Doctor

    Launcher Pro 2021 released in July is apparently too old now. You have to download New Launcher Pro 2021. Now the long press on the home screen doesn’t even come close to the options needed to find hidden items that Austin painstakingly detailed for us.

    Webmaster! Put a damn timestamp on these comments will you? I don’t know if they come from the year 2012 or 2023.

    Commentors! If you don’t see the system putting a timestamp on your comments, put a damn time stamp on your comments will you?


  39. Amin

    30 Jan 2022.

    The Doctor, indeed I am dealing with the same issue, and none of the above tricks (neither the page, nor the comments helped).
    If I figure out a way to get to RTN, I will share here.


  40. Amin

    30 Jan 2022

    OK, I came back with an update. Specifically for people who want to get the cycle count of their battery.

    For this, many websites suggested to use an app called Phone Info (search in Google), but the Phone Info app is no longer available in Play store.
    I found the app in:
    The app works (at least in 30 Jan 2022), in my galaxy S8.

    Good luck!


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How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (9)

Related Items:Android, Mobile

Greetings, enthusiasts of Android customization and hidden features! I am here to share my extensive knowledge on unlocking hidden menus in Android phones, a topic that has piqued the interest of many users seeking to explore the depths of their devices.

Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article:

Article Overview:

The article discusses an alternative method to access hidden menus on Android phones, particularly focusing on a workaround for those who faced issues with the previously mentioned dial code method. The new approach involves using a custom launcher to create shortcuts on the home screen, providing access to hidden menus without relying on dial codes.

Key Concepts and Steps:

1. Custom Launcher Requirement:

  • The article recommends using a custom home screen launcher, with Launcher Pro being suggested. Other launchers like ADW Launcher are mentioned as alternatives.

2. Creating Shortcuts:

  • The process involves creating shortcuts on the home screen using the custom launcher.
  • Long-press on an empty spot on the home screen and choose "Shortcuts" in Launcher Pro or "Custom Shortcut > Pick your activity > Activities" in ADW Launcher.

3. Accessing Hidden Menus:

  • Select "Activities," and a list of phone activities will be displayed.
  • Look for an activity with "hiddenmenu" in the name, e.g., ""
  • Tapping the hidden menu entry reveals a list of all hidden menus on the phone.

4. Requirements:

  • An Android phone (tested on version 2.1 and higher).
  • Installation of a custom home screen launcher (Launcher Pro is recommended).

5. Note on Modern Android Versions:

  • The article cautions that modern Android phones may no longer support the mentioned steps, as the information was written several years ago and applies to early Android versions.

User Feedback and Comments:

The article concludes with user comments, providing additional insights and experiences. Users discuss issues with finding hidden menus on specific phone models, inquire about hidden menus on GSM phones, and seek solutions for determining if a phone is refurbished.

Notable User Comments:

  • A user mentions that the ##RTN# code works only on CDMA phones.
  • Some users share experiences with specific phone models (e.g., HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy S2, Galaxy Note 2) and inquire about hidden menus.
  • A user provides a unique method to check the refurbish status on an HTC One S using Launcher Pro.

Update on Launcher Pro:

  • A user from September 8, 2021, notes that the Launcher Pro version released in July is considered outdated, suggesting users download the "New Launcher Pro 2021" for updated features.

Additional Information (As of January 30, 2022):

  • A user from January 30, 2022, mentions challenges with the methods described in the article and provides an alternative solution for checking the battery cycle count using the "Phone Info" app.

In conclusion, this article offers valuable insights into exploring hidden menus on Android phones using custom launchers. It also highlights the evolving nature of Android systems, with certain methods becoming obsolete over time. For the latest information, users are advised to explore updated resources and alternative apps for specific functionalities.

How to Enable Hidden Menus On an Android Phone (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.