How to Enjoy Sweets Without Ruining Your Teeth (2024)

October 28, 2019

How to Enjoy Sweets Without Ruining Your Teeth (1)

With Halloween and other holidays coming up, sugar consumption is inevitable. The following tips can help you enjoy sugar without ruining your teeth.

1. Limit consumption of sweets.

Sugary treats should be an occasional indulgence, not an every day snack.Bacteria in your mouth feast on the sugar you eat and then turn it into acids that damage your teeth and cause cavities. When you have the munchies, opt for healthy snacks like raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and nuts.

2. Choose your sweets carefully.

Although all sweets have the potential to damage your teeth, some are worse for your teeth than others. For example, sticky and gooey sweets stick to your teeth and allow the sugar to linger on longer in your mouth. Similarly, hard candy like lollipops take longer to dissolve, so you get a steady stream of sugar in your mouth. The longer sugar sits on your teeth, the higher you are at risk of cavities and decay.

3. Eat sweets with a meal.

It's best to eat sugar with a meal, when your saliva production is at its highest. The other food and drink from your meal also help prevent sugar from sticking to your teeth. In addition, it's a good idea to follow your sweets consumption with cheese; this will help restore your mouth's natural pH, neutralizing the acids from the sweets you eat.

4. Drink water after eating sugary treats.

Eating sweets and even drinking sweet beverages (e.g. orange juice, soda, and sports drinks) can leave unwanted sugar behind. Water washes away leftover food that bacteria love to eat. Water also dilutes acids produced by the bacteria in your mouth before they wreak havoc on your teeth.

5. Brush your teeth 30-60 minutes after eating sweets.

Brushing too soon after you finish eating sugary or acidic food can damage the enamel. Right after you eat, acids sit in your mouth and weaken your enamel. By brushing right after, you are helping the acids erode away your teeth. Wait at least 30 minutes for saliva to displace some of the acids. If you are unable to brush 30 minutes after, it's a good idea to brush your teeth before consuming sweet or acidic food and to drink a glass of water after you are finished.

6. Chew a sugar-free gum to help clean your teeth.

Chewing gum helps promote saliva production that displaces sugar from the teeth. In addition, sugar-free gum sweetened with Xylitol can help prevent plaque from sticking to your teeth and reduce decay. It is important to only use sugar-free gum, as ordinary gum contains sugar and can damage your teeth.

7. Get regular dental check ups.

Regular dental check-ups are important to the health of your teeth and gums, especially if you have a sweet tooth. During your check-up, your teeth are professionally cleaned from plaque and tartar that brushing and flossing can't get rid of. Also, at your check-up, your dentist can help you find and fix problems before they require more expensive dental work and more complicated procedures in the future.

To schedule a check-up, call our office (925) 705-7093 or request an appointment online.

How to Enjoy Sweets Without Ruining Your Teeth (2)

Tags:dietoral healthdental hygienedental health

How to Enjoy Sweets Without Ruining Your Teeth (2024)


How to Enjoy Sweets Without Ruining Your Teeth? ›

In order to help combat the effects of sugar on your mouth, you can complete a simple task that helps restore your mouth's pH- just rinse with water. After you consume your sugary food or beverage, swish some water around in your mouth and spit it out.

How can I eat a lot of candy without getting cavities? ›

How to Eat Sugar and Avoid Cavities
  1. Brush your teeth often but wait an hour after eating. ...
  2. Trade sweet snacks and sugary beverages for sugar-free alternatives. ...
  3. Limit sugary snacks between meals. ...
  4. Limit soda intake. ...
  5. Drink more water. ...
  6. Visit your dentist regularly.
Jul 6, 2021

Should I rinse my mouth after eating sugar? ›

In order to help combat the effects of sugar on your mouth, you can complete a simple task that helps restore your mouth's pH- just rinse with water. After you consume your sugary food or beverage, swish some water around in your mouth and spit it out.

How do you get candy off your teeth? ›

What Should I Do If Candy Gets Stuck to My Teeth?
  1. Use a Toothpick or Dental Pick. You may be tempted to scrape at your candy with a pocket knife or another piece of metal. ...
  2. Swish Some Water. ...
  3. Use a Fork. ...
  4. Contact River Run Dental Spa.

Does drinking water after eating sweets help teeth? ›

When you consume sweets, unwanted sugar can be left behind on the teeth. Water will help clean your mouth and prevent the sugar from producing acid that wears away the enamel. Water also has the ability to dilute the acid that bacteria in the mouth produces.

How can I protect my teeth after sugar? ›

If you have been advised by your dietitian or health professional to take sugary snacks or drinks between meals, brush your teeth before each snack or drink whenever possible. 2. In addition, brush your teeth and gums thoroughly twice a day using fluoride tooth paste to remove the bacteria and keep your mouth healthy.

What candy can pull out fillings? ›

Caramel. Like taffy, caramels and toffees are not only sticky, they can also pull out fillings. Plus both candies are extremely high in sugar (in fact, they are basically all sugar) and stick to your teeth for maximum bacteria impact.

Is swishing water good for your teeth? ›

Water can naturally wash away unwanted food particles and sugar that sticks to your teeth after eating—it kind of acts like a natural toothbrush. Swishing water after meals is a great way to do this, but simply drinking water throughout the day is also important to keep the teeth clean and prevent cavities.

How long does it take sugar to damage teeth? ›

Within 20 seconds of consuming sugar, it combines with the bacteria hanging out in your mouth to form an acid that starts to damage your teeth. As time goes on, this wears away at the layers in your enamel, eventually resulting in a cavity.

How long does sugar stay on your teeth? ›

Pollick says, "The clearance of that sugar from the mouth takes about 20 minutes. During that 20 minutes, the bacteria on your teeth are very active... and they convert that sugar to acid." But then within 20 minutes, the acid on your teeth is "sort of" neutralized.

Do dentists give you candy? ›

According to the American Dental Association, 76% of dentists give out some type of candy. Hopefully, they're also passing out toothbrushes, or at least reminding you to brush after eating all that candy!

Is it better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast? ›

In most cases, it's best to brush your teeth before breakfast. This ensures that your enamel is protected and that you don't run out of time before leaving the house for work or school. Sugar-free gum is a great way to clean your teeth and achieve fresh breath after breakfast while also supporting a healthy smile.

Will your teeth fall out if you eat too much candy? ›

The harmful oral bacteria live on the sugary food you consume and produce acids. These acids lead to bacterial infection, which eventually cause cavities, i.e., hole in your tooth. If not treated, cavities can pass the enamel into the deeper tooth layers, thereby causing severe pain and tooth loss.

Will my teeth get better if I stop eating sugar? ›

When the sugar is left on your teeth, it causes the acids to not only eats through the enamel, but to often go deeper into other layers of your teeth, and this is what causes cavities.By cutting out sugar, you can stop this process, avoid cavities, and keep that protective enamel around for as long as possible.

Can you reverse sugar damage to teeth? ›

However, this damage can be reversed by minerals. Minerals come from the enamel of your teeth and your saliva through a process called remineralisation. It generates minerals like calcium and phosphates, both of which are good for strengthening teeth.

What happens if we drink water immediately after eating sweets? ›

Drinking water while having your favourite sweet treat may give you a bigger sugar spike than what's considered healthy, says researchers.

How can I eat chocolate without damaging my teeth? ›

Choose dark chocolate

Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) is rich in antioxidants and contains less sugar than milk or white chocolate, so it will be less damaging to your teeth.

Should I brush my teeth after every meal? ›

Ideally, you would brush and floss after each meal, but that may not be very realistic for people with busy jobs or hectic schedules,” he says. “So we recommend at least brushing and flossing twice a day, and ideally one of those times will be before bed.”

What are teeth friendly sweets? ›

The tooth-friendly label distinguishes products which are non-cariogenic and non-erosive, i.e. safe for teeth. To replace sugar, toothfriendly products often contain sweeteners (polyols, intense sweeteners) that are not fermented by the microflora of the dental plaque.

What eats away fillings? ›

After getting a filling, it is best to stay away from foods like granola, chips, peanuts, ice, hard candies, popcorn, hard breads, caramel, and gum. If you're eating a food that could crack a tooth or pull out a filling, stop eating the food.

What candy breaks the most teeth? ›

Here's are the worst candies for your teeth, according to the American Dental Association.
  • Sticky, tacky candies. This includes caramels, taffy, or chewy candies like Starburst or Airheads. ...
  • Gummy candies. ...
  • Hard candies. ...
  • Sour candies. ...
  • Caramel popcorn and popcorn balls.
Oct 18, 2021

Is it okay to leave toothpaste on your teeth overnight? ›

Leaving the toothpaste on your teeth overnight will allow the enamel to be fed fluoride from the paste. This fluoride will prevent the breakdown of enamel and allow the rebuilding of demineralized enamel.

What is the white stringy stuff in my mouth after I brush my teeth? ›

This sticky, disgusting layer of film is called oral thrush, and it's normal to want to rid your mouth of the foul substance as quickly as possible! Read on to learn more from your dentist about what causes oral thrush, along with some measures you can take to address it and maintain good oral health.

Why is my spit black when I brush my teeth? ›

Poor oral hygiene is often the leading cause of tartar buildup. For tartar to turn black or form below the gum line, improper brushing and flossing is usually the culprit. Additionally, certain other factors contribute to the rate of tartar formation and can turn it black; these include: Smoking.

Should I brush my teeth straight after eating sweets? ›

Unfortunately this is not recommended at all. Brushing your teeth immediately after eating or drinking something sugary will spread the sugar around your mouth which may make things worse. The acidity caused by the sugar softens the enamel which means you are at risk of damaging your teeth further by brushing.

How can I strengthen my teeth? ›

5 Ways to Make Your Teeth Stronger — Really!
  1. Avoid Foods That Harm Your Teeth. Most of us learn in childhood that candy and other sweets are bad for our teeth. ...
  2. Eat More Enamel-Strengthening Foods. ...
  3. Practice Proper Brushing. ...
  4. Stop the Grind. ...
  5. Don't Forget Your Dental Checkups.
Aug 30, 2018

Does milk damage teeth? ›

All types of milk can cause cavities if they are inappropriately consumed. For example, cavities on the upper front teeth can develop if a baby with teeth is put to bed at night with a bottle of milk. However, plain cow's milk typically does not cause cavities if it is given in a cup with meals.

How can I take care of my teeth without going to the dentist? ›

Top Tips For Taking Care Of Your Teeth When You Can't See Your Dentist
  1. Make Sure You Brush At Least Twice A Day For Two Minutes. ...
  2. Learn How To Floss Properly, And Floss Once Every Day. ...
  3. Don't Bite Or Chew Extremely Hard Foods With Your Front Teeth. ...
  4. Avoid Gummy Foods That May Damage Your Dental Work.
Apr 23, 2020

Do dentists judge your mouth? ›

It's important to remember that dentists don't go into their profession to judge people; they go into it to help them. No matter what your oral health condition is, a good dentist will not make you feel bad about it.

Why do dentists pick your teeth? ›

Pick at your teeth with that hook? The instrument, called an explorer, enables the dentist to find soft places in the enamel that could be cavities. It's also used to check the edges of fillings and crowns for gaps or roughness. Want to do treatment when nothing is bothering you?

What do dentists leave on your teeth? ›

Fluoride varnish is a dental treatment that can help prevent tooth decay, slow it down, or stop it from getting worse. Fluoride varnish is made with fluoride, a mineral that can strengthen tooth enamel (outer coating on teeth).

Should you brush or floss first? ›

While it may be surprising, a study has found that flossing first followed by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is more effective in removing interdental plaque than brushing first, flossing second. In addition, flossing before brushing results in greater fluoride retention between teeth.

Should you brush as soon as you wake up? ›

When you're looking to protect your tooth enamel, brushing right after you wake up in the morning is better than brushing your teeth after breakfast. If you have to brush your teeth after breakfast, try to wait 30 to 60 minutes before you brush.

Why should we drink water before brushing in the morning? ›

The germs and bacteria inside your mouth multiply during the night. When you drink water in the morning before brushing, it will clean out your mouth and make tooth-brushing more effective. When you make a habit of drinking water before brushing, you will notice your immunity becoming more robust.

What's a sugar tooth? ›

: a craving or fondness for sweet food.

How do you know if your teeth are rotten? ›

Symptoms of tooth decay

tooth sensitivity – you may feel tenderness or pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold or sweet. grey, brown or black spots appearing on your teeth. bad breath. an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

What does sugar do to your brain? ›

High blood glucose levels can affect the brain's functional connectivity, which links brain regions that share functional properties, and brain matter. It can cause the brain to atrophy or shrink.

Why do I have a cavity when I don't eat sweets? ›

Most people think that sugary foods and drinks are the only things that cause cavities. Now, while they're correct that sweet snacks can certainly lead to cavities, there are several other things that can cause cavities to develop. Carbohydrates and starchy foods like pasta and bread can also cause cavities.

How can I rebuild my tooth enamel? ›

4 Ways to Strengthen and Restore Tooth Enamel
  1. Practice good oral hygiene. It is always essential to practice good oral hygiene even if you do not see enamel erosion. ...
  2. Use fluoride treatment. ...
  3. Avoid harmful foods. ...
  4. Visit the dentist regularly.

What sugar doesn't damage your teeth? ›

Xylitol can reverse destructive damage done by sugar in the mouth, enhance mineralization of the enamel, and stabilize cavities. Chewing sugarless gum containing xylitol has been shown to prevent dental decay, as has eating xylitol candies.

How can I rebuild my tooth enamel naturally? ›

Enamel can never 'regrow' per se because there are no living cells in the tooth enamel. Your best bet is to treat any existing problems from tooth decay and focus on better oral care and hygiene habits, which will preserve the enamel you have and prevent further deterioration.

What should I drink after eating sweets? ›

Flush out all that sweet stuff from your system by hydrating ASAP with water or other low-sugar fluids, and foods high in water content. "Drink plenty of water and go for foods like watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries and yogurt," Seaver says.

Why shouldn't we drink water after eating? ›

One of the strongest cases against drinking water after meal is that it disturbs the digestive process, by diluting the gastric juices and digestive enzymes. This makes it difficult for the body to digest food effectively.

Why not drink water after watermelon? ›

Watermelon is already rich in water and consuming more water on top of that can cause bloating and even dissolve the digestive juice present in the stomach. According to Ayurveda, this can disrupt the regular digestive process and even upset the balance of chakras in the body.

Will I get cavities if I eat candy everyday? ›

Yes, candy does increase the risk of cavities. One of the biggest risk factors to tooth decay is sugar because the sugar is what bacteria feeds on to create enamel weakening acids. Therefore, when you eat candy–which we all know is filled with sugar–, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of developing tooth decay.

Can you get a cavity from eating candy once? ›

Bacteria in your mouth starts consuming the candies and produces acid as a product. This acid dissolves the enamel of the tooth, which leads to dental decay, or cavities. However, this happens when you eat anything that is a starch or carbohydrate. Bacteria simply love carbohydrates, and candies are no different.

Will your teeth decay if you eat too much candy? ›

High sugar intake leads to tooth decay. Sugar in liquid form is as harmful as sugary foods. Carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and juices, all have high acidic levels. Starchy and sugary foods, such as lollipops, candies, and breath mints, also cause tooth decay.

What happens if you eat a lot of candy and don t brush your teeth? ›

The reaction with sugar results in the streptococcus undergoing a process where lactic acid is produced. It is this lactic acid eats away at the calcium phosphate found in the tooth enamel. Lactic acid therefore leads to cavities and tooth decay by destroying and weakening the tooth enamel, or protective, outer layer.

Which food causes cavity faster than candies? ›

Starch Can Be Worse Than Sugar!

The reason is because of the length of time that starchy food lingers on our teeth. The longer food stays on your teeth, the longer the bacteria in the mouth have to turn that food into harmful acids, causing tooth decay and cavities.

Does quitting sugar prevent cavities? ›

When you consume sugar, you are feeding the bad bacteria in the smile that can contribute to the formation of tooth decay. While consuming a completely sugar-free diet does not guarantee that you are 100% free from cavities, it can lead to fewer cavities than those with high-sugar diets.

Will I stop getting cavities if I stop eating sugar? ›

This is one reason, among many others, that some patients will reduce how much sugar they consume daily. While your dentist in Gainesville can certainly get behind that, we also want you to know that you can still get cavities even if you don't eat sugar.

How to eat sweets safely? ›

Here are the tricks to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of sugar.
  1. Limit Your Snacking. Every time you eat, the pH level in your mouth drops. ...
  2. Pick the Right Sweets. ...
  3. Eat Sweets with Other Food. ...
  4. Swish After Snacking. ...
  5. Brush Your Teeth 30 Minutes After Eating. ...
  6. Chew Sugar-Free Gum. ...
  7. Get Your Teeth Cleaned Regularly.

Does rinsing mouth after eating prevent tooth decay? ›

Thanks to your mouth's powerful and natural ability to clean itself, rinsing with water might actually be the best way to freshen your breath and prevent cavities after you eat. In addition to your everyday hygiene routine, rinsing with water is a free, easy way to maintain oral health throughout the day.

Does mouthwash remove sugar? ›

Use a mouthrinse to remove as much sugar and sticky residue as possible. While mouthrinses that contain fluoride are ideal, even swishing plain water around your mouth can help when no other option is available.

What is the most unhealthy candy for your teeth? ›

Here's are the worst candies for your teeth, according to the American Dental Association.
  • Sticky, tacky candies. This includes caramels, taffy, or chewy candies like Starburst or Airheads. ...
  • Gummy candies. ...
  • Hard candies. ...
  • Sour candies. ...
  • Caramel popcorn and popcorn balls.
Oct 18, 2021

Is it OK to eat a little candy everyday? ›

Sweets can be part of a healthy, lifelong eating pattern. But for the least harm and -- don't forget this -- the fullest enjoyment, they should be eaten in moderation. That means in small amounts, or only a couple of times a week.

What happens if you never eat candy? ›

Stop eating sugar and you'll lower your risk of heart disease dramatically because too much sugar in your diet heightens your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes — three primary risk factors for heart disease and cardiovascular decline.

Is it OK to eat a little after brushing teeth? ›

In general, wait for twenty to thirty minutes before eating anything after you have finished brushing your teeth. That is because the enamel gets weak when brushing, and chewing anything hard can harm the teeth and enamel; hence it's good to wait.

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