How to Find a Clothing Sample Manufacturer | BOMME STUDIO (2024)

Finding clothing sample manufacturers can be a difficult task, but it doesn't have to be. In this article, we'll take you through the process of finding the right clothing sample manufacturer for your needs and show you how to avoid costly mistakes along the way. Clothing sample manufacturers are invaluable partners in your clothing line's development process, so make sure you find one that is right for you!

First, ask friends and colleagues for clothing sample manufacturer recommendations. You want to work with someone you trust, so make sure their clothing line is similar to yours in terms of price point, style and target customer. Second, take a look at clothing manufacturers' websites. Are they transparent about the process? Can you easily find a portfolio or reviews about the manufacturer? If you choose clothing sample manufacturers that don't have a website or whose websites aren't informative, it's likely they'll be difficult to work with. A clothing sample manufacturer that doesn't seem legitimate is probably not the right clothing sample manufacturer for you.

What to prepare

When deciding on finding a clothing sample manufacturer, make sure you are ready to provide them with either a reference garment or a tech pack to help execute your vision. Most established high-quality clothing manufacturers are already busy and do not have time to help execute your designs without these items in hand.

If you are prepared with a clothing reference or a tech pack when looking for a sample maker, the process will go much more smoothly and result in higher quality samples. Remember that finding clothing sample manufacturers is an invaluable step in your clothing line's development process, so it's important to make sure you take the time to find clothing sample manufacturers that are right for your needs.

When do I need a clothing sample manufacturer?

Clothing samples will be needed at different points throughout the clothing line development process depending on what stage of production you're in and how far along your designs are. For clothing sample manufacturers that are ready to go, clothing samples will be needed for fit sessions and quality control. For clothing line development at the sketching stage, you'll want a clothing sample manufacturer who can help with design elements like drapes, hemlines, and color matching.

What should I expect from my clothing sample manufacturer?

Working with clothing sample manufacturers means working with clothing samples. It's important to keep this in mind when you're designing your clothing line because clothing samples can have a lot of different meanings depending on the context and what stage of production they are from.

- For clothing prototype samples, these are the first samples and fabric material content is usually not exact at this stage since you're still working out details with your clothing sample manufacturer.

- For pre-production, clothing samples are considered the final QC to make sure they are 100% what you want to your final consumer-ready product to be. Color and Fabric materials used should be what is set for your final collection.

How to find the right sample maker to execute your vision

While there are many different vendors out there, your best bet is to go with a clothing sample manufacturer that has completed projects similar to your designs. Its important to ask for a client portfolio or examples of past work so you can review and determine if their work quality matches your brand vision. Another important thing to look for is clothing sample manufacturers that offer more services to help execute your brand's goal. If your end goal is to produce small-run production or mass production make sure the clothing sample manufacturer that you work with can offer resources to assist you in that area.

You should also ask how many clothing lines the clothing sample manufacturer has worked with. If they have experience in your specific industry it will be easier for them to execute clothing samples that fit the vision of your brand without confusion or miscommunication.

What happens after I find my clothing sample manufacturer?

After you've found a clothing sample manufacturer, it's important to work together and communicate at every step of the way so that clothing samples can be produced accurately and efficiently.

At the clothing sample stage, it's important to work with clothing manufacturers that are honest about their feedback on what needs to change or if they feel your designs need more development before moving forward into production. This is one of the most common mistakes clothing brand owners make - jumping straight into mass-production without understanding all of the elements that go into making a garment.

Get Pricing Estimates

Once you've vetted the sample manufacturer, it's time to get a pricing estimate for sample development. Keep in mind that clothing samples can be expensive depending on what material your clothing line is made out of and how many you need so it may take some trial and error with different clothing manufacturers before finding one who offers price points that fit within your budget

Looking for a Sample Maker in LA?

BOMME STUDIO is a clothing sample manufacturer located in LA, California, and has worked with over 200 brands in the USA. We offer services for design development and prototyping to final production so that brands can focus their attention on what they do best - creating the most stylish clothing designs and marketing to their customers.

How to Find a Clothing Sample Manufacturer | BOMME STUDIO (2024)


How to Find a Clothing Sample Manufacturer | BOMME STUDIO? ›

First, ask friends and colleagues for clothing sample manufacturer recommendations. You want to work with someone you trust, so make sure their clothing line is similar to yours in terms of price point, style and target customer. Second, take a look at clothing manufacturers' websites.

How do I get clothing samples made? ›

How to Get Clothing Samples Made – a Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Research and find a manufacturer. ...
  2. Step 2: Share your design ideas. ...
  3. Step 3: Discuss sample-making options. ...
  4. Step 4: Provide measurements. ...
  5. Step 5: Agree on pricing and timeline. ...
  6. Step 6: Review and approve the sample. ...
  7. Step 7: Place your order.
Apr 2, 2023

How do I find the manufacturer of a clothing product? ›

Where to look. One way to find clothing manufacturers is to search online directories. A search engine can be a great way to start your search, google searches often have a comprehensive list of manufacturers. Another option is to search for a trade show in your area.

Where do clothing companies get their materials? ›

There are a few places to find fabric mills, jobbers, converters, agents or FPP providers for your clothing line. The two best options are trade shows and online. Each of these offers plenty of low minimum options.

Where do designers get their clothes made? ›

The biggest manufacturer and exporter of clothing and apparel products is China, with 65% of the world's clothing being made there. The second largest country for clothing manufacturing in the world is Bangladesh. Garment exports make up close to 85% of the country's overall exports.

How do I find a sample maker? ›

First, ask friends and colleagues for clothing sample manufacturer recommendations. You want to work with someone you trust, so make sure their clothing line is similar to yours in terms of price point, style and target customer.

How much does it cost to produce a piece of clothing? ›

Batch production

Price per item will be $ 5-50 depending on the place of production and the thing itself. Producing a simple piece of dress in the USA would cost you an average of $25 but in China, you may be able to get prices as low as $15 especially if you are manufacturing up to a hundred pieces.

How do I partner with a clothing manufacturer? ›

  1. Introduce yourself. Making a good first impression on a manufacturer is a great way to start your business interaction. ...
  2. Production stages. ...
  3. Find the right manufacturer. ...
  4. Request a quote. ...
  5. Adhere to the budget. ...
  6. Clarify the process. ...
  7. Production slots. ...
  8. Stick to the timeline.

How do I find a unique manufacturer for a product? ›

  1. Research your options. Finding the right manufacturer for your product is crucial to your success. ...
  2. Conduct outreach and collect information. Once you've got a few manufacturers on your radar, you'll want to get quotes. ...
  3. Communicate your designs. ...
  4. Order samples and compare. ...
  5. Negotiate. ...
  6. Place your order.
Aug 3, 2023

Do you need a manufacturer for a clothing brand? ›

One of the keys to fashion brand success is developing a strong relationship with a clothing manufacturer. It has an impact on important business factors such as product cost and quality. There are numerous options to consider with a large number of garment manufacturers located all over the world.

Where do Gucci make their clothes? ›

Where does Gucci manufacture? Gucci leaves the sacred Italian territory only to create its noble collection of watches. Those are, of course, produced in Switzerland. The rest of the label's fashion manufacturing stays 100% within the business of some of Italy's top fashion factories.

Where is the best place to produce clothes? ›

Never Miss a Beat
  • China. China currently holds the top position among countries with the best cloth manufacturers. ...
  • Bangladesh. ...
  • Vietnam. ...
  • India. ...
  • Italy. ...
  • Turkey. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • United States.

Where does lululemon make their clothes? ›

South and Southeast Asia, as well as China, account for the vast majority of Lululemon's manufacturing hubs. When it comes to cost-cutting, offshore production has helped Lululemon expand and become the successful brand it is today.

How to start a fashion business with no experience? ›

How to Start Your Own Clothing Line From Zero to Launch
  1. Create a Business Plan.
  2. Research Fashion Trends or Needs.
  3. Develop Your Fashion Branding.
  4. Find Inspiration From Others.
  5. Begin Fashion Design and Development.
  6. Source Your Fabrics And Textile Designs.
  7. Take Care of Clothing Production and Manufacturing.

Where are most clothing brands manufactured? ›

China is known to be the largest global factory clothing manufacturer and exporter in the world.

How do clothing samples work? ›

Clothing samples are one-off items sent from a producer to a creator. They address the size, look, and nature of items you'd get in full order. Samples even plain a t-shirt are fundamental before creating any apparel in enormous amounts.

How long does it take to get clothing samples? ›

Getting samples made at a clothing factory will take anywhere from 3 weeks to 7 weeks. If you do not look professional to them – many will not even communicate back with you. From personal experience there really isn't a wrong or right way to go about getting your sample made. It really just depends on what you want.

How long does it take to make a clothing sample? ›

As you can see, it is a rather long and complex process, so in order to develop a garment, going from an idea, up to a physical sample could roughly take up to two or three weeks, or even more, depending on whether we have the supplies.

How long do clothing samples take? ›

SMS or Salesman Samples

These samples can take up to 4-6weeks as it will depend on the fabric you have chosen. If it is stock fabric then it would be fair to expect to receive them in less than 4 weeks. However, if the fabric has to be made or printed it will take up to, if not longer than, 4 weeks.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.