How to Handle Every Argument Based on Your Partner's Zodiac Sign (2024)

Even in the happiest, healthiest relationships, arguments are a normal part of sharing your life with another person. As the years go on, you'll probably learn how to deal with your significant other's nuances. But another way to better understand that person you're vowed to? Getting familiar with their star sign. We asked astrologer Kim Tigar, who has been studying the celestial bodies for 40 years, to give her best recommendation for handling an argument based on what day your partner was born. Here's what she suggests for each sign.


If you're married to an Aries...

As a fire sign, you'll definitely find a passionate attitude in your Aries spouse. But with all that heat comes a quick temper, according to Tigar. The smallest thing might set them off, but the good news is that they'll probably let the anger go just as fast as it came. To help make those disagreements less intense, Tigar suggests approaching topics and conversations gently. "They like to be in charge, so you should let them lead the conversation. If you try to take it over, they'll get more upset," she explains. Instead? Let them have their peace and then calmly explain what's bothering you.

If you're married to a Taurus...

There's a reason the bull is depicted as the character for the Taurus. Though strong, dependable, and loyal, Tigar says this Earth sign can also be intolerably stubborn. Most of the time when facing a disagreement, Tigar says they're likely to shut down and refuse to talk about it. The key to getting them to have a productive conversation-instead of being silent-is all in the tone of your voice, according to Tigar. "You need to be calm and encourage them to talk about what's bothering them. Keep your voice low and try something like, 'We need to talk about this. However much you're willing to share, I'm here to listen when you're ready,'" she suggests.

If you're married to a Gemini...

You better enjoy a side of chit-chat with every meal, trip, or morning if you're married to a Gemini. This air sign is ruled by communication, making it one of the most important qualities they seek in a partner. That being said, when they're in the middle of a disagreement, you better wish yourself luck if you want to get out of it. "They will try and talk you out of an argument-and they won't give up. They'll just keep escalating it to prove a point," Tigar says. She adds that it's better to stop trying to be "right" and let them talk it out until they're finished. Then, you can say that you need time and space to think about it.


If you're married to a Cancer...

Tread lightly-and carefully-when you're arguing with your water sign lover. Though very creative and home-oriented, a cancer's kind heart can be their downfall, too, making them highly sensitive. "During an argument, they might clam up or they will get really emotional and have an outburst," Tigar says. "You need to not push them, and if you feel like you are, back off. If you don't, you'll hurt their feelings very deeply and quickly." Once you've gotten as far as you can in the fight, Tigar says to suggest taking a moment to hug it out and remind your partner how much you care about them.

If you're married to a Leo...

What you'll love about being married to a Leo? They light up the whole room and still make you feel like the star of the show. Loving and generous, marrying your Leo love will feel like an adventure, but you'll want to make sure to not stomp too deeply on their egos. As Tigar says, "You're going to be wrong, no matter what you say because they are right and you are wrong-that's just how Leos see it." This is why you want to choose your words carefully during a fight. Tigar suggests the "compliment sandwich" technique: "Appeal to their ego by addressing your concerns, paired with a compliment to keep the disagreement civil."

If you're married to a Virgo...

There are a lot of things you probably won't have to worry about when you're married to this super-organized, detail-oriented, type-A earth sign. They'll always have financial planning top of mind, will want your home to run like a tight ship, and they'll never forget one thing you say. "A Virgo will analyze every little word that you say, and then they'll want to talk about every word and go over it until you're both exhausted," Tigar says. That's why the trick to arguing with a Virgo is to not give them too much information upfront or you'll be debating for hours. Instead, try making one solid point, keep your phrases brief, and remain centered while you chat. While a Virgo won't be too emotional, they're determined and won't throw in the towel.


If you're married to a Libra...

At the heart of a Libra is, well, you. Since this air sign rules relationships, everything that happens in your marital union is their top priority. This is why you might notice your Libra spouse shut down if you express frustration or anger in their direction. And Tigar says that once you do get them to talk it out, it'll be very important to them that your disagreement is fair and balanced. "You have to fight clean with a Libra," she explains. "You should approach it softly and thoughtfully, while remembering to be loving and reassuring."

If you're married to a Scorpio...

While one of the boldest signs in the zodiac, it might surprise you to know that a Scorpio is actually a water sign. They are fiery in their personality but more intense and emotional at their core. When bringing up a touchy subject with your Scorpio partner, Tigar suggests setting up the scene for success. "You need them to be in a good mood and the right frame of mind when you want to talk about something. If not, they'll get overwhelmed and it'll be a knock-down, drag-out fight," she says. "Pick a peaceful place, like over a candlelit dinner at home with their favorite meal and wine."

If you're married to a Sagittarius...

Here's the thing about this fun-loving, freedom-seeking sign: They'll probably be mad at you several times throughout the day, but they'll forget about it. Tigar says the solution to fighting effectively with your spouse is focusing on their brighter qualities-like being happy-go-lucky and adventurous. "Go for a walk or get outside, so they're in their element and more open to discussion," Tigar says. "Just make don't fence them in during a fight, as this will make them irritated and angry."


If you're married to a Capricorn...

If you let them, your Capricorn partner will walk all over you in a hot second. Because they're self-motivated, self-reliant, and often pretty intelligent, they're quick to get upset and then hold their ground. "Because they're used to being in charge, they will struggle when they feel like they're not right about something," Tigar says. "Come prepared with facts to present to them and stand your ground, without losing your cool." Become critical will only engage their ego, so it's better to base your argument with true, tangible items rather than emotional justifications.

If you're married to an Aquarius...

Spoiler alert (that you probably already know): If you cry or get emotional in front of your Aquarius partner, they won't have a clue what to do. That's why Tigar says it's better to wait until you've gotten your temper or tears under control before approaching the conversation. "They love to analyze things, so just give them the facts without being dramatic," she says. "If you're overly upset or having an outburst, they'll freeze."

If you're married to a Pisces...

Because they're an impressionable water sign, a Pisces will pick up on whatever clues, either directly or indirectly, you're sending their way. This is why it's important to manage your own emotions and be mindful of what messages you're allowing to impact your partner. "If you start firing them up, they'll get really dramatic, cry easily, or fall apart. They'll crawl into a hole and pout. Or they can be a martyr," Tigar says. Instead? If they start to overreact, soothe them and come back to the conversation later.

How to Handle Every Argument Based on Your Partner's Zodiac Sign (2024)


Which zodiac is good at arguing? ›

Libra. Libra loves to play devil's advocate when arguing because they're well-attuned to the dichotomy of right vs. wrong. "Libras can argue just for the fun of it, and they relish the opportunity of challenging you with an opposing point of view," says astrologer and tarot reader Ryan Marquardt.

What zodiac signs don t like to argue? ›

Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are the signs who listen calmly to the other person during an argument. They will wait patiently to tell their side of the story.

Which zodiac sign is least likely to cheat but gets betrayed often for their loyalty? ›

All in all, Taurus is a loyal sign who values the stability of a long-term relationship over the thrill of something new. As such, they are less likely to cheat than other zodiac signs.

Which zodiac is serious in relationship? ›

Librans love with all their heart. They consider relationships and commitments to be a very serious matter, so they give their all.

Which 3 zodiac signs constantly get angry? ›

Taurus To Virgo: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Get Angry Easily and Tend to Lose Control over Their Behavior
  • Taurus.
  • Scorpio.
  • Leo.
  • Virgo.
Jan 24, 2023

What signs can actually fight? ›

Aries to Cancer: 5 Zodiac signs who are born fighters
  • Aries. One of the most aggressive zodiac signs is Aries. ...
  • Taurus. Though Taurus are aggressive and uncompromising, they never start a fight! ...
  • Gemini. ...
  • Leo. ...
  • Cancer.
Apr 27, 2022

Which zodiac signs hate rudeness? ›

07/7These zodiac signs hate acting rude

Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Pisces are very aware of how they should act around people. They are likely to avoid acting like a brat, even subconsciously.

Which zodiac can control their anger? ›

08/8These zodiac signs are careful about their emotions

Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are very careful about expressing their emotions to their partner. They will control their anger and remain composed in a situation where it can be very easy to break.

Which zodiac signs can t control their anger? ›

Some zodiac signs have a bad temper in astrology due to their fiery, impulsive nature. Aries are full of quick temper and impatience, while Taurus can become stubborn and explosive when pushed. Gemini may have a sharp tongue and a tendency to lash out, while Leo can become dramatic and attention-seeking.

Which zodiac sign is not loyal in love? ›

Aquarius is the least loyal zodiac sign of all. Their fear of not being loved in a relationship never allows them to let their true self out in front of their partner.

Which sign will never cheat? ›

Cancerians are THE least likely people in the zodiac to cheat on their partners. Fidelity is practically written into their moral code—along with being protective of their physical spaces (Cancers love to get their homes just right for maximum grounded-ness), they are also super-protective of their relationships.

Which zodiac sign is not loyal in a relationship? ›

Sagittarius. Sagittarius is often regarded as one of the least loyal zodiac signs. They possess a strong sense of independence and crave freedom, which can make it challenging for them to commit to a long-term relationship.

Which zodiac falls out of love quickly? ›

1. Scorpio. Being the easiest to fall out of love with probably shouldn't surprise you too much, Scorpio. It's easy to fall out of love with you because things go from bliss to discontentment pretty quickly.

What zodiac signs need more love? ›

From Aries to Cancer: 4 Zodiac signs that require love life...
  • Aries. The novelty of the first time being with anyone appeals to Aries when it comes to dating and relations. ...
  • Taurus. Simply said, Taurus enjoys romantic relationships. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Scorpio.
Sep 17, 2022

Which zodiac signs should stay single? ›

Gemini is the zodiac sign that is most likely to be single. These wild child types love their freedom and don't necessarily want to commit to one person.

What zodiac signs are overreacts? ›

Leos are always on the top of the list when it comes to overreacting. They get highly stressed and start panicking. Impulsiveness, throwing tantrums and getting angry are some of the behavioural traits that can be seen in Leos for overreaction. When Cancer people start to overreact, they say things without thinking.

What are the zodiac signs meanest to nicest? ›

HOROSCOPE SIGNS: Nicest & Meanest Signs RANKED
  • The Nicest Zodiac Signs In Astrology:
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22)
  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 19)
  • The Meanest Zodiac Signs In Astrology:
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Apr 26, 2021

Which zodiac is emotionally strong? ›

Cancer. They are emotionally and mentally strong, no matter how sensitive they are.

Which zodiac signs are natural enemies? ›

The Zodiac Signs That Are the Worst Enemies, Astrologer Says
  • Taurus and Aries. A friendship between Aries and Taurus is quite challenging, but it is understandable why they would be attracted to each other at first. ...
  • Cancer and Sagittarius. ...
  • Virgo and Aquarius. ...
  • Scorpio and Leo. ...
  • Capricorn and Libra.
May 17, 2022

Who is Pisces enemy? ›

Capricorn, Leo and Libra are usually considered to be the enemies of Pisces due to the fact that they are money minded and, if given an option, would choose money over emotions. This is an attitude which often comes as dismay to Pisces.

Which zodiac signs are unbothered? ›

Most unbothered or carefree zodiac signs-
  1. Leo (23rd July to 22nd August) (Most Affected Zodiac) ...
  2. Gemini (21st May to 20th June) ...
  3. Aries (21st March to 19th April) ...
  4. Taurus (20th April to 20th May) ...
  5. Sagittarius (22nd November to 21st December)
May 24, 2019

What zodiac signs hate being ignored? ›

Taurus, Cancer, Virgo. Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces don't need that kind of validation or presence. They tend to like their own company and are fine if they are not given attention. They may feel hurt depending upon your relations with them but they don't care about someone's attention.

Which zodiac signs don t like to be controlled? ›

These 6 zodiac signs hate being controlled
  • 01/7You cannot control these zodiac signs. There are people who cannot take orders let alone be controlled. ...
  • 02/7Aries. This zodiac sign cannot be influenced so easily. ...
  • 03/7Gemini. ...
  • 04/7Libra. ...
  • 05/7Scorpio. ...
  • 06/7Capricorn. ...
  • 07/7Sagittarius.
May 31, 2022

Which zodiacs are bossy? ›

Both fire signs Aries and Sagittarius are on this list of bossy zodiac signs. So it is only natural we include Leo in the club too. But Leos are a different kind of bossy though. Their bossiness stems from their acute need to have a say in the lives of everyone they hold dear.

Which zodiac makes peace? ›

Libra, Pisces, Taurus, and Cancer are four zodiac signs known for their unwavering commitment to keeping the peace. These individuals possess unique qualities such as diplomacy, compassion, patience, and a deep understanding of emotions.

Which zodiac signs bottle up emotions? ›

Aquarius: Aquarius will bottle up their emotions, they only allow you to see their smile. Aquarius truths, Scorpio zodiac facts, Emotions.

What triggers Aries anger? ›

Aries have an aggressive temperament and often get riled up when things do not turn to their dictate or when people refuse to follow them, or point out their mistakes. They hardly care if the means is right or wrong. It also results in people distancing themselves.

What makes a Virgo angry? ›

Perfectionists at heart, Virgos like their lives to be neat and organised—and messing up this order of things could earn you a permanent spot in their bad books.

Which zodiac loves alone? ›

There are times when a Capricorn prefers to keep to themselves and have very little social interaction. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius may need company. They may run away from loneliness.

Which zodiac sign is hard to forget in love? ›

So, which zodiac signs are the hardest to get over? Scorpios and Leos are the hardest to get over. They are both passionate and charming people who can make you feel like you're the only one in the world. It's easy to see why they would be hard to forget.

Which sign is very loyal? ›

Leo. Scorpios are known for their intense loyalty and devotion. Once they form deep emotional connections, they are extremely committed and loyal to their partners and friends.

What sign can you not trust? ›

Gemini is hilarious to talk about in this way because they get the reputation of being the least trustworthy of all the zodiac signs,” Terrones says.

What signs will break your heart? ›

The Zodiac Sign Most Likely to Break Your Heart, Astrologers Say
  • Scorpio.
  • Aquarius.
  • Sagittarius.
  • Aries.
  • Pisces.
  • Gemini.
Aug 16, 2022

What sign can't be trusted? ›

Virgo is the least trusting sign!

Virgo is one of the most intelligent zodiac signs and often falls into the trap of jumping to conclusions and overanalyzing everything, especially when it comes to love. Examining everything makes trusting people impossible!

What zodiac signs keep their dating life private? ›

4 Zodiacs Who Keep Relationship Details (And Problems) Private
  • Taurus. Taurus usually aren't big on social media. ...
  • Virgo. Virgos use their heads over their hearts, so even though they might want to rant about their partner after a big argument, they will usually keep the messy details to themselves. ...
  • Scorpio. ...
  • Aquarius.
Mar 3, 2023

What zodiac signs get attached quickly? ›

Leo to Pisces: 4 Zodiac Signs Who Get Attached to Their Lovers After Casual Flings
  • Pisces. Even though Pisces folks tend to favor long relationships, heartbreak compels them to appreciate trying new things. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Leo. ...
  • Gemini.
Jan 14, 2023

What zodiac signs like to chase? ›

Check out these 4 zodiac signs who enjoy being chased while dating and love the quest.
  • Gemini. Geminis enjoy being pursued. ...
  • Cancer. Cancer loves to be pursued since they require the greatest attention to be satisfied in a relationship. ...
  • Virgo. Another sign that craves attention and prospers on it is the Virgo. ...
  • Libra.
Mar 2, 2023

How many times zodiac signs fall in love? ›

Some zodiacs love once in life, while some fall in love frequently (3 to 4 times). Every sun sign has a different personality. Some zodiacs are short-tempered while others are impatient. Some fall in love frequently whereas others are seeks long-term commitment.

What zodiacs are rough in bed? ›

Here, we bring you 4 zodiac signs who like it rough when in bed with their partners.
  • Aries. For Aries, sex (like everything else) is about passion and following their daring, adventurous impulses. ...
  • Scorpio. Nothing is off-limits in a Scorpio's bedroom, according to anyone who knows him. ...
  • Leo. ...
  • Aquarius.
Apr 26, 2022

What zodiac signs stay married? ›

10 best zodiac couples
  • Aries and Aquarius. With zodiac signs like Aries and Aquarius, boredom is an unknown word, as these two know how to keep themselves and their partner thrilled 24/7. ...
  • Gemini and Libra. ...
  • Scorpio and Pisces. ...
  • Virgo and Taurus. ...
  • Leo & Sagittarius. ...
  • Pisces and Cancer. ...
  • Cancer and Scorpio. ...
  • Sagittarius and Aries.
Jun 28, 2022

What is every single zodiac? ›

The 12 signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. People believe that different sun signs of the zodiac present different characteristics and talents.

What zodiac signs are not scared to fight? ›

07/7These zodiac signs are ready to fight

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius are headstrong people who are ready to deal with situations as they come.

What is the bossy zodiac? ›

Aries. Aries is probably the bossiest zodiac sign you will ever cross paths with.

What zodiacs do when angry? ›

How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With Anger Varies, But It Can Reveal A Lot About You
  • Aries: Explodes With Anger, But Overcomes It Easily.
  • Taurus: Slow, Boiling Rage.
  • Gemini: Sarcastically Argues Until You Forget Their Original Point.
  • Cancer: Passive-Aggressive Emotional Outbursts.
  • Leo: Pride Can Easily Get The Best Of Them.
Jul 13, 2021

What are the zodiac signs nicest to meanest? ›

HOROSCOPE SIGNS: Nicest & Meanest Signs RANKED
  • The Nicest Zodiac Signs In Astrology:
  • Libra (September 23 - October 22)
  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 19)
  • The Meanest Zodiac Signs In Astrology:
  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Apr 26, 2021

Which zodiac doesn t like to be controlled? ›


They cannot be controlled. Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Cancer, Aquarius, and Pisces are people who will listen to you if you make sense and some are so gullible that getting them to do what you want is extremely easy.

Which zodiac signs are easily hurt? ›

Cancer and Pisces are the most sensitive zodiac signs. As water signs, they are naturally in tune with their emotions and sensitive to the feelings of others. They both have a deep understanding of human emotion and are highly empathetic.

What zodiac signs can you not trust? ›

Gemini. Gemini is the least trustworthy zodiac sign. They have a reputation for being flighty and unreliable, so it can be hard to trust them to come through for you. Geminis tend to be quite impulsive and easily distracted by shiny new ideas.

Which signs are unforgiving? ›

The Most Unforgiving Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers
  • Aquarius.
  • Aries.
  • Capricorn.
  • Taurus.
  • Cancer.
  • Scorpio.
May 6, 2022

What zodiac signs have attitudes? ›

4 Zodiac signs who have an attitude problem
  • Aries. When Aries-born people become stressed, they make everyone around them stressed! ...
  • Gemini. Geminis often have a hard time trying to make the right decision. ...
  • Virgo. Virgos are know-it-alls.
Mar 3, 2021

Who is talkative zodiac signs? ›

Gemini is the chattiest zodiac sign

With Mercury, the god of communication and intellect, being this sign's ruling planet, it's only right that Gemini tops this list. An intelligent zodiac sign with a knack for adapting, a Gemini can talk for hours on any given subject with a stranger they meet early today.

Which zodiac is jealous? ›

Water signs are the most jealous type. FYI, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the water signs and because water deals with memory and feelings, they need constant emotional validation. Fire signs are also bitten by the bug of jealousy quite often. Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

What zodiac signs have anxiety? ›

The four zodiac signs that tend to be most anxious are Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra. Each of these zodiac signs have their own unique characteristics that can make them prone to anxiousness, such as being sensitive or perfectionistic.

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