How to improve as a lecturer | University of Liverpool (2024)

Within academic fields, lecturing plays an integral role in creating the next generation of academics and professionals, granting the skills, abilities and knowledge to get them started on their chosen career.

Lectures remain to be the most effective way of teaching in a higher education setting, and while the core idea behind lecturing remains the same, new technologies and new approaches to learning have changed the teaching landscape.

Some of the best lecturers in universities and colleges are constantly evolving the way they teach with these new developments in mind in order to ensure their students get access to the best education possible.

But continually improving as a lecturer is a challenge in itself – how does one become a better lecturer? What qualities and characteristics make for a good teacher? In this article, we’re going to take a look at how lecturing can be improved to give a better higher education experience for students of all levels.

What is the responsibility of a lecturer in higher education?

The traditional role of a lecturer within a higher education setting is to deliver education to students on their course, teaching course materials within their field to help their students get the most out of their degrees. This can include things like:

  • Giving lectures on course topics
  • Course preparation and lecture planning
  • Holding seminars and tutorials for more interactive learning
  • Writing and marking assessment exams
  • Writing and designing teaching materials for students

Beyond those core responsibilities, modern lecturers are also expected to:

  • Assist PhD and Master students with their research activities
  • Embark on personal research projects as a research university lecturer
  • Write academic papers
  • Act as mentors and provide pastoral care for students
  • Contribute to the activities organised by their school

There are many more duties that lecturers have within their jobs and careers – you can learn more about what lecturers do with this helpful guide.

What are the qualities of a good lecturer?

The first step to improving as a lecturer is to understand the kind of qualities that make for a good lecturer. These can include things like:

  • Being engaging ­– Having a lecturer who is switched on, always ready to spark discussion and communication, and always open to finding new ways to engage students is key to keeping things fresh and interesting.
  • Being compassionate ­– All students are human beings with their own personal lives. Being understanding when things happen in these personal lives is essential for supporting your students to be the best learners they can be.
  • Being enthusiastic – Enthusiasm as a lecturer will keep you interested in everything you have to teach, and that passion for your subject will come through in your teaching and higher education skills, gifting your students with an enthusiasm for learning.
  • Being proactive – Taking an active interest in your students will make them feel valued as part of the education institution. Check in with your students regularly to ensure your teaching is doing its job and that all class members are able to keep up.
  • Being approachable – Having a lecturer who’s hard to approach as a student can quickly derail progress on a module. Try to ensure you’re as welcoming to everyone in your college or university as you can be to ensure a positive lecturer-student academic relationship.

How to improve as a lecturer

So now we come to the crux of the question – how exactly does one improve as a lecturer? How does one thrive in university lecturer jobs? Let’s look at three ways you can become a better lecturer:

Our first tip is helping your students understand how to process your feedback. Negative and positive feedback are key building blocks for a student’s understanding of a subject, so them being able to learn and adapt from that feedback is essential. One way to do this is by requiring your students to send you a draft of any coursework for you as a lecturer to look through and provide feedback for. Once you’ve checked it over, arrange a meeting where you both go over the feedback you’ve provided so that lessons can be learned and a deeper understanding gained. This interactive element added to the course will help you improve as a teacher and help the student earn better grades.

Our second tip is to consider asking one of your peers in your institution to sit in on one of your lectures. It can be hard to get feedback from your students on the quality of your lecturers because they may not be as willing as other academics are to talk about what needs improving. Asking a peer is a great move, especially if they’re older and more experienced, because they’ll know what works and what doesn’t. They’ll know what it’s like to be up in front of a lecture hall full of students so they’ll be best placed to let you know what’s going well and what’ll need a bit of improvement. Write these suggestions down and create your own action plan to ensure you’re incorporating the feedback in your lecturing.

Our third and final tip is use student questions as a basis for creating your lecture. The questions your students ask you are generally indicative of the areas of your course that are tougher or less clear than others. By answering questions wherever they crop up, whether in the lecture hall or after teaching is finished, you’re directly addressing the toughest parts of the curriculum as you go. If you get a question from a student by email about a certain segment, write the question down and bring it to your next lecture to answer – this way, you’ll be answering the question for students who don’t have the confidence to raise the query in person or by email. It’ll make life much easier for both and your students in the long run.

All of these are higher education skills that can be learnt on the job, but for those who want to reach their full potential as a lecturer, a PGCAP (Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice) course can be just the thing for those looking to improve their university lectures online and in person.

Frequently asked questions

What does a higher education lecturer do?

Higher education lecturers are academics who are hired by universities, colleges and other academic organisations to lead courses, teach students and carry out research in their chosen field on behalf of their institution.

They perform an essential role in universities that goes beyond the above duties, assisting with administrative work, providing pastoral care for students, organising events within their faculty and much more to ensure that the students in their school have as rewarding and as fulfilling a higher education experience as they possibly can.

You can learn more about what it means to be a higher education lecturer here.

What is expected of a lecturer?

Lecturers are expected to provide students with a positive learning and higher education experience, through teaching, assessment, pastoral care and administrative support. They are also expected to contribute to their institution’s research profile by carrying out research and writing papers on their area of expertise.

Each institution will have its own expectations of what lecturers should do, but they all stems from the above ideas about higher education lecturing.

What qualifications do you need to be a higher education lecturer?

Becoming a higher education lecturer is the start of a rewarding career path that helps you develop as a person and as a professional academic.

In terms of the degrees you’ll need to become a higher education lecturer, you’ll need to have at the very least a higher education degree within your field of study – however, for almost every faculty and discipline, you’ll need a PhD to be considered for a lecturer role. Other certificates from other academic-focused degree courses, such as a PGCAP, can also help you stand out from your competitors.

For many lecturers, teaching is the major responsibility in their day-to-day work, so getting to be the best lecturer is an important career objective.

One of the best ways to improve as a lecturer is to complete a course that provides you with the higher education skills you’ll need to refine the way you teach and how you support your students. The University of Liverpool’s Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice is one of these courses, designed to give lecturers a better understanding of teaching, creating course materials, online lecturing, teacher-student academic relationships and more.

Find out more about how the PGCAP can help you succeed as a higher education lecturer here.

How to improve as a lecturer | University of Liverpool (2024)


How can I improve my lecturing? ›

Lecturing Effectively
  1. Visit your classroom in advance. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the desks and the front of the classroom. ...
  2. Have a back-up plan. ...
  3. Plan your lecture and visual aids beforehand. ...
  4. Prepare speaking notes. ...
  5. Include delivery reminders in your notes. ...
  6. Practice your lecture. ...
  7. Bring a bottle of water.

What qualities make you an effective lecturer answer? ›

For a good lecturer, patience is a must with large classes and many students who are all different. Furthermore, showing patience as a lecturer is a great way to serve as a role model to students. In both the classroom and school, patience is essential for an effective lecturer. Empathy is a key quality for lecturers.

What the lecturer does most effectively? ›

Effective Lecturing
  • Presenting information otherwise unavailable to students. ...
  • Synthesizing information from a variety of sources. ...
  • Engaging students through storytelling. ...
  • Providing context. ...
  • Presenting up-to-date material. ...
  • Modeling thought processes. ...
  • Clarifying confusing concepts, principles, and ideas.

What could a typical lecturer do to make a lecture more engaging and interesting? ›

Avoid treating lectures as merely a transfer of information, and focus on making plenty of room for your common humanity: Promote dialogue, take brief breaks to relax together, ask questions about how students feel as you progress through lessons, and show concern if they struggle.

What are the four skills of lecturing? ›

To lecture effectively in English, a lecturer must be able to 1) contextualise, explain and critique complex information; 2) answer students' questions and provide clarifications where necessary; 3) ask questions to assess students' levels of understanding and critical engagement; 4) clearly present complex visual ...

What are the weaknesses of lecturing? ›

Disadvantages of the lecture

In lectures students are often passive because there is no mechanism to ensure that they are intellectually engaged with the material. Students' attention wanes quickly after fifteen to twenty-five minutes. Information tends to be forgotten quickly when students are passive.

What skills do you feel you could improve on? ›

Examples of skills you may discuss wanting to improve may relate to:
  • Communication.
  • Computers.
  • Mediation.
  • Mentoring or coaching.
  • Networking.
  • Presenting or public speaking.
  • Technical duties.
  • Time management.
Mar 16, 2023

What is the role of a good lecturer? ›

Lecturer Responsibilities:

Setting and grading assignments, tests, and exams. Conducting research, and writing papers, proposals, journal articles, and books. Attending and participating in meetings, conferences, and other events in and outside of the institution.

What is the description of a good lecturer? ›

Resourceful, providing or finding learning opportunities. Passionate for the subject, teaching, and learning. Prepared, knowing the material and how to communicate it. Informed, being able to convey both new and old materials and methods.

What is an example of a lecture strategy? ›

A few quick examples may be: (1) Start class with a small group discussion that will inform the lecture, (2) Use of a response system (like clickers) interspersed throughout the lecture to gather feedback and assess the level of student understanding (ideally at a conceptual level), (3) Position the lecture as a ...

What is your teaching style as a lecturer? ›


This teaching style is often used with large groups of students, when a lot of interaction between the teacher and students is not feasible. The subject matter in the lecturer style, most of the time, is singular and predetermined. Students are encouraged to take notes and ask questions at the end.

What are the traditional teaching strategies in lecturing? ›

The traditional lecture method is the method that the teachers impart knowledge to students through oral language[1]. Lecture method includes telling method, interpretation method, speak pronunciation and speech method. Teachers use all kinds of teaching methods in teaching mostly accompanied with teaching method.

How do you overcome a boring lecture? ›

Before Class
  1. Sleep Well. Your sleep is inherently tied to your ability to focus. ...
  2. Read Material. ...
  3. Create Questions In Advance. ...
  4. Prepare Yourself For A Mentally-Draining Class. ...
  5. Sit Up Front. ...
  6. If You Are On Your Laptop, Don't Check Social Media. ...
  7. Enjoy A Cold Beverage During Class. ...
  8. Sit With An Enthusiastic Classmate.

How do I stop being a boring lecturer? ›

How to Have More Fun Teaching
  1. Discover new things together. ...
  2. Incorporate mystery into your lessons. ...
  3. Be goofy; show you care. ...
  4. Participate in projects. ...
  5. Avoid “going through the motions.” ...
  6. Flip your lessons. ...
  7. Review–but don't repeat–material. ...
  8. Share your passions.
Oct 10, 2015

How do you engage with a boring lecture? ›

5 Tips for Taking the Boring Out of Your Lectures
  1. Build a lecture around a question, not an answer. ...
  2. Tell a story. ...
  3. Keep lectures short. ...
  4. Use multimedia carefully.
Oct 27, 2015

What are the three 3 parts of a lecture? ›

The suggestions are arranged under one of three phases of a lecture-the introduction, the body, and the closing.

What is your strength as a lecturer? ›

patience, responsibility, tolerance. ability to solve conflicts, emotional intelligence. creativity and enthusiasm for teaching. ability to explain difficult things in a simple way.

What are the 5 types of lectures? ›

Lectures across different categories work together. Thus, an instructor may give a semiformal, problem-solving, chalk and talk lecture, while another may offer a lecture-discussion, point-by-point, multimedia lecture.

What is the biggest weakness in teaching? ›

Weaknesses to consider
  • Lack of technological knowledge (such as specific software)
  • Reliance on routine.
  • Perfectionism.
  • An incomplete understanding of a specific skill, such as calculus or inorganic chemistry (as long as it is not one for which you are interviewing)
  • Lack of or too much spontaneity.
  • Fear of public speaking.
Apr 14, 2023

What are the factors affecting lecturer performance? ›

The results of the analysis show that the factors of age, education, motivation, satisfaction, perception of supervision, learning facilities, and technological literacy have a significant effect on lecturer performance.

What is a good academic weakness? ›

Academic weaknesses may be identified as part of an admissions process or analysis of a student's learning goals and progress. The following are common academic weaknesses.
32 Examples of Academic Weaknesses.
Athletic AbilityCoding
SocializingStudy Skills
Subject Weakness e.g. MathTest Taking
Time ManagementVerbal Communication
11 more rows
May 3, 2020

What are your top 3 areas of improvements? ›

Here are examples of some areas of improvement you might mention:
  • willingness to take risks.
  • confidence.
  • ability to ask for help.
  • proactivity.
  • thoroughness.
  • prioritization.
  • complex problem-solving.
  • leadership.
Apr 28, 2023

How can I improve my skills performance? ›

Other 18 areas of improvement at work
  1. Improve your time management. ...
  2. Try to do important tasks first. ...
  3. Set clear goals. ...
  4. Improve your communication skills. ...
  5. Don't try to do your own, delegate. ...
  6. Make use of the right tools. ...
  7. Give yourself down time. ...
  8. Encourage desk cleanliness and organization.
Mar 17, 2023

What is the first duty of a lecturer? ›

Typical duties include: planning teaching, including lectures, seminars/tutorials and learning materials. meeting students individually to discuss progress. checking and assessing students' work.

What are key responsibilities in lecturer resume? ›

Typical duties include:
  • lesson planning, preparation and research, including creating teaching materials.
  • having contact/teaching time with students.
  • checking and assessing students' work.
  • encouraging personal development via tutorials.
  • arranging work experience placements.
  • attending staff meetings.

How do you write feedback for a lecturer? ›

Sir you deserve all good and wealth in this world, because you love other as yourself and you always help and support. You have been a great teacher, lecturer, and a Professor to me, and I fully enjoyed your lectures, you explained everything in detail and it made it easier for me to understand.

What are soft skills in teaching? ›

“Soft skills” refer to non-technical abilities that include communication, leadership, teamwork, self-awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence. These essential soft skills for teachers are often overlooked in schools, but they are vital for teachers to succeed.

Which is not a quality of a good lecture? ›

Hence, we conclude that explaining multiple themes in a single lecture is not the quality of a good lecture.

What qualities should an assistant lecturer have? ›

Three common soft skills for an assistant lecturer are interpersonal skills, speaking skills and writing skills.

What are the 6 key teaching strategies? ›

According to the authors, those six tools are: (1) Reading for Meaning, (2) Compare and Contrast, (3) Inductive Learning, (4) Circle of Knowledge, (5) Write to Learn, and (6) Vocabulary's CODE.

What is the difference between teaching and lecturing? ›

Teachers are primarily educators who work with students in an academic setting, whereas lecturers are experts in a specific subject matter who lecture on the subject at various events. The most significant distinction between the two professions is that teachers work with students in an academic setting.

What is the best way to motivate students? ›

Tips On How To Motivate Your Students
  1. Become a role model for student interest. ...
  2. Get to know your students. ...
  3. Use examples freely. ...
  4. Use a variety of student-active teaching activities. ...
  5. Set realistic performance goals. ...
  6. Place appropriate emphasis on testing and grading. ...
  7. Be free with praise and constructive in criticism.

What are the 5 teaching approaches? ›

What are the 5 Pedagogical Approaches?
  • The Constructivist Approach. The constructivist approach is based on the concept of constructivism. ...
  • The Collaborative Approach. ...
  • The Reflective Approach. ...
  • The Integrative Approach. ...
  • The Inquiry-Based Approach.

What are the basic steps for lecture discussion strategy? ›

Operationally, the manipulation of the lecture-discussion includes four steps as follows: (1) introduction and review; (2) the presentation of information: (3) the monitoring of comprehension; and (4) integration which ends with the closing.

What are the steps of the lecture method? ›

  • Step 1, Opening. State the purpose of the lecture. ...
  • Step 2, Presentation. Elaboration Multi-media resources. ...
  • Step 3, Learner-Instructor two-way Interaction. Encouraging active learning Multi-media streaming. ...
  • Step 4, Formative Assessment. ...
  • Step 5, Conclusions. ...
  • Step One: Opening. ...
  • Step Two: Presentation.

What are the two types of teaching strategies? ›

The two main types of teaching methods & strategies are teacher-centered instruction and student-centered instruction.

How do you make a boring lecture go by faster? ›

Take extensive, thorough notes, even if you don't love what you're studying. Focus on every word coming out of your teacher's mouth and really try to comprehend what they're getting at. If you listen and focus in class, you'll get caught up in what you're doing and forget you were ever bored in the first place!

How do I stop lecture anxiety? ›

Try breathing techniques- relax your shoulders, place your hand on your abdomen to ensure you are breathing from there. Breathe in slowly for 6 seconds, pause, then out for 8. Try staying a little longer every day, thinking “just 5 minutes longer” and try to increase the time every day.

Can a shy person be a lecturer? ›

Introverts can be teachers. They may not lead school assemblies or direct the marching band, but they play a critical role in every school. If you're an introvert who's passionate about teaching, don't hold yourself back—go for it!

How do I make my lessons more engaging? ›

7 Strategies for Connecting in the Classroom
  1. Really Get to Know Your Students. ...
  2. Establish Expectations for Participation. ...
  3. Answer the “So What?” in Everything You Do—and Say. ...
  4. Create Meaningful Prework. ...
  5. Pace Your Lessons Well. ...
  6. Make Learning Experiences Active and Varied. ...
  7. Show Students That You Care.
Apr 9, 2021

How do you teach a boring subject in a fun way? ›

Here are five ways to make a seemingly boring topic interesting.
  1. Introduce an experience. ...
  2. Bring in humor. ...
  3. Invite some friendly competition. ...
  4. Reinvigorate your own passion. ...
  5. Approach the topic from a child-like perspective.
Oct 7, 2014

How do you engage a large lecture class? ›

Large Lecture Engagement Ideas
  1. Speak slowly.
  2. Start with a hook. ...
  3. Provide a visual agenda of your lecture and use transition slides.
  4. Organize your lecture into meaningful sections. ...
  5. Check student progress to assess student learning regularly.

How do you endure a long lecture? ›

11 tips for surviving long college lectures
  1. Research your professor beforehand. ...
  2. Bring a snack. ...
  3. Wear comfortable layers. ...
  4. Find a friend in class. ...
  5. Study more than usual. ...
  6. Use your break time wisely. ...
  7. Grab or bring a cup of coffee. ...
  8. Don't schedule another long class on the same day.

Why does lecturing not work? ›

The problem with lecturing is that we are frustrated about the repeating behavior. If you use words like “never” and “always”, you can expect them to repeat the behaviors again. This is not a helpful talk. There might be at least one time when they did homework on time or when they were on time for school.

How can professors improve their teaching? ›

Six Things That Make College Teachers Successful
  1. Study the knowledge base of teaching and learning. ...
  2. Accept all who enter the classroom door. ...
  3. Plan for instructional management. ...
  4. Teach with a variety of strategies. ...
  5. Use assessment to inform students of their achievement. ...
  6. Keep the passion.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.