How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (2024)

Inside the Mill How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (1)

How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (5)

Healthy Living on on April 17 2021 by Bob's Red Mill

Are you a fan of homemade granola bars? If so, then it's likely you have a few go-to recipes to make whenever the craving hits. Here at Bob's Red Mill, we love granola bars and have a few recipes of our own that we're crazy about. One of the reasons we love granola bars so much is because they're a healthy snack that can be enjoyed almost anywhere. Their grab-and-go nature makes them the perfect snack to place in our bags or pack into a school lunch, making it easy for the entire family to stick to their health goals.

Like everything, there are some cons to making homemade granola bars. Depending on the recipe, granola bars can be quite messy. While it's entirely possible to snack on a granola bar in the car, many of us don't do it for fear of getting crumbs everywhere. If crumbs are keeping you from making homemade granola bars, fear not. The crumbly, fall-apart nature of granola bars can easily be fixed with a few simple tips and tricks. By using the right ingredients and cooking methods, you can create granola bars that stay together the entire time you're eating them. Keep scrolling to discover our top tricks to help make granola bars that are sturdy and flavorful.

#1 Start with Oats

How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (6)

Want to make granola bars that don't fall apart? Choose oats as your base. Baking a granola bar recipe that uses high-quality oats is an excellent way to create a nutritious and sturdy snack that's ready to eat. Aside from being loaded with fiber and good-for-you nutrients, oats soak up just about everything they're combined with. When mixed with a binding agent like oil or honey, oats will help round up all of the ingredients in a recipe to turn it into one delicious result.

Searching for a granola bar recipe that uses oats as a base? Make these PB&J Oat Bars.

#2 Use Honey

How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (7)

While making a granola bar with an oat base is an excellent way to create a sturdy snack, a binding agent must be added to tie all of the ingredients together. Not sure what a binding agent is? Let us explain; A binding agent is an element in a recipe that works to form the ingredients into a cohesive whole. Binding agents provide structure and stability and help you produce a more stable outcome. Using the right binding agent in your granola bar recipe is a crucial part of keeping your bars from falling apart. While there are several different sticky ingredients that you can use, we've found that the binding agent that works the best is honey! When added to your homemade granola bars, honey acts as glue that sticks all the pieces together. Another upside of adding honey to your recipe is that it is a natural sweetener, meaning you won't have to add any artificial sweeteners to your recipe. Because honey can withstand heat and molding, it makes for an excellent addition to homemade granola bars.

For a delicious bar recipe that won't fall apart as soon as you bite into it, make these Breakfast Muesli Bars.

#3 Let Bars Fully Bake

How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (8)

One of the biggest culprits of crumbly bars is not letting them bake properly. Whether you choose a recipe that requires your bars to enter the oven or a no-bake recipe in which they need to be refrigerated, make sure you follow all of the steps carefully. Bars that have been over or undercooked are much more likely to crumble upon handling. Additionally, letting your bars bake for the required amount of time allows the ingredients in your recipe to properly secure and the flavors to release. The result? You end up with sturdy and flavorful bars that will stay whole until you're ready to enjoy them.

For a low-mess baked granola bar recipe, try out these Raspberry Oatmeal Bars. Or, if you'd like to ditch the baking part altogether, make these no-bake Chocolate Amaranth Protein Bars.

#4 Consider Adding Chia Seeds

How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (9)

Now, if you've tried all of the tips above and your bars are still crumbling on contact, there's one thing left to do- try adding chia seeds! Chia seeds are often praised for their binding powers. In fact, they secure ingredients so well that they can even be used as an egg replacer. Adding just a spoonful of chia seeds to your favorite granola bar recipe will make a huge difference in its texture. Plus, it will add a significant boost of fiber, antioxidants, minerals and healthy omega-3 fatty acids without changing the flavor of your bar.

By using the tips and tricks listed above, we're confident that your next granola bar recipe will be a success. Whether you choose to make your bar with oats, honey, chia seeds or all of the above, it's important to remember that this snack is what you make of it. Choose your favorite granola bar recipe from our recipe bank, or get creative and make your own using healthy ingredients like organic rolled cut oats. The possibilities are truly endless! From everyone at Bob's Red Mill, happy baking!


  1. How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (11)

    I made oatmeal cookies and they all crumbled apart. Can I turn them into granola bars and how


    1. How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (12)

      Elisabeth Allie

      The makeup of oatmeal cookies and granola bars are very different! Perhaps crumble them over yogurt or ice cream?


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How to Keep Homemade Granola Bars From Falling Apart (2024)


How do you keep homemade granola bars from falling apart? ›

While there are several different sticky ingredients that you can use, we've found that the binding agent that works the best is honey! When added to your homemade granola bars, honey acts as glue that sticks all the pieces together.

How do you get homemade granola to stick together? ›

Add an egg white.

The whites act as a kind of glue that binds the ingredients together. To ensure that the egg whites coat all the ingredients, I beat them with a whisk until foamy and increased in volume, which makes it much easier to fold into the granola.

Why won t my granola bars stick together? ›

Don't over measure your oats, nuts, and add-in's. If you measure the dry ingredients too generously the granola bars won't stick together because they won't be enough liquid ingredients to "glue" them together. Don't throw off the dry to wet ratio with heavy-handed measuring.

How do you seal homemade granola bars? ›

Just wrap up your bars in tinfoil, wax paper or plastic wrap and then wrap the cut-down printable around it on top and seal with tape. You can even add in the ingredients too if you like!

How do you harden homemade granola bars? ›

Finally, we like to refrigerate the granola mixture for about 2 hours. This hardens everything and makes it easy to cut the granola mixture into bars. Right out of the refrigerator the bars will be hard since they are cold.

How do you keep granola crunchy? ›

This is because high temperatures can cause ingredients like nuts, oats, and seeds to burn before they have a chance to properly dry out and get crispy. In order to get crispy granola, you must cook it slowly at a low temperature, stir it to make sure that all the oats get exposed to heat evenly, and then let it cool.

What do you wrap homemade granola bars in? ›

Wrap bars individually in parchment paper or lay parchment paper between layers of bars in airtight container. Bars will keep longer if you store in the fridge or freezer. Enjoy!

How do you make granola shelf stable? ›

The best place to store granola is in the pantry or a cabinet in the kitchen. Make sure the area is dry and away from sources of heat. As long as the package is unopened, the original packaging is perfectly fine for long-term storage. Once you open the bag, make sure always to seal it tightly when not in use.

Do you need parchment paper for granola? ›

Pour your bowl of oats onto a baking sheet and spread it in a thin layer. You may or may not need parchment paper to keep it from sticking, but consider using it to make it easier and neater to lift off your finished granola in one sheet and pour it into a jar.

How do you fix chewy granola? ›

Not only can you transform that soggy, chewy granola back to being blissfully crunchy, but it's easier than you might think. All it takes is spreading the granola in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and heating it in a 400 degree oven for five minutes — essentially re-baking it.

Should I stir granola while baking? ›

Among BA digital food editor Dawn Perry's general rules for clustery goodness: lightly press down on the raw mixture when piling it onto your baking sheet, and don't stir it right after it comes out of the oven. You can also try stirring in a lightly-beaten egg white before baking for a more "cookie-like" consistency.

Why do you need oil in granola? ›

Oil helps make this granola crisp and irresistible. I prefer unrefined coconut oil, which is delicious (you can barely taste the coconut, if at all) and produces the perfect texture. You can use extra-virgin olive oil instead, if you'd like your granola to be a little more on the savory side.

How Long Will homemade granola last in a mason jar? ›

If you've made homemade granola and want to know how long you can keep it fresh, the answer is usually between two weeks and a month.

Can you vacuum seal homemade granola bars? ›

To freeze granola, just package it in an airtight container with as little empty space as possible. If you have a vacuum sealer, all the better.

Do you just add milk to granola? ›

One of the simplest ways to eat granola is on its own with a little bit of milk! Having some good, wholesome granola on hand in the pantry is always a good idea for busy mornings. Bring out your granola, pour it into a bowl, then mix it with the milk of your choosing!

Do you add dried fruit to granola before or after baking? ›

A good general rule of thumb is to add in any chopped, dried fruits after the granola comes out of the oven. At Marge, I also add the pecans and coconut about halfway through our cook time because they tend to brown quicker than the other ingredients.

Why is glycerin in granola bars? ›

Glycerin is used as an ingredient in a variety of food and beverage products to help retain moisture, prevent sugar crystallization, and add bulk, smoothness, softness, sweetness and texture.

How do you know when homemade granola is done? ›

If the granola is clumpy, use a spatula to press it into the pan. Bake for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through. Bake, stirring halfway through, for about 20 minutes total. The granola is ready when golden-brown and the almonds have toasted — it will still feel wet coming out of the oven but will dry as it cools.

How do you increase the shelf life of granola bars? ›

While many granola bar recipes can be stored at room temperature, keeping granola bars in the refrigerator or freezer will unquestionably extend their shelf life. This is especially so if you live in a humid climate.

Why does my homemade granola taste bitter? ›

Sugar may not sound as exciting as honey or maple syrup, but those comparatively high-fructose sugars are eager to burn in the oven, making the granola bitter and dark. Sugar, on the other hand, only gets better with prolonged heat.

Do you have to refrigerate homemade granola bars? ›

Even though you should refrigerate your granola bars to help them firm up quickly, you do not need to store them in the refrigerator. After cutting them, I wrap mine in a strip of parchment or wax paper (to keep them from sticking to each other) and then store them in a resealable Ziploc bag in my cabinet.

Are granola bar wrappers plastic? ›

The vast majority of energy bar wrappers are made from two layers of flexible polypropylene plastic with aluminum sandwiched in between. The packaging ensures the bars stay fresh, tasty, and healthy for as long as possible.

How long do homemade granola bars last in the fridge? ›

Homemade granola bars will keep well for up to a week at room temperature, but for a longer shelf life, you can store them in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks. You can also freeze them for up to 6 months!

How do you make a shelf-stable product? ›

In order to be shelf stable, perishable food must be treated by heat and/or dried to destroy foodborne microorganisms that can cause illness or spoil food. Food can be packaged in sterile, airtight containers. All foods eventually spoil if not preserved.

How are granola bars shelf-stable? ›

Granola bars are made with a variety of ingredients, including oats, nuts, dried fruit, and honey. This combination of ingredients gives them a fairly long shelf life. Most granola bars will last for 6-10 months after their expiration date.

How do you increase the shelf life of energy bars? ›

Although consumers want protein to be a key ingredient in their nutrition bars, it can be the main culprit in preventing optimal shelf life. The key to effectively managing and extending shelf life involves the prevention or slowing of hardening by managing moisture content and maintaining an appealing texture.

Why do you put baking soda in granola? ›

Baking soda – keeps the granola bars from becoming too dense while baking. Salt – balances the sweetness and adds flavor.

What happens if you don't use parchment paper? ›

Since parchment paper is often used to create a nonstick surface, greasing the pan will accomplish the same results. Coat your cookie sheet or pan with cooking spray, butter, or oil. Then, lay the food directly on the pan. This will work for everything but the most delicate or gooey treats.

Can I use aluminum foil instead of parchment paper for granola? ›

The bottom line is that you can use foil for many of the same things you would use parchment paper for, but it doesn't mean you always should. If parchment paper is for hot use, and waxed paper is for cold use, think of foil more as your alternative for insulating use.

Do you add hot water to granola? ›

Mix dark brown sugar and warm water in a jug until dissolved. Add sunflower oil, then mix well. Pour the wet mix into the dry mix and stir well. Spread in 1-2 roasting tin/s and cook for 30-40 minutes until golden, tossing occasionally with a spatula so the granola browns evenly.

Should granola be crunchy when you take it out of the oven? ›

The finished granola may still feel slightly soft when it comes out of the oven, but it will crisp as it cools.

Does granola need to be soaked? ›

Making Granola Right: A Simple Soaked Granola

This recipe takes things a step further by first soaking the oats to neutralize antinutrients like phytates. It is also baked at a lower temperature than most (below 170°F) to maintain the nutrients and enzymes in the ingredients for their full benefit.

Can I use normal oats instead of rolled oats for granola? ›

Can I substitute quick oats for rolled oats in granola? Yes! Rolled oats are most commonly used in granola bars, cookies, muffins, and other baked goods. Instant oats can be used in place of rolled oats, although the cook time will be much less, and the final dish might not have as much texture.

Is eating homemade granola healthy? ›

Often touted as health food, many packaged granolas contain so much fat, sugar, and calories that you might as well eat a candy bar. On the other hand, when enjoyed in moderation, healthy homemade granola is an excellent source of fiber, iron, healthy fat, and protein.

Is granola just as healthy as oatmeal? ›

Both oatmeal and granola make for a healthy, nutritious breakfast, but the winner for us is granola—the added nuts, seeds, and dried fruits give you a source of fiber and healthy fats that oatmeal can't quite compete with.

What does granola do to your stomach? ›

Granola contains healthy ingredients that help to keep the digestive tract in good shape. When you compare it to refined breakfast cereals, the fiber in granola helps to reduce inflammation in the gut by increasing levels of healthy gut bacteria.

What can I use in place of coconut oil in granola? ›

Best substitute for coconut oil
  1. Butter or vegan butter (best for baking). The very best substitute for coconut oil in baking is the same amount of butter! ...
  2. Olive oil (non-baked). Olive oil is a plant-based oil like coconut oil, and works well as a 1-for-1 replacement. ...
  3. Neutral oil, like grapeseed oil or sunflower oil.
Jan 14, 2019

Why does my granola taste fishy? ›

This is because the polyunsaturated fatty acids (including omega-3) contained in fish oils are prone to oxidation. The oxidation products have strong rancid off-flavors including the typical “fishy note”, and the oxidized oil has a reduced nutritional value.

How do you package homemade granola as a gift? ›

Make sure that the container seals tightly to protect the freshness of the food. Glass jars, such as Mason jars work wonderfully and they are reusable for the gift recipient. Use a container that will protect the item you made. Example: if you want the granola to stay in larger pieces, use a hard-shelled container.

Can I freeze homemade granola bars? ›

Yes, absolutely you can freeze granola bars! I like to wrap the bars individually first with waxed paper or parchment paper, then store in large, labeled ziploc bags so I know which variety of granola bar I'm getting. They freeze well for up to 2 months.

Can you Store granola in a mason jar? ›

Storing Homemade Granola

Once your granola has cooled and you have added any additional dried fruits, nuts or spices, it can be stored in airtight containers (or mason jars) in a cool, dry place for a few weeks!

What makes homemade granola stick together? ›

Add an egg white.

The whites act as a kind of glue that binds the ingredients together. To ensure that the egg whites coat all the ingredients, I beat them with a whisk until foamy and increased in volume, which makes it much easier to fold into the granola.

How long will vacuum sealed granola last? ›

How Long Does Vacuum Sealed Granola Last? Vacuum-sealed granola will last for 6-8 months in the pantry and up to a year in the freezer. To vacuum seal granola, simply place it in an airtight container or bag.

What foods should be avoided when vacuum sealing? ›

Food Items That Should Not Be Vacuum Sealed
  • Raw Mushrooms. Due to their natural ripening process, fresh mushrooms may decay faster if vacuum sealed. ...
  • Fresh Bananas. Vacuum sealing fresh bananas can actually quicken their ripening time. ...
  • Raw Garlic & Onion. ...
  • Soft Cheeses. ...
  • Freshly Cooked Vegetables. ...
  • Whole Apples.
Apr 30, 2021

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