How to Look and Appear More Masculine (2024)

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Show off your masculinity with these tips and tricks

Co-authored bySarah Schewitz, PsyD

Last Updated: April 12, 2024Fact Checked

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  • Being a Man
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  • Maintaining Your Manliness
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  • Living as a Man in the World
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  • Tips
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  • Warnings

Manliness is something many aspire to, but few achieve. Unfortunately, manliness isn't a single skill you can practice. Rather, it's a spectrum of traits that should be developed over a lifetime. By honing your manly traits, you're making the most of your physical, mental, and emotional potential. Be warned - being manly isn't easy, nor should it be - real men relish challenges.

Things You Should Know

  • Lift weights and get fit to exude strength and athleticism.
  • Take your roles and responsibilities seriously.
  • Make time to learn new things and expand your mind.

Part 1

Part 1 of 3:

Being a Man

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  1. 1

    Get fit. Manly men don't have to look like Conan the Barbarian, but they do need to take care of their bodies. Fellow people alike admire strength and athleticism. If you're not already in good shape, immediately set aside some time in your schedule to exercise every day.[1] Exercise will make you look and feel better. It can also help thwart depression, making you much better-suited for pursuing your other masculine goals. Here are some steps you can take to develop your own manly physicality.

    • Lift weights. Strength-training exercises help build manly muscles and burn fat. Use proper technique and proceed slowly if you're new to weightlifting - you can hurt yourself with bad form.
      • If you're unsure of how to proceed and you can afford it, hire a personal trainer. They will help you craft an exercise routine that fits your precise needs.
    • Manly men are aware of the image they project - stand up straight and walk with purpose. A good posture makes you look confident and may even make you feel more confident. A slumped posture appears beaten or submissive.
    • If you have high body fat, consider dieting. Dieting isn't feminine, it’s responsible. Losing weight can decrease your risk for heart disease and other common health issues later in life.
  2. 2

    Relish responsibility. Real men don't run from challenges or try to shirk their obligations. Rather, they take pride in being reliable and responsible.[2] If other people feel like they can trust you, you'll quickly learn to trust yourself, which will bring increased confidence. Responsibility comes in many forms, depending on the roles you take on. Here are just a few aspects of life that may require you to take on new responsibility:

    • If you're a husband or father, become a leader in your family. Take an active role in child-raising and/or balance the household budget, for instance.
    • If you're a boyfriend, be a mature, reliable one. Plan dates and outings without being asked. Be emotionally available for your significant other when they need it.
    • If you have a career, commit yourself to it. Take on challenging projects, even if it occasionally means staying late or working overtime. Be the one person your boss can trust - you'll earn much respect (and also job security!)
    • Emulate manly role models who excel in their careers and home life, whether they're familiar friends or famous heroes.


  3. 3

    Be a sexual dynamo. Now for the fun stuff! Masculine men are sexually confident - they know they're the most attractive person in the room, so they don't make idiots of themselves by trying too hard. Instead, they coolly and confidently approach people they find attractive and allow their charming, friendly personality to naturally steer conversations toward flirtation. Masculine men are direct about what they want, but they're not boorish or arrogant. They like to have fun, but they always remember that their sexual prospects are human beings with their own needs and wants.

    • If you're single, work on your sexual confidence. Try to be dominant in your flirtatious conversations and in the bedroom. Don't get emotionally invested in relationships that don't exist yet!
    • If you're inexperienced, begin simply by getting out more. Talk to attractive people you meet without fear - if there's a mutual attraction, you might hit it off, and if not, you'll still get better at talking confidently.
    • Apply these principles to any committed relationships you find yourself in. Keep your confidence around your partner or spouse - surprise them by seducing them like you'd seduce someone you're meeting for the first time.
  4. 4

    Improve your emotional health. A common misconception is that manly men have no emotions other than anger. Nothing could be further from the truth. Manly men experience a full spectrum of emotions - joy, sadness, regret, contentment, and every shade in between. However, a man never loses control of his emotions. He never allows himself to get so angry that he does something stupid. He never allows himself to get so sad that he ignores his responsibilities. He does what he needs to do to ensure he's emotionally ready to take charge of his life.

    • Honestly critique your emotional state - do your experience certain emotions illogically? Tackle your weaknesses head-on. Talk to friends or a counselor to put your emotional state in a new perspective.
    • Anyone can experience clinical depression, but depressed men are more likely to commit suicide. Depression can also lead men to neglect their family and career. If you are depressed, seek medical help. It's not manly to pretend nothing's wrong.
  5. 5

    Sharpen your intellect. ’Manly’ men aren't just sexy, strong brutes - they're clever as well. They don't have to be "book-smart," but they do have to be open to learning throughout their whole life. A manly man has an opinion about almost everything, but his opinions won't be well-informed if he's not open to learning. Whatever your level of education, be as smart as you can be - it'll help you negotiate business deals, defuse arguments at home, make better decisions, and, most importantly, live a full, well-rounded life.

    • Take up a hobby! It's never too late to learn a musical instrument or a new language.
    • Join a debate team! Learning how to effectively argue is an important skill in almost all aspects of life.
    • Take classes at your local community college. You'll find new passions.
    • If you're ever proven wrong about something, admit it and move on. You gain nothing by obstinately refusing to change your mind.
  6. 6

    Develop rewarding interpersonal relationships. Manly men should be confident on their own, but they shouldn't be loners.[3] Cultivating an active social life is great for your career aspirations (networking is a great way to get job referrals), but it's also a great way to meet single people. Plus, it's just plain fun. Get out there and meet people today!

    • Seek leadership roles in organizations. You'll meet plenty of people and earn their respect.
    • Join sports teams. Sports are a great way to improve your social life and your health at the same time.
    • Save your tenderest, most intimate emotions for your relationships, but be a rock on whom the more emotional can lean on.
  7. 7

    Be distinct. Manly men may prize certain people as role models, but they aspire to be no one but themselves. Be unique - don't buy in to fads or trends. Cultivate your own style and you'll never be mistaken for anyone else.The way you dress, speak, and carry yourself makes a lasting impression on people. Make sure it's an unforgettable one.

    • Never agree with someone just to fit in. Real men are self-assured, comfortable respectfully disagreeing with others when it's needed.
    • Do things that you like to do, without considering what other people will think. Do you like knitting, for instance? Then work at becoming the world's manliest knitter.
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Part 2

Part 2 of 3:

Maintaining Your Manliness

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  1. 1

    Stay at your physical peak. Don't rest on your laurels - continue to work out every day, even if it's just to maintain the progress you've already made. A strong, healthy body makes every other aspect of life easier. You'll have more energy to work, play, and love like a man.[4]

    • Enjoy your new strength and athleticism, but don't let it go to your head. Don't boast or show off unless it's in good humor - doing so is a sign of desperation for others' approval, not of confidence.
    • Pay attention to what you put into your body. Count your calories and avoid unhealthy foods.
  2. 2

    Foster your curiosity. Stubborn close-mindedness often gets mistaken for manliness. In fact, it's far manlier to actively seek out new experiences - you can't strive for personal growth if you never step out of your comfort zone.[5] Always try new things, provided you do so safely. It will broaden your horizons. You'll begin to learn what you like and what you don't like. You'll discover skills you didn't know you had. You'll be more interesting to your friends and sexier to women.

    • Be open to relationships with new kinds of people. Talk to everyone - you may find that people with different perspectives on life can inform your own opinions.
    • Take on new responsibilities at work and at home. Even if, for instance, you discover that you're not the best at paying your household's bills, you'll learn the process, which is a gift in itself.
  3. 3

    Challenge yourself every day. "Manly" isn't an easy thing to be. It's a quality marked by hard work and struggle.[6] Teddy Roosevelt, one of the manliest men to ever live, had to work hard for years to overcome his poor health and achieve manliness. By overcoming obstacles, you move closer to the manly ideal. Tackle life's difficulties head-on!

    • Often, the biggest challenges can come with the day-in, day-out grinds of sustaining a career and a home life. In this case, the challenge may be something as simple as going to bed earlier so that you can wake up to take your child to school. Just because these challenges aren't glamorous doesn't mean they're not hard!
    • Seek new challenges out. If your career and home life aren't challenging, make new challenges for yourself! Sign up for a marathon
  4. 4

    Enjoy competition. You're not the only manly man in the world - eventually, you'll find yourself in competition with someone who's also confident, strong, and self-assured. Give it all you've got - a genuine competition is a great chance to test the manly skills you've worked hard to develop. Even if you don't win, you'll learn, and you'll be better-prepared to succeed the next time you find yourself locking horns with another ’alpha male’.

    • If you win, be a gracious winner. Shake their hand, look them in the eye, and never gloat. Reflect on the qualities you possess that led you to victory, as well as the ones that made victory more difficult.
    • If you lose, lose responsibly. Never give up before the competition is over, even if your odds seem slim. Don't whine or make excuse for yourself. Instead, try to find out why you lost so that you can devote extra practice to these areas,
  5. 5

    Above all, be the best man you can be in every aspect of your life. No one is perfect - even the most masculine men make mistakes and experience great difficulty. Adversity is no reason to quit. Strive for the confident, strong masculine ideal even when it eludes you. Remember, no one is born ’manly’. It's something that must be eked out through hard work, struggle and sacrifice. When in doubt, remember that some of the manliest people ever had their own periods of darkness. Here are just a few examples:

    • Mr. T. had a very rough life before he found fame. Raised in one of Chicago's roughest housing projects and expelled from college after only one year, he worked as a bouncer and bodyguard for years before landing his first film role.
    • John Wayne, once the epitome of American Masculinity, struggled through three marriages and a cigarette addiction that gave him cancer. Still, he kept his manliness to the end.
    • Long before he was Rocky, Sylvester Stallone was a desperate, struggling young actor. For three weeks, he was homeless, sleeping in the New York Port Authority bus station until he got his first starring role - in a p*rno. He didn't become well-known until years later.
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Part 3

Part 3 of 3:

Living as a Man in the World

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  1. 1

    Treat everyone with respect. Whether you're dating a woman or not, you should all people them like a gentleman would. This doesn't mean subscribing to outdated ideas of chivalry (like, for instance, pushing in their chair for them). Rather, it means that you should extend their the respect and goodwill you would give a serious colleague. Listen to them when they talk. Respect their opinions, even if you disagree with them. Most importantly, treat everyone, regardless of gender, like an equal - they are.

    • No need to handle women with kid gloves. Many women love raunchy humor as much as men do. Making jokes (even lewd ones) with women isn't treating them disrespectfully - it's showing that you consider her enough of an equal to let your emotional guard down. Get a sense of a woman's personality first, then, if she seems game, joke away.
    • On the other hand, avoid the use of gendered insults like "bitch," even if you're just joking. It's easy to make a bad habit of using these words and even easier to have your intentions be misunderstood. Manly men don't hurt peoples' feelings on the basis of their gender.
    • Never, ever commit an act of violence against a woman - it's one of the least-manly things you can do. That of course does not mean that you have to allow a woman (or anybody else) to be violent, abusive or disrespectful toward you or anybody. Strength and violence are different things. To stop an abuse is a must, but does not necessarily need violence; use your brain power, instead.
  2. 2

    Treat men with respect as well. It's easy to respect your guy friends. It's much harder to respect the creep in the office who always breathes over your shoulder. A manly man does both. Manly men never bully or humiliate people. They also avoid participating in gossip. Anything you would scold your son for doing on the playground, you should avoid doing in the adult world.

    • Many times, annoying men won't even know they're annoying. If someone at the office has really bad breath, take them aside quietly and recommend some breath mints. Don't tease them in front of everyone at lunch. There's no reason to make someone suffer for something they're unaware of.
    • Life will sometimes require you to compete with other men. Compete as hard as you can, but remember that these men aren't evil just because they're in competition with you. They deserve your respect even as you work against them.
  3. 3

    Be ambitious (but not greedy.) Pursue excellence in your career and enjoy the rewards that you earn through your hard work, but never compromise your integrity or your family life for material wealth. The happiness you get from money is a fraction compared to what a happy home and family can offer. Act ethically in all your business dealings. Be competitive, but don't be a backstabber - a manly man never throws someone else under the bus for his own advancement.

    • Being honorable at work is its own reward. Coworkers and supervisors will notice your hard work. You'll earn the respect of your workplace and, more importantly, job security.
    • Seek out new responsibilities at work, but don't become so invested in your career that you neglect yourself or your family. If taking on a new duty means you won't ever be able to see your children before they go to sleep, pass it up.
  4. 4

    Be a family man. Your family should come first - before your career and even before yourself. This responsibility becomes even bigger if you have children. Make sure to spend time with your family, even if you're already working very hard. They'll return your love. Take your children to visit their grandparents. Spend an occasional weekend at the beach. Attend your children's sports games and school plays. The time you spend fostering love in your family is the time you'll remember most fondly in your old age.

    • A survey of over 1,000 UK parents showed they overwhelmingly valued time with their family over material wealth. If given the chance between working the whole weekend to put money away for a new car and spending the weekend with your family, opt for the one that will make you happier.
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      • Don't let anyone walk over you; read "The Manipulated Man" and "The Myth of Manpower".


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      • Hurting or abusing someone or child is cowardly and unspeakably damaging, be it physically, mentally, emotionally, or sexually. Manly men should know how to differentiate strength from abuse, and have a feel for limits. If you are being told that you don't, work it out: this line differentiates the most respected men from the most despised.


        Helpful2Not Helpful0

      • The scout morals are good to follow: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Be prepared to help others at all times. Also keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.


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      • Be a man, and don't become a Neanderthal: remind yourself constantly that a man is sophisticated and thinks of others.


        Helpful193Not Helpful32

      • Some cultures and value systems recognize behaviors as manly that many others would consider unacceptable or even illegal. When engaging in manly behavior, always ask yourself if you personally find your actions acceptable. It is OK to be less manly if it makes you a better human being.


        Helpful138Not Helpful29

      • Avoid toxic masculinity.


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      About This Article

      How to Look and Appear More Masculine (37)

      Co-authored by:

      Sarah Schewitz, PsyD

      Licensed Psychologist

      This article was co-authored by Sarah Schewitz, PsyD. Sarah Schewitz, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist by the California Board of Psychology with over 10 years of experience. She received her Psy.D. from the Florida Institute of Technology in 2011. She is the founder of Couples Learn, an online psychology practice helping couples and individuals improve and change their patterns in love and relationships. This article has been viewed 1,109,781 times.

      10 votes - 56%

      Co-authors: 119

      Updated: April 12, 2024


      Categories: Personality Traits

      Article SummaryX

      The most fulfilling way be manly is to relish responsibility and challenges. Enjoy competition while still being reliable with your relationships and commitments. Express the full range of your emotions so you can feel confident in yourself and become the best man you can be. To develop manly traits and learn how to interact with others, read on!

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      How to Look and Appear More Masculine (2024)


      How to Look and Appear More Masculine? ›

      Wear rugged men's clothing in classic styles and dark or neutral tones. Groom yourself like a man with a shorter haircut and facial hair or contouring makeup. Walk with a manly swagger and sit or stand with good posture to project confidence. Start a strength-training regimen to build a more manly physique.

      How can I look and feel masculine? ›

      Here are some steps you can take to develop your own manly physicality.
      1. Lift weights. Strength-training exercises help build manly muscles and burn fat. ...
      2. Manly men are aware of the image they project - stand up straight and walk with purpose. ...
      3. If you have high body fat, consider dieting.

      What makes you look masculine? ›

      The chin and jaw represent most of the area of the lower face and contribute strongly to a more masculine appearance. In men, both these structures are generally larger in size, with typical characteristics including: a taller, angular and squarer chin. a larger and wider jaw.

      How to increase your masculinity? ›

      Here are 10 ways to redefine and expand masculinity:
      1. Communicate. ...
      2. Be vulnerable. ...
      3. Be empathetic. ...
      4. Hold yourself accountable. ...
      5. Start a daily skin care routine. ...
      6. Care for your mental well-being. ...
      7. Create healthy work-life boundaries. ...
      8. Recognize care as male success.

      How do I turn on masculine energy? ›

      To boost your masculine energy, follow the steps below:
      1. Step #1 – Take notice of your level of self-confidence. ...
      2. Step #2 – Cultivate a positive mindset. ...
      3. Step #3 – Keep a positive attitude in the face of adversity. ...
      4. Step #4 – Concentrate on what makes you happy. ...
      5. Step #5 – Take action instead of procrastinating.

      How do I make myself look more like a guy? ›

      Loose T-shirts, structured jackets, and slim-fitting pants or jeans are all great staple items to go for. The more structured fit of your items will make your shoulders look bigger and your chest look broader. If you're buying a suit, you can go for more of a fitted, figure-hugging cut.

      How to increase masculinity in face? ›

      1. Bone implant placement beneath the eyebrows to achieve a more prominent forehead bone.
      2. Hair transplantation to widen the eyebrows.
      3. Fat transfer above the eye to achieve fullness.
      4. Nose reshaping.
      5. Cheek fat and bone reduction.
      6. Lip reduction.
      7. Jaw implant placement to achieve a stronger jaw appearance.

      What is the most masculine facial feature? ›

      In an application of these methods to a set of human facial photographs, we found that shape features typically perceived as masculine are wide faces with a wide inter-orbital distance, a wide nose, thin lips, and a large and massive lower face.

      What is masculine attractive features? ›

      Women, on average, tend to be more attracted to men who have a relatively narrow waist, a V-shaped torso, wide chest and broad shoulders. Women also tend to be more attracted to men who are taller and larger than they are, and display a high degree of facial symmetry, as well as relatively masculine facial dimorphism.

      How can I develop my masculine personality? ›

      10 ways to Build The Masculinity
      1. Physical strength and athleticism.
      2. Aggression and competitiveness.
      3. Emotional stoicism.
      4. Dominance and leadership.
      5. Breadwinning and financial responsibility.
      6. Protectiveness and responsibility for the well-being of others.
      7. Confidence and assertiveness.
      8. Sexual attractiveness and potency.
      Dec 23, 2022

      How to make a feminine face look masculine? ›

      You can create this affect by using a darker shade of highlighter or foundation to create the illusion of shadows around your cheekbones, jaw, and forehead. Use a small contouring brush to apply the makeup. Start with your cheekbones. Suck in your cheeks and draw a dark line running down your cheekbones.

      How can I get more masculine style? ›

      10 Outfit Pieces for a Masculine Look
      1. Button-Down Shirts. Embrace a classic and tailored look with button-down shirts in neutral colors or subtle patterns. ...
      2. Tailored Blazers. ...
      3. Straight-Leg or Slim-Fit Jeans. ...
      4. Crewneck or V-Neck T-Shirts. ...
      5. Chinos or Khaki Pants. ...
      6. Sneakers or Loafers. ...
      7. Classic Watch. ...
      8. Baseball Cap or Beanie.
      Feb 5, 2024

      How can I look more masculine physically? ›

      Start a strength-training regimen.

      Even so, being strong and physically active is something commonly associated with masculinity. You can also focus your weight training to give your body a more masculine shape over time by emphasizing some areas and de-emphasizing others.

      How to give off masculine vibes? ›

      12 Powerful Ways to Increase Your Masculine Energy
      1. Posture. The way you carry yourself reflects your attitude; remember most communication is unspoken. ...
      2. Be Assertive and Stick up for Yourself. ...
      3. Find a Mentor. ...
      4. Stop Masturbating. ...
      5. Stillness. ...
      6. Spend time With Other Men. ...
      7. Tap Into Your Inner Warrior. ...
      8. Lead.

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      Inspiring His Masculine Energy
      1. Embrace Your Feminine Energy: To inspire a man's masculine energy, embrace your own feminine essence. ...
      2. Communicate with Love: ...
      3. Let Go of Control: ...
      4. Be Playful: ...
      5. Focus on What You Want: ...
      6. Appreciate and Admire: ...
      7. Ask for Help: ...
      8. Embrace Brotherhood:
      Jul 31, 2023

      How to get a more masculine look? ›

      Wear rugged men's clothing in classic styles and dark or neutral tones. Groom yourself like a man with a shorter haircut and facial hair or contouring makeup. Walk with a manly swagger and sit or stand with good posture to project confidence. Start a strength-training regimen to build a more manly physique.

      How to be manly and attractive? ›

      10 things that instantly make a Man more attractive
      1. Kindness to all, but especially those who are less fortunate: ...
      2. The Ability to laugh with ease: ...
      3. Ambition with balance: ...
      4. Ability to stay present: ...
      5. Etiquette: ...
      6. Skills that expose your artistic side: ...
      7. Conveying emotion: ...
      8. Compassion:
      Jun 12, 2020

      What features make a face masculine? ›

      In an application of these methods to a set of human facial photographs, we found that shape features typically perceived as masculine are wide faces with a wide inter-orbital distance, a wide nose, thin lips, and a large and massive lower face.

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      Author: Chrissy Homenick

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      Views: 6762

      Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

      Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

      Author information

      Name: Chrissy Homenick

      Birthday: 2001-10-22

      Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

      Phone: +96619177651654

      Job: Mining Representative

      Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

      Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.