How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps (2024)

How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps (1)

July 28, 2017 3:15 am

How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps

Biodegradable plastic is better for the environment than plastic because it’s not derived from petroleum. And it’s easy to make at home. You can make bioplastic on your own from plant starches, gelatins, or agars. Below we will cover the simple steps on how to make biodegradable plastic at home, so you can save money on plastics or do a fun project with your kids.

How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps (2)

Image Source: Emaze

1. Make Sure You Have Enough Materials for Creating the Bioplastic

As with all recipes and projects, you must make sure you have all required materials before beginning. You don’t want to find out in the middle of making the plastic that you don’t have what you need. There are different combinations of ingredients that work to create biodegradable plastic.

One list of ingredients you can useincludes:

  • 1 ml of white vinegar;
  • 10 ml of distilled water;
  • 1.5 g of cornstarch;
  • 0.5-1.5 g of glycerol;
  • 1-2 drops of food coloring (optional).

The food coloring is only necessary if you want the plastic to have a certain color. If the standard clear color is fine with you, then food coloring isn’t needed. Glycerol is also referred to as glycerine, so if you’re having trouble finding one at the store, look for the other label.

Materials needed to prepare the plastic are:

  • Saucepan;
  • Silicone spatula;
  • Stove;
  • Aluminum foil or parchment paper;
  • Toothpick.

2. Mix the Ingredients in a Saucepan

Once you’ve confirmed you have all required ingredients, mix them together in a saucepan, except for the food coloring. Unlike some recipes, it doesn’t matter which order you add the ingredients to the saucepan. Use the silicone spatula to stir and mix the ingredients. You must stir until all of the lumps are gone.

Don’t be alarmed if the mixture is milky white and watery because it’s supposed to look that way at that stage. In instances in which you accidentally add the wrong amount of an ingredient, toss out the mixture and start over from the beginning. Don’t try compensating or fixing the measurements.

3. Place the Saucepan on the Stove and Heat on Medium Low

Once all of the lumps have been stirred out of the mixture, place the saucepan on the stove and heat it on medium low. Stir the mixture continuously as it heats and bring it to a gentle boil. You will notice that as the mixture heats it thickens and becomes more translucent.

It will take around 10-15 minutes to sufficiently heat the mixture. Be careful to not overheat the biodegradable plastic mixture. A sign of overheating is when lumps start to form. If you plan on adding food coloring, you can do so once the mixture has come to a gentle boil.

4. Pour the Mixture onto Aluminum Foil or Parchment Paper

After the mixture is at a gentle boil, you can spread it over a sheet of aluminium foil or parchment paper. Be careful as the bioplastic will be hot. If you see any bubbles, pop them with a toothpick. Also note that if you plan on molding the plastic into a certain shape, it needs to be done before the plastic cools.

5. Set the Biodegradable Plastic in a Dry, Cool Place to Dry

The final step on how to make biodegradable plastic is to set the plastic in a dry, cool place to dry. Allow up to two days for the bioplastic to cool and harden all the way. Resist temptation to mess with the plastic until two days have passed, so you don’t mess up its structure during the cooling and drying phase. Thicker molds and shapes will take longer to dry. This is because thicker pieces take longer to dry than thinner pieces.

How to Make Biodegradable Plastic in a Mold

How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps (3)

Image Source: Pinterest

If you want the plastic to have a particular shape, then you can create or use a mold and pour the hot mixture into the mold during step four instead of spreading it on aluminum foil. You can purchase molds from craft stores and hobby shops. For those who prefer making their own, you can create a mold from clay.

Creating your own mold is as easy as how to make biodegradable plastic at home. It sounds more difficult than it really is. All you have to do is sculpt two pieces of clay around the shape of an object you want the mold to be. Wait for the clay to dry, then remove the two pieces.

You can make a biodegradable plastic copy of that object by filling both halves of clay molds with the plastic mixture then sticking them together. Another possibility for making cool shapes with the bioplastic is using a cookie cutter to cut shapes out of the mixture while it’s warm.

How to Use the Mold

To use a mold for making biodegradable plastic, spray the mold with a non-stick spray. This will make it easier to pop the plastic out of the mold once it has finished drying. Pour the hot mixture inside the mold. Double check you’ve filled the entire mold with the mixture. If there are bubbles inside, pop them by lightly tapping the mold on a hard surface like the counter. Just as with the aluminum foil method on how to make biodegradable plastic at home, wait two days for the plastic to fully dry and harden in the mold.

Remember that some bioplastics take longer than two days to dry. If your plastic is still wet when you check after two days, wait another full day before checking again. Thicker molds take longer to dry than thinner molds. Continue the process of checking and waiting another day until the biodegradable plastic is completely dry. Once it is dry, you can remove it from the mold. Your bioplastic is now complete.

Summing Up

It’s easy to learn how to make biodegradable plastic at home. The most difficult part of the process is overcoming a mental barrier that it will be difficult. You can buy molds from craft and hobby stores or create your own from clay. Fill the mold with the hot bioplastic mixture you make following the recipe outlined above or spread it on aluminium foil. It depends on what your purpose is for making the bioplastic.

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How to Make Biodegradable Plastic at Home: 5 Easy Steps (2024)


How do you make biodegradable plastic at home? ›

Step 1 - Begin by adding equal parts of cornstarch and water, about a cup of each, into your baggie. Step 2 - Next, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil and a few drops of food coloring if you want. Step 3 - Then, seal the baggie well. And mix, mash, and massage the baggie until everything is mixed well.

What is the process of making biodegradable plastic? ›

Bioplastics are made by convert- ing the sugar present in plants into plas- tic. In the united States, that sugar comes from corn. Other countries use sugar cane, sugar beets, wheat, or potatoes. This makes bioplastics renew- able and better for the environ- ment than conventional plastics.

What materials can be used to make biodegradable plastic? ›

Bioplastics and 'compostable' plastics tend to be made from plant biomass, such as corn starch, sugar cane or wheat, and should either completely and rapidly break down biologically, or be compostable. This means they are supposed to break down into biological elements, unlike conventional plastics.

What is the easiest method of biodegradable waste at home? ›

Composting: This is one of the easiest ways of disposing of household waste like vegetables, fruit peels, or garden leaves. The waste is buried inside the ground for some time to get nutrient-rich soil or manure after decomposition.

Can you turn plastic into biodegradable plastic? ›

The future of the plastics industry is green

Another innovation enables polylactic acid (PLA), which is a bio-based plastic, to be fully biodegraded in compost without leaving any residue or toxicity.

What is the process of making plastic step by step? ›

What are the manufacturing processes for plastics?
  1. Plastic extrusion.
  2. Injection moulding.
  3. Rotational moulding.
  4. Plastic extrusion & injection blow moulding.
  5. Vacuum casting.
  6. Thermoforming & Vacuum forming.
  7. Compression moulding.

Can I make plastic at home? ›

Making industrial plastic requires a degree in chemistry and access to heavy machinery. Easy do-it-at-home projects are available, however, that allow you to make something very similar to plastic with things widely available in your home. You can make casein from milk, polymers from glue, or even moldable styrofoam!

What is biodegradable plastic examples? ›

Polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) are examples of commercial petro-based biodegradable plastics. These products are used as mulch films or dishwasher tablet packaging. Given the high water-solubility, PVA could be also considered a hydro-degradable plastic.

What is the best biodegradable plastic? ›

Polylactic Acid (PLA)

The most popular bioplastic is polylactic acid or PLA, which is typically made from fermented plant starches. PLA already sees widespread use, often as single-use cups labeled with something like “compostable in industrial facilities.”

What is the most biodegradable plastic? ›

Polylactic acid (PLA) is prob- ably the most well known biodegradable plastic, but more than 20 groups of biodegradable plastic polymers exist.

What is the fastest biodegradable plastic? ›

Oxo-biodegradable plastic will become biodegradable much more quickly than ordinary plastic, and will then be recycled back into nature by bacteria and fungi on land or sea.

What is the 3 biodegradable waste? ›

Biodegradable waste can be commonly found in municipal solid waste as green waste, food waste, paper waste and biodegradable plastics. Other biodegradable wastes include human waste, manure, sewage, and slaughterhouse waste.

What are the 10 non biodegradable waste at home? ›

Non biodegradable materials are those which can not be degraded by natural processes into usable forms. Example- Glass, Metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, iron, Electronic devices, computer parts, batteries, Medical waste, Plastic bags, plastic bottles, Tetra packs, Carbon paper, thermo coal.

Are plastic bags biodegradable? ›

Rather than decomposing, the standard plastic bags break down into tiny pieces that get consumed by a variety of organisms and make their way up the food chain.

What are 7 things we can do to reduce our use of plastic every day? ›

There are many small ways you can have a big impact.
  • Wean yourself off disposable plastics. ...
  • Stop buying water. ...
  • Boycott microbeads. ...
  • Cook more. ...
  • Purchase items secondhand. ...
  • Recycle (duh). ...
  • Support a bag tax or ban. ...
  • Buy in bulk.
Jan 5, 2016

What are the 7 types of plastic can it recycled? ›

The 7 types of recyclable plastics fall under the categories of PET, HDPE, PP, LDPE, PVC, PS, and Other. In addition to reducing plastic consumption and increasing the use of recycled plastic instead of virgin plastic, recycling responsibly is a key component in doing something about plastic pollution.

What are the 8 common methods of waste disposal? ›

Waste disposal methods
  • Recycling. Incineration. ...
  • Other thermal treatment plants. Chemical-physical and biological treatment. ...
  • Chemical-physical and biological treatment. Landfills. ...
  • Landfills. Collection and logistics.
Jul 11, 2019

What is the fastest biodegradable material? ›

How fast do things biodegrade?
Vegetables5 days –1 month
Aluminium cans80–100 years
Glass bottles1 million years
Styrofoam cup500 years to forever
Plastic bags500 years to forever
9 more rows
Jun 19, 2008

What is 3 simple ways to reduce waste at home? ›

You'll also save energy and natural resources.
  • Avoid packaging when possible. For example, use your own reusable bag or container.
  • Use products you already have for household chores. ...
  • Buy large economy-sized products instead of individually wrapped items. ...
  • Buy items in bulk, in concentrate, or in refillable packages.

How do you make plastic bricks? ›

The bricks consist of mixture of sand and plastics. The sand and plastic are mixed at very high temperatures and are then compressed into bricks. Matee is a materials engineer that combined her intellectual knowledge with real world action and delivered a simple and sustainable product.

What can I make with ecobricks? ›

Ecobricks can build furniture, gardens, play parks, structures and more. The only limit is our imagination! That said, building with ecobricks is a big responsibility.

Can you use milk bottles for ecobricks? ›

Any size bottle will work as an ecobrick, but the average size tends to be between 500ml to 1.5l. You should also make sure that you're using a bottle from a product that you use regularly – you don't want to end up having to buy a plastic bottle just to make an ecobrick!

How is plastic 5 made? ›

Plastics are made from raw materials like natural gas, oil or plants, which are refined into ethane and propane. Ethane and propane are then treated with heat in a process called “cracking” which turns them into ethylene and propylene. These materials are combined together to create different polymers.

What are 5 non biodegradable materials? ›

Non biodegradable materials are those which can not be degraded by natural processes into usable forms. Example- Glass, Metals like aluminium, copper, zinc, iron, Electronic devices, computer parts, batteries, Medical waste, Plastic bags, plastic bottles, Tetra packs, Carbon paper, thermo coal.

How is plastic made step by step kids? ›

Making Plastics

Most plastics are made from chemicals that come from petroleum (oil), natural gas, or coal. Heating these chemicals causes them to break down into molecules. (Molecules are groups of two or more atoms, which are the tiny building blocks of everything.) Scientists then join these molecules into chains.

What is a Type 5 plastic? ›

#5 Plastic: Polypropylene

Plastic number 5 or PP plastic (polypropylene) is the second-most widely produced plastic. Being light, heat resistant and sturdy, PP is applied to various packaging. Today plastic 5 is commonly used in: Yogurt containers. Liner in cereals boxes.

Can you make plastic at home? ›

Making industrial plastic requires a degree in chemistry and access to heavy machinery. Easy do-it-at-home projects are available, however, that allow you to make something very similar to plastic with things widely available in your home. You can make casein from milk, polymers from glue, or even moldable styrofoam!

How do you make plastic from plants? ›

It can either be made by extracting sugar from plants like corn and sugarcane to convert into polylactic acids (PLAs), or it can be made from polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) engineered from microorganisms.

What are the 3 types of plastic? ›

Polyethylene (PE) Polypropylene (PP) Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE or PET)

What is the first step of plastic production? ›

As mentioned above, the vast majority of plastic produced is made of fossil fuels. Therefore, extracting crude oil, natural gas, and sometimes coal from the ground is the first step.

What is non-biodegradable for kids? ›

A Non-Biodegradable material can be defined as a kind of substance which cannot be broken down by natural organisms and acts as a source of pollution. Unlike biodegradable wastes, non-biodegradable cannot be easily handled.

Does rubber biodegrade? ›

Rubber biodegradation is a slow process, and the growth of bacteria utilizing rubber as a sole carbon source is also slow. Therefore, incubation periods extending over weeks or even months are required to obtain enough cell mass or degradation products of the polymers for further analysis.

Is A pencil biodegradable? ›

Most pencils are made of biodegradable materials, while some others (like those with plastic casing) are not. Nevertheless, not all parts of pencils made mostly with biodegradable materials are biodegradable. In a lot of wooden pencils, the wood used for the pencil stick is made from insect resistant, durable wood.

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