How to Make Your Feet Smaller or Thinner (Cinderella Surgery) (2024)

The bones of your feet are rigid and strong. This makes it impossible to make your feet smaller or thinner without manipulating the bones. Unfortunately, that can be dangerous. You can make feet look smaller, but shrinking them requires foot surgery or foot binding.

There can be significant risks to trying to shrink your feet surgically. But some people who have feet that are disproportionately large compared to the size of their body seek this option. Cosmetic foot surgery is becoming more popular for people who don’t like having big feet.

But surgery can be off-limits for some people who still want smaller feet. So, is it possible to shrink your feet or make your feet stop growing? The good news is some options can help with both.

Keep in mind that the shape and size of your feet depend on a lot of different factors. Some of it is hereditary, some of it has to do with your lifestyle and how your feet have always been used.

You may never be able to get the ‘ideal’ foot shape or size. But, if you want your feet to be smaller, there are things you can try depending on the risks you’re willing to take for cosmetic reasons.

Table of Contents:

  • 1 Can You Shrink Your Feet?
  • 2 How to Make Your Feet Stop Growing
    • 2.1 1) Lose Weight
    • 2.2 2) Arch Supports
    • 2.3 3) Strengthen Your Arches
    • 2.4 4) Elevate Your Feet
  • 3 How to Get Smaller Feet with Surgery
    • 3.1 How Much Does Foot Reduction Surgery Cost?
    • 3.2 What Are the Risks of Foot Reduction Surgery?
  • 4 Can You Get Your Toes Shortened?
  • 5 Non-Surgical Treatments for Shortening Toes
    • 5.1 Foot Binding
  • 6 How to Make Your Feet Look Smaller
    • 6.1 1) Wear the Right Clothes
    • 6.2 2) Choose the Right Shoes
    • 6.3 3) Shoes with Accents
    • 6.4 4) Alternate Your Shoes
  • 7 Can Your Feet Get Smaller?
    • 7.1 Other Related Articles:

Can You Shrink Your Feet?

This guide will cover different ways to make your feet smaller. We’ll go over two of the most popular methods; foot binding and foot size reduction surgery. We’ll also give you some tips on how you can make your feet look smaller in appearance without having to commit to surgery.

Finally, we’ll offer advice on how to keep your feet from getting bigger. Usually, the problem people have with their feet is either they are too wide to fit in specific shoes, or too long and not proportionate to the body.

Thankfully, there are ways of dealing with both of these issues. They may come with certain risks, but if you’re truly unhappy with the size of your feet, those risks may be worth it for some people.

How to Make Your Feet Stop Growing

You can’t make the bones in your feet stop growing as an adult. But, there are things you can do with the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These are more ‘natural’ solutions that don’t involve surgery or invasive procedures.

If you’re trying to get your feet to shrink, trying these methods are a great place to get them to stop growing:

1) Lose Weight

If your feet are wide, try losing weight. The heavier your body is, the more your feet will spread (in length and width) to accommodate that weight. If your body is lighter, the feet won’t have to spread as much to support a lot of weight.

Yes, you can ‘lose weight’ in your feet by doing this. Keep in mind that your bone structure won’t change. Some people have a wider bone structure in their feet than others. But, by shedding a few pounds, you’ll likely notice a difference in the size of your feet.

2) Arch Supports

If you struggle with flat feet, they could appear wider. Weak arches can make your feet look even flatter and bigger. An easy and quick fix to something like this is to wear the best arch supports.

3) Strengthen Your Arches

If you don’t want to wear arch supports, consider arch-strengthening exercises. They will offer the same effect as the supports over time.

4) Elevate Your Feet

Sometimes, feet look larger because they are swollen. Feet naturally swell throughout the day depending on how much they are used.

If you want your feet to look smaller for a night on the town, try spending an hour or so with them elevated. This will help the swelling to go down and your feet to look thinner.

These simple and quick tips can help your feet to look smaller almost instantly. But, if you want to reduce the length or width of your feet, more extreme measures may need to be taken.

How to Get Smaller Feet with Surgery

There are several reasons women (and some men) choose to shrink their feet. Sometimes, it’s because high heels have taken a toll on the feet over the years.

Things like calluses, corns, and blisters have become too much to handle. Other people are more self-conscious about the size of their feet and don’t want to feel embarrassed anymore.

Whatever the case, there is now a cosmetic surgery that can reduce the length or width of your feet. The procedure itself is called Cinderella surgery.

Cinderella surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure. It corrects bunions and ends up resulting in a narrower foot. Women who struggle with wide feet can try this procedure if they’re embarrassed, or if they want to squeeze into stilettos.

As with any surgery, there are pros and cons to consider. Some of the benefits of Cinderella surgery include:

  • Improved comfort when wearing shoes or high heels
  • More shoe choices, including sandals
  • A boost in confidence for people with ‘big’ feet

How Much Does Foot Reduction Surgery Cost?

In most cases, foot reduction surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure. Because of this, insurance won’t cover the cost. It can cover bunion surgery if deemed necessary by a doctor.

But if you’re getting your foot size reduced because you don’t like the way they look, expect to pay out of pocket. Most surgeries like this can cost around $5,000.

What Are the Risks of Foot Reduction Surgery?

Any surgery comes with risks. When you have cosmetic surgery, it’s usually voluntary, but it can be just as severe as an invasive medical procedure. So, there are risks to consider before you go ‘under the knife.’

With any procedure where anesthesia is involved, you can face reactions. Some people get sick from anesthesia and may experience nausea, dizziness, or headaches afterward.

The risks of the surgery itself include:

  • Infection
  • Tissue damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Scar formation

In some cases, the feet may not heal correctly. This can lead to even bigger problems, including difficulty walking. Most podiatrists warn against foot surgeries unless they are used to help with pain or provide the necessary correction. But, Cinderella surgery is becoming more popular than ever with people who want their feet to look smaller.

Talk with your podiatrist or a cosmetic surgeon if you’re thinking about this procedure for reducing your foot size.

Can You Get Your Toes Shortened?

There is another type of procedure for those who want smaller feet called toe shortening surgery. Toe shortening surgery occurs when a doctor takes the length off of longer toes. This can be done for cosmetic reasons but is usually done to prevent a hammer toe.

If a toe is too long, it can eventually become buckled. This results in a hammer toe where the toe itself can be in a permanently contracted position.

Toes that are too long can be painful, especially when you’re wearing shoes. Pressure from the shoe rubbing against your toes can cause calluses or hard skin to form. The toe can even become irritated or swollen. If your toes are always ‘banging’ into the front part of the shoe, it could even lead to trauma. Trauma or injury to your toes could put you at risk for toenail fungus.

Sometimes, these issues can be avoided by wearing different shoes and practicing proper foot hygiene. But, many people consider toe shortening surgery when they experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain on the tip of the toe
  • Thick, hard calluses
  • Toe deformity that gets worse with time
  • Pain when wearing shoes
  • Difficulty walking or performing daily activities

There are several ways to perform toe-shortening surgery. In most cases, a doctor will remove a small part of the bone from the toe at the joint and reconstruct it correctly. Again, as with any surgery, there are some risks to consider.

The dangers of this surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Pain
  • Difficulty walking
  • Blood clots
  • Nerve injury

Toe shortening surgery is usually an outpatient procedure. It can be performed with a local anesthetic, meaning the toe will be numbed. Because of this, there is less of a risk of feeling sick due to general anesthesia.

If there are no complications, it can still take about six weeks to recover fully. Your walking may be inhibited for that period of time. And, you may still feel quite a bit of pain until the toe has fully healed. The time it takes to heal depends on which toe(s) you have shortened.

The average cost of gettingtoe surgery is about $2,000 per toe. Again, insurance won’t cover this cost if it is considered cosmetic surgery. But, if a podiatrist determines that it’s a medical need for your toes to get shortened, insurance may cover some if not all the cost.

Non-Surgical Treatments for Shortening Toes

If you don’t want to get your toes surgically shortened, you may still have options. Simple treatments that can be used right away include things like:

  • Shoes with a wide toe box
  • Arch supports
  • Supportive shoes
  • Limited activities

For some people, making simple changes like these can make a big difference in their comfort level. For others, more detailed treatment may be needed, but it still doesn’t mean surgery is always the best option.

More non-surgical treatments for long toes include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Cortisone injections
  • Custom orthotics

You can work with your podiatrist to find a solution that works best for you if you’re not willing to have surgery performed.

If your big toes are causing you a lot of pain or affecting your life negatively, don’t feel as though you just have to ‘live with it.’ Even if surgery isn’t an option for you, there is more than one solution to finding the relief you need.

Foot Binding

Foot binding is a practice that originated in China centuries ago. It was always a controversial practice, and some people considered it to be a form of torture for young women. In the culture, small feet were deemed to be desirable.

To make their feet smaller, Chinese women would ‘bind’ them. They did this by tightly wrapping their feet in different directions to change the shape and size. It was typically done by young girls, so the muscle and bone could form this way.

Unfortunately, there were (and still are) many side effects to foot binding that can lead to permanent damage. Some of the drawbacks include things like infection, toenail removal, and broken bones. In some cases, infections can become so severe they have led to death.

Thankfully, the practice of foot binding filtered out in the 20th century. In western culture, there is still a form of ‘foot binding’ that some people suggest trying; wearing shoes that are too small.

While wearing a pair of shoes that are a size too small may not seem as extreme as foot binding, it can create a lot of problems. It probably won’t give you the results you’re looking for, especially as an adult. Once the bones in your feet have fully formed, it’s never a good idea to try to cram them into something too small. This can lead to fractures, breaking, or deformities.

You’ll also be putting yourself at risk for things like toenail fungus, infections, and a lot of pain. You may even eventually have difficulty walking. It could damage the tissue or muscle structure of your feet and make them weak.

Any type of foot binding or constricting is unsafe. It’s a practice that is no longer popular for a reason and shouldn’t be considered if you’re trying to make your feet smaller. Never try to squeeze your feet into shoes that are too small for an extended period of time.

How to Make Your Feet Look Smaller

If you don’t experience any pain because of big feet, but you don’t like the way they look, you may be able to use a few tips and tricks to reduce how big they appear. That way you don’t have to worry about surgical procedures or shrinking methods.

Keep these tips in mind to make your feet look smaller:

1) Wear the Right Clothes

Clothes should draw attention away from your feet and focus on other areas of the body.

Wear flare-leg pants to cover your feet or draw attention to the top half of your body with brightly-colored shirts and interesting accessories. At the same time, focus on darker, more subdued colors on the bottom half of your body.

2) Choose the Right Shoes

Wear heels over flats (if it’s comfortable) as they can change the look of the alignment of your feet. You should also avoid wearing skimpy sandals. The less material the shoe is made of, the bigger your feet will appear. Sandals with wider straps are a good option.

You should also choose shoes that are darker in color. Again, this will help to draw attention away from your shoes and allow people to focus on other aspects of your wardrobe.

3) Shoes with Accents

You might think adding accents to your shoes would draw attention to the size. But, people’s focus will be drawn to the accent pieces and not the size of your feet.

Things like tassels, flowers, bows, and buckles are great additions to your shoes that can make your feet look smaller.

4) Alternate Your Shoes

Though high heels can make your feet look smaller, you shouldn’t wear them all the time. It’s important to alternate the kind of shoes you wear for the general health of your feet. Continually wearing high heels can make your feet look swollen, which will defeat the purpose.

Making your feet look smaller can be easy depending on what you wear and the styles you choose. Don’t think that having big feet means you need to wear bulky-looking shoes.

The slimmer the shoes you wear, the smaller your feet will look. Practice a few different style choices with your clothes and shoes to determine what works best for you in making your feet look thinner.

Can Your Feet Get Smaller?

The two main reasons people want smaller feet are because they are causing them pain, or they don’t like the way their feet look.

If you think your feet are unsightly, there are a few things you can do to change the way they look or draw attention away from them. Surgical procedures can be expensive and painful.

If, though, you have a foot condition that is causing you pain, you can consider something like Cinderella surgery or toe shortening surgery.

It’s important to understand the risk of any surgery. When you’re trying to alter your bone formation, muscles, and tendons, there are always risks to consider.

We hope this guide has given you some insight into how to make your feet look thinner and smaller. Try some of the tips listed here to provide the appearance of smaller feet, and you won’t have to live with embarrassment anymore.

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How to Make Your Feet Smaller or Thinner (Cinderella Surgery) (2024)


Does Cinderella surgery make your feet smaller? ›

A Cinderella surgery involves four stages. Toe shortening: Surgeons remove part of the bone at a toe joint and then realign the toes. This makes your feet smaller and better able to fit into smaller shoes. In some cases, people can fit in shoes that are two sizes smaller.

Can I have surgery to make my feet smaller? ›

Cosmetic foot surgery can help by firstly eliminating the sources of chronic pain or deformity and secondly, reshaping the feet for aesthetic appeal, often resulting in smaller, slimmer feet with a reduced shoe size.

What is Cinderella surgery for feet? ›

Cinderella surgery is a type of foot surgery that has become popular in recent years. This type of surgery can be attractive to women who want to reshape their feet. It involves shaving down bunions and changing the length of the toes which can make it easier to wear high heels.

How can I make my feet thinner? ›

Add weight training to your workout regimen. Lifting weights builds muscle, which in turn raises your resting metabolic rate. This causes you to burn more calories at rest and create thinner feet at a faster pace. Target all of your muscles to get the best effect and work out two or three days a week.

Can your foot size get smaller? ›

Significant weight loss can cause your feet to lose fat and become smaller. Your foot length and bone structure do not change even when you lose excess weight. However, you might notice that your feet lose some width. When you put on weight, your body distributes the fat across.

Can a person's feet get smaller? ›

A situation where feet can become shortened is with neuropathic joints (Charcot joints), where there is damage to the nerves and the bones crumble. This most common reason for this in the United States is diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes), where there is a metabolic problem in handling sugars (carbohydrates).

Is there a surgery to fix wide feet? ›

If you absolutely cannot handle the discomfort your wide feet are giving you, or simply want narrower feet, you may want to consider corrective cosmetic foot surgery. More and more people turn to foot surgery to prevent worsening of the deformities that cause wide feet.

What causes wide feet? ›

There are several factors that can cause someone to develop wide feet, but by far the most common factor is simply genetics! Less common contributors of developing wide feet are long term obesity, hereditary or developed flat feet, or not wearing shoes often during early childhood development.

Can you shorten your big toe? ›

Long toes can be surgically shortened. Depending on the severity and length of the toe, there are several methods to surgically correct shorten a toe. In general, the surgery involves removing a portion of the bone at the contracted joint, to realign the toe.

How long does it take to recover from Cinderella foot surgery? ›

Your recovery will be about four to six weeks, after which some surgeons say you can go back to wearing heels – cue the mandatory jump for joy. However, this is completely dependent on your surgeon and how invasive the surgery was.

How do you fix fat feet? ›

Here are 10 to try.
  1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. ...
  2. Buy compression socks. ...
  3. Soak in a cool Epsom salt bath for about 15 to 20 minutes. ...
  4. Elevate your feet, preferably above your heart. ...
  5. Get moving! ...
  6. Magnesium supplements can be helpful for some people. ...
  7. 7. Make some dietary changes. ...
  8. Lose weight if you're overweight.

What age do feet stop growing? ›

They grow even faster during puberty, as your body turns into an adult. Your bones, including the ones in your feet, get bigger during this time. Generally, feet stop growing around 20 or 21 years old. But it's possible for a person's feet to keep growing into their early 20s.

What does a girl with big feet mean? ›

Larger female feet are not only literally regarded as a sexual turn-off but, when referred to in proverbs, they usually stand for something else. Metaphorically women's small feet indicate “the right measure” in marital relationships.

Do feet get thinner with age? ›

Do people's feet change as they get older? They don't change in size, necessarily. But feet may get wider, not longer, as we age. They change in their elasticity the same way other body parts do – tissue becomes less tight, causing the increased width and sagging of the arches.

Will I grow if I have big feet? ›

Robert H. Shmerling of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. In fact, there's no reliable way to predict a teen's ultimate height with any precision, according to Shmerling. So, while shoe size is a poor predictor of ultimate height, there is a relationship that exists between the two.

Can wide feet become narrow? ›

Generally, a reduction of the soft part of the forefoot is sufficient to narrow a wide foot. However, a bone operation (toe narrowing, hallux valgus surgery, etc.) is sometimes necessary. Recently, cosmetic foot surgery has become a new craze.

How much is the Cinderella procedure? ›

In other words, foot surgery or the “cinderella procedure” might cost: Surgeon's fees: $1100 – $2500 per foot i.e. $2000 – $5000 total for both feet. Hospital fees, anaesthetist, surgical assistant fees: $2500 – $4000. A total of around $4500 – $9000 or more depending on the surgeon.

Why are my feet so big at 12? ›

During puberty, our hands and feet grow faster than the long bones in our arms and legs. So, if you've outgrown your favorite shoes, then you're likely about to get a heck of a lot taller, and quick—something called, you've probably heard of it, a growth spurt.

Is there surgery for fat toes? ›

Doctors are offering crazy procedures: foot surgery for so-called fat toes. Changes to your foot shape so your high heels don't hurt. You can even sculpt your leg for a sleeker calf and ankle. Look, I get it.

Do big toes get bigger as you age? ›

The truth is that although your feet broaden and lengthen with age, they're actually spreading out rather than growing. Your toes become wider and arches drop as ligaments and tendons lose their elasticity. Spreading out is one of the many physical changes that affect your feet from your fifties onwards.

Can a big toe be fixed? ›

Usually, treating a broken toe involves taping it to the next toe. But if the fracture is severe — especially if it's in the big toe — proper healing might require a cast or even surgery to heal well.

How do you stay in shape after foot surgery? ›

Exercising after Foot Surgery
  1. Stretches. Stretching is a great activity to do when you're recovering from foot surgery. ...
  2. Yoga/Pilates. Yoga is another exercise that you can jump right into after surgery. ...
  3. Swimming. ...
  4. Exercise Bike.
Jan 19, 2015

Can you walk after foot surgery? ›

No weightbearing activities are allowed: no walking, standing or balancing on the cast. Crutches, a walker, turning leg caddy, or a wheelchair is needed. 4-6 weeks in a boot walker. This initiates a gradual increase to full weightbearing as pain and swelling allow.

Can you walk after Cinderella surgery? ›

This creates a 'cushion' at the base of the feet to make wearing heels more comfortable. Many women have said that after having this done, they could walk in heels for hours with no pain whatsoever.

Do feet get smaller after bunion surgery? ›

Most patients who undergo surgery will enjoy a great deal of relief from their bunion pain. They will also notice a reduction in swelling and improvement in big toe alignment and motion. However, patients should not expect their shoe size to decrease as a result of bunion surgery.

Can you get surgery for wide feet? ›

If you absolutely cannot handle the discomfort your wide feet are giving you, or simply want narrower feet, you may want to consider corrective cosmetic foot surgery. More and more people turn to foot surgery to prevent worsening of the deformities that cause wide feet.

Is there a surgery to make your toes shorter? ›

Toe shortening surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedure whereby the longest toe is shortened so it doesn't protrude beyond the big toe, relieving the pain, soreness and irritation that can come from Long Toe.

What are the best shoes to wear after bunion surgery? ›

Shoe Style

First, the style of shoe recommended is a running or walking shoe with good traction to avoid slipping on smooth surfaces. These shoes typically have a wider toe box and are more breathable than a casual shoe style. The shoe should provide support and have a typical insole.

What shoes fit after bunion surgery? ›

After six weeks, your surgeon will advise you to return to normal footwear. However, your foot will still need support and it will still swell when you're upright. For this reason, a shoe with a soft upper and a supportive insole is ideal. Sketcher shoes offer a suitable range of options.

What happens if I put weight on my foot after bunion surgery? ›

In MacGill's clinical experience, patients who put weight on the foot too early can increase postoperative pain and swelling, as well as risk loss of correction and possible delayed bone healing, he said.

What do big feet mean for a girl? ›

Larger female feet are not only literally regarded as a sexual turn-off but, when referred to in proverbs, they usually stand for something else. Metaphorically women's small feet indicate “the right measure” in marital relationships.

Are wide feet due to weight? ›

Obesity. For those who have been slightly, mildly, or morbidly obese in their life, their chances of developing wide feet due to their feet flattening are much greater. This is especially true for those are obese for long periods of time throughout their lives.

How can I reduce my toe size? ›

There are generally two methods surgeons use to correct shorten toes – they are joint resection (arthroplasty) or bone mending (fusion), and the location where this is performed on the toe depends on where the toe is deemed “long” or at the location of bucking (if present).

Is toe surgery painful? ›

The surgery should not hurt. After surgery, a person will typically feel some pain in the toe and must have someone drive them home. Those who choose general anesthesia may not be allowed to eat before surgery.

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