How to Match Paint Color: Can a Machine Perfect the Process? (2024)

By: Emilie Sennebogen|Updated: Jan 2, 2024

How to Match Paint Color: Can a Machine Perfect the Process? (1)

Maybe you've created your own custom color from paints lying around the basem*nt, only to find that you can't figure out how to replicate it. Or perhaps you moved into a house with a paint color scheme that you love, but it needs some touching up. Right now, you're surely wondering how to match paint color so that you don't wind up with a noticeable variant shade.

You head over to your local paint store and come home armed with a pocketful of paint chips, thinking surely one of the colors will match, but no luck. Who knew there were so many different shades of green? Fortunately, you can find the exact color match with the help of a spectrophotometer — and we'll explain how it works!



  1. Exploring Color Beyond the Paint Chip
  2. How a Spectrophotometer Works
  3. Components of a Spectrophotometer
  4. Matching Paint Colors
  5. The Ease of Finding an Exact Match
  6. Accuracy in Matching Paint
  7. The Cost of This Color Matching Tool

Exploring Color Beyond the Paint Chip

As we learned from our big box of Crayolas, purple isn't just purple and red isn't just red. You can choose from cornflower blue, midnight blue, blue-gray, blue-green and the list goes on. Colors are actually waves of light, and each wavelength has a value that makes it different from the rest. A color can be described by how pure or desaturated it is, as well as its value or lightness.

So describing something as green or even blue-green isn't going to be specific enough if you're trying to find the exact color. There could even be 10 different shades of blue-green. So if you can't rely on paint samples, how can you possibly expect to find that color you're looking for?


Fear not, because your perfect match is out there. And the machine that can find it is called a spectrophotometer. Spectrophotometers have been used in the auto industry for years to seamlessly touch up that cherry paint job, and fortunately for paint consumers, they're now common at paint stores. The best part is that the service is usually free. Read on to find out how a spectrophotometer works.

How a Spectrophotometer Works

To properly understand how a spectrophotometer works, we first need to understand how color works. This is a broad topic, so for our purposes, we'll do a brief overview. Color is made up of wavelengths of light and can be broken into six categories:

As you can see, visible light is somewhere in the middle, and this is what the spectrophotometer analyzes to match paint. The visible light spectrum is composed of good ol' ROY G. BIV, which is an acronym for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These seven colors make up all the different colors we can see with the naked eye. Black is the absence of color, and white is made up of all of these colors. This will come into play in a minute.


Components of a Spectrophotometer

A spectrophotometer is actually a pretty simple piece of machinery, about the size of a shoe box. The basic components of a spectrophotometer are:

  • Illumination source
  • Interference filters powered by stepper motor
  • Detector or photodiode
  • Readout device

Because it's made up of all of the colors in the visible spectrum, white light is the illumination source used in a spectrophotometer, in the form of a tungsten bulb or in more advanced models, a Light Emitting Diode (LED). A clip located on the outside of the machine holds the paint sample to be matched, and white light is flooded onto the sample. This light is reflected off the sample back into the machine and onto a small wheel. The wheel is a highly efficient color analyzer, consisting of a number of interference filters and powered by a stepper motor, which is known for its precision.


Visible light is measured in nanometers, which is a tiny unit of measurement in the metric system, equal to one-billionth of a meter. Each filter is programmed to allow a specific wavelength of light to pass through it, and each wavelength is within a particular range of nanometers. The visible light spectrum ranges from the reds at 400 nm to the blues in the 700nm range, and the most efficient wheels have filters that handle intervals of 10 nm each.

Thank You

Special thanks to Ken Phillips, product manager at Xrite Inc and Matthew Gryczan, President of Sci Tech Communications for their contributions to this article.


Matching Paint Colors

How to Match Paint Color: Can a Machine Perfect the Process? (2)

Earlier spectrophotometers used transmission filters, which meant the wavelength that matched the color sample would be reflected through the filter, and all of the other wavelengths would be absorbed. An example of this is if you were to shine a white light on a red apple. The apple will absorb all of the other colors, but will reflect red back to you.

Nowadays, spectrophotometers in paint matching use interference filters, where only the color of the sample reaches the filters — all other wavelengths are reflected away. This increases the accuracy of matching the sample because absorption can interfere with readings.

The wavelength representing the correct color match passes through the correct filter and is then picked up with fiber optics and piped to a photo diode. The photo diode converts the information to an electronic signal, which is then sent to computer software that formulates the exact amount of pigments needed to make the match. And that's how ya do it, folks.

The Ease of Finding an Exact Match

Though the technology may seem complicated, the process of using a spectrophotometer is not. It's hooked up to a touch screen computer monitor that asks all the questions, making the process user-friendly for the operator. You pick your paint base, and if you want the best match, it's wise to steer clear of the cheap stuff. Mid-grade and high-grade paint work best.

These machines are pretty adept at matching colors from a variety of sources, though the best matches happen with samples that don't have much texture or sheen. For example, glossy magazine clippings can cause a glare, and a busy wallpaper pattern or a high pile carpet present challenges in detecting the true color. Photos aren't great either because the colors aren't precise.


Accuracy in Matching Paint

Older models of spectrophotometers are limited to samples that can fit in the little clip attached to the machine, but newer models have developed technology that doesn't require the sample to be in contact with the machine, so you could bring in a lamp or a door. These newer models use LED lights that project a hot, strong beam of light that easily reaches the sample while also rejecting ambient light in the room, which can get in the way of an accurate reading.

Typically, color matching is about 90 percent accurate, and accuracy really depends on the model of spectrophotometer and the computer software that goes with it [source: House Beautiful]. Spectrophotometers typically have between 16 and 31 filters, with 31 being the most accurate. The smaller amounts you can break the wavelengths into to measure, the better.


Computer software also determines accuracy. If there were 100 interference filters, but the computer could only read 15 of them, the information from the highly functioning machine wouldn't be interpreted as accurately.

The Cost of This Color Matching Tool

If you have something you want to match that's too big to take to the paint store (like, say, an entire wall), you can buy a handheld spectrophotometer, which ranges in cost from about $300 to $1,000. These smaller units are less sophisticated than their countertop counterparts, and rather than coming up with a formula for an exact match, they choose the closest match to existing paint colors.

Some paint manufacturers have handheld units that specifically match their selection of paints, and other units offer the full range of 13,000 colors offered by the leading paint manufacturers. Certain models even help you choose complementary colors that will coordinate with the color you’re matching, taking the guesswork out of decorating.


Lots More Information

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More Great Links


  • "Color Spectrophotometers: Meeting Manufacturers' Needs.", November, 1999.
  • Csuros, Maria. "Environmental sampling and analysis lab manual." CRC Press, 1999. pp. 139-142.,M1
  • Ford, Janet Lynn. "Color Basics.", 2009.
  • Gryczan, Matthew. Interview. President, SciTech Communications
  • Mulligan, Shawn. "How to Ensure Effective Color in Today's Manufacturing Processes.", May 2005.
  • Phillips, Ken - interview. Product manager, Xrite Inc.
  • Product website - Color Helper.
  • Rieser, Tehilla. " How does a spectrophotometer work?" Bronx High School of Science, August 1997.
  • "Spectrophotometers and the Standard Curve." Southwestern College, Chula Vista, CA, 2009.
  • "Spectrophotometer is used to match paint with color samples.", September, 2008.

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How to Match Paint Color: Can a Machine Perfect the Process? (2024)


How to Match Paint Color: Can a Machine Perfect the Process? ›

Fear not, because your perfect match is out there. And the machine that can find it is called a spectrophotometer. Spectrophotometers have been used in the auto industry for years to seamlessly touch up that cherry paint job, and fortunately for paint consumers, they're now common at paint stores.

What is the most accurate way to match paint color? ›

It may sound drastic, but a good way to match paint already on a wall is to cut a small sample from it and take it to a paint specialist or store with a color-matching service. This is the best method for finding a paint match that is as accurate to your current color as possible.

How do color matching machines work? ›

Below is a statement from Kevin about color matching:

Nearly every paint store has a spectrophotometer. It works by beaming light from an internal lamp onto a sample. Some of the light will be absorbed by the sample, and the rest will pass completely through and strike a detector behind the sample.

How can I match an existing paint color? ›

"Simply remove the cover and use a utility knife to gently cut out a small piece of dried paint," says Sara McLean, color expert and stylist at Dunn-Edwards. "Bring this color chip into a paint store, which will have the technology to determine the exact color match."

How big of a paint chip do I need to match? ›

When you need a perfect match for an already-painted wall, collect a sample to take to the paint store. Using a sharp utility blade, score a small square on a section of painted drywall that's not too terribly conspicuous. You'll need a chip that's at least one-inch square for the best results.

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How to Choose Paint Colors
  1. Find Inspiration at Home. If you're starting with a fully furnished home, think of a favorite rug, piece of art or fabric in your space. ...
  2. Consider Room Size. ...
  3. Reflect on Light Sources. ...
  4. Create Room-to-Room Flow. ...
  5. Consult Color Psychology.

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Get familiar with the color wheel: The color wheel is an essential tool for matching colors. It shows how colors relate to each other, and how different shades of the same hue can be used to create different effects. Familiarize yourself with the different color schemes and how they work together.

How accurate is paint color matching? ›

Typically, color matching is about 90 percent accurate, and accuracy really depends on the model of spectrophotometer and the computer software that goes with it [source: House Beautiful]. Spectrophotometers typically have between 16 and 31 filters, with 31 being the most accurate.

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There are 5 major color matching techniques you can apply when putting together your outfit: monochrome, contrasting combination, soft combination, neutral, and a mix of neutral and complementary colors.

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Utilize Paint Color Matching Technology

This specialty machine calculates the amount of light and detects the exact shades of color in the vehicle's existing paint job. The technicians then pair that data with the vehicle's VIN number to electronically determine the exact paint formula that's currently on the vehicle.

How do you calculate color accuracy? ›

Color accuracy is often assessed using standardized color charts or targets. It is measured in terms of Delta E (ΔE), which quantifies the difference between the displayed colors and the reference colors. A lower Delta E value indicates better color accuracy.

How to match paint color without a sample? ›

Use a color-matching tool like the Nix Mini 2 or Datacolor ColorReader EZ. Both use a small portable sensor in tandem with an app to identify the closest known paint color match for pretty much any object or surface in your home. Many paint companies and home improvement stores offer mobile apps to help match paint.

Is there an app for paint matching? ›

Matching paint just got easier. Connect to your ColorSnap™ Match Pro or ColorSnap™ Match paint matching tools (sold separately at Sherwin-Williams Stores) for easy, on-the-spot color matching. Simply scan the color of a flat surface to match to the closest Sherwin-Williams paint color.

How can I make my paint match better? ›

Dilute the paint by 5 to 10 percent with water for latex-based paint or mineral spirits for oil-based paint. Stored paints can lose moisture, making it more difficult for touch-ups to match the original coat.

Is there an app to match exact paint color? ›

Glidden® Color App

Our mobile app makes finding your next paint color easy. Match paint colors, find your perfect paint color, get free color swatches, and take the paint color quiz. Find your inspiration and explore different color palettes all at the convenience of your phone.

How accurate is paint Colour matching? ›

Typically, color matching is about 90 percent accurate, and accuracy really depends on the model of spectrophotometer and the computer software that goes with it [source: House Beautiful]. Spectrophotometers typically have between 16 and 31 filters, with 31 being the most accurate.

How to match a paint color without a sample? ›

Use a color-matching tool like the Nix Mini 2 or Datacolor ColorReader EZ. Both use a small portable sensor in tandem with an app to identify the closest known paint color match for pretty much any object or surface in your home. Many paint companies and home improvement stores offer mobile apps to help match paint.

How do you match car paint perfectly? ›

Use the paint guide to confirm that your vehicle still uses its original color. If you're not sure, get a second opinion. Custom paint mixers will take a photo if that's all you have, but they don't guarantee suitable matches. A better way to match the color would be to use a spectrophotometer color matching device.

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