How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (2024)

Assuming you read through and ticked off all the checkboxes on our beginner investing checklist and our beginner investing guide, you be ready to actually start investing.

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (1)

And if you have decided that you would want to invest in the Singapore listed investments, this article will bring you a step closer to making your first-ever Singapore stock market investment!

Here’s all you need to know.

TL;DR: How to Open a Central Depository (CDP) Account and Brokerage Account

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (2)Click to Teleport

  • What Is a Brokerage Account, and How Does It Work?
  • Custodian vs Central Depository (CDP) Account
  • How to Open a CDP Account: Can I Open a CDP Account Online?
  • CDP Login and CDP Account Number Information
  • What Brokerage Account to Use?
  • Further Reading
  • BONUS: Watch a Video

What Is a Brokerage Account, and How Does It Work?

To invest, you need to open a brokerage account (also known as a trading account or simply a broker) with a brokerage firm.

A brokerage account is a platform that allows investors to buy and sell investment products, such asstocks,REITsandETFs and certain bondsthat are listed on astock exchange.

Brokerage firms act as intermediaries between investors and the stock exchange.

In exchange for their work, brokers charge a commission fee.

But now that you have bought these investment products, there are two main ways your Singapore-listed investments are being held or custodised.

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Custodian vs Central Depository (CDP) Account

They will be held in either a CDP account or custodian account. Here are the differences between them,

What is a CDP Account / CDP Securities Account?

Operated by the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), the CDP account provides integrated clearing, settlement, and depository services for customers in the Singapore stock market.

In other words, thestocksandbondswe purchase through the Singaporestock market are safeguarded in our CDP account for us.

In other words, you are the legal owner of the stock and a shareholder of the company.

Pros cf CDP Account

  • You will be invited to attend their Annual General Meetings (AGM) ormakansessions as some call it; and
  • You will be entitled to voting rights; and
  • You will receive the company’s annual reports; and
  • You will be notified of any announcements or actions made by the company (Rights Issue, Share buyback etc.)
  • When the brokerage you bought the stocks goes bankrupt, you will not be affected as you have direct ownership of the stocks.
  • Your stock is also centralisedin Singapore. Thus, you are able to use different brokerages.
    • For example, you are able to buy a stock at DBS Vickers and go into UOB Kay Hian to sell that stock.

Cons of CDP Account

  • Clearing Fee (CDP imposed): 0.0325%
  • SGX Trading Fee: 0.0075%
  • A bit more costly as CDP charges a brokerage fee for using its services.

Apart from holding your stock in the CDP account, you may have your stocks held with the brokerage that you use.

This means the stocks that you have purchased are held in custody on your behalf by your brokerage of choice.

Custodian Account

Alternatively, you could opt for a custodian account if you do not want to hold your own investments.

Also, here are the Pros and Cons of the custodian account.

Pros of Custodian Account

  • Lower brokerage fee: Brokerages with custodian accounts generally charge lower fees as they save on the brokerage charges that CDP would impose for using CDP’s facilities
  • Brokerages will cover you if you accidentally short-sell but at a fee
  • More Privacy: Your stocks are purchased through the nominee account, which is not under your name.

Cons of a Custodian Account

  • Stock purchases are not under your name. This may not seem safe, but the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) heavily regulates Singapore’s financial institutions and require that brokerages keep custodian accounts separate so that customers’ funds are not affected if the brokerage goes under.
  • Because it is not purchased under your name, you are not a shareholder. So you will not be allowed to do anything a shareholder is able to, i.e. attend AGMs, voting rights, receive annual reports etc.
    • You can still attend AGMs held by the company. However, there are only limited available seats given to the Custodian, and the procedure itself is tedious.
  • You will not be notified of any right issues or share buyback or any announcements or actions made by the company.

But I would like to point out that certain investments like the Singapore Savings Bonds require that you open a CDP account to invest in them.

If you are keen on opening a CDP account, here’s a step-by-step guide to opening one.

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How to Open a CDP Account: Can I Open a CDP Account Online?

Here are the basics of what you need to know about how to open a CDP account online.

Do also note that one needs to be at least 18 years old and not an undischarged bankrupt before they can proceed.How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (5)

1. Have a Bank Account With a Local Bank: DBS CDP Account & More

To open an individual CDP Securities Account, you will need to have a bank account with one of the following banks in Singapore:

  • Citibank
  • HSBC
  • Maybank
  • OCBC
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • UOB.

Is Opening a CDP Account Free? How Do I Create an Online CDP Account?

Also, opening a CDP account is free.

Let’s proceed with how you can create an online CDP account.

2. Fill Up An Online Application Form

Since November 2019, you can choose to open a CDP account online and get your account sorted out within 15 minutes.

To apply for your CDP account online, you can clickhere:

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (6)

Everything is really convenient now, where one can simply open a CDP account online using MyInfo or an online form.

3. Ensure You Have The Supporting Documents Required

Before you dive in and start filling up all the information in the application form, ensure that you have these supporting documents with you.

There will be official documents that you need to submit when opening a CDP account..

Note that applicants must be at least 18 years old and not an un-discharged bankrupt.

CDP Account Opening For Singaporean Citizens (SCs) or Singapore Permanent Residents (PRs)

Here’s a set of supporting documents you need when opening your CDP account if you are a SC or SPR using Myinfo on Singpass:

  • A Singapore Bank Account
  • Photographed/Scanned Copy of Signature
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN) aka your NRIC number.

If you have a tax residency status outside Singapore, you will need to provide:

  • Country of Tax Residency
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Completed Form-W9

Other Requirements

In addition, CDP Account Opening using Myinfo relies on certain information recorded in Myinfo (e.g. Full Name, IC Number, Email, Mobile and Residential Address). If you wish to use information that is different from that in Myinfo for this account opening, please update your information in Myinfo before you proceed.

Alternatively, you may sign up using the online form as detailed below:

CDP Account Opening For Others via Online Form

For Singapore Citizens/PRs:
  • NRIC; or
  • Singapore Armed Forces ID; or
  • Singapore Police ID with Passport.
For Malaysia Citizens:
  • Malaysia IC; or
  • Passport
  • Work Pass.
For Other Nationalities:
  • Passport
  • Work Pass
  • One of the following Secondary Support Documents (the Support Document must be within the past there months and must contain the applicant’s name and residential address, which must match that in this application for verification.):
    • Bank statement from any Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) licensed banks; or
    • Statement from Central Provident Fund (CPF); or
    • Statement from Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS).
  • A Singapore Bank Account
  • Photographed/Scanned Copy of Signature
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN).

If you have a tax residency status outside Singapore, you will need to provide:

  • Country/Region of Tax Residency
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Completed Form-W9.

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CDP Login and CDP Account Number Information

After that, one can set up an account with their preferred local brokerage firms and start investing!

Once you have purchased any investments, you can head over to SGX’s CDP Internet page to view and manage your investments!

Be sure to take note of your CDP account number!

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (7)

Application through a brokerage firm

Most of the brokerage firms in Singapore should be able to help their customers with their CDP account applications when they set up a brokerage account.

Below are the lists of retail brokers that can help you do so:

  • CIMB Securities
  • DBS Vickers Securities
  • iFAST Singapore
  • KGI Securities
  • Maybank Kim Eng
  • OCBC Securities
  • POEMS by PhillipCapital
  • RHB Securities Singapore
  • UOB Kay Hian

Once you have opened your CDP account, you can log in to the SGX Investor Portal via SingPass to view your stock portfolio and account statements.

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What Brokerage Account to Use?

If you were wondering which brokerage account to use, check out our comparison of brokerage accounts in Singapore:

Read User Reviews On Online Brokerages In Singapore

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Further Reading: How to get your Central Provident Fund (CPF) statement

To obtain your CPF statement, simply head over to the CPF Website:

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (9)

Simply head over to log in with your SingPass ID after that to obtain your statement.

Further Reading: How to get your Latest Notice of Assessment for Income tax

To get your latest Notice of Assessment for Income Tax, simply head over to the IRAS Website

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (10)

From there, simply log in for Personal Tax Matters using your SingPass or IRAS PIN to obtain your latest Notice of Assessment for Income Tax.

How To Open a CDP Account or Brokerage Account and Start Investing in Singapore

How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (11)

Wanna tap on the knowledge of seasoned investors? You might even get your own investment questions answered right here

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BONUS: Prefer watching a video instead? Learn how to set up your accounts with Clara and Joel from the Seedly Team!

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How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments! (2024)


How To Open an SGX CDP Account & Brokerage Account to Start Trading Singapore Listed Investments!? ›

To start trading, you will need a trading account with a broker and a CDP account. To apply for both accounts at the same time, please approach any broker directly. However, if you only need a CDP Joint Account you can apply by completing the application form on your computer and sign on the printout copy.

Can foreigners open a CDP account in Singapore? ›

You must be at least 18 years old. You must be a Singaporean, Permanent Resident or a foreigner currently residing in Singapore. You need to own an Individual CDP (Central Depository) Securities Account. If you do not own an Individual CDP Securities Account, you may apply for one here.

Which bank to open a CDP account? ›

Eligibility Criteria for Opening a CDP Account

Hold a bank account with one of the designated banks: DBS/POSB, OCBC, Citibank, HSBC, Maybank, UOB, or Standard Chartered Bank.

Can a foreigner open a trading account in Singapore? ›

Absolutely! As long as you're not from a country sanctioned by the Monetary of Singapore (MAS), you can open an investment account in Singapore.

How much is the CDP fee for SGX? ›

Other fees incurred

When you trade using CDP-linked accounts, a clearing fee of 0.0325% of the contract value is charged. In addition, there is also an SGX trading fee of 0.0075% per contract. The prevailing GST rate of 9% is then charged on the total fee.

How long does it take to open a CDP account in Singapore? ›

Procedures and Supporting Documents

The processing time will be 5 business days. For application using online form which requires supporting documents, the processing time will be 10 business days. You will be informed via email if additional documents are required, this will lengthen processing time.

Can a US citizen open a bank account in Singapore? ›

Yes, as a non-resident, you can open a bank account in Singapore by visiting the bank in person and providing the required documents, such as a valid passport or an identity card. Different banks have their own eligibility rules, so it's important to research your options based on your situation.

How to withdraw money from a CDP account? ›

Step 1: Log in to your Profile using Singpass or CDP Internet User ID. Step 2: On your profile page, go to Account tab to apply for Direct Crediting Service (DCS) and Currency Conversion Service (CCY). Complete the Withdrawal of Cash Distribution form and email the completed form to CDP via

How to open a stock trading account in Singapore? ›

Steps to open a brokerage account in Singapore

To open a CDP account, you need to be at least 18 years of age and have a bank account with one of the following banks in Singapore – Citibank, DBS/POSB, HSBC, Maybank, OCBC, Standard Chartered Bank and UOB. You can apply for your CDP account online via the SGX website.

Is a CDP account free? ›

When your CDP account is ready, you will be notified by post within 10 business days of your application submission. While your CDP account is free to use, you might have to pay your brokerage trading or administrative fees.

How to start trading in Singapore for beginners? ›

Beginner's Guide: How to Trade Stocks in Singapore
  1. Find a broker. Finding a broker will be the first step for investors to trade stocks online. ...
  2. Open trading account. Investors are required to have a CDP account to store Singapore securities. ...
  3. Fund your account. ...
  4. Choose Strategy. ...
  5. Place an order. ...
  6. Monitor performance.

What is the difference between a trading account and a CDP account? ›

Your CDP Securities Account is a holding account to deposit all securities you have bought from the Singapore Securities Market. Your trading account is used to buy and sell securities through your broker. The trading account does not hold any securities. You can choose to open your trading account with any broker .

How to invest in Singapore for foreigners? ›

Investors who are interested in starting up a business or investing in Singapore may apply for the Singapore Permanent Residence status (PR) through the Global Investor Programme (GIP) by submitting all the required application forms and supporting documents.

What is the difference between CDP and SGX? ›

The Central Depository Account, or generally referred to as CDP, is an account that holds all the shares you purchased on the open market safely. A CDP, run by the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), serves as a security for all of your stocks.

How do I activate my SGX CDP account? ›

Access CDP Internet using Singpass
  • Install the Singpass Mobile app.
  • On Portfolio (CDP Internet) log in page, click “Log in with Singpass”
  • Scan the QR code that will be shown on the Singpass login page.
  • Confirm the login in the Singpass mobile app.
  • SGX Mobile users can tap on the Singpass Mobile QR code.

Can I sell shares directly from CDP? ›

Yes, Singapore shares held in CDP directly under your name can be sold through Cash Management (KC) Account. Foreign shares bought through other securities houses must be transferred to the Cash Management (KC) Account first before you can sell through it.

Can a foreigner open a bank account in Singapore without an employment pass? ›

Eligibility for Foreigners Opening a Bank Account in Singapore. Foreign nationals looking to create a banking presence in Singapore are welcome, provided they meet the necessary criteria. This includes having an Employment Pass, Student Pass, or Dependent Pass for identification purposes.

Can a foreigner open a business account in Singapore? ›

There are additional requirements if you're a foreigner opening a company bank account in Singapore. Among these are: A valid work visa or employment pass issued by the Ministry of Manpower. Proof of your identity via a passport.

Can foreigners open offshore bank account in Singapore? ›

The answer is “Yes”, but you will have to provide a lot more documents than locals, who can literally open an account instantly. For foreigners who hold an employment pass, opening a bank account in Singapore should not be difficult.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.