How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2024)

Bear market, should we hug the bear or run?

There was a recent scare or should I say hullabaloo about a market crash. People had different reactions. Some were crying and screaming, others developed anxiety. Lots of people on social media have posed the question of how to survive in a bear market. Everywhere you turn, you cannot avoid hearing about the doom and gloom. Don’t even bother turning on your TV if you want to have a good night rest.

This is a common fear. If I had a dollar for every time someone has said the market is crashing in the past 10 years, I would have enough money to live for at least a month.

I am not saying, it is impossible to have a crash, however, this type of event occurs more frequently than you think.

For example, between 1900 and 2013, there were 123 market corrections and 32 bear market periods. The study is old but you get the point.

To better understand this article, let us do a quick catch up for those who do not know what we are talking about.

Table of Contents

Bull and bear market definition

How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (1)

A bear market or when the market is “bearish” is marked by investors being very conservative and pessimistic, resulting in a declining market

A bull market is essentially the opposite of a bear market. In this case, investors are being aggressive and positive, with stock price rising as a result of this optimism.

I consider the BEAR and BULL market to go hand in hand. Think of it as the Yin and Yang of the financial industry.

Before we dig deeper, I found the exercise below to be particularly fun and gets the message across. If you are no fun, please skip to the next section.

Nature teaches us lessons. Here are some of the lessons learned from a grizzly bear encounter in the wild, I have related the encounter to the market.

Here’s what the experts say:

Do not run.

Meaning, do not leave the market in a BEAR market.

Avoid direct eye contact.

Stop checking your stock every day, save yourself some anxiety and the urge to sell at a loss

Walk away slowly, if the bear is not approaching.

Adjust your asset allocation when the market is good, don’t get too comfortable with high-risk investments.

If the bear charges, stand your ground (you cannot outrun it).

Same as above, DO keep your money in the market, you cannot time the market.

If you have pepper spray, try it if the bear is within 15 feet.

Well, this one is tough, but I will go with, invest more money in the bear market. Get it? Spray the bear.

Don’t scream or yell! Speak in a soft monotone voice and wave your arms to let the animal know you are human.

Remain calm, your screaming or yelling is not going to change the direction of the market. I know it is difficult but try your best.

If the animal makes contact, curl up into a ball on your side, or lie flat on your stomach.

Once you have been hit with a bear market, take the beating like a champ. The only solution now is to wait it out. Just like the cryptocurrency term, HODL – Hold on for dear life.

Try not to panic; remain as quiet as possible until the attack ends.

Again, do not panic. Have a strong and steady hand. Do not sell that stock.

While in bear country, be aware that you may encounter a bear at any time.

The bear market comes with no warning. The so-called forecasters predict the bear market every year.

Be sure the bear has left the area before getting up to seek help.

I will tweak this one a bit. Seek help if you are having trouble with a steady hand. Before you sell that stock, get a financial advisor. This is one of the rare occasions, in which I will support an advisor, if that is what it takes to prevent you from self-destruction. Use the advisor minimally, for a short period of time. Then fire them again!

How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2)

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I hope you enjoyed that exercise. Now lets get back to business.

A quick reminder about our bear market definition and easy rule of thumb to remember.

What is a bear market again?

The simple-minded definition says to imagine how the bear fights, it is with the paw down. Hence, the market goes down.

How many percents does the bear kick in?

The quick and dirty version is 20%. Bear markets occur when stock prices drop 20% or more.

The grizzlier the bear, the longer the recovery

There is a study by Guggenheim Investments. Although I am not endorsing their financial services, their study is impressive. Below is a table that describes the findings

The Deeper the Stock Market Decline, the Longer the Recovery
Declines in the S&P 500®(Since 12.31.1945)

Decline %Number of DeclinesAverage Decline %Average Length of Decline in MonthsAverage Time to Recover in Months
40+3(51)2258 putting-pullbacks-in-perspective

Bear market versus correction

What is a ‘Correction?’

A correction is a movement, almost always temporary, that accounts for at least a 10 percent adjustment to fix the overvaluation of a stock, bond, commodity or index.

As you can see above, the major difference is the extent to which the market falls.

BEAR > 20%


Since the start of the bull run in 2009, there have been at least 4 corrections. It then continues back to bull market territory.

Market corrections tend to last less than two months, whereas bear markets last two months or longer.

Ok so, we know what the term means, but have you actually researched it and know the origin of the word “BEAR”? I enjoy knowing the background story of things. I feel like the art has been lost. Our generation just wants quick and dirty versions for most things. Skip this section if you don’t enjoy grizzly stories.

Origin of the bear market terminology

This origin of the word “BEAR” in relation to the market was nailed down to the 18th century in England. Of course, it has to be English.

The leading theory was found in this writing that quotes the following:

“Selling the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear” or alternatively “ don’t sell the bear’s skin before you kill the bear”

Sorry animal lovers. We are not actually killing a bear here. No animal was harmed in the production on this blog post.

The saying above is not foreign to us. It was just worded differently.

In simple terms, don’t count your eggs before they are hatched.

In the 18th century, apparently, there were people who sell what they don’t own in the hope of turning a profit when they finally own it. You might think, so who will fall for that? Well, we don’t put our thinking caps on sometimes when we are promised a huge return.

This act was referred to as “selling the bearskin? And the people being sold the investment were called “bearskin”

Tatler, April 26, 1709

Forasmuch as it is very hard to keep land in repair without ready cash, I do, out of my personal estate, bestow the bear-skin, which I have frequently lent to several societies about this town, to supply their necessities; I say, I give also the said bear-skin as an immediate fund to the said citizens forever.

Another instance was in 1979 by Daniel Defoe’s. The anatomy of change

Those who buy Exchange Alley Bargains are styled buyers of Bear-skin

The bear word was finally solidified in the early market bubble know as the South Sea Bubble.

The south sea company formed in 1711 was granted by Britain a monopoly on all trade to South America and would be given an annual sum of 6% from the government.

As a result, the company’s stock soared and the company was worth an equivalent of today’s 537 billion dollars.

What is interesting is that this company did not start shipping until 1717, that’s 6 years after the company was first formed.

Well, it turned out that the monopoly was worthless as Spain was at war with Britain and Spain held the trade regions at the time. In order words, the stock was a fool’s promise.

Of course, the market crashed as a result.

Read the full story here

How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (3)

For more information on the origin of the bull and bear market, check out the link below

Origin of the stock market bull and bear

  1. Time the market

This is an act in which people try to analyze when the market will crash, and quickly remove their money. They then wait for the bottom of the BEAR market and quickly invest at the start of the BULL market.

Isn’t that awesome? Unfortunately, that is just fiction. If you try to do this, you are likely to miss the best days of the market.

We have finally arrived at the guide part.

  1. Be a long term investor

Here is everyone’s fear right now. What if I invest my money today and the market crashes tomorrow. Rejoice and be glad! Why?

Because history has shown that a long-term investor can still make money over the long run even if he or she invested at the worst possible time, like the eve of a crash. Provided, that you leave your money in the market.

While I was still quite young to understand the full effect of the 2008 crash, I learned a good lesson from it.

The 2008 Grizzly bear market

This I read from the motley fool and paraphrased it.

The S&P 500 hit an all-time intraday high at $1,576 in late 2007. The bear market came immediately after that and the S&P 500 crashed to a low of $667.

If you had invested on the eve of the crash, which was literally the worst possible timing. You would have been devastated when 58% of your investment got wiped out. People committed suicide as a result of their loss. You would be tempted to take your money out of the market.

With dividends factored in, you’d have around 87% returns or about 6% annualized. On that $10,000 investment, you’d have gained about $8,700.

I am sure some people are sniffing at the 6% annualized return. Well, what was your alternative? Leave your money in cash? CDs? Put it under your pillow or bury it? All the aforementioned tactics would have yielded lower than 6% annually.

Take a few minutes and read about these two references from Motley fool for the full gist.

The 8 Worst Market Crashes of the Last Century

Why You Shouldn’t Fear Bear Markets

We all know the benefits of maintaining a well-diversified portfolio. If you don’t know, then you should know now before it is too late. The reason for diversification is that there is less of a chance for your investments to be wiped out in a bear market if you are well diversified.

Have non-correlated assets and use common sense.

The easiest way to explain this is, do not own only 20 energy stocks or only have stocks in technology. This rule still applies even if that particular industry is booming at the moment. If one sector falls, almost every company except a few survives.

This is what I am working on the most. Do not only invest in stocks but also have some bonds, sprinkle some real estate. Diversify!

Passive income MD wrote a nice piece on diversification. Here is the link below.

Diversification – Back to Basics

I also wrote an extensive article on the 3 fund portfolio which is simple, yet diversified.

You need to define your goals and time frame, and then invest based on your risk tolerance.

When investing, there is no reward without any risk. If someone promises you an investment with a good return and no risk. Run! There is no need to do any research. It is a scam.

Choose what risk you are comfortable with. When you are aware of your risks, you are less likely to panic during a BEAR market. You might still cry, but less likely to pull your money out of the market.

Here is a nice graph from Morningstar

How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (4)

Data source: Morningstar Inc., 2018 (1926–2017). Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Returns include the reinvestment of dividends and other earnings. This chart is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the actual or implied performance of any investment option. See footnote 2 below for detailed information.

My portfolio consists of only 10% bonds because I am a daredevil. That is what I am comfortable with based on my age and other factors. Find out yours and invest accordingly.

Important point: If you’re in retirement, only the portion of your money that you won’t need for another ten years should be in stocks.

For the brave of heart, the bear market is actually an opportunity to buy. I have a blog post I feel too evil to publish titled “ should I pray for the market to crash?”

It is a selfish thing to wish, however, it is an opportunity to go stock shopping. Guess what? Everything is on sale!

Well, apparently no internal link according to Yoast SEO. I love to have a green light always. Blame my OCD. So here are some vaguely related posts. They teach about investment principles.

How to invest as a beginner

12 toddler steps to financial freedom

Time value of money concept

Pretax vs after tax which one is better?

How to become a Roth IRA millionaire

Stock vs Bond, not really a debate

Phew, there you go. That’s all I got for now. Did you learn anything from the grizzly encounter?

Please pin my Pinterest pictures, I really put some work into it, I am a scientist, not artsy at all.

Please subscribe. This is the way to let me know you love my posts.

Any addition to this article is welcomed if you are so inclined. I will give you credit for your work.



I am a pulmonary and critical care doctor by day and personal finance blogger/debt slaying ninja by night.

After paying off close to $300,000 in student loan debt in less than 6 months into my real job, I started on a mission to help others achieve the same. There is no magic to this than to strap up and get it done. Some of the ways we achieved this include side hustle, budgeting, great negotiation skills, and geographical arbitrage.

When I was growing up, common knowledge in Nigeria is that there is one thing you cannot trust anyone else with, and you guessed it – your money.

Being frugal came easily to me based on my background. However, the concept of building wealth did not solidify in my mind until when I finished medical school. I wish I knew what I know now when I was 14. Still, I don’t know enough and I am constantly learning to improve my knowledge.

My goal is to reduce financial illiteracy among young professionals. I am catering to the beginners – babies and toddlers in financial literacy.

How To Overcome Your Fear Of The Bear Market | Dr. Breathe Easy Finance (2024)


How do you protect yourself from a bear market? ›

A Liquidity strategy provides the main defense against bear market risk. By funding your Liquidity strategy during a bull market and spending it down during a bear market, you are able to build a buffer between market volatility and your ability to meet your short-term objectives.

How to deal with bear market? ›

Here are a few tips for how to invest during a bear market.
  1. Rebalance Your Portfolio. A diversified portfolio consists of multiple asset classes like stocks, bonds and cash. ...
  2. Use Tax-Loss Harvesting. ...
  3. Own Risk-Averse Assets. ...
  4. Buy the Dip and Stay the Course.
May 10, 2023

Where to put money during a bear market? ›

Bonds also are an attractive investment during shaky periods in the stock market because their prices often move in the opposite direction of stock prices. Bonds are an essential component of any portfolio, but adding additional high-quality, short-term bonds to your portfolio may help ease the pain of a bear market.

How do you stay calm in a market crash? ›

Here are some tips to help you stay calm.
  1. Focus on your goals. If you are investing, you most likely have long-term goals for your money – such as saving towards retirement or your children's education. ...
  2. Take solace from history. ...
  3. Remember that investing beats cash. ...
  4. Don't check your investments. ...
  5. Stay diversified. ...
  6. Next steps.

What not to do in a bear market? ›

Avoid knee-jerk reactions.

But that can lead to costly mistakes, the Chief Investment Office regularly reminds investors. By selling when the market has fallen steeply, you're at risk of locking in a permanent loss of capital.

Should I buy during a bear market? ›

Don't try to catch the bottom: Trying to time the market is generally a losing battle. One thing to keep in mind during bear markets is that you aren't going to invest at the bottom. Buy stocks because you want to own the business for the long term, even if the share price goes down a little more after you buy.

How long does bear market usually last? ›

The duration of bear markets can vary, but on average, they last approximately 289 days, equivalent to around nine and a half months. It's important to note that there's no way to predict the timing of a bear market with complete certainty, and history shows that the average bear market length can vary significantly.

What to do before a bear market? ›

Match your money to your goals

Money that you'll need in the short term or that you can't afford to lose—the down payment on a home, for example—is best invested in relatively stable assets, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or Treasury bills.

How to survive the stock market downturn? ›

There are a number of steps to take to deal with a stock market crash, including being prepared beforehand.
  1. Portfolio diversification. ...
  2. Don't panic. ...
  3. Buy the dip. ...
  4. Dollar cost average during the decline. ...
  5. Add bonds. ...
  6. Tax-loss harvesting. ...
  7. Keep your long-term focus. ...
  8. The crash of 1929.
May 21, 2024

Where to put money before market crash? ›

If you are a short-term investor, bank CDs and Treasury securities are a good bet. If you are investing for a longer time period, fixed or indexed annuities or even indexed universal life insurance products can provide better returns than Treasury bonds.

What assets to buy in bear market? ›

Dividend stocks pay out a portion of a company's profit back to the investor in the form of a dividend, so even if the stock price falls, investors can still receive income. Dividend stocks are a smart way to hedge the effects of a bear market, as income coming in counteracts the losses in other assets.

What funds do well in a bear market? ›

Some of the most popular bear market funds are as follows:
  • PIMCO StocksPLUS Short Institutional. ...
  • Federated Prudent Bear A. ...
  • Grizzly Short. ...
  • Rydex Inverse S&P 500 Strategy Inv. ...
  • Gotham Short Strategies Institutional. ...
  • Identify Assets that Increase in Price. ...
  • Be Patient With a 401(k) ...
  • Purchase Short and Long Put Options.
Aug 31, 2023

How to beat the bear market? ›

Buy dividend stocks

Another way to hedge against bear markets is to invest in stocks that pay dividends over those that do not. Dividend-paying stocks usually outperform non-dividend-paying stocks — typically with less risk, according to 2022 research from Johnson Asset Management.

How do I get over my fear of losing money in the stock market? ›

Easy Ways to Deal with Stock Market Fear
  1. 1) Avoid Making a Lumpsum Investment.
  2. 2) Never Redeem in Panic.
  3. 3) Stick with Your Investment Goals.
  4. 4) Avoid Behavioral Biases.
  5. 5) Diversify.
Dec 17, 2023

How do you stay calm in a financial crisis? ›

How to survive financial stress
  1. Stay active. Keep seeing your friends, keep your CV up to date, and try to keep paying the bills. ...
  2. Get advice. If you're going into debt, get advice on how to prioritise your debts. ...
  3. Do not drink too much alcohol. ...
  4. Do not give up your daily routine.

How retirees can survive a bear market? ›

Adjust Spending

This may seem obvious, but it can be very useful to adjust your spending in the near term. According to one analysis by T. Rowe Price, withdrawing no more than approximately 4% of your retirement account per year can help it survive a bear market. This is, of course, a variable amount.

How to prepare for the bear market? ›

  1. Wait it out. When stocks begin to plummet during a bear market, you may be tempted to try and cut losses by selling. ...
  2. Hedge your bets with dollar cost averaging. ...
  3. Diversify your funds. ...
  4. Invest in defensive industries. ...
  5. Look for bargains. ...
  6. Buy dividend stocks. ...
  7. Use short strategies. ...
  8. Bet on the “lipstick effect”
Feb 23, 2024

What is the best way to protect a stock portfolio in a bear market? ›

Diversification tamps down the volatility that tends to increase during bear markets and can subject investor portfolios to unnerving fluctuations. Bear market asset allocation generally involves dialing down the percentage of your portfolio invested in stocks and increasing exposure to government bonds or cash.

What mistakes should be avoided in a bear market? ›

Mistake 1: Cashing in and avoiding volatility

Exiting the market during a period of volatility could be detrimental because you are: Selling during a loss—it becomes a realised loss when you finalise your sale. Don't do this. Forgo your chance of participating in future market rebounds.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.