How to Read a Fashion Magazine (2024)

How to Read a Fashion Magazine (1)

When I recently advised a client to study a few fashion magazines to glean some ideas for the upcoming season, she flatly refused.

"I HATE those things!" she told me vehemently. "Skinny girls, expensive clothes - what does that have to do with my life? Nothing!"

Now since this isn't the first time I've heard this argument, I realized that she was missing the point of the exercise - much like the women who tell me that VOGUE or W are "their bibles." In this corner, we have someone who's way too caught up in her own reality; in the other, we have someone who's much too caught up in someone else's. Let's all move a bit more to the center and learn how to read these things properly, shall we? We'll all dress a lot better for it.

Let's start with a little dissection first, then move on to the "how to" part of the lesson.


Overall, fashion magazines tend to show young, thin, attractive people in their pages for the exact same reason that grocers tend to polish their apples and car dealers tend to have you test drive clean cars: because it sells more. It's as simple as that. Fashion Marketing 101. Whether you agree with it or not is beside the point; it works -- VERY well.

So well, in fact, that somewhere along the line, many women went from trying to determine whether the clothing being shown would work well on their bodies to bemoaning the fact that their bodies don't look like the mannequins. Let me let you in on a secret: those girls don't look like that every day, either. They have an army of people to get the hair, makeup, clothes, and lighting just right. If that doesn't work, they airbrush the photos to get the right look. And if the model packs on a few pounds or starts to show signs of ageing, she's replaced. Nothing like being a "has been" by the age of 30, eh?

What a shame that so many teenage girls and women have allowed the slick marketing to muddle their thinking and impact their self esteem. Don't be one of them. Look at the clothes and the mood that the picture evokes; don't compare yourselves to the mannequins.


In fashion magazines, you'll often see a beautiful girl in gorgeous clothes in an enviable setting surrounded by handsome men. If only, right? Well, that's part of the marketing. It's called projecting, and if you've ever envisioned yourself swapping places with the gal in the picture, the marketers have done their job. It's a set up. A complete fabrication. A ruse. Remember that the next time you see a shot that makes you want to rush right out and buy the clothes you see so you can be just like the girl in the picture.


Ever wonder why you see so many high end designers advertising in fashion magazines and why the fashion magazines, in turn, show so many of those same designers in their editorial photo spreads? It's no coincidence. Those one-page ads are VERY expensive, often costing tens of thousands (or more), depending on the magazine's circulation. So the fashion houses don't spend all their advertising dollars in one place. Oh, no.

They'll put a portion of their budget into ads, a portion into lending clothes to magazines for photo shoots, and a portion into creating clothes for celebrities for red carpet and other media events. That way, they spread the name recognition around. It's clever - and expensive. But it works. If you love labels and see a look you like in a couple of fashion magazines and on a favorite celebrity, wouldn't you be more inclined to buy it if you had the money? Many are. A look through the society pages will tell you as much.


So now that we've addressed the models, ads, and editorial spreads, here's what you SHOULD be looking for when you read a fashion magazine (and yes, it's okay to rip out pages and put them in a file for future reference - but only if you own the magazine!):

1. The Trends

Fashion magazines will call them "must have" items, but look at trends skeptically to see whether they fit your body, clothing personality, and lifestyle. Don't worry about the price. If you find something you like and want to wear, look for an inexpensive version of the trend at your favorite discount or outlet store. Buy cheap, wear often, and discard when then trend is over.

2. The Updated Classics

Most women recognize that classic styles are a good value, and fashion magazines know this. So
they'll show trendy new ways to wear classic styles and give you plenty of ideas in the process. All you have to do is take a moment to break it down to see how you can apply this to
your own closet.

3. The Designers

If you have a "thing" for designer labels, high end fashion magazines (Vogue, W, Marie Claire, Town and Country) are a great place to learn about the different fashion house philosophies. Even if you can't afford those brand names, don't fret. If you find a look you really like, you'll probably be able to find it a little later in the season in a budget-friendly copy-cat version.

4. Styling Ideas

Styling refers to the way the clothing and accessories are presented in a picture. Look at how the clothes are layered, draped, or wrapped. Look at how the jewelry is worn. See what they did with the bag and shoes. Look at the hair and other accessories. If you see something you like, try creating a similar look with pieces from your own closet. You'll be surprised how you can breathe new life into your old standbys just by wearing them a different way.

5. Hair and Makeup

Are you in a hair and makeup rut? Peruse a few fashion magazines to see what's hot for the season. Not only will you glean some new looks, you may discover that a new 'do may be all you
need to look "au currant" this year.

Fashion magazines are a great way to learn all about what's happening in fashion AS LONG AS you remember that they're created to sell clothes and accessories. Forget about the models and the price tags and focus instead on the clothes, trends, and styling ideas that might work for you. Then copy or adapt them to your own budget and lifestyle. Before you know it, you may look like you stepped out of a fashion magazine - whatever your age, shape, size, or budget.

About the Author

Diana Pemberton-Sikes is a wardrobe and image consultant and author of "Wardrobe Magic," an ebook that shows women how to transform their unruly closets into workable, wearable wardrobes. Visit her online at

How to Read a Fashion Magazine (2)

How to Read a Fashion Magazine (3)


Diana Pemberton-Sikes

Published: Oct 2006

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How to Read a Fashion Magazine (2024)


How do fashion magazines work? ›

Fashion magazines use editorial models to display clothing and accessories on the pages of the magazine as part of articles and special features. Models also do modeling work for the ads shown in fashion magazines. Typically, fashion magazines do not hire their own models, but use modeling agencies.

Why do you read fashion magazines? ›

Fashion magazines are primarily published to give its readers tips on how to improve their style, highlight current trends and inform readers on how to improve their careers.

Do people still read fashion magazines? ›

Despite the setbacks in numbers, fashion magazines are far from dead. Local fashion and style print titles like Frankie are continuing to cater to over 260,000 readers a year.

What is the point of Vogue? ›

Vogue (stylized in all caps) is an American monthly fashion and lifestyle magazine that covers various topics, including haute couture fashion, beauty, culture, living, and runway.

What are the contents of a fashion magazine? ›

FASHION magazine includes style, culture, beauty, and hair from celebrities or designers. They help people update themselves about trends in products and fashion.

Does Gen Z read Vogue? ›

People appears in the top two for both groups, and Cosmopolitan and National Geographic also rank in the top five for each. As for differences, Gen Z was more likely to name Seventeen and Teen Vogue, while Millennials were more likely to name Time and the New York Times Magazine.

Who is the target audience of fashion magazines? ›

High proportion of fashion features, and style and beauty, appeal to the target audience of stylish, affluent females with an interest in designer clothing and a concern for their image.

What is the main point of magazine? ›

At the most basic level, a magazine provides information that may be more in depth but less timely than that of, for example, a newspaper. A magazine can typically focus on trends or issues, and it can provide background information for news events.

What are the Big 4 fashion magazines? ›

The Big Four, sometimes referred to as The Big 4, is the name given in fashion to the four most notable Vogue covers; American Vogue, British Vogue, Vogue France and Vogue Italia. The term is commonly used when a model completes all four covers and is considered one of the biggest achievements in the fashion industry.

What is the #1 magazine in the world? ›

Top 50 magazines in the world
RankOutletTotal Visits
1T: The New York Times Style Magazine552,459,440
2The New York Times Magazine552,459,440
3T Magazine552,459,440
4The Observer Magazine363,531,150
46 more rows

What is the world's largest fashion magazine? ›

As the world's largest fashion magazine and media brand, ELLE inspires women to explore and celebrate style in all aspects of their lives. Learn more about advertising opportunities.

Do Millennials still read magazines? ›

According to a Customer Focus Research study published by Quad Graphics, 62% of Millennials prefer to read printed magazines, with 49% of this age group having read a magazine in the last 7 days, covering a large part of their media consumption.

What is the average age of Vogue readers? ›

Helmed by prolific Editor-in-Chief, Anna Wintour, American VOGUE attracts a primarily female audience (approx. 80%) and covers a broad age range, though primary demographics range from 17-29-year-olds.

What age group reads magazines the most? ›

25-34-year-olds make up the largest proportion of magazine readers, followed by 18-24-year-olds and 35-44-year-olds. This provides an insight into which age group is most likely to read magazines, which can help publishers target their content and advertising to the most relevant age group.

Can anyone be on Vogue? ›

It's no secret that Vogue targets successful young women between the ages of 20-40 who are immersed in fashion, beauty and their careers, so it isn't usually the best idea for a business to put just anyone on the cover if it doesn't represent the target.

Why is Vogue cover so popular? ›

Vogue sets itself apart through authentic research and great journalistic practices. Moreover, they add more creativity to make their covers eye-catching that can grab the attention of any person from any background.

Does Vogue cost money? ›

In the U.S., a digital access subscription is $24.99. In all destinations, a subscription to the digital edition of the magazine is $19.99. Vogue publishes ten issues per year. Plus sales tax where applicable.

What are the 5 magazine essential elements? ›

Magazine Spread Design Elements

As mentioned above, the main elements of a magazine layout are the headlines, subheadings, images, body copy as well as any ads.

Who is the youngest girl on Vogue? ›

Often called one of the last true supermodels, Karolina Kurková is known for her hugely successful modeling career and vibrant personality. Kurkova has graced the covers of every major worldwide fashion publication and was the youngest model to cover American Vogue.

What is considered attractive to Gen Z? ›

Body positivity and natural beauty are genuine values of Gen Z, but that doesn't stop thin, fit, traditionally beautiful bodies from being the most celebrated. As 17-year-old Maya Al-Jamie told HuffPost, Gen Z is told to idolize women with bodies that fit the beauty standard for being body positive.

What is Gen Y fashion? ›

From bold prints to statement pieces, Gen Y is always pushing the boundaries of style. The key elements to any wardrobe that encapsulates Gen Y's aesthetic include bright colors, comfortable fabrics, and personality-packed accessories—all paired with a healthy dose of confidence.

Who is Harper's Bazaar target audience? ›

Bazaar's audience comprises women ranging from their late twenties to their early sixties, predominantly in professional roles. They are culturally discerning, enjoy travelling and are prepared to spend money on bespoke luxury experiences.

What is the first page of a magazine called? ›

The masthead is essentially a one-page informational overview of a publication and everyone involved in its creation. The masthead lists editorial staff, publisher, subscription details, and contact information. Members of the advisory board, readers, interns, proofreaders, and designers are also often listed.

What is the oldest magazine still in circulation? ›

Scientific American has the distinction of being the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States (see website).

What is the biggest issue of Vogue? ›

Our Biggest Issue Ever," a coverline screamed. "840 Pages of Fearless Fashion.") That's the issue that was immortalized in the 2009 R. J. Cutler documentary The September Issue.

Which is the fashion capital of the world? ›

Milan is officially named the fashion capital of the world.

Which Vogue is the most important? ›

The September issue of Vogue magazine is deemed the most important, and often the largest, issue of the year.

What famous magazines no longer exist? ›

  • Hands-On Electronics (1984–1989)
  • The Hard Copy Observer (1991–2012)
  • Harp (2001–2008)
  • Harper's Weekly (1857–1916)
  • Harper's Young People (1879–1899)
  • Harvest (1980–1992)
  • HDI, CMP Media (1998–2001)
  • Healthy Kids, American Baby/American Academy of Pediatrics/PRIMEDIA (1989–2001)

What is the oldest magazine in the US? ›

Scientific American (founded 1845)

As the oldest continuously published magazine in the country, Scientific American's content database has original reporting on inventions like Alexander Graham Bell's telephone and Thomas Edison's lightbulb.

What is the most popular magazine brand? ›

  • 1 National Geographic74%
  • 2 Better Homes & Gardens60%
  • 3 Reader's Digest59%
  • 4 Consumer Reports57%
  • 5 Time56%
  • 6 Smithsonian56%
  • 7 Popular Science55%
  • 8 Rolling Stone53%

Who is America's biggest magazine seller? ›

1. The magazine with the highest circulation in 2022 was AARP The Magazine, featuring an impressive circulation of more than 22,750,000 and a reach of over 37,500,000 people!

What are high fashion magazines? ›

Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire, Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair are all fashion magazines.

Which is better Elle or Vogue? ›

Vogue is very high-end and pitches its articles to a somehow older type of an audience, while Elle is accessible to a wider range of people. Of course, if you are a true fashionista, or at least an aspiring one, you will buy Vogue, even if you will only have it on the coffee table.

What magazines do 25 year olds read? ›

20 Magazines Millennials Say They're Reading
  • Cosmopolitan.
  • People.
  • Time.
  • Vogue.
  • New York Times.
  • Entertainment Weekly.
  • Allure.
  • Better Homes & Garden.
Dec 3, 2018

Should I throw away my old magazines? ›

Not all old magazines can go in the recycling bin, even if they are printed on clay-coated paper. Stained magazines should go to the landfill instead of the recycling center. If you've used your old magazines to protect your floor while painting or to line the bottom of the cat litter, toss it in the garbage.

What generation reads the most? ›

The generation that reads the most is the millennials (26-40). Around 80 % have read a book in the past 12 months, more than any other generation according to data from Best By The Numbers. Coming in second place is baby boomers (56-75) with around 70 % having read a book in the past 12 months.

Who is the oldest woman on Vogue? ›

An Indigenous tattooist in the Philippines credited with helping to keep alive a form of the art known as batok has become the oldest Vogue cover star after appearing in the Philippine edition of the magazine at the age of 106.

Who is the oldest woman on Vogue magazine? ›

Well, their April issue is out now and the magazine has revealed that their cover star is Apo Whang-Od, 106-year-old tattoo artist from the Philippines, who now has the distinction of being the oldest person ever to appear on the front of Vogue.

Who is the oldest Vogue cover model? ›

How 106-year-old Apo Whang-Od Became Vogue's Oldest Cover Model | Observer.

Is reading magazines a hobby? ›

Reading is generally known as a hobby. During our free time, some of us read a novel, others read newspapers or magazines, and still some others read inspiring articles or stories in Facebook or LinkedIn.

Are magazine sales declining? ›

Estimated revenue from Periodical Publishing dropped from $40.2 billion in 2002 to $23.9 billion in 2020. There was a 20.7% revenue decline from 2002 to 2010, and a 25.0% decrease from 2010 to 2020.

What percent of Americans read magazines? ›

While 91% of all adults read magazines, those aged 35 and younger are more likely to read magazines (93-94%). In addition, 73% of adults agreed that reading a magazine or book in print format is more enjoyable than reading on a device.

How do you get published in a fashion magazine? ›

How to Submit Work to a Fashion Magazine?
  1. Tell your shoot team that you intend to submit the work. ...
  2. Make a list of the magazines you'd like to submit your work. ...
  3. Follow the submission guidelines. ...
  4. Don't bulk email to a database of magazines. ...
  5. Show editors that you understand their magazine. ...
  6. Tell a story.
May 31, 2019

How do I get my clothing brand in a magazine? ›

5 Tips to Get Your Brand Some Serious Press
  1. TARGET PUBLICATIONS RELEVANT TO YOUR BRAND. This may seem obvious, but it's SO important. ...
  2. CREATE A STORY, NOT AN ADVERTIsem*nT. Wakeup call... ...
May 24, 2016

What are the three elements of fashion magazine layout? ›

What are the 10 Key Elements of a Magazine Layout Design?
  • Headline. It is the most important element of a magazine layout design. ...
  • Introductory Paragraph. ...
  • Body / Body Text / Body Copy. ...
  • Bylines. ...
  • Sub-headline / Subhead. ...
  • Pull Quotes. ...
  • Captions for Images. ...
  • Section Head / Running Head.

How do I get my brand in fashion magazines? ›

How to get your work featured in a magazine – 15 tips from people in the know
  1. Find your story. ...
  2. Treat journalists like customers. ...
  3. Read everything! ...
  4. Tailor your approaches. ...
  5. Make sure you are credited correctly. ...
  6. Have professional photos. ...
  7. Read the magazine cover to cover. ...
  8. Use Twitter.
Oct 20, 2015

Is it hard to get published in a magazine? ›

Whether you're a full-time freelance writer or an aspiring essayist hoping to get published for the first time, the process of publishing articles can be arduous and labor-intensive. It takes more than a great story and distinct writing style to get your article published.

How do you get Vogue to notice you? ›

5 Tips to Land Press Coverage in Vogue
  1. Plan Your Pitches Using Editorial Calendars. Editors for major publications like Vogue are bombarded constantly with pitches and people vying for their attention. ...
  2. Face Up To Face to Face Meetings. ...
  3. Product Placement Opens Doors. ...
  4. Broaden Your Circulation. ...
  5. Be consistent.

Do magazines pay writers? ›

Generally speaking, most print publications pay at least $1 a word—many $2 a word and up. (These types of freelance writing can also pay $1/word and up!)

Do you have to pay to be featured in a magazine? ›

You may have to pay a feature fee to get access to advertising on their magazine. Each magazine has their own unique editorial process. Learn more about this process, and who is in charge of this process.

How do you get yourself featured in a magazine? ›

How you get featured in magazines: step by step guide
  1. Step 1: Understand what your target audience read. ...
  2. Step 2: Know the key editorial contacts. ...
  3. Step 3: Have a look at past issues. ...
  4. Step 4: Get in touch. ...
  5. Step 5: Deliver what they want. ...
  6. Step 6: Respect the editor. ...
  7. Step 7: Showcase your achievement.

How much does it cost to be featured in a magazine? ›

Typical Cost: $500 to $20,000, depending on whether the publication is local or national, the size of your ad, whether you use color and if you've negotiated a multiple-ad rate.

What is the fashion three piece rule? ›

The idea behind the third piece rule is that for an outfit to go from good to great, it needs three key elements. Your top and bottom (pants or skirt) are your first and second elements. The third piece is that extra something that finishes off the whole look.

What are 3 main fashion categories? ›

A Lesson: The Three Types of Fashion
  • Mass Market Fashion. The first sector of design involves the most straightforward and accessible form of clothing, which is the mass market. ...
  • Ready to Wear Fashion. ...
  • Haute Couture Fashion.
Jan 18, 2021

How to get your brand famous? ›

9 ways to improve brand awareness
  1. Build a recognizable brand.
  2. Tell a brand story.
  3. Create value beyond your product.
  4. Create shareable content.
  5. Contribute to your community.
  6. Offer a freebie.
  7. Run social media contests.
  8. Work with the social algorithms.
Aug 11, 2022

How to write like Vogue? ›

Publications want you to show you can fit within their tone of voice, but also bring something unique and fresh to your article. Which is a fundamental aspect to consider to write for Vogue. When writing your piece, it is crucial to re-read numerous times to check all your grammar and spelling is on point.

How much does it cost to be featured in Vogue? ›

If anyone needed further evidence that magazines were in a desperate search for revenue, Business of Fashion is reporting that brands can pay to get themselves featured in Vogue Runway's online index – for the low, low price of $20,000 a year.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.