How To Reduce Phytic Acid In Overnight Oats (2024)

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Trying to eat healthily often leads to multiple points of confusion in this day and age. Every week we hear about a new “superfood,” or maybe that a previous one isn’t as great as once touted to be.

I strongly advocate listening to new advice, and giving it a try for yourself to see how your body reacts. Allow your body to tell you what’s right and whats wrong in each equation.

So, how do you reduce phytic acid in overnight oats? The best way to eliminate phytic acid in oats is to soak them in liquid, with a splash of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, for 12 to 16 hours before eating.

However, we are all different! While one person may benefit from a low-carb diet, the other person may experience an adverse reaction.

Even though I love to eat overnight oats every day, that does not always guarantee the same circ*mstance for others.

If you curl up in pain the minute you go near soaked oats, then phytic acid may be one of the oat side effects to blame. Here are a few ways you can improve your digestion of this enzyme without having to restrict yourself too much.

What are overnight oats?

Make overnight oats by soaking oats in liquid following a basic overnight oats ratio of 1½:1 liquid to oats. The soaking is usually done overnight so that the phytic acid dissipates, and then no cook oatmeal is ready to eat the very next day.

Steel cut oats, rolled oats or quick oats are generally available in every market, however they are not the only kinds. Rolled oats are best type for overnight oats, but there are recipes using the other kinds too.

Overnight oats can be made with water, almond milk, oat milk or really any liquid you enjoy

I have been dedicated to exploring a wide range of overnight oats recipes, which allowed me to play around with no cook oatmeal flavors like blueberry muffin, caffè mocha and pumpkin spice latte.

With all the wild combinations available, I generally stick to the same basic formula: old-fashioned oats, chia seeds, dairy free milk, nut butter, berries and a pinch of salt.

When I add nuts, chia seeds, or protein powder, I always increase the liquid to oats ratio to 2:1, otherwise I follow the basic overnight oats ratio. This is because the mix-ins will absorb additional moisture so the ratio needs to compensate.

Are overnight oats good for you?

In relation to the phrase, “you are what you eat,” well yes overnight oats are healthy. The fact of the matter resides in the overall benefits of oats, and the vessel of transport for nutritious superfood ingredients and toppings.

Oats offer healthy fats, plant based protein and both soluble and insoluble fiber. Beta-glucan is a soluble fiber present in oats that has been proven to be good for weight loss.

When comparing overnight oats to cooked oatmeal, it seems that soaking oats is more nutrias because they have had a chance to ferment. The fermentation process allows the growth of beneficial bacteria that help the gut microflora present in the digestive tract.

With all the health goals, it must noted that overnight oats is a vehicle that often includes a wide range of additions. Stay away from adding excess sugar, extremely high fats and overly process ingredients, then the meal prep will remain wholesome, hearty and packed with nutrition.

What is phytic acid?

Phytic acid is a unique natural substance found in many cereal grains, oil seeds, legumes and nuts.

Phytic acid reduces the ability for your body to absorb iron, zinc and calcium, which can inevitably lead to mineral deficiencies if left unchecked [1].

As a result, phytic acid is often referred to as an anti-nutrient.

Although it can potentially impair the absorption rate of essential minerals, this is often not the case for those following a balanced diet.

There are a number of health benefits of phytic acid. Therefore, as with most things in life this tends to be more complicated that initially thought.

Can you reduce phytic acid in oats?

How To Reduce Phytic Acid In Overnight Oats (1)

Avoiding all foods that contain phytic acid is not recommended because a majority of them are actually healthy and nutritious.

Furthermore, many people that stick to vegan and vegetarian diets rely on grain, legumes and nuts as a source of plant-based protein, which is an essential part of a balanced diet.

There are several preparation methods that allow us to successful reduce the amount of phytic acid in foods, including oats. Cooking is one of the easiest ways to reduce the about of phytic acid in oats, but that defeats the point of overnight oats.

Soaking, sprouting and fermentation are the most common methods to reduce phytic acid without cooking [2].

To successfully sprout oats, you would have to soak the oat groats or whole kernels.

Furthermore, fermentation would likely transition into subjects like beer making, bread making or food preservation methods like kimchi, which uses a slight amount of rice flour to help thicken the sauce to better coat the vegetables.

As a result, this leaves us with soaking. There are many types of oats, but rolled oats are most commonly used for this technique.

It is a common misconception that rolled oats are a raw food, but this is not the case.

Rolled oats are steamed before being rolled in large mills so that they don’t crack under the pressure of the large rollers, therefore they are partially cooked in the process.

Best way to reduce phytic acid in overnight oats

Even though you soak the oats while making overnight oats, you are still consuming the soaking water that contains the phytic acid.

After doing more research about the soaking oats, I realized that there are two ways to supercharge your soaked oats andsuccessfully neutralize or reduce the phytic acid in your soaked oats.

Soak and drain: This is the most efficient way to remove the phytic acid. Add sufficient amount of water to allow your oats to soak overnight without fully absorbing all of the liquid. The next day, drain the remaining liquid and rinse the oats before mixing with your favorite add-ins and toppings.

Neutralize the phytic acid: Soaking oats overnight with a splash of fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar will help to neutralize the phytic acid within the soaking liquid. As a result, you can consume the soaked oats and your body is able to activate the digesting enzymes that absorb the available minerals.

If you want to make your breakfast porridge truly healthy, then soak oats overnight in either water with a pinch of salt and drain the liquid the next day, or make a bircher muesli containing oats soaked overnight in natural yogurt, grated apple and lemon juice.

The next day, add oatmeal toppings like honey, cinnamon, nuts, dried fruits, coconut and berries.

How To Reduce Phytic Acid In Overnight Oats (2)

Phytic Acid In Overnight Oats: Final Thoughts

Overnight oats have beee around for a long time, and have no intention on disappearing anytime soon. With the endless flavor combinations, toppings and mix-ins available, there are countless reasons why you need to add this superfood packed meal prep to your regular routine.

Even though rolled oats are not raw, they have not been steamed or cooked for long enough to eliminate the phytic acid naturally present in the oat. Therefore, it is important to take certain precautions to minimize the exposure.

Soaking the oats in liquid for a minimum of 12 hours helps to expel the phytic acid from the oats. Draining and rinsing will wash away the most, however that will also take some of the essential nutrients along with it.

The best way to reduce phytic acid in oats is by soaking the oats with a splash of acid to help neutralize the pH level. Add apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to the soaking liquid, and you will have a delicious batch of no cook oatmeal that is ready to quench your hunger the very next day.

How To Reduce Phytic Acid In Overnight Oats (2024)


How do you remove phytic acid from overnight oats? ›

The main method is to soak the oats 12 hours or overnight in water. Using the same ratio of water to oats as you normally would to cook them. Soaking activates an enzyme in the oats called phytase that naturally breaks down phytic acid.

Do overnight oats have less phytic acid? ›

By soaking oats overnight, they are much better digestible. The reason why you should soak them for a few hours before eating them, lies in the phytic acid. Phytic acid is contained in the outer layers of grains, beans, nuts and legumes and protects the food from sprouting in the pantry.

Does heating oats remove phytic acid? ›

Heating or cooking the oats reduces the phytic acid to some extent but it also kills off the phytase.

Does soaking oats in yogurt reduce phytic acid? ›

It's highly recommended that you use a probiotic-rich liquid like whey (the liquid on top of your plain yogurt), buttermilk, whole-milk plain yogurt, whole-milk kefir, coconut kefir, when soaking your oats. This helps break down the phytic acid the most (and it also inhibits any harmful bacteria from growing).

What neutralizes phytic acid? ›

In addition, sprouting and lactic acid fermentation help degrade (break down) phytic acid ( 11 ). Several methods can be used to reduce the phytic acid content of foods, including soaking, sprouting, and fermentation.

How do you cancel phytic acid? ›

Cooking, soaking overnight in water, sprouting (germination), fermentation, and pickling can all break down phytic acid so that the phosphorus can be released and absorbed by the body. Some natural bacteria in the colon contain the enzyme phytase and can also help to break it down.

What is the secret to overnight oats? ›

Make sure you have at least double the liquid per each serving of oats (so, 1 cup of milk to ½-cup of oats), increasing the amount if you want a soupier texture. We love the chewy, hearty texture of steel-cut oats, but they're too firm to use for overnight oats.

How long should Overnight oats soak minimum? ›

You only need to let the oats soak and rest in the fridge for 2 hours. But, it's ideal if you soak it overnight…hence the name overnight oats! The next morning you have a ready-to-eat, delicious, creamy bowl or jar of “oatmeal.”

Does lemon juice neutralize phytic acid? ›

Phytic acid can be neutralized in as little as 7 hours when soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of an acidic medium such as vinegar or lemon juice. Soaking also helps to break down gluten, a hard-to-digest protein found in grains such as wheat, spelt, rye and barley.

What happens if you heat overnight oats? ›

It'll make the oats extra rich and creamy and the texture will be more like freshly cooked oatmeal. I recommend adding the toppings once the oats are warmed. I like to add fresh fruit, nuts and seeds, and I get the best taste and texture by adding it on top. Especially if you're adding yogurt or bananas.

Do you need to rinse overnight oats? ›

Don't I have to rinse the oats? It makes sense that if you're soaking oats to rid them of phytic acid, you would need to discard the soaking water; however, this process is enzymatic. That means the phytic acid is deactivated (to some degree) and you do not need to discard the soaking water.

Do overnight oats have phytates? ›

Why should you soak oats overnight? All grains contain something called “phytic acid”—or phytates—in the outer layer or bran, and oats contain more phytates than almost any other grain. If you soak your oats overnight at room temperature (do not put them in the fridge!)

Why do people put yogurt in overnight oats? ›

Greek yogurt: Not only does Greek yogurt make overnight oats more filling, but it also gives the oats a super-creamy texture. To make the oats vegan, swap in an equal amount of your favorite dairy-free yogurt. Chia seeds: While chia seeds are an optional ingredient, they add a boost of fiber, protein, and omega-3's.

Which is healthier overnight oats or cooked oats? ›

Another thing is the fact that as opposed to the cooked oatmeals since overnight oatmeals are not boiled they retain more nutrients. Overnight oatmeals also incorporate raw oats unlike cooked oatmeals, which use instant oats and therefore making it relatively more nutritious.

Is it better to soak oats in water or milk? ›

Yes, you can soak oats in water overnight instead of milk. Soaking oats for a longer period of time makes them more easily digestible as well as taste better. To still achieve a creamy consistency even without milk, we make overnight oats with water and yogurt as well as chia seeds.

Does apple cider vinegar neutralize phytic acid? ›

Soaking grains in an acid medium (such as apple cider vinegar) at very warm temperatures (for eg in the sourdough process) can also activate the enzyme phytase and greatly reduces or eliminates the phytic acid content.

What enzyme breaks down phytic acid? ›

Dephytinization is the process of breaking down phytic acid to increase the bioavailability of certain minerals. This is done using phytase, an enzyme that makes minerals available for absorption. Interestingly, phytase naturally occurs in raw plants.

Does Salt reduce phytic acid? ›

Soaking in a simple mineral solution (like salt) and low-temperature dehydrating helps to break down much of the phytic acid and make the nutrients in nuts more available to the body.

Do organic oats have phytic acid? ›

Oats contain phytic acid, which impairs the absorption of iron, zinc, calcium, and more1 , and blocks the production of digestive enzymes, making your oats much harder on your stomach. Reduction of phytic acid is just one reason that traditional cultures usually soak, sprout, or ferment their nuts, seeds, and grains.

Which grains have the least phytic acid? ›

White rice and white bread are low-phytate foods because their bran and germ have been removed; of course, they are also devitalized and empty of vitamins and minerals.

Does almond milk have phytic acid? ›

Almond milk has a light, sweet, nutty flavour and is low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. On the downside, it is low in protein and contains phytic acid, a substance that limits the absorption of iron, zinc and calcium.

What is the best liquid for overnight oats? ›

Milk: milk is our preferred liquid to make overnight oats and very essential. You can use any kind of milk you want such as cows milk, almond milk , coconut milk, oat milk, etc.

Why can't you use water with oats overnight? ›

Can I use water? No. Adding enough water to make your oats drinkable will greatly damage the taste. Think of it like eating cereal with water, don't do it!

What is the ratio of oats to liquid for overnight oats? ›

The only ratio you need to remember when making overnight oats is 1:1. You'll soak one part rolled oats with one part liquid overnight. Use less liquid if you want thicker oatmeal, more if you like it runny. You can use water or any type of milk (like almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, etc.)

Is 2 hours enough to soak oats? ›

Quick-soaked oats could sit for a few minutes or a couple hours. It's all good. Like overnight, you can use equal parts oats and liquid; also like overnight, you can adjust this to taste (I always seem to add more milk). I like to eat them with raw oats because, well, it's easiest.

Is 4 hours enough for overnight oats? ›

Given the name, you'd assume overnight oats need to soak overnight, but you can actually make them in 2-4 hours if you're in a rush. While it does take some time for the oats to absorb the liquid, they don't necessarily have to be soaked overnight.

Is 8 hours long enough for overnight oats? ›

Add all the ingredients into a sealable jar or bowl and give it a stir until combined. Let it soak in the fridge for at least 2 hours, but it's best to soak overnight for 8 hours. This will yield a creamier consistency. Top your overnight oats with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Are Bananas high in phytic acid? ›

No detectable phytate (less than 0.02% of wet weight) was observed in vegetables such as scallion and cabbage leaves or in fruits such as apples, oranges, bananas, or pears. As a food additive, phytic acid is used as the preservative, E391.

Do avocados have phytic acid? ›

Additionally, avocados also contain lower levels of phytates and oxalates compared to the most popular fiber sources such as cereal fibers, vegetables, and legumes, thus minimizing loss of calcium and other key essential minerals due to binding by such substances [77].

Does phytic acid cause inflammation? ›

Phytic acid has anti-oxidant properties, which are useful in addressing inflammation.

Can you leave overnight oats in the fridge too long? ›

We recommend storing overnight oats in the refrigerator in airtight containers for up to five days. That means if you're meal-prepping on Sunday, you can make a work week's worth of overnight oats and not have to think about breakfast again until Saturday.

Do you warm overnight oats the next morning? ›

The short answer is that there's no best way to eat oats. Overnight oats are, by definition, served cold in the morning. Overnight oats are oats that are soaked in a liquid overnight so that the oats can absorb the liquid - no heating up necessary.

Is eating overnight oats everyday healthy? ›

Overnight oats are perfectly safe to be eaten every day. You may even eat them every morning if you like. However, some say that they feel oats give them digestive issues; overnight oats are not unsafe for those without medical conditions that affect digestion.

How do you make overnight oats not gross? ›

In addition to tasting toppings, you can keep your overnight oats from tasting like a bland mess by adding a little extra flavoring. Try mixing vanilla extract into your oat mixture, or spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom. (Check out the recipes below for some more fun spice add-ins.)

Is it OK to soak steel cut oats overnight? ›

We've got shortcuts for you in the notes. But if you know you're having oats the next day, the best way to get dreamy oats is by soaking them overnight in cool water. Soaking not only softens the oats, but it also makes them more tender, quicker to cook, and easier to digest.

Do chia seeds have phytic acid? ›

According to a study by Da Silva et al. (2017), the amounts of phytic acid in chia seeds range between 0.96 and 1.16 g/100 g.

Does apple cider vinegar remove phytic acid? ›

Soaking grains overnight with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, then discarding the soaking water, accomplishes two important things — it removes the phytic acid which inhibits the absorption of zinc, calcium, iron and other essential minerals, and it transforms the grains from acidic to alkaline-forming.

What can I soak my oats in overnight? ›

Just load up mason jars with oats and water (or milk or nondairy milk) and let them soak overnight in the fridge.
For one serving, we recommend using:
  1. 1/2 cup oats.
  2. 1/2 cup water (or milk or nondairy milk)
  3. pinch of salt.
Aug 30, 2021

Should you throw away water from soaked oats? ›

It makes sense that if you're soaking oats to rid them of phytic acid, you would need to discard the soaking water; however, this process is enzymatic. That means the phytic acid is deactivated (to some degree) and you do not need to discard the soaking water.

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