How to Remove Kinesiology Tape (2024)

How to Remove Kinesiology Tape (1)
  • May 23, 2022

At Airrosti, we use Kinesiology Tape, or K-Tape, at the end of treatment. Our goal is to maximize results for quick, pain-free recovery. After conducting a thorough evaluation and manual treatment of the injury, our providers often use K-Tape as a final step to help get you on the fast track to recovery.

How K-Tape Works

K-Tape stabilizes joints and supports the treated area to help decrease pain and swelling. The tape lifts the skin slightly so that pressure is reduced around the body’s pain receptors. By slightly lifting the skin, the tape also allows increased lymphatic absorption of excess fluid which reduces bruising. The elastic quality of the K-Tape supports the muscles like a second skin, which helps the muscles contract back to the resting position.

K-Tape is designed to stay on for an average of 3-4 days. The adhesive is heat sensitive, so your doctor will rub the tape to make sure it properly adheres to your skin. After 1-2 hours of normal activity, the K-Tape should be properly bonded to the treated area. After the tape has formed a strong bond, it can be difficult to remove. You can exercise while wearing the tape without any problems. However, we do not recommend swimming with the K-Tape on because chemicals in pool water can deteriorate the adhesive and loosen the tape.

How to Remove K-Tape

Because K-Tape is much stronger than a regular band-aid, it is a little trickier to remove. While the ends of the tape do sometimes roll up (if this happens, simply snip off the ends), the tape often adheres like a second layer of skin. If you’re struggling to remove K-tape, there are two options you can try that may make the process easier.

Option One: Use Baby Oil

  • Pour or rub baby oil directly on the tape
  • Let it sit for 15-20 minutes
  • Peel it off slowly while gently tugging the skin in the opposite direction.

Option Two: Take a Shower

  • Get in the shower and thoroughly wet the tape and lather the area with soap.
  • This will loosen up the adhesive and allow you to slowly pull it off. Remember to keep the skin taut by tugging it in the opposite direction of the pull to minimize discomfort.

Whichever option you choose, make sure you remove the tape along the direction of your hair, never against it. Doing so will help minimize pain and reduce the likeliness of removing any hair.

Whatever you do, take your time. Don’t get frustrated and try to rip the K-Tape off like a band-aid.

It will hurt, a lot.

Communicate Your Progress

If you ever have any questions regarding your K-Tape, don’t hesitate to contact yourAirrosti Provider. If you have any adverse reactions to the tape such as itching, allergic reaction, hyperpigmentation, or blistering, remove the tape immediately and let your provider know what happened at your next appointment. Also, remember to keep open communication with your provider about your progress to ensure the best care. They can assess your progress and help adjust your recovery plan to keep you moving forward.

If injuries or unaddressed pain is putting your life on hold, chat with a provider today at no cost. We can help you understand what’s causing your pain and walk you through treatment options that suit your needs.

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How to Remove Kinesiology Tape (7)
How to Remove Kinesiology Tape (2024)
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