How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (2024)

Trying to identify emerging trends without trend spotting software is virtually impossible — you can follow all of the “best practices” (i.e., listen to what competitors are doing, monitor social media, read news sites, check what’s trending on online marketplaces), but even then, it’s hard to identify really early trends before they’re popular topics. Even the most experienced trend analysts need to employ the help of web scraping AI to monitor online sites and detect indicators of new opportunities.

That’s why investors, business owners, marketers, entrepreneurs, and other business professionals who don’t have an extensive background in trend research (or the resources to dedicate to the task) use trend spotting software like Exploding Topics. On our platform, you can explore, analyze, and track new trends that have already been identified and verified by industry experts. It’s easy to use and saves a ton of time — and you don’t have to worry about missing out on the next big thing.

So in our post, we explain our trend research methodology and talk about how to use our features to discover new trends in your industry, perform trend analysis, and monitor trend growth.

Exploding Topics Pro Trial gives you complete access to our trend database where you can explore new products, business ideas, startups, and more across dozens of industries. Get started today.

The Exploding Topics Two-Step Trend Research Process

We use a two-step method to identify and verify new trends:

  1. Exploding Topics AI covers the tedious online monitoring and looks for evidence of new trends. We’re constantly scraping news outlets, social media platforms, podcasts, review sites, and forums, and we look at consumer behaviors on eCommerce sites like Amazon to find new product ideas, early startups, and other new trending topics.
  2. Trend analysts review the data our AI pulls to gauge the viability of each opportunity. Our goal during the second half of trend research is to discern short-term fads from long-term trends. This way, every trend on our site holds future value for your business strategy and you’re not wasting time or money investing in trends that won’t be relevant a couple of months down the line.

We pull trends across a dozen plus categories so you can research trends across a wide variety of industries and find unique product ideas, investment opportunities, and other valuable insights to guide your business strategy. Some of the categories we cover include:

  • Beauty
  • Crypto
  • Design
  • Eco
  • eCommerce
  • Fashion
  • Fitness
  • Food
  • Lifestyle
  • Marketing
  • Media
  • Software
  • Sports
  • Startups
  • Technology
  • Travel

Exploding Topics Trend Reports

You can stay updated on the fastest-growing trends with our weekly trend reports. We email these at the start of each week, and every newsletter covers ten trends (across a variety of categories). We include an in-depth analysis of every trend so you can gather more background on trends, understand their relevance, and forecast future interest.

Here’s a look at one of our recent trend reports with our write-up on Tremella Mushrooms and how they’re being used as a popular new skincare ingredient.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (1)

We also save trend reports in your dashboard so you can easily reference past reports. (And when you start a Pro subscription we give you access to up to 10 previous reports so you can look back at some of the popular trends we’ve already covered.)

Read More:

Exploding Topics Trend Discovery Features

In addition to our trend reports, we give you tools to research new trends on your own. These include:

  • Database
  • Trend search
  • Meta Trends Library

The trend database is where we store all available trend data — you can search trends by category and then filter down to find the earliest trends.

For example, if you want to look at the newest fashion trends, you would select Fashion, change the date range to “Past three months,” and update the status to Regular.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (2)

Then, you can access the trend search to look up trends you’ve heard about through other research methods. We’ll show you all of the available trend data with a list of related trends so you can explore other (lesser-known) opportunities.

For example, say you wanted to research creatine supplements to find new product ideas, you could type “creatine” in the search to see the general interest in the category.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (3)

Then, we show you a list of related topics and search queries so you can learn more about consumer interest in the product and what types of creatine supplements are becoming popular.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (4)

With all of this information, you can decide if this is a product you want to invest in, then do more digging to see which creatine supplements are valuable to offer customers.

Read more:

You can also start research from the Meta Trends tab to explore collections of related trends grouped by higher-level concepts — so instead of searching trends by category, you can get more specific in your starting point and look at types of products, technologies, or services.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (5)

Some examples of Meta Trends include AI-Powered Content Generating Tools, Visual Collaboration Tools, Talent Search Tech, DTC Pet Food, and DTC Self-Care Products.

We provide a quick background and analysis for each Meta Trend, then we display all of the related trends on an interactive diagram so you can see all of the trends that make up the Meta Trend alongside other closely-related trends. As you click around the diagram, you can view overview information for each of the trends listed.

So let’s look at DTC Self-Care Products as an example:

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (6)

In our write-up, we explain how the self-care market is expected to grow over the next couple of years. In the diagram, we display the most popular self-care brands, like Skinkraft and Manscaped, closest to the center. On the outside, you can see other related trends, like PearPop and Booktok. Below, we list other related Meta Trends. That way, you can learn more about opportunities in the DTC Self-Care space and continue researching other market trends.

Then, when you find a trend you’re interested in, you can open the overview window to view all of the information we have on the topic.

How to Perform Trend Analysis in Exploding Topics

We gather data on trend search volume and calculate growth rates so you can understand the evolution of trends and make predictions for future growth.

When you open the overview window, you can see a quick description of the trend. We display search volume and growth rate above the interactive trend graph. As you review trend data, you can change the graph’s timeline and move your mouse to see metrics for different dates. The search volume is represented by the solid line, with the growth rate illustrated by the shaded slope.

Then, we assign each trend a status so you can gauge where it's at in its lifecycle:

  • Regular trends are the absolute newest trends. There isn’t as much data on these trends because they’re so new, but this is where the really early opportunities are.
  • Exploding trends are a little more well-known and becoming increasingly popular. Interest in these trends is growing fast, so it’s smart to jump on these opportunities before they’re saturated.
  • Peaked trends are businesses, products, etc. that are already very well-known. There aren’t a lot of new opportunities here, but when you look at related trends, you can find more unique opportunities.

We also display the related categories and other trends you might be interested in so you can pivot to other topics and explore those opportunities.

For example, here’s a look at the trend data for Playtomic, a new software that allows users to book sports courts and connect with other players nearby.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (7)

We can see that interest in the software took off around mid-2021, and as of July 2022, there were 87 searches per day for Playtomic. The slope shows steady growth in the next years, so we can predict that interest in the platform will only continue to grow.

Below the graph, we see Playtomic is an Exploding topic in the Sports and Technology categories, so it’s a trend that’s starting to take off and gain more popularity. So if you were interested in this platform, you’d want to start exploring opportunities and planning to take action.

Finally, at the bottom of the page, you can see other trends that relate to Playtomic, like Sportening (another sports app).

Exploding Topics Trend Tracking Dashboard

As you explore, you can click “Track Topic” to save trends to your dashboard and track trend growth. The Projects feature lets you segment and store trends by category so you can research trends in different categories and maintain an organized dashboard.

For example, in the screenshot below, trends are organized by “Luxury Organic Skincare” and “Design & Home Decor,” so this user can log in and find what they’re interested in without having to do much digging.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (8)

You can also set notifications for trend updates and we’ll send email alerts when search volume or growth rate spikes. This makes it easy to stay in the loop, so you never miss out on opportunities and can take action when the time is right for your business.

Exploding Topics also has an API so you can connect our web scraping API with your other business applications or reporting tools and leverage trend data in those systems. You can learn more about that here.

Get Started with a Pro Trial & Begin Researching Early Trends

If you want to spot new trends before they happen, you need trend spotting software like Exploding Topics because it can scrape online sites to find the earliest indicators of new trends (before you’d ever think to research them). You can start trend research with data that’s already been vetted and verified by our trend research group — and our user-friendly tools are intuitive enough to learn in an afternoon.

You can learn more about our trend research solution by starting a Pro Trial — we give you full access to our trend database and other trend discovery features. You can brush up on recent trend reports and start tracking trends that interest you. Get started today.

Related Read: 10 Best Sites for Market Research (2023 Guide)

Certainly! Based on the article you provided, which delves into the methodology and features of Exploding Topics, I'm here to discuss the concepts and tools involved in trend spotting, trend analysis, and the functionalities offered by Exploding Topics in detail.

Trend Spotting: Identifying emerging trends involves various practices and tools. Exploding Topics emphasizes the challenges of recognizing early trends without software assistance due to the vastness of online data. Traditional methods such as competitor analysis, social media monitoring, and market trend observation often fall short in spotting nascent trends before they become popular topics.

Web Scraping AI: Exploding Topics utilizes AI-powered web scraping to monitor multiple online platforms, including news outlets, social media, podcasts, review sites, and forums. This technology aims to detect potential indicators of new trends, such as emerging product ideas, startups, or evolving consumer behaviors on eCommerce sites like Amazon.

Trend Research Methodology: The platform employs a two-step trend identification process. Firstly, AI-driven data collection identifies potential trends. Secondly, human trend analysts review this data to distinguish between short-term fads and long-term trends, ensuring that only valuable trends with future relevance are featured.

Categories Covered: Exploding Topics covers numerous categories across industries, including Beauty, Crypto, Design, Eco, eCommerce, Fashion, Fitness, Food, Lifestyle, Marketing, Media, Software, Sports, Startups, Technology, and Travel.

Trend Reports: The platform offers weekly trend reports covering ten trends across various categories, providing in-depth analyses to understand the background, relevance, and potential future interest of each trend. Past reports are accessible for reference, facilitating insights into previously covered trends.

Tools for Trend Research: Exploding Topics provides tools like the Database, Trend Search, and Meta Trends Library:

  • Database: Stores trend data allowing users to search by category and filter by date range.
  • Trend Search: Enables exploration of related trends and associated consumer interest for specific topics.
  • Meta Trends Library: Groups related trends under higher-level concepts, allowing users to explore specific product types, technologies, or services.

Trend Analysis: The platform offers tools to analyze trend data, including search volume and growth rate graphs. Trends are categorized as Regular, Exploding, or Peaked, indicating their stage in the lifecycle, with related categories and trends provided for further exploration.

Trend Tracking Dashboard: Users can track trends by saving them to a personalized dashboard, organizing trends by category using the Projects feature. Notifications for trend updates ensure users stay informed about growth rate spikes.

API Integration: Exploding Topics offers an API for integration with other business applications or reporting tools, enabling access to trend data within different systems.

Conclusion: Exploding Topics serves as a comprehensive trend research platform, utilizing AI, human analysis, and various tools to identify, analyze, and track emerging trends across multiple industries, offering users a proactive approach to stay ahead in their respective fields.

The article emphasizes the significance of trend-spotting software like Exploding Topics to navigate the complexities of trend identification and capitalize on early opportunities. The platform's comprehensive features aim to assist businesses, investors, marketers, and entrepreneurs in making informed decisions based on verified trend data.

How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting) (2024)


How to Spot Trends Before They Happen (Hint: Trend Spotting)? ›

Finding trends is easy. But beating your competitors to the punch and spotting trends before they happen? That's much more difficult. To do so, you'll need to utilize various trend-spotting websites, social media platforms, paid newsletters, and Google tools to find underserved or undiscovered topics.

What are the ways of identifying spotting trends? ›

How to spot a trend
  • Step 1: Get a sense of the landscape. Assess what information and data you need to understand the current state of affairs in your field, topic, or industry. ...
  • Step 2: Monitor and analyze social data. ...
  • Step 3: Collect clues, samples, and signals. ...
  • Step 4: Detect and identify. ...
  • Step 5: Zoom in and drill down.
Dec 8, 2023

How to identify trends before they happen? ›

Finding trends is easy. But beating your competitors to the punch and spotting trends before they happen? That's much more difficult. To do so, you'll need to utilize various trend-spotting websites, social media platforms, paid newsletters, and Google tools to find underserved or undiscovered topics.

What is the trend spotting method? ›

Trend spotting involves identifying emerging patterns and shifts in consumer behavior and market dynamics. By staying attuned to these trends, businesses can anticipate and adapt to evolving customer needs and maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

How to discover upcoming trends? ›

With that, here are some actionable ways to find high quality trends before they go mainstream.
  1. Use a Trend Spotting Website. ...
  2. Strategically Track Social Media. ...
  3. Pay For Access to Industry Leaders. ...
  4. Track Competitor Movements. ...
  5. Analyze Customer Data.
Jan 9, 2024

How do you identify a trend on a graph? ›

A trend can often be found by establishing a line chart. A trendline is the line formed between a high and a low. If that line is going up, the trend is up. If the trendline is sloping downward, the trend is down.

How do you identify a trend and fad? ›

For example, a trend begins slow, takes time to gain momentum and has greater staying power. Fads on the other hand, rise quickly in popularity and fall just as fast. The difference between a trend and a fad is their power of endurance. Fads fade while styles and trends extend and even evolve over time.

What are examples of trends? ›

Three examples of trends
  • Online shopping. Since the 1990s, we've seen a steady growth of consumers buying goods and services online. ...
  • Remote work. The trend of working from home or other remote locations got a massive push in 2020 and 2021. ...
  • Sustainability. ...
  • Atkins Diet. ...
  • Fidget spinners. ...
  • Pokemon Go.
Feb 21, 2023

How much data do you need to spot a trend? ›

Obviously that detection of trend depends upon selection of time period for analysis but there is no statutory requirement for number of data.

What is the significance of trend spotting and trend analysis? ›

Trendspotting and analysis help you to gain a competitive edge over others. If you lose out on a particular trend and fail to analyze the customer's requirements, you may eventually lose out on the competition.

Is it possible to predict trends? ›

Trend forecasting is the process of using market research and consumer data to create predictions about customers' future buying habits and preferences. Trend forecasting provides product designers with insight that may help them design an item that their target audience likes and purchases.

How do trends come and go? ›

The lifecycle of a fashion trend has five stages: Introduction, rise, peak, decline and obsolescence. This cycle used to take around 20 years, from the initial debuts on runways to the eventual shoving to the back of closets by the masses.

What is Google Glimpse? ›

Glimpse is a Chrome extension that makes the default Google Trends experience 100x more powerful by adding enriched data and insights.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.