How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (2024)

After blogging for over 13 years, we cover everything you need to know to start a travel blog and make money in this easy step-by-step guide!

So you have a passion for travel and would like to learn how to start a travel blog? Great! Travel blogging is a fun way to keep logs of your adventures, make friends, and trade tips with the larger internet voyager community. But let’s get one misconception out of the way: if you’re expecting to immediately become internet famous, have a huge following, and get paid to travel the worldsolely through blogging, there is a long, tough road ahead of you.

Still, if you’re serious about wanting to blog professionally — or even just for fun — a little challenge can be encouraging! Like travel, you’ll find starting your travel blog gives you ample opportunities to try new things, develop new skills, and live new experiences. Follow these 8 easy steps to learn everything you need to know to begin blogging like a pro.

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (1)

Table of Contents

Step 1: Brainstorm Your Blog Niche & Name

Before you learn to monetize your blog, though, you have to have a blog. Before you have a blog, you’ll have to know what you want to blog about and how to distinguish yourself from the many other amazing travel blogs out there. Luckily, none of those other bloggers are you, so even if you are writing about the same thing — travel — the way you approach your travels will be different.

Take some time to think about what makes you and your perspective on travel unique. Are you a backpacker or a jetsetter? Young or old? An experienced expatriate or just ready to take your first airplane flight?

Often travel bloggers find that the appeal of a traveling lifestyle intersects with other interests such as photography, cooking, architecture, climate-specific sports, or something else. If you have a particular profession or hobby that traveling lets you indulge, why not make your blog about that?

Once you’ve pinned down what makes you unique, spend some real time thinking about your eventual domain name. You want to make sure the name of your future website is something easy to remember and straightforward, and that it isn’t too close to an already existing blog’s name.Make sure it gets the point across: if you’re an experienced traveler with an interest in astronomy, a name like AstroTourist will be much clearer than Jim’s Travel Blog.

Step 2: Get Hosted

Once your name has been chosen, you need to register it.We recommend Bluehost as not only are they inexpensive (get a discount and only pay $3.95 per month by signing up through our link), but they’re also built for WordPress, have one-click install, offer a number of other handy website management tools, and have a fabulous 24-hour support team in case you have questions or run into any issues.

WordPress itself also offers cheap domain hosting and free subdomain hosting, but the customization limits and inability to use widgets make these less than ideal if you’re planning to run your travel blog as more than a hobby.

To setup hosting with Bluehost, head over to Bluehost’s homepage, and click on the green “Get Started Now” Button.

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (2)

From here, you’ll be taken to a screen that will present three plan options to choose from. Which plan you choose depends on your needs, but as a beginner, it’s a safe bet to choose the most basic plan. You can always upgrade as you dive deeper into blogging and grow your audience!

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (3)

Once you choose your plan, you’ll be taken to a screen where you can insert your chosen domain name (meaning a URL such as you have yet to register a domain, type your preferred name into the left box and click next.

You’ll then be taken to a screen where you can see whether or not your domain is available.

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (4)

If your domain is available, you will be prompted to create a Bluehost account, select your package, insert your payment information, and submit. Remember, the longer amount of time you commit to hosting (36 months vs. 12 months) upon signing up, the more money you’ll save in the long run!

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (5)

Voila! You have just set up hosting for your website!

Step 3: Download WordPress

Over 74 million sites use WordPress as their content management software of choice; basically, there are other CMS choices, but WordPress has the most reach and resources. If you chose to host your blog using Bluehost, the option to install WordPress will be available on your onsite control panel once you log in.

If you chose a different hosting option, you should consult with your host company. Worst case scenario, WordPress has detailed installation instructions for a number of unique cases on its wiki.

Step 4: Choose a Theme

A professional or custom theme can help your blog stand out from the others by virtue of simply looking a step above the rest. However, themes are about much more than just the look of your blog: they’re also about its functionality.

The right theme will also take into account the kind of layout that will be most intuitive to you and your readers. Will you be a heavily image-focused blogger? Are you more comfortable writing lots of articles or in creating video content? The right theme will let you customize your site to fit your blogging style.

Keep in mind that some themes might not look as nice when viewed from a different device. Check that your theme is responsive before installing/purchasing.

It’s important to get your site built structurally correct from the start; it’s a huge headache to fix it after it is already built (take it from us!) One of the best investments a blogger or business can make is on their website design. We’ve built dozens of websites over the years and know what’s important — with structure, speed, and design — which is why we started a digital marketing agency to help others with this process.

Step 5: Install Plugins

Plugins are what make WordPress so fantastic — consider them mini apps for your website. Wordpress offers its own plugin and widget marketplace, so search thoroughly. Make sure you get:

  • Akismet: A spam blocker that will keep bot commenters from bothering you and your readers.
  • EWWW Image Optimizer: A must-have for photo-heavy blogs, this lets images load faster and use less bandwidth.
  • Easy Social Share Buttons: Allows your users to like, share, and subscribe to your content from 20+ social media sites as well as lets you track relevant analytics.
  • Yoast SEO: Helps you analyze your site’s SEO and suggests improvements to help readers find your site more easily.
  • SumoMe: A collection of tools to help boost your site’s subscriber count.
  • W3 Total Cache: Improves site performance & loading time.
  • Wordfence Security: Helps protect your site from virus and phishing attacks — absolutely necessary if you plan on handling monetary transactions through your site.

Step 6: Connect to Social Media & Start an Email List

Now that you’ve got your blog set up, time to let the world know! Make sure to lock down your new username on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and any other social media sites you plan on using to get the word out. Remember to always try to use the same username so there’s no confusion for your readers.

Starting an email list is possibly the most important thing to do in the beginning of your blogging career. Social media sites will come and go and you never really have control over them (ahem, Facebook).

You basically have two options for your email list — Mailchimp and AWeber. You can start with Mailchimp for free and deal with switching to AWeber later — and possibly lose some or all of your email addresses in the process — or sign up with AWeber from the beginning and pay as low as $15/month. With better email tracking and lower prices for lists with more than 2,000 subscribers, AWeber turns out to be the most economical choice in the long run.

How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (6)

Step 7: Take A Blogging Course

One of the best decisions we made early on in our blogging journey was taking a course to help me learn the industry. I recommend taking a course to build your strategy and learn the ins and outs of SEO and writing good content. This particular course is inexpensive and it provides comprehensive lessons.

Step 8: Start Writing

Now that you have your travel blog, it’s time to start growing an audience — unfortunately that’s easier said than done, and discussing all the techniques and tricks for doing so could easily fill another article. (Hint: learning how to use the plugins from Step 6 is a good start.)

The best way to start growing an audience is to simply start producing content. Many beginning bloggers find posting something new 2-3 times a week is a good way to attract their first readers. If that’s not ideal for your schedule and you have the means to hire a professional copywriter to help out with content creation, that’s a great option as well.

If you stick to a regular posting schedule, tag your posts with appropriate search keywords, and share them via social media with your friends and family, over time you’ll begin to develop a following. Most of all, remember to keep doing what you love — it takes time, but it’s worth the adventure.

Happy blogging!

Read More:

My 25 Best Travel Tips After 10 Years of Traveling the World

Best Side Hustle Ideas And How To Start Making Money

How to Choose the Best Travel Camera

20 Best Travel Hacks That Will Save You Money

How I Get Paid to Travel the World

The Ultimate Packing Guide for Travel Photographers

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How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (7)

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How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024 (2024)


How To Start A Travel Blog And Make Money in 2024? ›

Yes, travel bloggers can make money, but it takes a lot of hard work, time and luck.

How to start a travel blog in 2024? ›

9 Steps to Create a Travel Blog: A Detailed Guide
  1. Choose a Domain Name. ...
  2. Pick a Web Hosting Service. ...
  3. Install WordPress. ...
  4. Choose a WordPress Travel Blog Theme. ...
  5. Adjust Your Blog's Settings. ...
  6. Add Essential Plugins. ...
  7. Craft Your First Blog Posts. ...
  8. Spread the Word About Your Blog.
May 30, 2024

How to start a travel blog and get paid? ›

How to Create & Monetize Your Travel Blog
  1. Sell Travel Guides & Other Digital Content. ...
  2. Use Affiliate Marketing. ...
  3. Leverage Sponsored & Brand Partnerships. ...
  4. Offer Travel Planning Services. ...
  5. Sell Travel Photographs & Prints. ...
  6. Offer Online Courses & Workshops. ...
  7. Use Display Ads On Your Site. ...
  8. Utilize Email Marketing.
Dec 19, 2023

How do travel bloggers get started? ›

How to start a travel blog
  1. Choose the type of travel blogger you want to be.
  2. Pick a blog name and secure your domain name.
  3. Select your travel blog template.
  4. Create a blog logo.
  5. Prepare your footage.
  6. Write your first blog posts.
  7. Engage with your audience.
  8. Network with tourism partners and brands.
Nov 1, 2023

Is it worth it to start a travel blog? ›

Yes, travel bloggers can make money, but it takes a lot of hard work, time and luck.

Do travel blogs still make money? ›

The highest paid travel bloggers who make more than $1 million have been blogging for a decade or more before they saw numbers like that. To really make money as a travel blogger, you need to be in it for the long haul. From my personal experience, I didn't start seeing any income for more than one year.

Can you make a living as a travel blogger? ›

Some travel bloggers make a lot of money just by having ads on their sites. The more traffic you generate, the more money you can make. But it's not just about the traffic. It would help a lot if you had a well-designed travel blog.

Who pays for travel bloggers? ›

Yes — travel blogs really do make money through various sources like affiliate marketing, joining ad travel blogger networks, selling digital products, and paid sponsorships. It takes dedication and hard work to build up an audience and monetize your blog, but it can make you a lot of money over time.

How much does the average travel blogger make? ›

As of May 31, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Travel Blogger in the United States is $29.94 an hour.

How do I make my travel blog popular? ›

Travel Blogging for Beginners: Tips to Start Your Journey
  1. Find Your Niche. ...
  2. Choose a Unique Blog Name and Domain. ...
  3. Set Up Your Blogging Platform. ...
  4. Create High-Quality Content. ...
  5. Develop Your Unique Voice. ...
  6. Build a Strong Online Presence. ...
  7. Network with Other Bloggers. ...
  8. Learn SEO Basics.
Oct 27, 2023

How to start a travel blog for free? ›

  1. Research Your Niche. The first step in building a successful blog is finding the right blog niche idea. ...
  2. Come Up With a Memorable Blog Name. ...
  3. Pick a Blogging Platform. ...
  4. Set Up Web Hosting. ...
  5. Customize Your Travel Blog. ...
  6. Set Up the Pages. ...
  7. Publish Your First Blog Posts. ...
  8. Promote and Grow Your Audience.

How long should a travel blog be? ›

In the travel niche, a 2,000 word article might be enough to rank well, while in the business niche, the average is 3,313 words. When planning your posts, be sure to take both the post type and your industry/niche into account. To do this, compare the proposed word count for your blog with top Google results.

Does it make sense to start a blog in 2024? ›

Yes, blogs can still make money in 2024. I think starting a blog can definitely be worth it and valuable. You can turn your hobbies, expertise, and/or creativity to start a profitable blog. And, even if you don't have strong writing skills, that is something that you can learn as you go.

Do you need an LLC for a travel blog? ›

It's best to start an LLC for your blog when you generate some reasonably good income. For example, if you're earning less than $30,000 a year from your blog, it may not be worth starting an LLC unless you want the liability protection.

What does a travel blogger do on a daily basis? ›

Writing, editing and uploading blog posts. Responding to comments and building followers. Offering tips and advice to people looking to visit new places. Travelling to the next destination.

Is it too late to start a travel blog? ›

The industry might be saturated and popular, it is definitely not too late to start. When searching for travel advice on the internet, people prefer newer articles to older, meaning that there is always a chance to break in as a new writer. Like every industry, the travel blogging industry is always changing.

How much does a travel blogger make a year? ›

$40,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $50,000 is the 75th percentile.

Is it hard to become a travel blogger? ›

It's a dream job, right? Well, first, running a successful travel blog — or any blog in any industry — is hard work and time-consuming. Putting posts up is not going to result in money falling like rain (though judging by some of the people I've seen on paid trips, it can at least amount to a drizzle).

How long should travel blog posts be? ›

In the travel niche, a 2,000 word article might be enough to rank well, while in the business niche, the average is 3,313 words. When planning your posts, be sure to take both the post type and your industry/niche into account. To do this, compare the proposed word count for your blog with top Google results.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.