How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (2024)

Tobacco, whether already prerolled or waiting to be rolled, has gotten expensive. Following recent trends, the cost will only go up. Buying plenty of tobacco when it costs less is a great way to save some cash, but you need a good storage option.

The best way to store tobacco long-term is to keep it in a cool place, such as the fridge or freezer. While you don’t want your tobacco to get wet or sit in humid conditions, you also don’t want it to get too dry. So you might want to get a humidor to store it.

A really good option is to get a humidity-controlled storage container, like this one. It comes with a built-in hygrometer, so you can make sure you maximize the shelf-life of your tobacco.

In this article, I will discuss which storage containers are best for keeping your tobacco fresh and ready for use. You’ll also find out how to best preserve it, how long it’ll last, and ways to stretch it as long as possible.

What Is the Best Way to Store Tobacco Long-Term?

If you find a sale on tobacco that you can’t pass up, you might be tempted to buy more of it than you can use in the short term. But that doesn’t mean that you need to pass up a great deal.

When you want to store tobacco long-term, you’ll want to find high-quality tobacco that’s free of moisture and ready to preserve. From there, find the best container that gives it the perfect seal, so you can rest assured that nothing is getting in to spoil it.

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (1)

Does Tobacco Go Bad?

People often don’t think of tobacco as likely to go bad. But like most other herbs, it’s considered a type of food product. You want to keep it at its best.

Tobacco does go bad. If moisture gets inside, it breeds bacteria and will eventually lead to mold. The other is when it sits too long in the open air and dries out. Neither one of these situations are ideal, so you need to store it properly.

You must know the best way to store your tobacco products if you want them to last. Luckily, there’s a wealth of information available to help you do that.

Related How Long Do Cigarettes Stay Fresh? (And How To Store Them).

How Do You Know When Tobacco Has Gone Bad?

Because there are so many ways you can consume tobacco, it can be a little challenging to tell that it has gone bad. A cigar is going to be different from a cigarette or snuff. Luckily, all three are susceptible to the same issues, and once you’ve encountered rot or stale tobacco, you’ll never forget it.

You will know when your tobacco has gone bad if there is mold and bad smells. Most bacterial growth looks like the type of mold you have encountered before, either green or white, and spread in patches. Moisture is another giveaway, as your tobacco should never be moist or sticky.

Stale tobacco has a dry consistency that makes it crumble between your fingers or break up in the rolling paper. If you light a cigar or cigarette and notice that it has less flavor, it might be stale.

You’ll want to consume any tobacco stored at the same time soon.

How Long Can You Store Tobacco?

You can store tobacco for up to five years. Taking measures to protect your tobacco will extend the length of time it can go before being used. With a good, unbroken seal, tobacco will remain fresh for this long, but some methods may help you store it even longer.

Remember, an unbroken seal refers to the length of time between when it was manufactured and when you open the pack. If you open the package, then repackage it, it might dry out sooner.

Different manufacturers of tobacco are aware that there is plenty of competition for your business. To keep customers loyal to their brand, they’ll have frequent specials or hand out coupons. It makes it easier to load up on tobacco and saves you money in the process.

You want to keep track of how long you’re storing it to use it before it expires.

How To Store Chewing Tobacco Long-Term

Chewing tobacco doesn’t last long on its own. Within a few days of opening a tin or poach, it’ll start to lose its flavor. A common tactic for tobacco chewers is to store the can in the refrigerator, as it remains fresh for longer.

Store chewing tobacco long-term using your freezer. Put the can of tobacco in an air-tight freezer bag, then put it in the fridge or freezer, somewhere closer to the middle. Avoiding the front and back of the freezer protects it from defrosting or freezer burn.

Freezing your chewing tobacco will stretch it out to about a year.

Just be careful when removing and opening the can. Cold to sudden warmth causes the metal to expand and contract, and the lid may be loose as a result.

If that happens, you wouldn’t be the first person to drop their snuff.

How Long Should a Pack of Cigarettes Last?

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (2)

A pack of cigarettes should last for two years in the freezer without sacrificing much of the quality. If they have a longer shelf life printed on the package, they’ll be less likely to dry out. They might not taste fresh, but they will be consumable.

If you’ve opened the pack, you can only keep them frozen for up to six months.

Cigarettes last longer than most other forms of tobacco, but the exact length of time is controversial, as some swear they last up to five years when frozen unopened. While that could be true, the flavor and strength of the nicotine will have likely degraded within that time. The tobacco itself will also be brittle and harder to smoke.

Do Cigarettes Go Bad If Wet?

Cigarettes should not be wet, but they won’t go bad if they get wet. At the same time, that doesn’t mean the second some dampness gets into a pack, that you have to toss them in the trash. Cigarettes can get a bit of moisture and be fine. Even if they end up very wet, you can potentially save them.

Lay them out in a sunny spot in a single line and leave them there for a couple of hours, checking on them every half hour or so. They should dry enough to light.

You must keep an eye on them when using this method, as cigarettes left in the sun can get too dry, especially if they’re wet before. You’ll know they went too far when you roll them in your fingers and can hear and feel them crinkle.

Some of the tobacco will fall out of the end as it loses its texture.

Related Can You Buy Tobacco With a Walmart Gift Card?

Should I Keep Tobacco in the Fridge?

Some people prefer to keep their tobacco in the fridge, as they claim it extends the length of time the tobacco maintains its flavor and enhances it. Whether the taste itself is better when cold is a matter of preference.

You should keep tobacco in the fridge, but a refrigerator will not keep it good for long. Sealed, you can put it into another air-tight container and keep it there for around six months. If opened, you can still use the container and get about three months.

Just remember to make sure there’s no moisture. Otherwise, mold will grow.

How Do You Store Tobacco In a Mason Jar?

Mason jars have become a popular way to store bulk tobacco, especially pipe tobacco. The trick is to select the right kind of mason jar, as just any won’t be due. Canning jars make the best storage, as they’re air-tight when appropriately closed.

To store tobacco in a Mason jar, fill it ¾ full with loose, dry tobacco. Put the unsealed jar in the sink and fill it with hot water up to the point where the tobacco cuts off. Leave it there for 10-15 minutes, careful that the water doesn’t become too cold or splash into the opening of the jar.

  1. Before removing the jars from the water, screw the lids on, making sure they’re as tight as you can get them.
  2. Then, remove the jars to sit on the counter.
  3. Over the next couple of minutes, your jars are going to cool. The rapid cooling sucks the air from the empty section at the top, creating a seal.

A couple of tips:

  • Don’t overstuff the jars, as you want a quarter free to keep it from being compressed for long periods and becoming chunky.
  • Don’t use boiling water. It should be hot enough that it’s uncomfortable to keep your hand in, but not so hot it would scald you.

You can use this method to age tobacco for a more robust flavor.

The benefit of using a mason jar for storage and sealing it with the above method is that it lasts the longest. Most tobacco enthusiasts agree that it should last at least five years, while some claim they have had jars stay safe for up to six.

How Long Does Pipe Tobacco Last in a Tin?

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (3)

Pipe tobacco might last up to a few weeks in a tin. If it’s never been opened, it may last up to two years. With a broken seal, it’ll go stale within the first few days to a few weeks. The herb will be unusable within 6 months. Freezing the tin will help slow down the process.

Any time you’re storing tobacco, you’re trying to protect it from two things: air and moisture.

Manufacturers use tins for several products. However, paper and wax-sealed pouches are becoming more common due to their ease of transport, the cheapness of production, and being more effective in keeping tobacco fresh.

If you want to use a tin, putting it into an air-tight can promote freshness. Just keep in mind that it’s hard to keep a seal tight on a metal tin. Air and even water can slide under the lid.

How Do You Put Moisture Back Into Tobacco?

So, you just opened your tobacco pouch and realized it’s dry. Do you throw it out? Luckily, you can moisten stale tobacco again. But it has to be done carefully, as too much moisture will ruin it.

To put moisture back in tobacco, get a spray bottle and fill it with room temperature water. Lay the tobacco on a paper towel on a counter. With the setting on mist, spray the water about 6” (15.2 cm) over the tobacco. The mist should drift lightly down to the tobacco and wet it.

You can also use the tea kettle method, a classic technique. If you choose this option, be careful. A little slip, and you might end up with a soggy mess on your hands. Leaving it damp for too long will cause it to rot.

If you use the right amount, it’ll be combustible, though it probably won’t regain its flavor.

A humidity-controlled storage container like this one is relatively inexpensive and are a good option for maintaining the correct moisture in tobacco.

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (4)How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (5)

What Humidity Should Pipe Tobacco Be Stored At?

Keeping a humidor and humidity reader for tobacco, you plan to keep stored is a great way to keep it at the perfect level. If you’re using a method like a freezer, this isn’t necessary. But if you’re using tin, air-tight bags, or mason jars, it’s highly encouraged.

Pipe tobacco should be kept at around 55% humidity to be at its best. Cigars need a higher level, and manufacturers will have suggestions for their brand. The general consensus is an average of 70%. In any case, you should always store tobacco in a cool, dry place.

The higher the humidity in your environment, the more critical monitoring the humidity becomes.

Best Tobacco Storage Containers

You can store tobacco in many different ways. The seal is what matters, and different people have their preferences.

Glass canning jars are usually considered the best storage containers. Since it’s so easy to make them air-tight, the length of time they can keep tobacco at its best, the impact on flavor, and how cheap canning jars are to buy. They’re the perfect option for loose tobacco.

You can get canning jars in different sizes at most grocery and big-box stores, as well as from online retailers. You can also find wide-mouth mason jars on Amazon.

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (6)How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (7)

Final Thoughts

Long-term storage of tobacco is easy. You have plenty of options, whether you want to keep it fresh for a few months or several years. Best of all, every choice is affordable and uses tools you already have around the house.

Whether you’re choosing to store tobacco because you’re an avid smoker who can’t keep costs down as prices skyrocket, or you’re a homesteader that likes to be prepared, this is one of the easiest herbs to keep fresh.

Thanks for reading!

For more, check out Is Chocolate a Good Survival Food? (And How to Store It).

Jim James

Hey, I’m Jim, and the author of this website. I have always been interested in survival, fishing, camping, and anything in nature. In fact, while growing up, I spent more time on the water than on land! I am also a best-selling author and have a degree in History, Anthropology, and Music. I hope you find value in the articles on this website. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or input!

How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom (2024)


How To Store Tobacco Long Term | The Best Way - Survival Freedom? ›

If you don't want to use a paper towel, then know that an apple, fruit slice, or piece of sponge can do the trick too. Another practical option to stop tobacco from drying out is to store it in a mason jar. You can find mason jars in most homeware shops, but make sure that it's a quality jar that you can seal tightly.

Does keeping tobacco in the freezer keep it fresh? ›

You can store your packed cigarettes in the freezer for about five years. However, its freshness and quality may compromise over such a long period. A sealed pack of cigarettes stays fit for consumption for about two years if stored properly in the freezer, without losing its freshness.

How do you store bulk tobacco? ›

-It is best to keep your tobacco sealed in a cool, dark and dry place. Heat and sunlight only dry out tobacco but also cause deterioration of the tobacco, changing the tobacco characteristics and thereby changing the taste. Conversely, too much moisture will cause mold, which causes the tobacco to be unsmokable.

How long will tobacco last in a Mason jar? ›

As long as you don't get any tobacco around the rim of the jar, and put the lid on tight, it'll be fine indefinitely.

How long does vacuum packed tobacco last? ›

Fully evacuated plastic pouches: Up until about two years, these work fine at sealing the tobacco. However, minimal aging takes place, probably due to the lack of oxygen.

Can tobacco survive winter? ›

While a mild frost may be inconsequential, a hard freeze may damage tobacco beyond recovery. However, a hard freeze is uncommon while tobacco is still in the field. Frost predicted for more than one day in a row may limit a producer's options. Tobacco is most vulnerable when it has been freshly cut.

Can you vacuum seal tobacco? ›

Yes, you can vacuum seal but it will not allow the tobacco to change with aging since you are removing the oxygen that the aerobic organisms need to turn the blend into something truly special.

How long does it take for a cigarette to go stale? ›

After opening a pack, cigarettes can start to lose their flavor and go stale after 2 days.

What stops tobacco from drying out? ›

Add a slice of potato peel (always use the outer peel rather than a slice of the inner potato). This will keep the tobacco fresh for about 7 days, and will also re-moisten dried out tobacco.

How do you know if tobacco has gone bad? ›

The most obvious way is to smoke one and look out for any unpleasant flavor or difficulty with airflow. If you don't want to risk smoking a stale cigarette, you can also look for visual signs of staleness. Roll the cigarette between your fingers, and see if any tobacco pours out of the end. This is a sign of staleness.

Does tobacco age well? ›

Refined with age

Aging tobacco does wonderful things to the profile. The flavors marry and refine in interesting, complex ways. Tobacco, much like wine, “improves” with age, as it's often put.

Can you store tobacco in Tupperware? ›

Alternatively if you have tobacco tins then the plastic won't affect the tobacco as it won't be in contact. Due to the variety of sizes, tupperware containers make a great storage option for those who are looking for a cheap and easy way to keep your tobacco.

How do you store tobacco in a Mason jar? ›

Just use a clean jar at room temperature and screw the lid on tight. Don't worry about it. For tobacco to age it must have some air. I just fill my jars to the top and press most of the air out of them with my knuckes as the jar becomes full.

How do you store homegrown tobacco? ›

The best environment to store your tobacco is a cool, dry, dark place like a cupboard. This will keep it from drying out and provide you with fresh tobacco for many weeks to come. Using a mason jar is another great way to store tobacco.

What is the best mason jar for tobacco? ›

Well, you will need to pick up some Mason jars. I prefer Pint and Half-Pint jars with wide mouths for ease of filling (and un-filling!). Pint-sized jars will hold approximately 4 ounces of ribbon-cut tobacco, whereas Half-Pint jars are perfect for 2 ounces.

Can you rehydrate tobacco? ›

Simply place your dry tobacco on a heat-resistant surface and steam it for about ten seconds. The teapot technique is for the more patient with a rewetting time of about 30 minutes. Fill the bottom of a teapot with boiling water and place your tobacco in the brewing basket. It should be rehydrated after half an hour.

Can I store tobacco in a glass jar? ›

This traditional method involves using a ceramic or glass jar to store the loose tobacco inside to maintain moisture levels. While this method isn't great for those planning to keep their tobacco in the original tins, for those who buy their tobacco in bulk, jars make a nice organised solution.

Is Dry tobacco bad for you? ›

Smokeless tobacco products might expose people to lower levels of harmful chemicals than tobacco smoke, but that doesn't mean these products are a safe alternative to smoking. Smokeless tobacco contains nicotine, which can lead to addiction, and dozens of chemicals that can cause cancer.

Does smoking increase testosterone? ›

Smoking Increases Testosterone Early On

Some research suggests smoking may increase testosterone in the short term. A study of more than 3,000 men published in the International Journal of Andrology found a positive correlation between smoking and increased testosterone levels.

Does orange peel keep tobacco fresh? ›

Keep a cut of orange peel in your bag of tobacco at all times to help hold the natural dampness. Not just does orange peel help to keep the tobacco fresh, but it makes it have a decent flavor. Do not forget to change the peel every other day or so in to prevent mold.

Does tobacco have any medicinal uses? ›

Tobacco leaves are applied to cuts as an antiseptic and to stop bleeding. Ground tobacco leaves were also used as “snuff” (inhaled through the nose) for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. Tobacco smoked is sometimes blown into the ear to treat earaches.

How cold is too cold for tobacco? ›

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is extremely sensitive to low temperature. The growth of tobacco plants is restricted at the temperature lower than 10 to 13 °C and plants will die when the temperature drops to 2 to 3 °C [2].

What is the best climate for tobacco? ›

Tobacco is grown under a wide range of climates but requires a frost-free period of 90 to 120 days from transplanting to last harvest of leaves. Optimum mean daily temperature for growth is between 20 and 30°C.

How long does tobacco stay fresh in a sealed bag? ›

Mar 09, 2020. Tobacco, like any natural product, has a shelf life. Whilst this shelf life can last quite a long time, the tobacco starts to dry out the moment you break the seal. In an unopened pack, the tobacco should stay fresh for around two years.

Does water filter tobacco? ›

The passing of smoke through water does not filter the toxic substances present in tobacco smoke.

What absorbs tobacco smoke? ›

Both vinegar and baking soda are natural odor-absorbers. Use vinegar to wipe down any furniture, washable walls, floors, counters, and more. Vinegar can also be poured in a bowl, leaving it in a room for several days to absorb the odors in the room.

Will cigarette smoke eventually go away? ›

However, this is not easy since smoke particles are extremely tiny, and can penetrate nearly every surface in the house. Tobacco smoke can even circulate through the entire house via the ventilation system. But there is no need to panic, as the smell will dissipate over time.

How many cigarettes a day is normal? ›

On average, respondents in this group considered that smoking can cause cancer only if one smokes at least 19.4 cigarettes per day (for an average reported consumption of 5.5 cigarettes per day), and that cancer risk becomes high for a smoking duration of 16.9 years or more (reported average duration: 16.7).

What is a stellar cigarette? ›

A strong, exclusive blend of carefully picked tobacco leaves, Stellar is a popular brand in the South-East Asian markets. Our expert blenders have infused the fine leaves with special Oriental flavours, delivering a lingering freshness.

Why does tobacco dry green? ›

Green colors in air-cured tobacco can occur for several reasons. The leaves in these pictures are green because the air temperature remained below 50 degrees F for an extended period of time during the early stages of curing.

How do you dry and cure tobacco at home? ›

The temperature should be approximately 120 degrees with a humidity level of 75%. Fermentation takes between four and six weeks to complete. With a light bulb heat source directed toward the pile of air cured tobacco under it, place paper towels misted with water on top of the cured leaves.

Can tobacco go Mouldy? ›

Tobacco that is damp will usually not mold over a span of a few days, but after that may suddenly bloom with common molds. Since mold spores are ubiquitous, their control is generally limited to manipulating the humidity, in order to inhibit them (in the absence of chemical anti-fungal agents).

What does tobacco poisoning look like? ›

After oral ingestion of nicotine, signs and symptoms of nicotine poisoning mimic those for nerve agent or organophosphate poisoning and typically include excess oral secretions, bronchorrhea, diaphoresis, vomiting (common, especially among children), diarrhea, abdominal cramping, confusion, and convulsions.

Can dry tobacco make you sick? ›

All tobacco products contain nicotine and are harmful to your health. All are technically capable of causing poisoning if taken in large enough quantities.

Why is my tobacco turning white? ›

If plants are infected early by the phytoplasma, and especially in dark tobacco the discoloration is such that the lamina becomes completely white. This symptom may be the cause of what tobacco farmers in the past sometimes referred to as "white feet" or "white tobacco".

What tobacco ages best? ›

Thanks to its high sugar content, Virginia tobacco tends to improve the best with age. This is because when properly preserved, the sugars undergo a chemical process, not unlike alcohol fermentation.

What age are most smokers? ›

By Age. Current cigarette smoking was highest among people aged 25–44 years and 45–64 years. Current cigarette smoking was lowest among people aged 18-24 years.

What age group is most affected by tobacco? ›

Tobacco product use is started and established primarily during adolescence. Nearly 9 out of 10 adults who smoke cigarettes daily first try smoking by age 18, and 99% first try smoking by age 26.

Why do church wardens pipe? ›

We love churchwarden pipes because they generally produce a cooler smoke due to the distance it must travel from the bowl to the mouthpiece. They have the added benefit of keeping the user's face further away from the heat and smoke produced by combustion in the bowl.

Do you refrigerate tobacco? ›

Modern loose tobacco bags can be stored indefinitely in your refrigerator. Keep in mind that they will still stay fresh for several months without any refrigeration at all. Tobacco does not spoil unless it gets wet. Refrigeration of tobacco products is usually a personal choice, not a necessity.

Do Ziploc bags keep cigarettes fresh? ›

How can I keep my cigarettes fresh for long time? Put them in a Ziploc bag. Once a week, sprinkle a little water in the bag to maintain the cigarettes' moisture content. Tobacco doesn't go “stale”; it dries out, which makes the cigarettes taste harsh.

How do you hang and dry tobacco? ›

Burley tobacco is air-cured by hanging the leaves in well-ventilated barns, and the tobacco is allowed to dry over a period between four to eight weeks. Oriental tobacco is sun-cured by hanging the leaves outside into the sun for about two weeks.

How many tobacco plants does it take to make a carton of cigarettes? ›

As a rule of thumb, figure about 4 plants per carton, this gives you quite a bit of leeway. You should note that the best tobacco is aged, so the first year you grow, you should try to double your normal tobacco needs for the year, this way you can keep some aging each year.

How long can cigarettes be stored? ›

Unopened cigarette packs will typically stay fresh for up to 2 years.

Does packing a cigarette make it last longer? ›

Packing makes the tobacco tighter which makes for a longer lasting, slower burning cigarette.

What is the ideal temperature for storing cigarettes? ›

Tobacco Storage areas

These areas must be maintained at between 60-70%RH and 21-24°C as they have large amounts of tobacco exposed to the ambient air. If humidity is not maintained at these equilibrium levels the tobacco will start to dry.

Can cigarette smoke linger in a house for years? ›

Smoke residue accumulates over time and lingers on carpets, walls and cupboards years after smokers leave, researchers found. Andrew had lived in his apartment for 10 years and never smoked.

Does tobacco go bad? ›

In summary, tobacco can certainly go bad if it is fresh and moistened. Dry tobacco has no expiration date, but becomes inedible over the years. With snus products, it depends on what type of snus is meant, because the shelf lives differ significantly between the different types of snus.

Is it OK to smoke old tobacco? ›

Yes it is. Side effects range from habituation to increase in risk of long cancer, stroke, heart attack, peripheral vascular disease, emphysema,COPD, throat cancer , decreased life span increased carbon monoxide in blood and many other serious medical conditions.

How long does it take for cigarettes to deteriorate? ›

Although cigarettes don't break down naturally, they can gradually decompose depending on environmental conditions like the rain and sun. Estimates on the time it takes vary, but a recent study found that a cigarette butt was only about 38 percent decomposed after two years.

How long does an unsealed pack of cigarettes last? ›

Once opened and exposed to air, commercial cigarettes usually last about two days before going stale. There are a few different ways to tell if your cigarettes are stale.

Why do people tap their cigarette boxes? ›

Nevertheless, there is a residual explanation: once upon a time, before filters had been invented and manufacturing was not that sophisticated, cigarettes had a way of spilling out bits of tobacco. So, smokers had to tap them to make sure that the tobacco stayed where it should.

Why do people flip a cigarette over in a new pack? ›

A Tradition Is Born

Whenever the troops sent to Europe or the Pacific would smoke their Lucky Strike, they would flip all of the cigarettes inside the pack except for one. This is so that the brand stamp on the paper of the cigarette would burn first when it was smoked.

What is the best humidity to store cigarettes? ›

An ambient relative humidity of 60-68% RH is needed to maintain equilibrium between the air and the moisture in the tobacco. If the air's humidity level is lower than 60% RH the tobacco leaves will start losing moisture, which will result in a weight loss and quality.

What humidity should cigarette tobacco be stored at? ›

Tobacco Storage areas

These areas must be maintained at between 60-70%RH and 21-24°C as they have large amounts of tobacco exposed to the ambient air. If humidity is not maintained at these equilibrium levels the tobacco will start to dry.

Why do cigarette smokers live so long? ›

Study finds some individuals have genetic variants that allow them to have long-term exposure to a carcinogen without developing lung cancer.

What absorbs cigarette smoke? ›

Both vinegar and baking soda are natural odor-absorbers. Use vinegar to wipe down any furniture, washable walls, floors, counters, and more. Vinegar can also be poured in a bowl, leaving it in a room for several days to absorb the odors in the room.

How many cigarettes does a smoker smoke in a lifetime? ›

We calculated that if a man smokes the average number of cigarettes a year (5772) from the median starting age of 17 until his death at the age of 71 he will consume a total of 311 688 cigarettes in his lifetime. 3 418 560/311 688=11 minutes per cigarette.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.