How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (2024)

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It is almost impossible to resist toffee. But if you manage to resist eating all of it in one sitting, you might be wondering exactly how to store it. Continue reading to find out more.

To store toffee, layer it in an airtight container separated by waxed paper. This will help to prevent sticking. Afterward, store the container in a cool, dry place. You can also store the toffee in the refrigerator or freezer for a longer shelf-life

To learn more about different storing methods and how long toffee can last using these methods, read on! Our goal is to help you make an informed decision about which storing method is best for you.

How Long Does Toffee Last?

Toffee is reminiscent of every childhood. Somehow it has managed to be closely associated with childhood sweets. Toffee conjures up images of carnivals and toffee, toffee sweets given when visiting grandma, and movie scenes in which neighborhood kids look longingly into the window of the local candy store.

But toffee is not just for kids. People of all ages love it. As a result, toffee is a popular snack, whether you’re serving it to guests, hosting a party, or just feeling indulgent over the weekend.

However, if you are somehow able to resist eating all the toffee in one sitting, you might wonder how long it can last before it goes bad? Toffee generally has a long shelf-life – notice how I said ‘generally’?

The shelf life of toffee depends on whether it is storebought or homemade, what ingredients it has, and what storing method is used. So because of this ‘varying shelf life,’ we cannot give one specific answer as to how long toffee lasts. Toffee can last anywhere from 2 weeks to one whole year!

Some people even report their toffee lasting well over a year. However, for safety’s sake, we will say that the upper limit is a year (provided that the right conditions are met).

To find out more about storebought versus homemade toffee and storing conditions, read on as we will have a closer look at how long toffee lasts and how to store toffee.

Can Toffee Go Bad?

How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (1)

It might be easy to picture toffee as an everlasting candy that can stand the test of time and never go bad – and understandably so!

It seems like hard candies, such as toffee, can just last and last (although, you should note that some people prefer a slightly chewy and softer texture to their toffee).

But as much as we’d like to think that toffee lasts forever, unfortunately, as with most things, toffee does go bad. However, there may be more time than you think!

Toffee takes longer to go bad when compared to some foods. So, ultimately, you will have more time to finish all that delicious toffee. Yum.

So how do we know when toffee has gone bad? For harder candies, such as toffee, it can be more challenging to determine when they are no longer edible.

However, as a general rule, if you notice changes in color, texture, smell, or taste, it is a sure sign the toffee is going or has gone bad.

For instance, if you notice your (once previously) hard toffee has gotten softer, is extremely sticky, and developed a grainy texture – you should not eat it. You may even find that your toffee emits a slightly ‘off’ smell. In the event, your toffee does not smell right, discard it.

Although the ‘sniff’ test might not seem reliable to some, our noses are pretty adept at revealing if food is safe or unsafe to eat. Some toffee may even have mold if it contains fruit or nuts. Do not consume toffee that has mold growing on it.

It is safer to discard the toffee entirely rather than cut away the mold pieces before eating. In summary, if the toffee has extreme changes, it probably shouldn’t be eaten. However, it’s important to note that not all changes mean that the toffee is unsafe to eat.

For instance, if the toffee becomes slightly softer or loses some flavor, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is dangerous to eat. On the contrary, there may be nothing wrong with the toffee other than tasting a little less tasty than before.

How Long Does Toffee Last in the Fridge?

How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (2)

When toffee is stored in the fridge, it will last much longer than if it is kept at room temperature. This is because toffee has a relatively short shelf life when stored at room temperature.

At room temperature, toffee can last anywhere from one week to several weeks, depending on whether it is homemade or storebought and the ingredients it contains.

So if you plan to eat all the toffee within a short period, storing it at room temperature could be beneficial. Just make sure that you store the toffee correctly.

If you refrigerate the toffee, you can extend the shelf life even further. When you refrigerate toffee, it can last for three months or even more.

Some people even report that their toffee lasts until six months in the refrigerator. Unfortunately, the toffee may only last a couple of weeks if it contains nuts or fruit products.

Also, toffee with high butter percentages needs to be refrigerated as the butter will turn rancid if left at room temperatures for an extended period.

The toffee will also lose its texture, i.e., its crunch, if left in warm weather and will start to go soft. However, some toffees may last longer if covered in other products such as chocolate.

The toffee itself is not exposed to air and oxidation; rather, the outer covering (the chocolate) is exposed. If the toffee is not covered, oxidation will occur.

How to Store Homemade Toffee

Luckily, storing homemade toffee is relatively easy and does not require much effort. However, if you plan to devour the toffee in the next couple of days or weeks, you may want to store the toffee at room temperature. To start, you will need a container big enough to fit all the toffee.

If you do not have one big enough, you can split the toffee into two containers. Preferably, it would be ideal to use an airtight container.

Airtight containers can help keep the toffee fresh and prevent foreign substances from entering the container. It can also keep moisture out.

Remember, moisture is not a friend of toffee. Store in a cool, dry place once you have packed your containers with toffee.

Some people prefer to separate the toffee by adding waxed paper between layers. Using waxed paper and separating the toffee will help prevent the toffee from sticking together.

If your house is quite warm, or you want to make your toffee last a little longer, refrigeration should be your storage method of choice. It would be best if you simply stored the toffee in the fridge, and it should last for a few weeks. Simple.

How Long Does Homemade Toffee Last?

So, how long does homemade toffee last? If you’re one of the people who are unable to resist the delicious treats in the house, it won’t last very long (guilty as charged).

But if you are not referring to how long it will take until all the toffee is devoured, the answer can look quite different.

Homemade toffee, unfortunately, does not last that long at room temperature. Typically, homemade toffee can last around two weeks at room temperature.

Although, if the toffee has a high butterfat content, it won’t last as long as those with a lower butterfat content.

As a general guideline, the harder the toffee, the longer it will last. Also, if it is covered in chocolates or other food products, the shelf-life can be extended too. So, all in all, homemade toffee’s shelf life varies.

However, if you plan to eat your toffee over several weeks, it is best to place it in the fridge. Refrigeration of the homemade toffee can extend its shelf-life to three months or even more.

If you need ideas on what to do with your leftovers, take a look at these ideas!

How Long Does Store-bought Toffee Last?

If you have just purchased store-bought toffee, you might be wondering how long it lasts. Perhaps you’ll give it as a gift, or maybe you’re just curious.

Whatever your reason, we have the answers for you. Typically, store-bought toffee lasts longer than homemade toffee.

Depending on the ingredients used, some high-quality coffee can last up to two months at room temperature. This depends, however, on whether the right conditions are met for storing the toffee. If the toffee is not stored correctly, it will spoil sooner than you would like.

In the case of high-quality toffee, you can keep your toffee in the tin it came in. However, if your toffee does not come with a tin, be sure to put the toffee in an airtight container.

If you want to keep your toffee for several weeks, transfer the toffee into the fridge. You can generally store unopened toffee for several months.

However, be sure to check the best before date or expiration date printed on the box to

get a clearer picture of how long the toffee will last. If that box is opened, it needs to be kept in a refrigerator, stored in a cool, dry placed, or stored using another method.

Can Toffee Be Frozen?

How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (4)

You may be wondering if toffee can be frozen or if toffee freezes well. You can freeze toffee, and to make matters even better, it freezes really well.

So how long does toffee last in the freezer? Toffee can last anywhere from 6 months to one year.

However, many people report that their toffee has lasted (and tasted) great, well after a year of freezing.

While we don’t recommend you freeze toffee for over a year, it just goes to show that this delicious snack can keep exceptionally well in some instances. When storing in the freezer, it is essential to use the proper storage method.

The best approach is to individually wrap each toffee piece in waxed paper or plastic wrap. However, if the toffee has slightly smaller or irregular-shaped pieces, it might be easier to store clusters of toffee in waxed paper or plastic wrap.

This will help the toffee pieces not to stick together when frozen; because the last thing you want is to reach for a frozen toffee snack only to find that your entire toffee container has frozen together.

In this instance, it would mean one of two things: either you get in touch with your inner caveman (or women), and violently ice pick your way through the toffee, or you have to let the whole batch defrost just for one stick of toffee. Either way, it is not really a win-win situation.

So always make sure that when you freeze your toffee, you can easily remove pieces. Freezing toffee is an excellent option as you can conveniently have access to toffee basically year-round.

This means you can have snacks on hand for unexpected guests or merely to satisfy your craving. In addition to snacking on frozen toffee treats, you can use the frozen toffee in other ways, such as in desserts.

Final Thoughts

How you choose to store your toffee depends on how long you want to keep your toffee.

Storing toffee at room temperature is best for those who will eat the toffee in the coming weeks. Storing in the refrigerator is best if you would like to extend the shelf-life a bit further.

And storing the toffee in the freezer is best if you want to keep the toffee for as long as possible. In all methods, it is best to keep the toffee in a container (preferably airtight).

The toffee can then be separated into layers using waxed paper or be individually wrapped for long-term storage.

If you notice any changes in the toffee’s color, texture, smell, or taste, it is a sure sign it is going or has gone off. Never eat toffee that has gone bad.

How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (5)

Sarah Bridenstine

Sarah is the founder of Baking Kneads, LLC, a blog sharing guides, tips, and recipes for those learning how to bake. Growing up as the daughter of a baker, she spent much of her childhood learning the basics in a local bakery.

How To Store Toffee (And How Long Will It Last?) - Baking Kneads, LLC (2024)


How long can toffee be stored? ›

For maximum taste and texture, we do recommend that you either enjoy your toffee immediately, or store it in a refrigerator or freezer. Once opened, unrefrigerated product will retain maximum freshness for about a week. Refrigeration adds 3-6 months of shelf life, while freezing adds up to a year or more.

What is the best way to keep toffee? ›

We recommend serving the toffee at room temperature, although many of our customers tell us they love it cold. Conservatively, our toffee will keep well in the refrigerator for three weeks (take care to guard against moisture getting to it), and three months in the freezer.

Does Enstrom toffee need to be refrigerated? ›

Enstrom Almond Toffee is a fresh dairy confection and must be stored in a refrigerator (up to 3 weeks) or freezer (up to 6 months).

Do toffee bits expire? ›

Once opened, they should be consumed within 2-3 months for best quality. However, they can also be frozen for up to a year, extending their usability. How do you tell if toffee bits is bad? While toffee bits don't spoil in the same way some foods do, they can become stale or lose their quality over time.

How do you know if toffee is expired? ›

The dates solely indicate freshness, and are used by manufacturers to convey when the product is at its peak. That means the food does not expire in the sense of becoming inedible. For un-refrigerated foods, there may be no difference in taste or quality, and expired foods won't necessarily make people sick.

What can go wrong when making toffee? ›

Stirring too quickly or too often can cause the toffee to separate. Moderate the heat as needed – turn it down if the toffee is boiling or cooking too fast so it doesn't burn.

Why do you add vinegar to toffee? ›

This recipe includes a dash of vinegar which will help keep the colour of the toffee clear and bright and banish any cloudiness.

What is the difference between caramel and toffee? ›

The difference between caramel and toffee is greater, as caramel has a more liquid consistency and is usually pure sugar (it doesn't contain butter or flour). Still, the taste of caramel, fudge, and toffee is relatively similar, as they are all made from mostly sugar (as well as butter in the case of fudge and toffee).

How do you keep toffee from getting sticky? ›

Most of the time, the candy gets sticky due to humidity, so it's preventable by using airtight containers next time. Any hard candy can be remelted with a little water and made into new candy.

What is toffee made of? ›

Toffee is an English confection made by caramelizing sugar or molasses (creating inverted sugar) along with butter, and occasionally flour. The mixture is heated until its temperature reaches the hard crack stage of 149 to 154 °C (300 to 310 °F). While being prepared, toffee is sometimes mixed with nuts or raisins.

Does all toffee have almonds? ›

While Americans refer to most toffee as “English toffee,” there are two major differences between the two. American toffee (also called buttercrunch): Relies on granulated or white sugar and nuts. English toffee: Starts with brown sugar and does not contain nuts.

How long will sticky toffee last in the fridge? ›

For leftovers we recommend storing the sponge and sauce separately in the fridge for up to 5 days. Cover the sponge tightly with clingfilm (plastic wrap) and put the sauce in an airtight container.

What candy does not expire? ›

Hard candies essentially have an indefinite shelf life, provided they are stored properly. Items like lollipops, Jolly Ranchers, and other individually wrapped candies do best without exposure to moisture.

Why did my toffee crystallize? ›

The crystalisation of toffee starts when it contains a 'seed' which can be either an undissolved sugar crystal (like those that form as the syrup splatters on the side of the pan during boiling) or something foreign in the mixture like a small crumb.

Does sponge toffee go bad? ›

Sponge Toffee can be stored in an airtight container and enjoyed for up to 1 week.

How long does caramel toffee last? ›

Ensure it's in an airtight container to maintain quality and prevent it from absorbing other odours. Caramel stored in the fridge can last for up to a month.

Can you save separated toffee? ›

Sometimes separated toffee or caramel can be saved by removing the saucepan from the heat and stirring constantly until it comes back together into a smooth mixture. Gradually return it to the heat, stirring constantly. You can also try adding a spoonful or two of very hot water to the toffee to help it come together.

How long can you keep milk toffee? ›

Introduction: Kiri Tofee / Milk Toffee

The direct translation of Kiri Toffe is Milk Tofee. This tofee is very tasty and super easy to make. Store bought Kiri Toffee can be kept out for 3 months.

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