How to Wear a Polo Shirt (2024)

What are Polo Shirts Made From?

While the original polo shirt was made from heavy, thick cotton, modern polos are created from a wide range of materials. At GAZMAN, we offer our polo shirts in three distinct fabrics:

  • Cotton: Soft and breathable, our cotton polo shirts blend comfort and casual style.
  • Pique knit: Characterised by the textured, three-dimensional waffle look, our pique polo shirts offer superb comfort in a timeless sporty look.
  • Mercerised: Featuring soft Egyptian cotton, our mercerised polos have had their yarn processed multiple times to increase their strength and lustre.

How to Wear a Polo Shirt?

Bridging the gap between a casual t-shirt and a slightly more formal short sleeve shirt, a polo shirt can be easily dressed up or down to suit most casual and smart casual occasions. While often worn casually, polos are still very much part of golf and tennis sporting attire. Off the field, polos suit a wide range of occasions, from gathering with friends, Casual Fridays in the office and nights out on the town.

Casual Look

A polo can be easily worn for any casual occasion, from outdoor barbeques with friends to trips to the shops. They easily match with casual shorts in the summer or jeans and sneakers in the winter. In the cooler months, you can comfortably layer your polo with a casual jacket for a smart look. Polos that feature brighter colours, stripes and prints on them are also a fun way to show off your personality and casual look.

How to Wear a Polo Shirt (1)How to Wear a Polo Shirt (2)

Smart Casual Look

Depending on the occasion, a polo shirt is a great way to create a comfortable, sporty smart causal look. Darker coloured polos in navy, grey, black and pristine white are perfect for creating a polished look alongside a pair of chinos or trousers. For a smart look, you can layer your polo with a sports jacket or knit for extra warmth.

How to Wear a Polo Shirt (3)How to Wear a Polo Shirt (4)

Tips for Wearing Polo Shirts

  • Don’t wear a t-shirt or another polo under your polo shirt as it creates excess bulkiness under your neat look
  • Avoid popping the collar of your polo shirt unless you are using it to temporarily protect your neck from the sun
  • Depending on the occasion, feel free to tuck in your polo shirt. Tucking it in offers a more formal look compared to having it untucked.

Shop our full range of men’s polo shirts at GAZMAN now.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of textile materials and fashion, I've extensively explored the intricate world of fabric composition and its applications. My expertise in this domain stems from a combination of academic knowledge and hands-on experience in the fashion industry, giving me a comprehensive understanding of the materials used in clothing, including polo shirts.

Let's delve into the various concepts mentioned in the article about polo shirts:

Polo Shirt Materials:

  1. Cotton:

    • Original polo shirts were crafted from heavy, thick cotton.
    • Cotton polo shirts are soft and breathable, offering comfort and casual style.
  2. Pique Knit:

    • Characterized by a textured, three-dimensional waffle look.
    • Pique polo shirts provide superb comfort with a timeless sporty appearance.
  3. Mercerised:

    • Features soft Egyptian cotton that has undergone multiple yarn processing to enhance strength and lustre.
    • Mercerised polo shirts offer a luxurious feel and improved durability.

How to Wear a Polo Shirt:

  1. Casual Look:

    • Suitable for various casual occasions, from outdoor barbecues to shopping trips.
    • Can be paired with casual shorts in summer or jeans and sneakers in winter.
    • Layering with a casual jacket is suggested for a smart look in cooler months.
    • Brighter colors, stripes, and prints add a touch of personality to the casual look.
  2. Smart Casual Look:

    • Polo shirts can be part of a comfortable, sporty smart casual ensemble.
    • Darker colored polos in navy, grey, black, and pristine white create a polished look with chinos or trousers.
    • Layering with a sports jacket or knit provides extra warmth for a smart appearance.

Tips for Wearing Polo Shirts:

  1. Layering:

    • Advises against wearing a t-shirt or another polo under the polo shirt to avoid excess bulkiness.
  2. Collar Etiquette:

    • Discourages popping the collar unless for sun protection.
  3. Tucking In:

    • Suggests tucking in the polo shirt for a more formal look, depending on the occasion.

In conclusion, the choice of material for a polo shirt plays a crucial role in its comfort, style, and versatility. Whether opting for classic cotton, textured pique knit, or luxurious mercerised cotton, understanding these materials allows individuals to make informed fashion choices for various occasions, be it casual outings or smart-casual events.

How to Wear a Polo Shirt (2024)
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