How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (2024)

How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (1)

When people want bolder eyewear, they typically opt for frames in black, brown, or tortoiseshell. Clear frames are another option for making a statement with your eyewear. While clear frames have been around for a while now, they’ve only started to gain in popularity more recently. Today, Zenni offers a wide range of clear frames in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Also known as translucent or colorless frames, clear glasses are great for both men and women and add fun style to your overall look. One reason they are so popular is that they’re very easy to wear. They complement almost any complexion and look great on all face shapes. Another benefit of wearing clear glasses is that you can experiment with larger frame styles since they don’t overwhelm your face the same way that darker frames can.

How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (2)

Hot To Choose Clear Frames

Choosing the right shape of glasses is important when deciding on any new eyewear. You want to find a pair that complements your face shape and suits your personality. As a rule of thumb, circular and oval frames work well on square faces; browline, cat-eye, and oval glasses work well on diamond faces; square-leaning frames work well on oval faces; round and square frames work well on heart shaped faces; and rectangular and square frames work well on round faces. Not sure what face shape you have? Take our quiz!

The secret to making your clear glasses stand out is to pick an oversized frame. Always in style and easy to wear on any face shape, large frames will make your clear glasses easier to see from a distance and make a more dramatic style statement. If you’re not ready to commit to a pair of fully clear frames, explore a pair that has a slight hue. We have clear frames available in a range of colors. Some of our favorites include frames with a faint blush tone or a funky tortoiseshell accent.

How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (3)Shop this frame

Tips For Styling Your Clear Glasses

1. Opt for a lighter outfit. Any color of clothing will ultimately match your clear frames. That said, darker colored pieces tend to overpower and draw attention away from your frames, while lighter colors will help make them stand out.

2. Try as readers. Readers are always a great way to experiment with fun shapes and colors. A pair of translucent readers is an easy way to play with the clear frame trend.

3. Wear neutral makeup. Heavier makeup does not balance well with clear glasses. Apply your makeup lightly and choose softer, more neutral colors for your lip and eyes.

Check out of Zennistas wearing their favorite clear glasses!

How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (4)

How to Wear Clear Frames | Transparent Glasses | Zenni Optical (2024)


Does anyone look good in clear frame glasses? ›

Clear glasses look good on almost all face shapes and skin tones. The unobtrusive appeal of these glasses makes them a universal eyewear style that works with just about everything. But to get the best results, make sure that your transparent frame is flattering to your face shape.

Are clear glasses in style 2023? ›

Geometric frames, clear frames, large glasses, and thin-metal frames are emerging eyewear trends in 2023.

Are clear glasses frames flattering? ›

Transparent glasses have been around for quite some time. However, they have recently become popular, and their popularity does not appear to fade anytime soon. The main reason is that transparent glasses flatter every complexion and facial shape, making them easy to wear.

Do clear frames make you look younger? ›

This timeless style can be a great look for any age—it's a style that bridges generations. Clear frames can be a cool look, but their distinguishing feature is that they reveal everything about your face. There's no hiding signs of aging with clear frames, so keep that in mind when considering your eyeglass fashion.

Is it OK to wear clear glasses? ›

Wearing non-prescription glasses is, in essence, the same thing. Simply looking through pieces of glass over your eyes will not hurt your vision. In short, no, it is not bad for your eyes.

What skin tone for clear glasses? ›

If you are cool skin, you should try to choose glasses frames with blue-based red, blue, black, pink and tortoise colors. If you have a neutral-toned skin, you can fit almost any color of glasses frame! If you have warm skin tones, you should try warm red, gold, purple, brown, silver and clear colored glasses frames.

Why are clear glasses so popular? ›

Transparent glasses have been around for quite some time. However, they have recently become popular, and their popularity does not appear to fade anytime soon. The main reason is that transparent glasses flatter every complexion and facial shape, making them easy to wear.

Why do clear glasses look good on everyone? ›

Benefits of wearing clear-framed glasses

The appeal of transparent glasses is that they look good on pretty much everyone. They are complementary to any age, hair color, eye color or skin tone. Also, because they're clear, the frames don't distract from one's facial features.

When did clear glasses frames become popular? ›

It might surprise you that clear frame glasses have been around since approximately the 1930s. Back then, they were usually round and narrow, as per the style of the day. By the 40s and 50s, clear frames were all the rage and round or cat-eye was the shape to sport.

Do clear frames turn yellow? ›

Over 2 to 3 years, clear glasses frames may start to lose their sheen and turn yellow. Excessive sweat and oil-based cosmetics can interact with your frames and increase the rate at which they turn yellow. To preserve the clarity of your clear frames, you can clean them with soap and warm water on a regular basis.

Who should wear half rim glasses? ›

Half-rimmed glasses are perfect for people who have a small face and narrow temples because they don't cover as much as full-rim glasses do when it comes time to clean up your face—which means they're less likely to get smudged or smeared.

How do you look cute in clear glasses? ›

To accentuate your clear frames as a core element of your outfit, try wearing all one colour. Wearing just one colour will really make your clear frames stand out and give you a chic and stylish look. This could be a monochromatic look with different shades of the same colour or even a head-to-toe white outfit.

Do clear glasses look good with GREY hair? ›

You can even go with transparent frames, though you're missing out on a great chance to add some color to your look. Silver or rimless glasses can be problematic as they emphasize the grey tone, so be careful if you're considering those styles.

What color glasses are most flattering? ›

For a subdued and understated look, choose frames in a colour that match with the neutral tones in your eyes, such as brown, beige, or black. If you want to channel a fun, statement-making look, choose a colour that's contrasting but complementary to your eye colour.

Should glasses cover your eyebrows? ›

As a rule, at least the top half of your eyebrows should be visible. Your glasses shouldn't cover them completely, nor should they show them so much that your eyebrows look like they're floating on top of your frame.

What color of eye glasses make you look younger? ›

Generally, warm-colored frames can make you appear younger. Warm tones suit most faces, especially browns, burgundies, berry tones, and jewel tones. Of course, you should choose a color that suits your skin tone. It can also be helpful to choose shinier materials to give your eyes an extra sparkle.

What glasses look good with white hair? ›

The best glasses for your hair colour will come in strong colours, such as cherry red, sea blue or a black. These colours will give you a bold contrasting colour while also complementing the overall tone of your grey or white hair. Stay away from yellow and brown frames as they will have a dulling effect.

Can you wear glasses just for looks? ›

Glasses are traditionally worn to improve your vision, but they can also be worn as a fashion accessory to help express your personal style and add some extra love to your fit. Wearing glasses if you need vision correction can feel more obligatory than fashionable, but they don't have to be.

Should your glasses match your hair? ›

Here is a quick breakdown of what color of glasses would look good with your hair color: Black frames will go with every hair color. People with black hair will look best in metallic glasses, including black, gold, and grey. Blond-haired people should opt for frames in soft shades of blue, pink, and red.

What glasses look best with gray hair? ›

Shades like gold, brown, and red can complement greying hair and give a vibrant pop of colour to your face. Another option is to choose glasses with transparent frames or pastel frames, which have a softer, more delicate look.

What color glasses go with everything? ›

The best rule of thumb is matching your glasses to your outfit to avoid clashing colors; fortunately, the most common frame colors for glasses are black, white, grey, and silver, which go with just about everything, so you may not need to think too deeply about matching your glasses to most outfits.

What does clear glasses say about you? ›

Clear Plastic Frames

These people are introverts with minimalist style with a quietly quirky flair. Akin to the cat-eye gal but less bombastic, clear plastic frames pair well with jaunty accessories and a red lip.

What is the oldest glasses style? ›

Early Glasses

The first wearable glasses known to history appeared in Italy during the 13th century. Primitive glass-blown lenses were set into wooden or leather frames (or occasionally, frames made from animal horn) and then held before the face or perched on the nose.

What are the new glasses that take pictures? ›

Snapchat's Spectacles 3

Our top choice is Snapchat's Spectacles 3. These are by far the most comprehensive camera glasses on the market today. It has two cameras and four microphones built into the frames. The biggest advantage of having two cameras is that you can take 3D photos and videos!

Should I get clear or yellow glasses? ›

Yellow shooting glasses are preferred over clear shooting glasses by many sportsmen and law enforcement professionals alike. These bright lenses do more than color the world in a sunny light. They enhance contrast, make lighting seem brighter than it is, and improve visual acuity.

How do you clean clear plastic frames? ›

When cleaning eyewear with plastic frames, use warm water and a lotion-free soap to remove dirt and build-up. After washing, buff the frames dry with a microfiber cloth. The thing to remember with plastic frames is that they can scratch with excessive scrubbing, especially if you use a brush with tough bristles.

Why did my clear glasses turn green? ›

The green dirt that gets on the nose pieces of glasses is a bacteria known as "coagulase-negative staphylococci." It doesn't pose any serious danger to glasses wearers, but it can cause an unpleasant smell.

Who should not wear rimless glasses? ›

People with a high prescription, such as greater than -6, should avoid wearing rimless glasses. Because thick lenses are necessary for high prescriptions, frameless glasses do not provide support for such thick lenses.

Where should my glasses sit on my face? ›

The right pair of glasses should rest comfortably on the bridge of your nose. They should not press against your forehead or cheeks. They also shouldn't rest so far toward the end of your nose that they slip when you squint or wrinkle your nose. The nose fit determines how far your glasses should sit from your face.

Are half rimmed glasses out of style? ›

Because half-rim glasses give you the best of both worlds, they never go out of style. That said, they might not fit your personal style, and that's okay.

Are clear frames still in? ›

This is one of the most exciting eyeglass trends of 2022, and we are especially fond of oversized, clear versions. People with thick prescriptions once struggled to stay on trend, as their lenses just wouldn't work with popular thin frames.

How do I make my glasses look classy? ›

Five Ways to Look Good in Glasses
  1. Consider your face shape. Select a frame that complements the shape of your face. ...
  2. Choose the right color. ...
  3. Pick the right size. ...
  4. Stay on trend. ...
  5. Always make adjustments.

How should I wear my hair with glasses? ›

Generally speaking, dark hair goes well with metal and dark frames, whereas blonder hair goes with light or transparent frames. Choose frames that complement your hair color. Red tones go with any color frames except yellow and white. Short hairstyles for men and women are sleek and show off glasses the best.

What glasses look best with brown hair? ›

Glasses for light brown hair

Bronze and other warm-coloured metals will complement any warmer, red tones as well as well as reds, greens, burgundy, purple and rich brown. Brown hair with more ashy, cool tones will suit black, blues, purples and pinks and even more pastel colours.

Do clear glasses look good on blondes? ›

For blonde ginger hair, tortoiseshell, amber, black or clear eyeglasses frames work best. Subtly matching your frame with your hair is a great way to ensure they'll suit you without clashing too much.

What is the most attractive glasses shape? ›

Women found rectangle and square glasses to be the most attractive, while men found rectangle and cat-eye the most attractive. 3 in 4 men said they were more likely to swipe right on a dating app if the person was wearing glasses.

What glasses are most fashionable? ›

Latest Eyewear Trends for Women in 2023: The Most Popular Styles!
  • Round Glasses. Round glasses will remain a classic, timeless trend. ...
  • Oversized Square Glasses. ...
  • Geometric Wire Frame Glasses. ...
  • Cat Eye Glasses. ...
  • Flat Top Glasses. ...
  • Transparent Acetate Glasses.
Mar 5, 2023

Do eyeglasses have to match clothes? ›

Matching your glasses with your outfit isn't necessary, but you do need to match their “look.” That means if you're wearing a funky, colorful frame, you need to wear an outfit that can hold it's own with an attention-getting pair of eyeglasses. Match the vibe of your glasses to your wardrobe.

What does clear frame glasses mean? ›

Clear eyeglasses, also called transparent or crystal glasses, describe glasses with clear, colorless (or almost colorless) frames. Most transparent frames are made of a sturdy plastic material called Zyl (also known as zylonite, acetate or cellulose acetate) or propionate.

How should plastic frame glasses fit? ›

The bridge of your glasses (or its nose pads) should rest easily on your nose, without any feeling of compression or tightness. It also shouldn't be slipping down your nose. The glasses should be balanced, as well—if you find yourself constantly having to tilt them one way or another, the fit isn't ideal.

Will clear frame glasses turn yellow? ›

Over 2 to 3 years, clear glasses frames may start to lose their sheen and turn yellow. Excessive sweat and oil-based cosmetics can interact with your frames and increase the rate at which they turn yellow. To preserve the clarity of your clear frames, you can clean them with soap and warm water on a regular basis.

How should glasses nose pads look? ›

The nose pads should also be unnoticeable when you wear your glasses. If they are too visible, they may be too wide. You can adjust them by carefully pushing them closer. The nose pads also shouldn't leave marks or dig into your nose.

When were clear frames popular? ›

By the 40s and 50s, clear frames were all the rage and round or cat-eye was the shape to sport. Thanks to technological advances, it became easier to manufacture plastic, resulting in more colours, mixing of materials, and trends that have stayed with us ever since.

What color frame is best for glasses? ›

Matching glasses frames colour to eye colour

For a subdued and understated look, choose frames in a colour that match with the neutral tones in your eyes, such as brown, beige, or black. If you want to channel a fun, statement-making look, choose a colour that's contrasting but complementary to your eye colour.

Should eyebrows show above glasses? ›

However, for everyday frames, your eyebrows should typically show slightly from above your glasses. As a rule, at least the top half of your eyebrows should be visible. Your glasses shouldn't cover them completely, nor should they show them so much that your eyebrows look like they're floating on top of your frame.

Where should glasses sit on your face? ›

The right pair of glasses should rest comfortably on the bridge of your nose. They should not press against your forehead or cheeks. They also shouldn't rest so far toward the end of your nose that they slip when you squint or wrinkle your nose. The nose fit determines how far your glasses should sit from your face.

Where should glasses sit on ears? ›

Your frame arm should run horizontally and sit comfortably around your ears only touching your head right before your ears. With properly fit frames, there should be no pain around your ear or temple area.

How do you make clear glasses clear again? ›

1. Soak glass in white vinegar.
  1. Soak glass in white vinegar. If your issue is hard-water minerals, all you have to do is soak your glasses for five minutes in white vinegar. Since it's acidic, it'll dissolve the minerals. ...
  2. Rinse your glass. Then rinse each glass individually by hand under warm or cold water.
May 18, 2022

Is it better to wear glasses with nose pad or no nose pad? ›

The reason for nose pads is simple. Glasses with nose pads concentrate the weight of the frames on the smaller area of the nose pads while glasses without nose pads distribute the weight to a larger area, which is wherever the frames contact your skin.

Are larger nose pads better? ›

For weight distribution, bigger is better, but we can get carried away with that, too. Usually when we are addressing a weight problem, it is best to increase the nose pad size one step at a time.

Are glasses with nose pads better than without? ›

If your nose is sensitive to weight or the bridge of your nose is lower, you should choose glasses with nose pads. If you are particularly looking for beauty and don't want any marks on your face, then choose glasses without nose pads. In fact, it is hard to say which one is better between nose pads and no nose pads.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.