How To Wear Matching Couple Outfits With Your Bae Without Being Cheesy (2024)

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6 Styling Tips For Matching Outfit Ideas To Wear As A Couple

Opt For Different Tones Of The Same Colour

Wear Clothes With Identical Patterns

Power Suit It Up

Match Accessories To Your Partner’s Outfit

Pick A Theme/Dress Code

Dress To Impress With These Matching Couple Outfit Ideas Together With Your Valentine’s Date

The season of love is upon us and it’s a special time for couples to express their affection for each other. Be it through flowers, chocolates, or a fancy night out for dinner; you know the drill. And If you’re feeling extra lovey-dovey then you can throw in these matching couple outfit ideas to the mix. We know that trying to coordinate outfits with your partner can turn cheesy quickly, so here are some ways to show off your romantic status in style.

6 Styling Tips For Matching Outfit Ideas To Wear As A Couple

Opt For Different Tones Of The Same Colour

How To Wear Matching Couple Outfits With Your Bae Without Being Cheesy (1)

Instead of going for the typical printed slogan T-shirts, (you know, the ones that say ‘His’ and ‘Hers’), try styling both of your outfits in similar shades of colour instead. One easy way to do this is to go all out with a monochromatic ensemble for a bold but chic matchy moment.Think dressing in the same outfit colours as your partner is a bit too overkill for you?

Well, don’t worry, because you can also keep it low-key with one or two choice shades for something more subtle. Otherwise, wear different tones of the same colour scheme. This way, you’ll be twinning without actually looking like twins. Stick to neutral colours, such as earth tones, beige, white, or black. With these colours, any outfit you and your significant other (SO) put together will instantly appear more luxurious and polished.

Wear Clothes With Identical Patterns

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Wearing identical prints with your SO can be a great way to harmonise your outfits together in a fun and bold look. Of course, we don’t mean going deck out in full head-to-toe print, at least not in the same patterns. That’ll be blinding to anyone’s eyes and not necessarily in a good way. To start, decide on a similar print, and then experiment with alternating sizes or colours of that particular design. For example, if you’re donning a skirt and jacket combo with large plaids, then he can wear a blazer with smaller-sized ones instead. Or if you’re both wearing striped shirts, then go for opposite colours that complement each other.

Power Suit It Up

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What better way to show a true power-couple moment than rocking a bold suit-and-tie ensemble? A full blazer set is an easy matching couple outfit idea that can make a huge impact without trying too hard at all. You and your SO won’t even have put too much thought into the styling process. All you have to do is choose a suit style that, well, suits both of you, and the rest is already taken care of from the set.

Besides, nothing looks classier and sexier than a suit. Choosing a blazer jacket and pants tailored-fitted to the body will highlight your elegant femininity and bring out your partner’s suave masculinity. Alternatively, you and your partner could also opt for an oversized cut for a more laid-back style.

Match Accessories To Your Partner’s Outfit

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Matching with your partner doesn’t have to require a lot of work. If you’re not too keen on matching outfit ideas but still want to stay coordinated as a couple, then match your accessories instead. After all, trying to get a printed suit or coloured shirt in sync with your own outfit can be quite the challenge. A simpler way to dress in harmony with your partner at formal events would be to tie in your evening dress with the colour or pattern of his pocket square or tie.

Make sure your SO keeps the rest of his suit neutral so the small accessory can stand out. For casual date settings, you can consider pairing matching beanies, baseball caps, or sneakers to rock a cute streetwear look together. Otherwise, you could also choose a handbag to go with your SO’s belt or watch. These little details are what completes the perfect couple outfit.

Style One Identical Fashion Item In Different Ways

Having one identical fashion item, such as the unisex denim shirtand jeans, will allow you to show off your couple status while still maintaining both of your sense of style. Whether it’s outerwear, bottoms, or tops, you and your partner can have fun putting your own spin to the specific piece of clothing. Maybe even have a little competition to see who’s the real fashion expert in the unit?

Whatever it is that you decide on, we hope you enjoy coming up with your matching outfit ideas together. As we mentioned earlier, it’s usually best to keep the flow consistent in a similar colour palette. However, since you’ll be dressed in the same clothing piece anyway, you won’t need to stress over this too much. Though what you should probably keep in mind is the overall theme of your outfits, which brings us to our next and final point.

Pick A Theme/Dress Code

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Pick a theme (preppy outfits, sweater weather, etc.) or a dress code (casual, formal, etc.) and use this as a guide to planning your matching outfit ideas accordingly. It’s always important to make sure that both of your outfits suit the environment or atmosphere you’re in. Otherwise, you’ll both certainly look out of place (and entirely mismatched) if you turn up in a flowy summer dress while your bae comes in with a formal tuxedo. So, before you go on your date, confirm with your partner on the location and appropriate dress code to avoid any disastrous and awkward situations.

Dress To Impress With These Matching Couple Outfit Ideas Together With Your Valentine’s Date

How To Wear Matching Couple Outfits With Your Bae Without Being Cheesy (6)

Now that you’ve gotten some ideas for your matching couple outfits, it’s time to get styling! We hope you and your partner have a lovely Valentine’s Day date with photo-ready looks for those amazing #OOTD Instagram pics. Looking for ways to wear your SO’s shirt? Then check out our other article on styling oversized shirts for more fashion tips.

How To Wear Matching Couple Outfits With Your Bae Without Being Cheesy (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.