How to Write a Target Customer Profile for a Fashion Line | Bizfluent (2024)

The most important question to ask when starting your fashion line isn’t about your collection or your designs. “Who is your customer?” is the critical element that businesses need to answer. Your fashion line won’t appeal to everyone because it’s not possible to meet the needs of every single kind of consumer. Instead, it’s wise to clearly understand which segment of the market you’re targeting and understand their unique needs, likes and dislikes.

Understand the Importance of a Fashion Customer Profile

A fashion customer profile helps clothing businesses to create products that their target market will want to purchase. By researching their customers, businesses can understand the kind of clothing in which they are interested, what price they are willing to pay, where they shop and the kind of messages to which they respond.

With this information in hand, your fashion house can create a product line that successfully appeals to the market. Use a customer profile template that includes:

  • Demographic qualities such as age and gender
  • Geographic location such as city and climate
  • Behavioral aspects such as brand loyalty
  • Psychographic traits such as attitude and lifestyle

Develop a target customer profile for each fashion line by conducting market research and having your prospects fill out surveys. You can also review trend forecasts to understand what is popular in the market. Be sure to look at your competitors’ customers. If your competitors sell similar clothing, then their customers may share similar traits to your ideal customers.

Research Your Customers’ Demographics

The most basic information you need to know about your customers is their demographics. This includes:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Race and ethnicity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Occupation
  • Income
  • Social status
  • Religion
  • Family status

These details inform the kind of clothes and accessories in which your customers will be interested. Consider a customer who is a 60-year-old male. He will likely need outfits that are much different from a 16-year-old female. Knowing these fundamental details about your target customer will help you ascertain their needs and wants. That information is critical to developing a fashion line that will interest your target market.

Figure Out Their Geographic Location

Where your customers live affects the kind of clothes they purchase. When looking at your target customers' geographic information, it’s important to know:

  • The city, state or country in which they live
  • The kind of climate in which they live
  • The population of their area
  • The size of their area

For example, someone who lives in a predominantly warm climate will not have a need for parkas and leather gloves, whereas someone who lives in a predominantly cold climate may not want to purchase shorts and tank tops. Similarly, someone who lives in a big city may dress differently than someone who lives in the countryside.

Your customers’ location also affects where you will sell your fashion line. This is particularly important if you have a brick-and-mortar store. It needs to be easy for your customers to access your clothes. If you’re selling online, your customers need to live in an area to which it is easy to ship.

Delve Into Your Customers’ Psychographic Traits

Psychographic characteristics are related to the kind of lifestyle your customer lives. These include:

  • Attitudes
  • Values
  • Opinions
  • Interests
  • Hobbies

If you sell sports clothing, for example, you’ll need to target customers who play sports and value health and wellness. On the other hand, if you create clubwear, you will want to target customers who like to go out to bars and clubs and value socializing with their friends. The interests of your customers determine their needs and wants as well.

The values, attitudes and opinions your customers share may determine whether they shop at your business or not. For someone who values environmental sustainability, shopping at a business that uses recycled packaging or materials may be important. For someone who is a champion of LGBTQ+ rights, it may be important to shop at businesses who share these values. This information not only tells you what kind of clothes to create but also how to market them to your audience.

Learn Their Behavioral Characteristics

Behavioral traits are related to the way consumers behave toward a brand or product. This may include:

  • What benefits the customers are looking for in a fashion line
  • How loyal they are to certain brands
  • Whether they have purchased from your company before
  • How often they plan on wearing your clothes
  • How ready they are to make a purchase
  • Whether there is any urgency toward making a purchase

If you’re targeting people who plan on wearing your outfits on a daily basis, you may be able to assume that they are willing to pay a higher price than someone who only wants to wear your outfit once. Similarly, someone who is loyal to a brand will respond to different messaging than someone who has never heard of your brand.

Readiness to buy and urgency are important traits to understand. If your customers are not ready to make a purchase, it will affect the length of their buying cycle. If your customers only make a purchase when there is a sale, for example, you will need to center your promotional tactics around that trait. Urgency can be created by informing your customers about what they are missing when they don’t make the purchase right away.

Personify Your Customer

Once you have reviewed available market research and conducted your own surveys, distill all those details in a customer profile. It’s important to humanize your customers by giving them names and drawing images of them. Include all of the target market details on your customer profile and then fill in the gaps with educated guesses based on what you already know.

For example, if your target market is women age 30 to 45 who have a family with young children and work at a high-stress job outside the home, you can safely assume that they are pressed for time.

They don’t want to buy clothes they have to steam or iron or have to take to the dry cleaners. They want to purchase clothes that can be washed and dried easily at home and put on without worrying about wrinkles. They need outfits that they can wear to work and wear to the park with their kids without stressing about having to take special care of their clothes.

Develop a Marketing Plan to Reach Your Target Customer

Once you have a completed ideal customer profile worksheet, it’s important to apply it to your strategic marketing plan. The fundamental aspect of marketing is the marketing mix, which includes:

  • Product: Based on your profile, what kinds of clothes do your customers need and want?
  • Price: How much can your customers afford to pay? How much are they willing to pay?
  • Place: Where do your customers shop for clothes? What is the easiest way they can purchase your clothes?
  • Promotion: To what promotional channels do your customers pay attention: advertising, sales promotions, direct marketing, personal selling or public relations? To what kind of messaging will they respond?

By answering these questions using the target customer profile you created, you can begin to develop a strategic marketing plan that will effectively grab the attention of your consumers and persuade them to purchase your clothes. Whenever you need to make an important decision about your fashion business, go back to your target customer profile to determine for what your prospects are looking.

How to Write a Target Customer Profile for a Fashion Line | Bizfluent (2024)


What should a target customer profile include? ›

The Steps to Creating a Target Consumer Profile
  • Age.
  • Gender.
  • Marital status.
  • Number of dependents.
  • Occupation.
  • Income.
  • Location.
  • Hobbies.

What is an example of a target audience for fashion? ›

Define Your Fashion Target Market: Start with the basics

For example, if you're selling kids' clothes, you're marketing to both the kids (who need to like a piece of clothing in order to wear it) and the parents (who are the ones, generally speaking, who purchase the clothing). Are you marketing to a specific gender?

How do you target customers in the fashion industry? ›

Before you can identify your target market successfully, it is important to define your brands aim and what your product features and benefits are.
When defining demographics consider the following:
  1. age.
  2. gender.
  3. income.
  4. location.
  5. interests.
  6. stage of life (i.e. university students, parents, retirees)
Jul 17, 2020

What is a customer profile example? ›

It includes information like the company's size, industry, location, revenue, and target audience. The profile may also cover the decision-makers at the client company. A customer profile in a B2C context focuses on individual customers and features demographic data like age, gender, and lifestyle preferences.

Who is the target customer for clothing business? ›

Customer Segmentation

High school and middle school age consumers looking for the trendiest in latest fashion. College age consumers that are looking for trendy clothing at an affordable price. Young professionals in search of trendy clothing at an affordable price for themselves and their children.

What are the 4 parts of a consumer profile? ›

A customer profile, or a consumer profile, is a detailed description of your current customers. In a customer profile, you'd identify purchasing behaviors, pain points, psychographic data, and demographic data with the intent of targeting similar customers in your sales and marketing campaigns.

What are the 3 methods of customer profiling? ›

There are various ways to do customer profiling. Psychographic, consumer typology, and consumer characteristics are three useful strategies.

What is customer profile description? ›

A customer profile can be based on a number of identifiers including demographics, location, hobbies, preferred social media channels, likes/dislikes, buying patterns, psychographics and credit background.

What are the 6 categories of target audience? ›

Looking for a new way to segment your target audience? This is everything you need to know about the 6 types of market segmentation: demographic, geographic, psychographic, behavioural, needs-based and transactional.

What are 5 things you must consider for your target audience? ›

5 Tips To Consider When Selecting Your Target Audience
  • 1 – Why are you researching. Firstly, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve. ...
  • 2 – Use existing market research. Defining an audience for an online questionnaire is not only about demographics. ...
  • 3 – Be selective. ...
  • 4 – Have a plan B. ...
  • 5 – Measure what you do.
Feb 6, 2013

What are four 4 key ways to identify a target audience? ›

Determining your primary target audience is crucial when launching a business, or a product or service from your existing business. Geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral are the four levels of segmentation that can help define your business's primary target audience.

Who is Zara's target market? ›

ZARA's target consumer is often between the ages of 18 and 40, with a medium-high income. Furthermore, it targets customers based on their fashion awareness. They are frequently busy individuals, which is taken into account in ZARA's strategy, which aims to get customers to buy on impulse.

What are H&M target customers? ›

Most firms target customers within the high-income category, particularly firms dealing in fashionable and luxury products. However, H&M is targeting both low and high-income customers. In other words, the firm's products directly appeal to low and high-income consumers.

Who is Shein's target customer? ›

Targeting Gen Z consumers

Shein's target audience are price-driven customers who love online shopping from all over the world. The most common purchases on the website come from: Gen Z consumers, mostly women. Parents of children from 1 to 15 years old.

Who is the fashion buyer for target? ›

Carrie Sinclair - Senior Buyer, Women's Apparel - Target | LinkedIn.

What is an example of a profile for a target segment? ›

Target market demographics examples include characteristics such as age, gender, income level and marital status. Through market research, the company may identify its ideal customer as a married, college-educated female aged 30 to 35 with an annual income level of $35,000 to $45,000.

What do customer profiles contain? ›

A customer profile is a detailed description of your current customers based on their demographic information, geographical location, purchasing behaviours, or the likelihood to use certain products and channels.

What is client profile in fashion? ›

Customer profiles for your clothing brand

A customer profile is a detailed description of your ideal customer. You can have one or several profiles, but you should never have more than 3. If you have too many you lose focus.

Who is your target customer example? ›

Target Customers

A target customer is an individual that's most likely to buy your product. And it's a subset of the broader target market. For example, if your target market is female athletes between the ages of 13 to 25, a target customer could be female athletes in the specific age range of 13 to 16.

What are the 4 P's of target? ›

Marketing Strategy of Target analyses the brand with the marketing mix framework which covers the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion).

What are the different types of target customers? ›

What Are The 5 Target Market Segments? The four target markets are geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral.

What is an example of a target market statement? ›

For example, a children's toy may have boys ages 9–11 as the target market and the boys' parents as the target audience. It may also be defined as the consumer segment most likely to be influenced by an advertising campaign. The target market is also distinct from the buyer persona.

What are four examples of audience demographics? ›

Demographic information examples include: age, race, ethnicity, gender, marital status, income, education, and employment. You can easily and effectively collect these types of information with survey questions.

What are Zara's customer demographics? ›

Zara is a Contemporary, fast-fashion retailer. It's demographics Consists of children and both men and women between the ages of 18 and 40 with a mid-range income. Zara often targets Millennials and young adults who are fashion-forward and socially conscious.

Who is Urban Outfitters target market? ›

Urban Outfitters targets young adults aged 18 to 28 through a unique merchandise mix, compelling store environment, social media and third-party digital platforms, websites and mobile applications.

What age is Zara aimed at? ›

Since 1974, the year Zara was founded, the brand has been able to keep up with rapidly changing trends. The brand style is trendy and urban, at relatively low prices. The offering is broad and targets not only women and men aged 20 to 45 but also children.

Who are your main target customers? ›

Your target audience refers to the specific group of consumers most likely to want your product or service, and therefore, the group of people who should see your ad campaigns. Target audience may be dictated by age, gender, income, location, interests or a myriad of other factors.

Who is FashionValet target market? ›

From the onset, the FashionValet target market consisted of mainly young female fashion enthusiasts between the ages of 25 and 40.

Who is the target market for beauty products? ›

Examples of Target Markets

Hence, from a generic point of view, a typical cosmetics business dealing in make-up items and other skincare products will primarily have women, aged 18 and above as its target market.

What is the profile of luxury consumers? ›

Luxury customers feel power from spending big and satisfaction from obtaining exclusive, rare, and quality products. Luxury shoppers demand their brands to be 'woke'. They are concerned with the environment, including social and political issues.

What are the 4 types of luxury consumers? ›

Summary: There are four primary categories of luxury shoppers: window shoppers, personal stylists, occasional splurgers, and big spenders. Luxury brands often fail their customers during the “consider” phase of their journey.

What is Louis Vuitton consumer profile? ›

The average Louis Vuitton consumer is a high-level & social-class individual who is fashion-conscious. Possessing Louis Vuitton merchandise confers a high social prestige. Louis Vuitton places a premium on the material's quality, as well as the designs and craftsmanship of its goods.

What is profile summary for fashion designer? ›

create or visualise an idea and produce a design by hand or using computer-aided design (CAD) create moodboards to show to clients. keep up to date with emerging fashion trends as well as general trends relating to fabrics, colours and shapes. plan and develop ranges, often based on a theme.

How do you write a fashion brand description? ›

7 Tips for Writing a Winning Fashion Product Description
  1. Be Conversational. Write like you're talking directly to your customer. ...
  2. Be Consistent with Your Brand Voice. ...
  3. Tell a Story. ...
  4. Know What Matters to Your Customer. ...
  5. Focus on the Benefits of the Features. ...
  6. Consider Your Formatting. ...
  7. Think About SEO.
Feb 6, 2019

What is customer profile of Zara? ›

The Zara target market includes women and men, mainly younger adults in the age range of 18 to 40. This places the Zara segmentation strategy as largely focusing on Millennials and Gen Z, who are both fashion conscious and tech savvy.

What are the 5 types of client profiling? ›

Here are five customer profiling methods to use when you're trying to better understand your consumers:
  • Income. As you're building your customer profile, it's helpful to consider the income range of your clientele. ...
  • Buying habits. ...
  • Lifestyle. ...
  • Hobbies. ...
  • Age and sex.
Aug 4, 2022

What should a client profile look like? ›

A client profile is a comprehensive portrait of your target audience that includes information on client demographic, persona, psychographic, and purchasing habits, and allows you to specify how the client might benefit from your business offerings.

How do you write a profile description example? ›

I am an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable, responsible and hard working person. I am a mature team worker and adaptable to all challenging situations. I am able to work well both in a team environment as well as using own initiative. I am able to work well under pressure and adhere to strict deadlines.

How do you write a profile description? ›

General guidelines to keep in mind: Keep your profile short. Two to five phrases written in a bulleted form or brief paragraph will do. Think of the summary as a snapshot of your skills, accomplishments, and knowledge.
Strengths include:
  1. Leadership.
  2. Marketing.
  3. Training.
  4. Time Management.
  5. Relationship Building.
  6. Public Speaking.

How do I introduce my clothing business? ›

Remember that all of today's iconic brands got their start somewhere.
  1. Identify a need in the market. ...
  2. Develop a business plan. ...
  3. Identify your target audience. ...
  4. Start designing. ...
  5. Find a clothing manufacturer. ...
  6. Choose a brand name, logo, and market profile. ...
  7. Choose a price point for your items. ...
  8. Begin the marketing process.
Sep 29, 2021

What is fashion statement example? ›

In the pageant she made a memorable fashion statement by wearing a very revealing top and hotpants. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. His royal clothes created an impeccably neat look that managed to be stylish without making an overt fashion statement.

Who is the target audience of H&M? ›

H&M uses psychographic segmentation, targeting at customers who belong to the group of fashionable and trendy consumers, who see shopping as a social activity providing pleasure in their daily life.

What is fashion demographics? ›

Demographic segmentation divides consumers into groups based on variables such as age, gender, income, occupation, stage in lifecycle, generation, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and social class.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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