How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (2024)

Last updated: August 31, 2023

By: Miles HenryFact Checked

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Recently our grandson assisted the farrier; he held the horses and watched the hoofs trimmed and horseshoes replaced. This experience put his curious mind in overdrive, and he wanted to know all about shoeing horses, so I researched to provide accurate information.

Horseshoes attach to a horse’s foot with nails driven through the horseshoes and into the hoof wall. As the hoof grows, the nails loosen, and the effectiveness of the horseshoe is lost and must be removed, the foot trimmed, and a new shoe reattached. Typically horseshoes are replaced every six weeks.

Many new horse owners understand horses need shelter, exercise, and nutrition. But there is much more to caring for horses, and horseshoe maintenance is essential.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (1)

The Purpose of Horseshoes

Have you ever wondered why we place these curved metal items on our horses’ feet? At first glance, it might seem odd, but these horseshoes play a pivotal role in a horse’s daily life. Let’s delve into the main reasons behind their use.

1. Protection against Wear and Injury

Think about it: Horses weigh a lot, often over a thousand pounds, and all that weight is supported by their four hooves. Now, picture them moving on rocky terrains, rough pastures, or hard roads.

Without protection, their hooves can wear down or get injured rapidly, just as our own feet would if we walked miles every day without shoes. Horseshoes act like a durable pair of boots, shielding the hooves from the constant impact of the ground, ensuring they remain healthy and injury-free.

2. Enhanced Grip and Traction

Imagine wearing smooth-soled shoes on a slippery surface – not fun, right? Horses, too, need a good grip, especially when they are galloping, trotting, or working on diverse terrains. Horseshoes provide that extra traction.

Depending on the surface, there are even specialized shoes to ensure that horses have the best footing possible, whether they’re dancing in a dressage arena or trekking up mountain paths.

3. Corrective Measures for Foot Problems or Conformation Issues

Just as some of us need orthotics or special footwear to correct foot problems, horses sometimes require corrective shoeing. Some horses might have uneven hooves, while others could have specific gait abnormalities.

In these cases, horseshoes aren’t just for protection – they’re a tool that can help balance a horse’s foot, correct its gait, or alleviate pain from conditions like laminitis. A skilled farrier can design and fit horseshoes to address these individual needs, ensuring the horse can move comfortably and safely.

In essence, horseshoes aren’t just a centuries-old tradition; they’re a testament to our understanding and care for these magnificent creatures. Every shoeing choice we make is a step towards ensuring their comfort, health, and performance.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (2)

How to Determine When Your Horse Needs New Shoes

Just like we keep an eye on our shoes for signs of wear, it’s crucial to regularly check our horse’s shoes to ensure they’re in top condition. Keeping their feet protected and properly shod isn’t just a matter of tradition—it’s essential for their well-being. Here’s how you can tell it’s time for a change:

1. Signs of Wear and Tear

  • Visible Thinning: This is one of the most apparent indicators. As a shoe wears down, it becomes thinner. If you look at the shoe and think it looks notably less substantial than when it was first applied, it might be time for a change.
  • Cracks or Breaks: Any visible cracks, especially those that span a large portion of the shoe, are an urgent sign that a replacement is needed. Breaks can compromise the shoe’s structural integrity and, in turn, its protective function.
  • Loose or Shifting Shoes: If the shoe isn’t securely attached to the hoof anymore or if it has started to shift position, it’s a clear sign that a farrier visit is due. A loose shoe can not only fall off but also cause injury.

2. Observing the Horse’s Gait and Behavior

  • Limping or Uneven Strides: This is an obvious red flag. If your horse begins to limp or its stride seems off, it may be due to a shoe problem. While there could be other reasons for limping, a shoe check should be high on your troubleshooting list.
  • Reluctance to Walk on Certain Terrains: Horses are usually adaptive creatures, comfortably moving across a variety of terrains. If you suddenly notice your horse hesitating or showing reluctance on surfaces it was previously okay with, it could be signaling discomfort due to worn-out shoes.

In the world of horse care, vigilance is key. Regularly monitoring your horse’s shoes and behavior can prevent potential injuries and ensure they’re always stepping comfortably. Remember, a happy hoof means a happy horse!

3. Foot and Hoof Injuries.

When a horse experiences a foot injury, such as a hoof crack, it necessitates a thoughtful approach to aid healing. Typically, the process involves the removal of existing shoes, treating the injury, and applying specialized shoes.

The overarching goal is to stabilize the hoof and distribute the horse’s weight effectively to facilitate the healing process. Various methods are employed by skilled farriers to achieve this goal. Among them, egg-bar shoes or bar shoes are commonly used. These shoes are often customized to suit the individual needs of the horse, ensuring the best possible outcome.

In some cases, the nature of the injury may be severe, affecting the coronary band or leading to cracked hooves. In these scenarios, the horse might require corrective shoeing for the remainder of its life. This approach becomes essential to provide ongoing support and comfort for the horse.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (3)

Average Lifespan of Horseshoes

If you’ve ever wondered how long a horseshoe lasts, you’re not alone. While the average lifespan of a horseshoe is about six weeks, this can vary. Just as a runner wouldn’t use a single pair of running shoes for an entire year, a horse’s shoes also have a lifespan. And just like our shoes, several factors come into play when determining how long a horseshoe will actually last.

1. Factors Influencing Wear Rate

  • Horse’s Activity Level: Much like the soles of our shoes wear out faster when we’re active, a horse’s shoes will degrade at different rates depending on their activity level. For instance:
    • Trail Riding: Horses frequently taken on trails, especially rocky ones, may wear out their shoes faster due to the constant abrasion against rough surfaces.
    • Showjumping: Jumping exerts a lot of force on landing. This, coupled with frequent training sessions, means show jumpers might need shoe replacements more often than leisure horses.
  • Terrain and Ground Conditions: The ground a horse walks on daily has a huge impact on shoe wear. Soft, grassy pastures cause minimal wear, whereas gravel roads or stony fields can be abrasive. Wet and muddy conditions can also sometimes hasten the deterioration of certain shoe materials.
  • Quality of the Shoe Material: Not all horseshoes are created equal. Materials vary in durability:
    • Steel Shoes: These are robust and wear-resistant, often preferred for working horses or those frequently on abrasive terrains.
    • Aluminum Shoes: Lighter than steel and commonly used for racehorses or show horses. They might wear out faster when used on hard or rocky surfaces.

In general, while the typical recommendation is to check and possibly replace horseshoes every six weeks, the actual lifespan can vary based on the above factors. Regular checks and understanding your horse’s specific conditions will ensure that their feet are always protected and comfortable.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (4)

Scheduling Regular Farrier Visits

One of the crucial responsibilities of a horse owner is ensuring the well-being of their horse’s hooves. It’s not just about noticing when the shoes wear out; it’s also about proactive care. Regular visits from a skilled farrier are an integral part of this.

1. The General Recommendation for Reshoeing Intervals

While the average lifespan of a horseshoe is around six weeks, this isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. Depending on the factors discussed earlier, such as your horse’s activity level and the terrain they tread on, this interval might vary.

However, as a general rule of thumb, scheduling a farrier visit every 6 to 8 weeks is a good practice. This ensures that, even if the shoes aren’t worn out, the horse’s hooves are inspected, trimmed, and kept in optimal condition.

2. Importance of Having a Qualified Farrier

It might be tempting to save a few bucks by hiring someone less experienced or trying DIY fixes, but this could cost more in the long run—both in terms of money and your horse’s health. A qualified farrier not only replaces horseshoes but also:

  • Recognizes early signs of hoof diseases or issues.
  • Provides advice on hoof care and prevention of problems.
  • Crafts and adjusts shoes tailored to your horse’s specific needs.

Having someone knowledgeable and experienced ensures your horse’s feet are in the best possible hands. I’ve had friends try out new farriers that caused serious issues with their horse’s feet. Talk to people and get recommendations. Do not use just anyone.

3. Keeping a Log of Shoeing Dates and Any Observed Issues

Maintaining a log might seem like extra work, but it’s invaluable. By jotting down each visit’s date, any observations the farrier made, and issues you’ve noticed, you create a timeline of your horse’s hoof health. This can:

  • Help you identify patterns or recurring problems.
  • Provide a quick reference for when the last shoeing took place.
  • Be useful information if you need to consult with a veterinarian or another farrier in the future.

Proactive and regular hoof care, aided by a trusted farrier, is the cornerstone of a happy and healthy horse. After all, the saying goes, “No hoof, no horse.” Prioritize their feet, and they’ll thank you with many years of loyal companionship and performance.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (5)

Types of Horseshoes & Their Uses

When it comes to outfitting our horses with the perfect set of shoes, there’s more to consider than just size. Depending on the horse’s job, terrain, and health, there are various types of horseshoes to choose from. Let’s dive into the world of horseshoes and understand which might be best for your equine companion.

1. Basic Materials: Steel vs. Aluminum

  • Steel Horseshoes: Known for their durability and longevity, steel shoes are the go-to for many workhorses or those frequently trekking on abrasive terrains. They’re heavier than aluminum, which can be both an advantage (added durability) and a drawback (more weight for the horse to lift).
  • Aluminum Horseshoes: These are lighter and are often the choice for performance horses, especially in disciplines where speed and agility are paramount, like racing or showjumping. However, they might wear out faster when used on rugged terrains.

2. Specialty Shoes:

Not all horses have the same needs. Sometimes, specific situations or conditions require a more specialized shoe:

  • Corrective Shoes: Designed for horses with hoof or gait abnormalities, these shoes can help balance the horse’s foot and correct its gait, offering relief from conditions like laminitis.
  • Snow Pads: Living in snowy regions? These are designed to prevent snow from balling up under the horse’s hoof, ensuring better traction and reducing the risk of slips.
  • Racing Plates: As the name suggests, these are specially designed for racehorses. They’re light, often made of aluminum, and designed to maximize speed while providing necessary protection.

3. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Type of Shoe

Selecting the right shoe isn’t just about the horse’s job. Here are some other things to think about:

  • Horse’s Comfort: Always prioritize the horse’s comfort. If they seem uncomfortable or experience difficulties with a new type of shoe, it might not be the right fit for them.
  • Terrain and Ground Conditions: As discussed, the type of ground the horse primarily walks or works on plays a significant role in shoe selection.
  • Specific Needs: Does your horse have any particular health or gait issues? Perhaps a corrective shoe or added support might be necessary.
  • Cost: While you shouldn’t skimp on quality, it’s essential to consider the cost, especially if frequent replacements are needed due to the shoe’s material or the horse’s activity.

In the vast realm of horseshoes, there’s a fit for every hoof. Consulting with a qualified farrier will provide the insights and recommendations needed to ensure your horse is not only protected but also strides with confidence and comfort.

Recognizing & Addressing Common Horseshoe Problems

Just like humans can have foot issues, horses can experience problems related to their hooves and horseshoes. Identifying and addressing these issues promptly is essential for maintaining your horse’s overall health and comfort.

1. Overgrown or Split Hooves

  • Signs: If you notice the edges of the hoof growing past the shoe or if the hoof begins to crack or split, your horse might be dealing with overgrown or split hooves.
  • Causes: Overgrowth can be due to the interval between farrier visits being too long or the horse not wearing down their hooves naturally. Splitting can result from a variety of factors, including poor hoof health or brittleness.
  • Addressing: Regular farrier visits are crucial. They’ll trim the hooves and shape them properly. If splits are severe, they might use treatments to promote healing. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients supports hoof health.

2. Shoes Coming Off Prematurely

  • Signs: If you’re finding horseshoes in the paddock more often than usual, your horse’s shoes might be coming off prematurely.
  • Causes: This can be due to various factors, such as poor shoe fit, the horse’s activity level, or even subpar workmanship during shoeing.
  • Addressing: Ensuring a qualified and experienced farrier is fitting the shoes is the first step. They will select the right size and type of shoe and attach them securely. If shoes continue to come off, it might indicate an underlying issue that requires further investigation.

3. Bruises or Injuries Caused by Shoes

  • Signs: If your horse appears tender-footed or is visibly in pain when walking, they might have suffered bruising or injury due to their shoes.
  • Causes: Poorly fitted shoes, shoes that have shifted, or shoes with rough edges can cause bruising or even open sores.
  • Addressing: Regular checks for shoe fit and condition can prevent this issue. If you suspect a bruise or injury, consult your farrier. They can address the issue and recommend treatments to aid healing.

Being proactive in identifying and addressing these common horseshoe problems ensures your horse’s comfort and prevents more severe complications. Regular communication with your farrier and consistent hoof care routines are key to maintaining your horse’s hoof health. Remember, happy hooves lead to a happy horse.

Tips for First-Time Horse Owners

Owning a horse can be an incredibly rewarding journey, but it also comes with responsibilities that extend beyond just riding. Proper horse care involves a holistic approach that encompasses their overall well-being. Here are some essential tips for first-time horse owners:

1. Establishing a Routine Hoof Care Regimen

  • Regular Farrier Visits: As we’ve discussed earlier, a qualified farrier is your partner in maintaining your horse’s hoof health. Regular visits for trimming and shoeing, usually every 6 to 8 weeks, keep hooves in optimal condition.
  • Daily Checks: Develop a habit of checking your horse’s hooves daily. This helps you catch any issues early, such as loose shoes, cracks, or signs of discomfort.

2. Importance of Clean and Dry Living Conditions for Horses

  • Clean Stalls and Paddocks: Horses spend a significant amount of time in their living areas. Regularly cleaning and removing waste helps prevent hoof infections and other health issues.
  • Avoid Moisture Build-up: Moist environments can lead to hoof issues. Ensure proper drainage and use bedding that absorbs moisture, keeping hooves dry and healthy. I recommend pine shavings.

3. Observing and Familiarizing Yourself with the Horse’s Normal Behavior to Notice Changes

  • Spend Time with Your Horse: The more you interact with your horse, the better you’ll understand their usual demeanor and behavior. Spend quality time grooming, leading, and simply being around them.
  • Monitor for Changes: Horses are creatures of habit. Any abrupt changes in behavior, eating patterns, or movement might indicate an issue. By knowing what’s “normal,” you can promptly address abnormalities.

Remember, being a responsible horse owner goes beyond just riding—it’s a commitment to the horse’s overall health and well-being. Regular care, observation, and a willingness to learn will create a strong foundation for a wonderful partnership with your equine companion.

Horseshoes are Nailed and Clinched to a Horse’s Foot.

Farriers keep a stock of commercial standard-sized metal horseshoes. With a lot of heat and a little hammering, shoes are customized to fit the horse’s feet. Once the shoe is sized correctly, the farrier drives nails up and through the shoe and into the horse’s hoof wall.

The portion of the nail tip that protrudes through the hoof wall is clipped and squeezed to secure it tightly to the hoof, which is called clinching. In general, the process of putting on horseshoes is painless when done by an experienced farrier.

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (6)

Cracked Hooves in Horses: Causes and Care

Noticing an unexplained hoof crack in your horse can be perplexing. Hoof cracks result from multiple factors like genetics, inadequate care, nutrition, conformation, or accidents. While some heal on their own, others threaten a horse’s health.

Preventing Cracks: Proper Trimming

A farrier’s skill in fitting shoes influences weight distribution and hoof health. Correctly balanced hooves prevent pressure points that lead to cracks. Regular trimming and care are essential for barefoot horses.

Diet and Hoof Health

Hoof strength is influenced by diet. Forage rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids supports healthy hooves. Nutrients like biotin, zinc, methionine, cystine, and cysteine are crucial. Quality hay ensures strong hooves.

Early Action Matters

Timely attention to minor cracks prevents major problems. Regular grooming helps detect issues early. Proactive care and a balanced diet are the cornerstones of strong, crack-free hooves.

In the journey of horse care, ensuring healthy hooves safeguards your horse’s comfort and well-being.

Why Don’t Wild Horses Need Shoes?

We recently went to Baton Rouge for the Bureau of Land Management wild horse sale and noticed none of the animals wore shoes. Since we’ve been, he’s been so enthralled with horseshoes; lately, he wanted to know why wild horses don’t need shoes.

Wild horses don’t need shoes because their feet evolved to adjust to the environment. It’s also likely genetically that they have superior feet to their domestic relatives because they’ve never worn shoes, and their constant movement over dry, rough terrain hardens their hooves.

Horse owners breed for specific equine activities without regard to a horse’s hoof. However, in the wild, horses without good feet don’t survive. So it’s very likely that wild horses have genetically healthier hooves than domesticated horses.

Horses’ Hooves are used to Make Glue.

Hoof glue has been around for thousands of years. The keratin and collagen in a horse’s hoof make an excellent adhesive. Horse hooves were widely used in the past to make glue, and it is still used today in limited fashions, such as making fine cabinetry and other delicate woodworking projects.

Below is an informative YouTube video explaining why horses need shoes.


In the world of horse care, there’s a saying that holds true: “No hoof, no horse.” The health of your horse’s hooves is a foundational aspect of their overall well-being. As a first-time horse owner, it’s vital to remember that proper hoof care isn’t just an occasional task—it’s an ongoing commitment that directly impacts your horse’s comfort, mobility, and happiness.

By emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups and maintaining good hoof health, you’re ensuring that your horse’s feet are always in the best possible condition. Regular visits from a skilled farrier help catch potential issues early and ensure your horse’s hooves are balanced and properly shod. This proactive approach can prevent a myriad of problems down the road.

Investing in quality care and materials isn’t just a financial decision—it’s an investment in your horse’s quality of life. From selecting the right type of horseshoes to providing clean and dry living conditions, every choice you make contributes to the long-term health and happiness of your equine companion.

Remember, as you embark on this incredible journey as a horse owner, your dedication to their well-being speaks volumes about your commitment to being a responsible and caring guardian. By prioritizing their hoof health, you’re not only preserving a centuries-old tradition but also ensuring that your horse’s journey alongside you is one of comfort, vitality, and shared moments of joy.


Are horseshoes lucky?

The horseshoe has been traditionally considered a symbol of good luck, especially in Western cultures. The origins of this belief are unclear, but it may be due to the horseshoe’s protective powers or its association with the moon, which is often linked to good fortune.

How many times can you reuse a horseshoe?

In general, horseshoes aren’t reused but replaced. However, they can be reused once or twice depending on various factors, including the type of shoe, the horse’s work, the terrain it covers, and the amount of wear and tear on the shoe.

Miles Henry

Meet Miles Henry

An avid equestrian and seasoned racehorse owner, Miles Henry brings his extensive experience to the equine world, proudly associating with the AQHA, The Jockey Club, and various other equine organizations. Beyond the racetrack, Miles is an accomplished author, having published various books about horses, and is a recognized authority in the field, with his work cited in multiple publications.

🔗 Connect with Miles:

YouTube: Check out race highlights, horse care tips, and more!

How, Why And When Horseshoes Need To Be Changed (2024)


Why do horseshoes need to be changed? ›

As the hoof grows, the nails that keep the shoe on become loose and the horse can lose a shoe. Regular hoof trims and re-shoeing help keep your horse's hooves in good condition and properly balanced as well as replacing loose nails.

How often should I replace my horseshoes? ›

Shod horses need to be re-shod every four to six weeks irrespective of whether they have worn the shoes out or not. The hooves grow continuously and when shod the hoof cannot wear down as it can (in the correct conditions) with an unshod horse.

How have horseshoes changed over time? ›

Early nailed horseshoes were made using bronze, and had a scalloped outer rim consisting of six nail holes. Eventually, this increased to eight nail holes and the shoes were made from heavier materials. Iron became a common metal used to make horseshoes, and these shoes actually became a valuable commodity.

Why can't you reuse horseshoes? ›

The process of removing and reapplying a horse shoe is sometimes called resetting or re-shoeing. Sometimes the same shoe can be reused and sometimes a brand new shoe will be needed. The metal in the shoe wears down over time, so your farrier will let you know if the old shoes are too thin to be reused.

How do you know when a horse needs new shoes? ›

There are a number of signs that could indicate that your horse's shoes will need to be reset: A shoe has worked loose, or come off completely. The nails that hold the shoe in place are started to push up from the hoof wall.

Who changes horseshoes? ›

A farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of horses' hooves and the placing of shoes on their hooves, if necessary.

How much does it cost to change horseshoes? ›

Nationally, the typical full-time U.S. farrier charges $131.46 for a trim and nailing on four keg shoes while part-time farriers charge an average of $94.49 for the same work. The charges for resetting keg shoes averages $125.52 for full-time farriers and 95% of farriers reset some keg shoes.

Why are horseshoes important? ›

Horses wear shoes to strengthen and protect their hooves and feet. Horseshoes prevent the hooves from wearing down too quickly, protecting them from damage and injury. In particular, the frog, due to its soft and tender nature, can be more susceptible to injuries than other parts of their hoof.

How to change horse shoes? ›

Close the jaws of the pull-offs around the outside heel of the shoe and use an outside to center rocking motion, working towards the toe to loosen the shoe. Repeat for the inside heel and proceed in this fashion until the shoe can be pulled off.

Do horses still need horseshoes? ›

Many breeds of horses were not bred with hoof strength in mind, leading to weaker hooves in some breeds. However, under normal conditions, horses may not need horseshoes and can go without, which is referred to as going barefoot. Horse hooves are similar to human nails, only much thicker.

Why are old horseshoes lucky? ›

Horseshoes have long been considered lucky. They were originally made of iron, a material that was believed to ward off evil spirits, and traditionally were held in place with seven nails, seven being the luckiest number.

What is the oldest horseshoe ever found? ›

The earliest forms of horseshoes can be found as early as 400 BC. Materials used ranged from plants, rawhide and leather strap gears referred to as “hipposandals” by the Romans. In Ancient Asia, horsem*n equipped their horses with shoes made out of woven plants.

Do horses like being ridden? ›

Horses are comfortable being ridden as long as we treat them kindly and respectfully. They enjoy the experience and benefit from the exercises. However, this doesn't give us the leeway to ride every horse.

How long can a horse go without a shoe? ›

Depending on your horse's feet condition, they might never actually need shoes. But even if your horse has “bad feet” they can probably last a day or two. If you're concerned about it, don't work them or turn them out in a rocky or muddy pasture.

Do horses like getting their shoes changed? ›

Study: Horses Find 'Comfort' After Trimming and Reshoeing – The Horse.

Do wild horses have overgrown hooves? ›

These herds can roam for many miles at high speed to reach food and water. They do this daily, so end up covering a substantial number of miles compared to domestic horses. The more steps they take, the more chance they have of wearing the hooves down naturally. They never have a chance to grow too long.

Do horses feel pain when shoes are put on? ›

The sensation of having a shoe put on is a little like tapping the end of your fingernails. Horses can feel vibrations made by the hammer as it drives nails into insensitive parts of the hoof, but they should never feel any pain.

What happens if horse hooves are not trimmed? ›

When a horse is forced to walk with overgrown hooves, they have to compensate for it which means they are essentially walking on the balls of their feet, which stretches the tendons and can lead to lameness. Hooves need to be trimmed every six to eight weeks to keep them in proper shape.

Why are horseshoes removed before surgery? ›

Arrange for your horse's shoes to be removed before surgery to help prevent the horse injuring itself when lying down or standing up. In an emergency, be prepared that your horse will have no shoes on after surgery.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.