How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (2024)

If you have 50 inch shoulders, then you definitely have an above average shoulder circumference for men in general population terms. But just how wide are 50″ shoulders? And are 50 in shoulders common for men who lift weights?

That’s the topic of this article. Using published anthropometric research and our own measurement data, I’ll explain how broad 50 inch shoulders really are for an adult male.

See How Your Shoulders Compare:

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How wide are 50 inch shoulders?

How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (1)

Are 50 inch shoulders wide? Yes, based on all of the data that I’ve examined, 50 inch shoulders are definitely wide for a man. Specifically, 50″ shoulders are around 4 inches broader than average for an adult male. [1]

So, if you have a 50 inch shoulder circumference, then you can definitely say that you have broad shoulders. But as you’ve probably guessed, it’s not just the number on the tape measure that affects how your shoulders look.

It’s fair to say that no pair of 50 inch shoulders is complete without a much smaller waist. Indeed, the smaller your waist is in relation to your 50″ shoulders, the wider your shoulders will look. In other words, you’ll have a better v-taper, which is the hallmark of any masculine physique.

Even for someone who lifts weights, 50 in shoulders are still pretty broad because you either need long clavicles or a lot of muscle mass to get your shoulders to the 50-inch mark.

Is it good to have broad 50 inch shoulders?

How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (2)

Having broad 50 inch shoulders is good in the sense that it likely means having a prominent v-taper and thus an aesthetic physique. The better question is this: Are 50 inch shoulders broad given your genetics?

For example, if you have a fairly average frame but have managed to build 50 inch shoulders, then that’s very impressive indeed—you probably have well-developed deltoids and upper back muscles.

On the other hand, if you’re carrying a lot of excess body fat on a larger-than-average frame, then your 50″ shoulders won’t look as impressive because most of your size comes from bone and fat as opposed to muscle mass.

So, in the vast majority of cases, 50 in shoulders are impressive because most people will require years of weight lifting experience to get shoulders that wide. Indeed, some people can train their entire lives and never have 50 inch shoulders.

So, in summary, while some people do have shoulders that exceed 50 inches in circumference, most natural lifters don’t. As such, if you have a 50 inch shoulder measurement, then you should be very satisfied with that.

What do 50 inch shoulders look like?

How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (3)

As mentioned, your body composition is the main determinant of how your 50 inch shoulders actually look—lean and muscular 50″ shoulders will always look bigger and broader than fat and saggy 50″ shoulders.

But there’s one other factor that most people don’t consider, and that’s frame size (specifically clavicle length).

Let’s take two guys with 50 inch shoulders; one jacked and one skinny. I’d rather be the skinny guy. Why?

Because the skinny guy obviously has longer clavicles than the muscular man (otherwise, he wouldn’t have 50 in shoulders). When you have wide clavicles, you have a better genetic potential to build deltoid and upper back muscle mass, meaning that you can also build wider shoulders in absolute terms.

This isn’t to say, of course, that people with muscular 50 inch shoulders are narrow. Indeed, the opposite is most likely true; people with 50 inch shoulders generally have them due to a combination of longer-than-average clavicles and a filled-out, muscular frame.

Is it realistic to expand your 50″ shoulders?

How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (4)

Although it’s possible to expand your 50″ shoulders given a large enough frame and enough time and effort in the gym, not everyone has the genetics to surpass their 50 inch shoulder measurement.

For example, if you’re a bodybuilder with a relatively narrow frame, then you might have already worked really hard just to get into the 50 inch club. So it might not be realistic to gain a significant amount of extra size without getting fat (which would detract from your v-taper).

Of course, some individuals obviously do have the genetics to expand their shoulders past the 50-inch mark. In this case, adding mass to your deltoids, lats, and traps is the way to go.

Movements like lat pulldowns, cable rows, and pull-ups—just to name a few—can significantly broaden your back when performed heavily and with a good mind-muscle connection.

In a similar way, performing plenty of lateral raises, shoulder presses, front raises, face pulls, and rear delt flys will widen your shoulders and accentuate your v-taper.

Obviously, eating in a calorie surplus and getting plenty of protein is crucial for maximizing your shoulder circumference gains. This is especially true if you’ve already got a lot of size on your frame; you really do need to give your body a potent growth stimulus when you’re nearing your genetic potential.

Conclusion: How good are 50 inch shoulders for a natural lifter?

How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (5)

For a natural lifter, 50 inch shoulders are very good because virtually every gym-goer with 50″ shoulders has a lot of muscle on their frame.

Of course, if you do some reading online, then you might fool yourself into believing that 50 in shoulders are much more common than they actually are (people tend to only share their measurements when they’re well above average).

But in reality, 50 inch shoulders are actually quite rare because they require either a large frame and/or a substantial amount of muscle mass. So if you’ve got tape-measure-verified 50″ shoulders, then you should be very proud of what you’ve achieved.


  1. Mitchell, K. B., Choi, H. J., & Garlie, T. N. (2017). Anthropometry And Range Of Motion Of The Encumbered Soldier. U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center.
How Wide Are 50 Inch Shoulders? (2024)


Is 50 inch shoulders wide? ›

If you consider absolute size, then broad shoulders start at 130 cm (50–51 inch) depending on the size of the frame. That is the circumference of the shoulders.

What is the normal width of shoulders? ›

Still, based on biacromial measurements taken in years passed and trends observed by researchers, it's probably safe to say that in the United States average shoulder width is at least 16 inches (41 cm) for men and 14 inches (36 cm) for women.

What is the shoulder width of a 6 foot man? ›

17″ is about average for a 6′ man. That's measured from “bony crest to bony crest.”

How wide are bodybuilders shoulders? ›

Bass stated that Ahrens' shoulders were 26 5/8” wide and that most of the other bodybuilders and lifters he measured in the beach area had shoulders between 20”-21” wide.

What shoulder width is considered narrow? ›

Narrow Shoulders: 1.27 and below. Normal Shoulders: 1.32. Broad Shoulders: 1.38.

What is minimum shoulder width? ›

Shoulders provide an area for drivers to maneuver to avoid crashes (Figure 7). This is particularly important on high-speed, high-volume highways or at locations where there is limited stopping sight distance. Shoulder widths of approximately 8 feet or greater are normally required for this function.

What is a large shoulder width? ›

Normal Shoulders: 1.32. Broad Shoulders: 1.38. Head-Turning Broad Shoulders: 1.42. Crowd-Gathering Broad Shoulders: 1.47+

Are my shoulders too wide? ›

An easy way to tell is you have broad shoulders is to look at your shoulder width relative to the rest of your body's proportions. Take a look at your upper body without a top on, if it looks like your upper body is a well-defined V silhouette then it's likely you would be considered to have broad shoulders.

Are wide shoulders attractive? ›

A study by Cambridge University of more than 700 women found broad shoulders were the most attractive male asset. Why? Not only do big shoulders make you look strong but the wider you are up top, the thinner you appear at the waist, creating that V-shape that drives her wild.

What is the shoulder width for a 5 10 man? ›

The average man in the United States is 5-foot 10-inches tal, and weighs 172 pounds. His shoulder width is 18-1/4 inches. Using that as a starting number, if your shoulder width is approximately 18-1/4 inches . . . then, your shoulder width is AVERAGE or NORMAL.

What is the average shoulder width of a man? ›

Men, on average, have a 16.3-inch biacromial breadth in the 20-29 age group. It remains the same until they turn 50. Men see a 0.2-inch drop in their shoulder width as they enter the 50-59 age group. Furthermore, men between 60-69 have a 15.9-inch shoulder width, which further shrinks to 15.6 inches in their 70s.

What is 32 inch shoulder width? ›

The human body doesn't gain the same amount of size in all areas. As an example, the shoulder-to-shoulder measurement of a 32 inch bust is 14 inches. Contrast that to a 40 inch bust, which has a shoulder-to-shoulder measurement of 16 inches.

What size shoulders are most attractive? ›

An Archives of Sexual Behavior study reveals that women are most attracted to muscular men whose shoulders measure 1.6 times the size of their waists.

What body type has the widest shoulders? ›

The Mesomorph Body Type. The mesomorph is somewhere between the round endomorph and the thin ectomorph. Physically, they have the more 'desirable' body, and have: Large head, broad shoulders, and narrow waist (wedge-shaped).

Is 17 inches wide for shoulders? ›

The average shoulder width of a grown man is 16–17 inch and the average shoulder width of a woman is around 14 inch. So your shoulder width is above average.

Does weight affect shoulder width? ›

Yes, if your shoulders are wide due to the increased amount of fat or muscles. You can't lose weight only in one particular part of your body. So, when you lose weight, you burn fat from all over your body, which eventually makes your shoulders, along with the other parts of your body, slimmer.

How wide are shoulders on highways? ›

See Index 301.2(1) for minimum width if bike lanes are present. (6) 10-foot shoulders preferred. (7) Where on-street parking is allowed, 10 feet shoulder width is preferred.

What is a wide shoulder-to-waist ratio? ›

The Best Shoulder-To-Waist Ratio

So the goal is to get a shoulder-to-waist ratio of 1.618 (or better) to be considered broad-shouldered. Take a tailor's measuring tape and measure all the way around your shoulders and around your back. Keep the tape over your nipples. Take note of the measurement.

How much wider should shoulders be than waist? ›

The ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio for men is 1:6, meaning the shoulders are significantly larger than the waist. For women, the perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio is a little less at 1:4. These figures are based on something called the Golden Ratio, also known as the Adonis Index.

What defines a broader shoulder? ›

Be able to accept considerable responsibility, as in With his broad shoulders, he can easily handle both departments. [

Are your shoulders as wide as your hips? ›

After puberty, hips are generally wider than shoulders. However, not all females adhere to this stereotypical pattern of secondary sex characteristics.

Do big shoulders make you look bigger? ›

Wide shoulders are desirable because they can make your frame look more proportional by widening the appearance of the upper body. They create an inverted triangle shape in the upper body that's wider at the top and narrower at the waist. Wide shoulders are more square than round, and sometimes have a bony protrusion.

At what age do shoulders broaden? ›

Their body shape begins to change as their shoulders broaden and they gain weight and muscle. A growth spurt usually happens between ages 12 and 15.

What neck shape for wide shoulders? ›

A V-neck is the best neckline for broad shoulders because it elongates the body by creating a vertical line down the chest.

What is the average chest width of a man? ›

According to the survey, the average male has a chest width of 11.4 inches (28.9 cm). The normal range was between 10.68–12.1 inches or 27.2–30.8 cm.

Are 15 inch shoulders wide? ›

The average shoulder width of a grown man is 16–17 inch and the average shoulder width of a woman is around 14 inch. So your shoulder width is above average.

What is a fit weight for a 5 10 male? ›

Ideal Weight Chart
5' 10"149 - 183 lbs.135 - 165 lbs.
5' 11"155 - 189 lbs.140 - 171 lbs.
6' 0"160 - 196 lbs.144 - 176 lbs.
6' 1"166 - 202 lbs.149 - 182 lbs.
28 more rows

What is the ideal shoulder to waist ratio men? ›

The shoulder to waist ratio is determined by dividing the shoulder circumference to the waist circumference and the ideal number for men in 1.6, a derivative of the Golden Ratio. This is also known as Adonis Index and is the most important ratio for the overall look of the body.

What is hourglass shoulder width? ›

For example, you are an hourglass if your shoulders and hips measure 36 inches and your waist is 27 inches or smaller.

What size is 2XL in inches? ›

Big and Tall Size Guide
2 more rows

Are wide shoulders genetic? ›

A man's shoulder width can be influenced by one's father, but also from any number of other genes, some of which MIGHT appear in parents or grandparents, but also might not.

What top styles hide broad shoulders? ›

V-necks, scoop-necks and collarless blouses are great as they divert the attention toward your collarbones and chest area instead. Most sleeves look great on the body, for example fitted sleeves, raglans and loose and long dolman sleeves can make shoulders appear smaller.

Who has the broadest shoulders ever? ›

Peary Rader in LIFTING NEWS (Sep 1957, p 5) - About Ralph Bass: "Ralph recently made a set of calipers to measure certain bodily proportions with and found that the shoulders of Chuck Ahrens had an unbelievable span of 26-5/8". Most of the other musclemen at the beach range from 20 to 21 inches.

Can an hourglass figure have broad shoulders? ›

Both the Hourglass and Trapezoid are fortunate to naturally have broad shoulders and chest, which means you don't need any of the extra embellishments or construction details like shoulder pads and wide V-necks to strengthen this area.

What body type has bigger shoulders than hips? ›

If your shoulders and bust are larger than your relatively narrow hips, you have what's known as an inverted triangle or “apple” shape. Stylists may recommend tops that have some shaping around the waist and more open necklines, or clothing that shows off your legs.

How many heads wide should your shoulders be? ›

Average adults have a shoulder-width of a little under three heads, while children have shoulders that measure two heads or fewer. Aside from primary and secondary sexual characteristics, there are proportional differences between men and women that you need to consider when observing the figure.

How much wide can shoulders get? ›

It's possible to build the fronts of your shoulders (anterior deltoids) up to 5 times the size of the average untrained man, and it's possible to build the sides of your shoulders up to 3 times the size of the average untrained guy.

What shoulders width is considered broad for a woman? ›

To be termed wide-shouldered, you should have a shoulder-to-waist ratio of around 1.618 (or even better). Measure the circumference of your shoulders and back with a tailor's measuring tape. Then tape your nipples with the tape.

Who has the widest shoulder? ›

Chuck Ahrens - Legend with The Widest Shoulders in The World | Andre the giant, Muscle belly, Shoulder workout.

Is shoulder width genetic? ›

Shoulder width can be changed to a certain degree. You can't change your bone structure, which is determined mostly by genetics. This includes the width of the collarbones, an important part of shoulder width. However, you can build up and develop muscular shoulders.

How much wider should your shoulders be than your hips? ›

Just to be sure, check the numbers: Your shoulder or bust measurements are more than 5 percent bigger than your hip measurement. For example, if your shoulders measure 36 inches, your hips will be 34 1/4 inches or smaller. Your shoulders, bust and hips are around the same size, with no defined waistline.

What looks best on broad shoulders? ›

Offset your upper body with volume below: wide-leg pants; fuller skirts. Look for details that draw the eye up and down, not across—vee or scoop necks, vertical embellishments, long scarves and necklaces. Choose soft shoulders, raglan sleeves, halters—anything that isn't crisp and squared-off.

Are women's shoulders wider than hips? ›

Women typically have wider hips than shoulders, while the reverse is true for men.

Does shoulder width decrease with weight loss? ›

Yes, if your shoulders are wide due to the increased amount of fat or muscles. You can't lose weight only in one particular part of your body. So, when you lose weight, you burn fat from all over your body, which eventually makes your shoulders, along with the other parts of your body, slimmer.

Are 15 inch shoulders broad for a girl? ›

The average shoulder width for 18-year-old people assigned female at birth is about 14 inches or 35 centimeters. For the average 18-year-old female, the bicacromial or shoulder width is about 14 inches or 35 cm. For comparison, the average biacromial width is about 15 inches or 39 cm. for males of the same age.

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