Ice and Water Shield Roof | Installing Ice and Water Shield in Cold Weather (2024)

Most people who live in Wisconsin can appreciate why their home’s roof needs an ice and water leak barrier. Without an ice and water shield installed, ice dams, wind-driven rain, and snow buildup can lead to costly home repairs.

Unfortunately, it takes more than just having leak barrier installed on your home’s roof to prevent weather damage to your home. You need to make sure the ice and water barrier is installed correctly.

Ice and Water Shield Roof | Installing Ice and Water Shield in Cold Weather (1)What is an ice and water shield?
It’s a rubberized, waterproof underlay. These shields provide a protective barrier to vulnerable areas of your roof, and they prevent leaks due to damaging ice dams and other extreme weather conditions.

Where on the roof does this shield go?
This shield is placed on top of the wood sheathing and under the shingles on your roof. It should be installed behind the gutter and over the top of the fascia board, eliminating the gap between the fascia board and first roof board. When installed correctly, the ice and water shield will extend up the roof from the fascia board to a minimum of 2” past the exterior wall. This kind of placement ensures that the shield protects your roof against leaks and prevent ice dams from forming along the edge of your roof or gutters which are most vulnerable during the winter.

Who needs to have ice and water shields?
In the northern part of the United States where the average temperature in January is 25 degrees or lower, most building codes require protection against ice dams.

Why do you need ice water shields?

When water gets beneath your shingles, you could possibly develop a leak. This is why it’s a good idea to have ice water shields installed on your roof. There are a few ways this can happen:

You get an ice dam:When accumulated snow begins to melt on a sunny day, it begins to flow down your roof towards the edge, however, if the temperatures drop before the snow has melted, the runoff will freeze into ice. Once temperatures increase, the layer of ice can take longer to melt from the temperatures behind it. So you get a scenario where the ice acts like a dam, keeping away newly melted water and pushing it back up your roof, underneath your shingles.

There are alsosever storms. During a tornado or other severe weather, harsh winds could lift shingles, thus leaving an unprotected area so rain can seep in, or push the rainwater underneath the shingles, causing a leak.

In these scenarios, a waterproof barrier that fits the house – which cannot be lifted or moved by ice and/or heavy winds will definitely prevent water from leaking to your house. However, it will transport water downward, into the gutter.

As part of our commitment to quality, A Custom To, LLC installs ice and water shields at all eaves, around chimneys and fireplaces, in all valleys, and all possible problem areas on your roof. Ask about integrating this leak barrier into our roofing repair services.

If you think your home needs ice and water shield installation, if you’re not sure if you have/need one, or you suspect the one you have is installed incorrectly, give us a call at (414) 376-5568 or contact us today to schedule an inspection and receive your free estimate.

Ice and Water Shield Roof | Installing Ice and Water Shield in Cold Weather (2024)


Ice and Water Shield Roof | Installing Ice and Water Shield in Cold Weather? ›

If installing in cooler temperatures, unroll the membrane, cut into manageable lengths (10' to 15' long), and lay them out to relax before installing. Storage conditions and temperatures will determine how long this might take, so times will vary.

Can an ice and water shield be installed in cold weather? ›

Membrane Installation. Apply GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® underlayment in fair weather when the air, roof deck, and membrane are at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher. Apply roof covering material at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher.

Is it okay to put an ice and water shield on the entire roof? ›

Not necessarily. Covering your entire roof may be overkill. In most cases, if you place the ice and water shield in vulnerable areas — near eaves, valleys, low pitches, and along chimneys, for example — you'll be able to prevent most leaks without spending more money than necessary.

When should you use an ice and water shield? ›

Any feature that penetrates the roof deck, such as dormers and skylights, can benefit from the application of ice and water protection. Low-slope roofs, between the minimum of 2:12 and 4:12, are also high risk and should be protected with ice and water protector.

What temperature is too cold to put on a roof? ›

There is certainly a point at which roofing shouldn't proceed — usually when temperatures drop below 40°F. The materials react poorly to cold, as do the workers trying to install them. Brittle shingles, ineffective adhesives, and many other issues can compromise roofs installed in freezing conditions.

What temperature should ice and water shield be? ›

Apply GRACE ICE & WATER SHIELD® HT roofing underlayment in fair weather when the air, roof deck, and membrane are at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher. Apply roof covering material at temperatures of 40°F (5°C) or higher. Cut the membrane into 10–15 ft (3–5 m) lengths and reroll loosely.

How long can you leave ice and water shield uncovered? ›

Maximum recommended exposure guidelines for Grace Ice & Water Shield is 30 days, Grace Select is 30 days, Grace Basik is 30 days, and Grace Ultra is 60 days.

Is synthetic felt better than ice and water shield? ›

Synthetics hold up better in the case of blow offs because they don't tear like felt paper can. While they don't seal the nails as ice and water shield does it is a superior underlayment when compared to traditional felt paper.

Does drip edge go under ice and water shield? ›

They suggest that the membrane lap down about an inch onto the face of the fascia and then up onto the roof sheathing. This seals the sheathing–fascia joint and blocks the water's pathway into the eaves and soffit. The drip edge is then installed on top of the ice barrier.

Do you need underlayment over an ice and water shield? ›

The underlayment, such as felt paper, should then be installed over the ice and water shield, covering the rest of the roof deck before the shingles are laid down. This order ensures that the roof deck has another, more durable protective membrane if the underlayment is to fail.

What happens if you don't use an ice and water shield? ›

If ice dams form on your roof, then you run the risk of serious leaks and water intrusion, which leads to water spots, mold, mildew, and health issues for your family. Not to mention, you'll have to replace parts of your roofing system and repair any interior damage done by the melting snow and ice.

Can ice and water shield get rained on? ›

Can It Get Wet? Yes! So long as the underlayment has been installed correctly to ensure that it forms a watertight barrier, and as long as it hasn't been left exposed to the elements too long, ice and water shield can get wet.

Can you roof in 20 degree weather? ›

It really is too chilly for roofing in cold weather when temperatures fall below 40° F (4° C). Many roofing materials have adhesive properties that require the sun's heat to activate. You can wind up with a faulty roof installation if you don't pay attention to the outside temperature.

Can you put a roof on in 40 degree weather? ›

Unlike most asphalt roofing, metal and polymer roofs can be installed in temperatures below 40° without compromising quality or voiding manufacturer warranties. On the other hand, asphalt roofs (with the exception of certain TAMKO products), should be installed in warmer temperatures above 40° whenever possible.

Can you put a roof on in freezing weather? ›

But as long as it's dry out, you should have no problems with your new roof being installed in the winter. However, it's important to hire a reputable roofing contractor who can recognize if the cold weather will affect the quality of your roof replacement.

Should ice and water shield be installed over or under drip edge? ›

As you point out, some manufacturers of ice-barrier membranes (particularly plastic-surfaced types) recommend installing the ice-barrier membrane before the drip edge goes in. They suggest that the membrane lap down about an inch onto the face of the fascia and then up onto the roof sheathing.

How much does it cost to install ice and water shield on roof? ›

According to our research, a reputable ice and water shield should cost around $300 for the material, which is an average cost of $4.72 per square foot. The installation cost is typically more, falling between $265 and $280, but this depends on your area.

Do you install ice and water shield or drip edge first? ›

"Grace, the manufacturer of Ice & Water Shield, advises that its peel-and-stick membrane should be installed before the drip edge.

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