IELTS Speaking Sample 54 (2024)

IELTS Speaking Sample 54

Last Updated: Thursday, 08 September 2022 16:15
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 118953

IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 54

Part 1 Topic: "Games".
Part 2 Topic: "Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting".
Part 3 Topic: "Shopping at markets" & "Shopping in general".

Part One - Introduction/interview

[In this section, the examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or studies and other familiar topics.]

Topic: Games

Q. What games are popular in your country? [Why?]
Answer:Thank you for the question. In Kuwait, football is the most popular form of sport. In fact, Kuwait has a great national football team and the volume of success of this team is also remarkable. Football has become popular in Kuwait for many reasons and people love to watch the game on the playgrounds as well as live on their TVs. Other popular sports in Kuwait are basketball, cricket and hockey.

Alternative Answer: Cricket, field hockey and football are some of the most popular games in India. However, cricket is by far the most popular among them, followed by field hockey, simply because we are really good at playing both of these games. In fact, we have become Cricket World cup champion three times in the past while Hockey world Cup champion once. Indians are very passionate about cricket and we love to watch hockey games whenever possible.

Q. Do you play any games? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:Yes, I do play different games and sports in my free time. I take part in basketball, which is my favourite sport and I play football sometimes. Both are interesting sports, and I find them more interesting due to the health benefits associated with them. Apart from that, I play handball, table tennis and chess once in a while.

Alternative Answer:Yes, I do play “Cricket” because it is one of most favourite hobbies I have. I started playing this game from my early childhood also because my elder brother encouraged me to do so. By the way, my elder brother is a great cricket player. Besides, I play this magnificent sport also because it doesn’t only keep me fit and healthy, but it also makes me “popular” within my friend circle!

Q. How do people learn to play games in your country?
Answer:Umm…. actually, people in Kuwait learn to play games and sports from their childhood and their relatives and friends often teach them how to play a game. And the educational institutions play the greatest role here. The children go to the playground and take part in different sports and their parents have an unparallel contribution to that activity as well.

Alternative Answer:People usually learn to play games in my country by playing with others in the same neighbourhood when they are still children of young age. However, they also learn to play sports at their schools as young kids, and some of them join a sports academy in order to become professional players.

Q. Do you think it's important for people to play games? [Why/Why not?]
Answer:Yes, it is absolutely important for people to participate in different games and sports. In fact, they play an important role in keeping our physical fitness and mental well-being. Games are also important to refresh our minds and to eliminate our worries. Besides, competitive sports which are played in a team teach us how to become a team member and how to devise strategies to win. This has a profound impact on our decision-making ability and success in life. So, I think it is important for everyone to take part in different games and sports.

Alternative Answer:Yes, I think that it is very important for people to play games since it is really good for their physical and mental fitness. Besides, sports also prevent people from getting involved in anti-social activities such as crimes and drug addiction. Finally, playing sports also prepare people to face bigger challenges in life successfully.

Part 2 - Individual long run (Cue Card/Candidate Task Card)

Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

  • where the market is/was
  • what the market sells/sold
  • how big the market is/was

and explain why you enjoyed visiting this market.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

[Examiner: All right? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you. I'll tell you when the time is up. Can you start speaking now, please?]

Sample Answer:
My recent visit to Hong Kong was extremely pleasant and exciting, and I will always remember my time there, especially for the unique experience I had in this city. I did some shopping at the "Temple Street Night Market" and I had never seen anything like this before or after!

It is an open-air market in Hong Kong and comes with a great variety of products and commodities for the people. This is the liveliest market in the city of Hong Kong which is quite large and diverse in my opinion. This is a great place for bargain hunters, and shoppers can get products of their choice at a reasonable price.

When the sun goes down, the traders lay out their wares, and the opera singers and fortune tellers begin to emerge. It was named after a "Tin Hau" temple located in the centre of its main drag, and a place so steeped in local atmosphere that it has served as the backdrop to many memorable movies.

This is a street market where you will get anything, absolutely anything, you need. Footwear, trinkets, teaware, cookware, electronics, clothes, electronic gadgets, DVDs, watches, menswear, jade and antiques are scrutinised and haggled over, while clay pot rice, seafood, noodles and other treats are consumed with gusto.

The market is big enough and holds a huge number of shops. The market starts from "Temple street" and covers a few other streets in different directions. The shops are arranged in a well-managed way and there are sections for specific goods and products. The shops are set in different directions under the sky and in case of rain or other disastrous conditions, they are covered with makeshift sheds.

Earlier, I had no idea how a traditional Chinese open-air market was, especially one that operates at night. So, it was a great experience for me and I was thrilled to see how the buyers were bargaining with the sellers and after a satisfactory haggling, they were purchasing the desired goods. I also loved the street food stalls in the market. I bought a few souvenirs from the market and enjoyed a few traditional Chinese dishes which were mouth-watering.

"Temple Street Night Market" is an enduring example of the theatre and festivity of a Chinese market and it’s on show nightly. Being there was something extraordinary; and how can I ever forget my experience of this exhilarating place!?

Part 3 - Two-way Discussion

Discussion topics: Shopping at markets

Q. Do people in your country enjoy going to open-air markets that sell things like food or clothes or old objects? Which type of market is more popular? Why?
Answer:Umm… the number of open-air or street markets in my country is pretty low. You can, however, notice many small to large-scale shopping malls covered with walls or glasses and those are mostly air-conditioned. Since Kuwait has a really hot summer, shopping complexes are more comfortable for shoppers than those of street markets. Rich people mostly prefer those large shopping centres.

However, the traditional markets still continue to attract business in Kuwait. The souk area of Central Kuwait City retains some of its labyrinths of covered streets, with the passageways lined with shops and stalls. The shops specialize in particular items, including hardware, clothing, and spices, that are still open for business.

Moreover, several open-air Friday markets operate from early morning till evening on Fridays, selling everything from second-hand furniture, to clothes, carpets, livestock of various types, and more.

Alternative Answer: Yes, people in my country do enjoy going to open-air markets that sell various food, clothing items and old objects. In fact, most Indian markets traditionally are open-air street markets, apart from the “supermarkets” and “city markets” in some kind of building structures in the cities. These traditional markets are very popular among the Indians for centuries. These open-air markets enjoy huge popularity among Indians mainly because all commodities sold there are mostly very affordable. Besides, food and vegetables at these marketplaces are popular also because of their freshness.

Q. Do you think markets are more suitable places for selling certain types of things? Which ones? Why do you think this is?
Answer:Yes, markets are suitable places to sell some particular types of products. In fact, such markets are more convenient for sellers and buyers who prefer open and large spaces than a building. Thus livestock, second-hand furniture, different spices, vegetables, fruits, carpets, and street food are more suitable to be traded on an open market than in a confined shopping complex. In particular, different types of livestock can't be purchased and sold inside a building and a market is more suitable for it.

Alternative Answer:Yes, traditionally, markets are more suitable places for selling, not just certain types of things but all kinds of things, mainly because of the conveniences and benefits they provide. In fact, it is not realistic to expect that the buyers will visit from place to place for hours and days in order to find and buy what they need. Selling everything at markets also ensures that both the sellers and buyers are getting the “fair” market prices of their products and commodities since there is always some room for “bargaining”. Besides, when it comes to monitoring and regulations, it is much easier to monitor and regulate markets by the government authorities for all kinds of smooth transactions, monetary or otherwise.

Q. Do you think young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people? Why is that?
Answer:No, I do not think that the feelings of young and older people are the same while shopping in a market. Basically, young people want to have a comfortable shopping environment and feel luxury while shopping - at least in my country. They also want to have several other amenities like a food court, playground and theatre in a shopping mall. They do not like to bargain much and thus they often avoid going to an open market. A luxurious shopping mall is their first preference.

On the contrary, older people want to get the value for the money they pay and compare a product from different sellers. Since markets offer this facility they prefer markets over luxurious shopping malls.

Alternative Answer:I don’t really think that young people feel the same about shopping at markets as older people mainly because it is not that convenient to shop in a market. At markets, one has to go from one place to another to buy certain things, which is a time-consuming and frustrating affair at times, while young people usually prefer to hang out with friends in one place and have fun these days. While older people would rather prefer to save some money, because of their traditional beliefs and lifestyles, by buying things at markets, young people these days may not actually be that enthusiastic about saving money in this way.

Discussion topics: Shopping in general

Q. What do you think are the advantages of buying things from shops rather than markets?
Answer:Well, "convenience and comfort" is the first thing that comes to my mind whenever I think of buying something from a large shopping mall. Products in such a shop are found in a well-organized manner while a market sells various types of goods together and you will need to search extensively to get the product you want for you. A shopping mall is cleaner and more comfortable. Besides, a large shop sells products at a fixed price while it is almost impossible to purchase something from a market without bargaining.

From my personal experience, I can say that sellers in a market try to push goods to the customers which I really dislike.

Alternative Answer:One of the greatest advantages of buying things from a shop, rather than markets, is that buying at shops is much less time-consuming since many/all commodities can be purchased pretty much from the same shop. Besides, buying things at shops is much more convenient since one doesn’t really have to struggle with the heat of the sun, cold or rain in the open as opposed to purchasing things at markets. Finally, it is better to buy things from shops because some of those things actually remain well-preserved and healthy most of the time which may not be the case when buying things from markets.

Q. How does advertising influence what people choose to buy? Is this true for everyone?
Answer:Advertisem*nts try to influence people in some creative and some tricky ways. Frequent adverts on different media cast an impact on our minds, particularly on our subconscious minds. So, when we go to buy something, we remember the advertisem*nt and ask the seller if they could provide us with products of a particular brand. Since advertisers always publicise the benefits of a product, we tend to believe that those products are far better than others.

Being influenced by advertisem*nts is a common phenomenon but this is not true for everyone. Many people do not rely on advertisem*nts, they rather take decisions based on their real-life experiences and recommendations from people they trust.

Alternative Answer:Advertisers spend tons of money by presenting things in a very colourful and tempting manner on different media outlets in order to influence people in their purchasing habits. For example, when a particular clothing company “dresses” up a very famous and beautiful actress or model and make her look really happy in that dress, made by the company, on television or in magazines, the chances are that some young women out there in the market would also want to look the same by purchasing that particular dress because it is our human psychology to identify ourselves with somebody “famous and beautiful”. But, does this human psychology apply to everyone? The answer is “no” since we all are different with different kinds of tastes, preferences and judgments.

Q. Do you think that any recent changes in the way people live have affected general shopping habits? Why is this?
Answer:Yes, the modern lifestyle has some profound impacts on our shopping habits in general. Most people are now fond of renowned brands. They try to get the branded products for their regular use and they do not care about the price of such products at all. I think this has happened due to the extensive advertisem*nts all around us.

Besides, people nowadays buy products online more than ever before. The old way of "touching and feeling a product before deciding to purchase it" is no longer applicable to the young generation. They order their favourite pizza online and wait at home to eat it with friends. I believe technological advancement and our busy life schedules are somewhat responsible for this.

Alternative Answer:Yes, I do think that recent changes, in the way people live, have considerably affected general shopping habits. In fact, our expectations have increased in many folds since, these days, we prefer more convenience, comfort and luxury than our “conventional, moderate and economic lifestyles” can offer. For example, we are not really happy and satisfied with a “regular” affordable clothing item, made by some unknown local company, rather we look for some expensive clothing items made by some famous international brands because we most probably want to feel more “valuable” and stylish than the “average”. Besides, we have too many choices and we have created a throwaway society with our consumerism habits.

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IELTS Speaking Sample 54 (2024)


Is an 8 on speaking ielts? ›

We often hear candidates asking, 'Is 8 a good IELTS score'? Oh Yes. Very few IELTS candidates score an overall 8.0 in the IELTS test. It means that in both IELTS listening and IELTS reading you score at least 36 correct answers out of 40 and in speaking and writing your English is practically error-free.

How do you talk about life changing experience? ›

For this scenario, you should mention the event, how it affected your thinking, who was with you, how you felt and what positive changes it had made in your life.

How can I pass ielts speaking test? ›

Tips for the IELTS Speaking Test
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers. ...
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words. ...
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures. ...
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent. ...
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think. ...
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers. ...
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers. ...
  8. Tip 8: Smiling helps pronunciation.

Is 7.75 considered as 8 in IELTS? ›

The IELTS Speaking band descriptors can help you understand how an examiner will assess you during the Speaking test. Below we have given some possible scenarios that will help you understand how IELTS score banding works. In case, your overall band score is 7.75 then your final score will be 8.

Is it easy to get 8 in speaking? ›

In the speaking test, you should be able to speak confidently without hesitation, and in the speaking test mainly the fluency of the test taker English language is measured, and if the test taker is able to speak English fluently without stammering then he will have chances of getting 8 band score in the speaking test.

What is a good example of a life-changing experience? ›

The first event that had a remarkable impact on my life was the loss of a dear friend. This event not only changed my world but also made me a better person. It taught me how to appreciate friends, family, and relationships. In childhood, I had a cousin who was my best friend.

What is life-changing examples? ›

These transitions can be predictable, such as a move across country or upcoming marriage, or they can be unpredictable, such as the death of a loved one or a sudden loss of a job. Regardless of the event, every transition we experience forces us to make changes to our existing life.

What are some life-changing moments? ›

Here are some common defining moment examples:
  • Getting married or divorced.
  • Starting a new job or leaving an old one.
  • Beginning a new business partnership.
  • Taking a big trip.
  • Paying of debt.
  • Finishing school.
  • Retiring.
  • Losing a Loved One.
Jan 3, 2021

Can I memorize IELTS speaking? ›

If you are using memorised speech, it is harder to portray this feeling, and so, your pronunciation suffers. Remember that pronunciation is worth 25% of your total score. Therefore, it can be said that using memorised answers is a harder way to have a better score in your IELTS Speaking test.

What happens if I don't speak for 2 minutes in IELTS? ›

Remember that the examiner will interrupt you at the 2-minute mark. Don't worry if this happens, as you have already shown the examiner that you can speak at length, appropriately extending your description.

Can I skip speaking test in IELTS? ›

Unfortunately if you miss your speaking test you have to take the whole test again unless there are special circ*mstances, such as admission to hospital for an emergency and you have medical proof of this.

Can I retake IELTS reading only? ›

You can now retake any one part of the test; Listening, Reading, Writing or Speaking without redoing all four parts.

What is the lowest score in IELTS Speaking? ›

Your Speaking results are given as band scores which range from a band 0 to a band 9. Each whole and half band score corresponds to a level of English-language competence. To find out more about the assessment criteria used by IELTS examiners, search online for the IELTS Speaking public band descriptors.

How can I introduce myself in IELTS Speaking? ›

Tell something about yourself. You can talk about your studies, some extracurricular activities that you have done at the college, social work that you take part in or have taken part, etc. You can talk about your work to (in case, you are a working professional).

What happens if I get 7.625 in IELTS? ›

Important points regarding Overall IELTS Score:

If your average overall score is 7.25, then your score will be increased to 7.5. If your average overall score is 7.65, then your score will be increased to 8. If your overall score is 7.1, then your score will go down to 7.

What happens if I get 5.75 in IELTS? ›

If you get an overall score of 5.25 it goes up to Band 5.5. If it is 5.75 it will go up to Band 6.

Can I get a student visa in USA with over a 6.5 band and a 5.5 in writing? ›

You must receive an overall IELTS score of 6.5 for undergraduate and associate courses to qualify for a student visa to the USA. You must also receive a minimum score of 6.0 in each of the four IELTS band requirements sections.

What happens if you get 5.5 in speaking? ›

With an IELTS score of 5.5, good or bad, you can be considered a competent English speaker. This means you can understand and speak English in your daily routine. There are many people who have a harder time understanding English but apply to universities abroad and are accepted.

How can I improve my IELTS speaking from 7 to 8? ›

IELTS Speaking – 5 things to do to get your Band 7 and 8
  1. Make sure you have people to speak to. Speaking is an interactive activity. ...
  2. Improve your Vocabulary. Learn words for each topic. ...
  3. Spend some time practising Part 2 – the task card. ...
  4. Don't forget pronunciation! ...
  5. Use the test as an opportunity to 'showcase' your ability.

Why do I get 5.5 in speaking? ›

Speaking Band 5.5

The candidate gives short answers, is not willing to talk at length. Responses answer exactly what he's being asked. He hesitates a little and sometimes uses linking words incorrectly. His vocabulary is simple but sufficient for him to talk on the subject and make himself clear.

What are the 10 changes in your daily life? ›

(1) formation of curd from milk,(2) rusting of iron, (3) melting of ice, (4) drying of clothes, (5) melting of candles, (6) boiling water evaporating, (7) hot shower water turning to steam, (8) crushing of any object ,(9) expansions of metal on heating, (10) dissolving Sugar or Salt..

What is the most positive change you have experienced in your life? ›

Answer: “A positive change in my life has been my ability to be more confident in my own abilities and decisions. I used to doubt myself a lot, but through experience and learning from my mistakes, I have developed more self-assurance and am able to make decisions with conviction.”

What is an example of a life experience? ›

Experiencing a new culture on a vacation or humanitarian trip. A loved one expressing their gratitude for you. Coming home to a happy, loving pet. Quitting something that makes you unhappy.

Why is experience important in life? ›

No one can live life without learning something. What you learn and experience can often determine your success or failure in life. Effortful learning combined with real life on the job experience is a winning formula for success. Your choices and your experiences help create the person that you are.

What is change in personal life? ›

It's how we adapt to our surroundings and grow personally and professionally. It's not always easy to accept change, but it's essential if you want to see positive results. Changing your personal habits can be challenging, but it can be healthy to continue striving for improvement in every area of your life.

What's another word for life changing? ›

On this page you'll find 10 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to life-changing, such as: null, transformative, cathartic, mind-blowing, and revitalized.

What are the two most important moments in life? ›

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain.

What are the most important moments in life? ›

Important life events
  • Starting work. Starting work for the first time is one of the most exciting things in life...
  • Changing jobs. ...
  • Changing address. ...
  • Marriage and civil partnership. ...
  • Getting separated or divorced. ...
  • Arrival of children. ...
  • Onset of serious illness or disability. ...
  • Death of a pension scheme member.

What are 5 change which are observed in our everyday life? ›

Examples of important changes in everyday life are formation of curd from milk, burning of fuels ,drying of clothes ,rusting of iron ,Melting of ice, Boiling of water (or Evaporation of water); making of chapatis from flour; burning of fire works, germination of seeds, flowering of plants, ripening of fruits, shedding ...

What is the hardest thing in IELTS? ›

Conclusion. As writing is the hardest part of the IELTS exam, Gurully assures you to provide the best IELTS practice platform for the upcoming exam. In addition, some of our experts recommended writing tips to organize your essay, understand the task properly, proofread your answer, and focus on the English language.

What mistakes should be avoided in IELTS Speaking? ›

Last-minute notes: Seven mistakes to avoid during your IELTS Speaking test
  • Trying to memorise answers.
  • Not speaking aloud and with confidence.
  • Going off-topic.
  • Giving yes or no answers without good elaboration.
  • Repeating the same words or phrases.
  • Overusing transition words.
  • Parroting the question and poor pronunciation.

What words should not be used in IELTS Speaking? ›

By Chris Pell
  • Should you use big words in the IELTS speaking test? ...
  • Don't memorise answers.
  • Don't worry about the examiner's opinion.
  • Don't insert lots of 'big' words.
  • Don't show off your grammar.
  • Don't say nothing.
  • Don't prioritise grammar over fluency.
  • Don't worry about your accent.
Apr 27, 2015

How do I know if my IELTS Speaking test went well? ›

The IELTS speaking test is graded by your performance in all parts of the test. The examiner will check your English language using the 4 marking criteria for each part of the test. If you are strong in speaking part 1 but not in the other parts, then you will not get a good score.

Why is IELTS Speaking difficult? ›

One of the most difficult things about the IELTS Speaking test is that you won't know the topics ahead of time. While it's true you can prepare for common topics, you won't know the exact questions until you hear them directly from your examiner's mouth.

Is Speaking too much bad for IELTS? ›

Saying too much:

If the examiner can't get a word in edgeways then you may not score well. This is, in essence, a conversation so you have to listen and respond not just respond…and respond…and respond.. Also this kind of long, long answer often becomes a ramble and loses focus.

What if I fail my IELTS Speaking test? ›

If you didn't get the IELTS score you wanted, you can apply to resit the test as soon as you feel ready. However, before applying for a resit you need to keep in mind that your score is unlikely to improve without a significant effort to improve your English.

How many times can you retake IELTS? ›

You may take the IELTS test as many times as you like. You can use the result of the test you prefer. However, as the IELTS centre, we strongly recommend you do additional study before taking the test again. You can also improve your skills by using the IELTS Official Free Practice Materials and Preparation Book.

Does Speaking fast reduce IELTS score? ›

You have good stress and intonation, and words that run in together (e.g. best time) can be easily understood by the examiner. You don't speak too fast – in my time as an examiner, I found that many students tried to speak as quickly as possible. This is a mistake, as it will limit your band score.

What is IELTS 8.0 equivalent to? ›

Linking IELTS Scores to TOEFL iBT Score Ranges
IELTS ScoreTOEFL ScoreIELTS Description
8.0110-114Very Good User
7.5102-109Good User
6.579-93Competent User
7 more rows

What does 8.0 mean in IELTS? ›

8. Very good user. The test taker has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage.

What is the band 8 score in speaking? ›

Scoring a band 8 means that a candidate has an excellent command of English. The performance in the speaking section is awarded a score based on four criteria weighted equally. The four criteria include fluency and coherence, lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.

How rare is 8 in IELTS? ›

It's 100% guaranteed. Be wise about how you spend your time studying for IELTS, and be willing to invest in your future. Don't just take the test multiple times and hope your score improves. For those taking General Training to immigrate, 18% got 6, 16% got 7, and 7.5% got 8.

Is IELTS 8 difficult? ›

Band 8– If you get a Band 8, IELTS considers you a 'very good' user of English. You may make a few mistakes when talking or writing about very unfamiliar situations, but overall, you have a very good grasp of the language. My best students normally reach this level.

Is IELTS 8 good enough? ›

Your IELTS band scores decide your level of competence in the English language. It tells how much you understand English Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. So, if you have scored 7 or more then you are marked as a good user. If you scored 8 then you are a very good user.

Is 7.6 considered 8 in IELTS? ›

Important points regarding Overall IELTS Score:

If your average overall score is 7.25, then your score will be increased to 7.5. If your average overall score is 7.65, then your score will be increased to 8. If your overall score is 7.1, then your score will go down to 7.

How long does it take to get IELTS 8? ›

The Test Format It takes the makers of IELTS (Cambridge) an average of 2 years to make every test. Each question has to go through dozens ...

How long does it take to get 8 bands in IELTS? ›

Moving from a 7 to an 8 is usually more about speaking or writing like a native speaker. You always have to understand what the examiner is looking for. To move from a 6 to an 8 you should take 3 months to prepare at the minimum.

What is a good speaking score? ›

A score of 25 or higher is considered a good score on the TOEFL iBT speaking section. The speaking section of the TOEFL Essentials is scored from 0 to 12. A score of 9 or above is considered a good score.

How do you score 8.5 in speaking? ›

  1. In Speaking, don't try to give a prepared speech, or talk about a different topic from the one you are asked to discuss.
  2. Always speak directly to the Examiner, not to the recording equipment.
  3. Whenever you reply 'Yes' or 'No' to the Examiner's questions, add more details to your answer.
Sep 5, 2020

What is the difference between 7 and 8 in IELTS speaking? ›

Fluency and Coherence: Speaks with no hesitation except when it's content related. A 7 is will have more pauses. An 8 only has a pause if you are trying to think of ideas. Coherence is about linking words.

Why is it difficult to score Band 8 in IELTS? ›

How to score band 8 in IELTS listening. For the listening test, then, you must score either 35 or 36 out of 40 in order to achieve a band 8. Again, it is a difficult task because there you cannot make many mistakes. Try to practise your listening skills every day in different ways.

What is the poor score for IELTS? ›

The lowest band score of 0 is given to students who "did not attempt the test" and "did not answer any questions." Test-takers who receive band scores of 1 are considered "non-users" who have "no ability to use the language." A band score of 2 is associated with "intermittent" usership by students who have "great ...

How many students fail IELTS? ›

by jims varkey | Medium. Why 70% of people fail to clear IELTS writing and how to succeed in it.

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