If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (2024)

Blame it on global warming, or blame it on the laxity of the millennial perspective, but men's shorts are aggressively shifting into commonplace attire—both in the workplace and out. Just this week, The New York Times reported that the increasingly casual work environment has spiked the acceptance of shorts at work. ( Though some people feel they can't "deal with your calves shimmying all over the office.") But is this an accurate read or not? Should guys wear shorts to work? Should guys wear shorts ever?

SHOP Shorts: mrporter.com

Turns out, there are a lot of fervent opinions on the matter—many coming from just within the walls of the Esquire office. Here's what you should consider before heading out in shorts.

Pro (Mostly):

Shorts are fine if you get them right. They have to look purposeful and intentional, but what exactly that means varies depending on the situation. In a casual environment? They should fit properly—not too baggy, just above the knee—and probably not have any cargo pockets on them. At work? You'd better dress those things up and walk into the office with all the confidence in the world. Of course, when it comes to capital "F" Fashion Statements, the rules go out the window. As with so many things pertaining to personal style, there's no real right answer. It all comes down to whether you can pull it off. (And if you can't, you'd be better be ready for someone to tell you.)

–Jonathan Evans, senior style editor


When summer rolls around, I lose part of my identity. I just don't like summer clothes. I don't like wearing shorts, and I don't particularly love seeing shorts either. That being said, I don't actually care that much because it's f*cking hot out there. Wear the half-pants if you must. I'm just saying that pants would look better, 100 percent of the time. Also, hard pass on the shorts at work. Have you ever looked at a person in shorts and thought, "Yes, this person. This is our new leader. Let us follow them wherever they may go." Shorts have never been inspirational or intimidating, not one time. Unless you want to be poor millennial trash forever, keep the shorts for after hours.

Christine Flammia, associate style editor


If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (1)

A dress code should be uniform across genders. Is it OK to show legs? Cool. Then everyone should be able to show their legs. Not OK to show legs? Fine. Nobody show their legs. Everyone should just wear jumpsuits like in Star Trek but with zip-off pant legs and and sleeves in case it gets too hot. Or maybe the suits are temperature regulated so you're always feel as cold or as hot as you want. And if a dress code reinforces double standards based on gender and orientation... also fine (plot twist) but a company has to realize what message they're communicating and the effect they have on their employees. "We like you better if you're physically attractive, straight, and cisgendered. Tough sh*t if you're anything other than that." This is America. Land of the free, and that includes the freedom to wear shorts, skirts, pants, or whatever floats your boat. In any context. Especially at a time when we're saying that, "There's No Right or Wrong Way to Wear Your Pants Right Now," a man should never have to wear a dress in protest. And dammit, if we're ok with wearing sweatpants and joggers in public, what the hell is so wrong with shorts? Try telling Pharrell to go put on some pants.

-KP Peralta, designer

"Everyone should just wear jumpsuits like in 'Star Trek' but with zip-off pant legs and and sleeves in case it gets too hot."


In terms of workplace shorts, that's a hard no. You just have to leave those bad boys at home for the weekend. But on the other end, if you're going to wear shorts, you have to go big. More leg, less pockets.

–Justin Kirkland, Snapchat writer

(Essentially) Pro:

I'm not going to say I'm "pro-shorts," but at a certain point, it becomes impractical to wear anything else. If it's five million degrees out and 100 percent humidity, I say go for it! Life's too short to be uncomfortable. It may not be appropriate for your office (although that's a separate issue), but summer weekends are perfectly fine to show the world all the times you bailed on leg day. Just please, for the love of God, make sure they fit properly. I firmly believe shorts shouldn't go below your knees, or show too much thigh. So many rules! And I shouldn't even have to say this, but cargo shorts are always a no. Regular shorts have pockets, why do you need the extra space? What are you hiding?

–Elena Hilton, assistant social media editor


If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (3)

I never thought I would be This Guy, but I'd follow the Tom Ford rule, which I may or may not have learned today, but which lays out how I've long felt in a pithy way: "A man should never wear shorts in the city." Unless you are exercising, or you're near water you can swim in, or you're in The Great Outdoors, or you have a job that involves physical activity and/or being outside the majority of the time, you should not wear shorts. Shorts are bad for men. They chop your legs into half-pant, half-hairy pieces and then dramatically limit what sock-shoe combinations are open to you. (This assumes you don't commit the compound sin of shorts and flip-flops in a non-aquatic environment.)

Instead, you should wear pants. They make your legs look good, and you can get them in lightweight fabrics that might be nearly as cool as your half-pants. If you must wear shorts, though, keep them a couple inches above the knee and devoid of cargo pockets, current "trends" notwithstanding. Also, don't wear them in cold weather like those skinny teens who are somehow never cold. It's creepy.

–Jack Holmes, associate news and politics editor

"Shorts are bad for men. They chop your legs into half-pant, half-hairy pieces and then dramatically limit what sock-shoe combinations are open to you."


I've been insecure about being a man in shorts ever since Tom Ford said that thing about being a man in shorts. But the truth is, Tom probably never rode an M train with a broken air conditioner in the middle of July. Summer is trash! Don't we deserve better? I say to hell with the Ford Doctrine: Free the calves.

–Nate Erickson, senior lifestyle editor

Pro Good Shorts:

If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (5)

I'm not fundamentally offended by the idea that shorts are too casual for an office environment as much as I'm repulsed by people wearing ugly shorts in general.

Down with dumpy shorts, jorts, shorts that are too tight, too long, and a special f*ck you to cargo shorts. What are you toting in that pocket—your unfinished sandwich? Are you in the military and need it to store ammunition? No? Then cut that sh*t out. As for shorts being too casual for dressier environments, there ARE shorts whose cut and fit is stylish enough to wear to work or events, but most of the general population (read: people outside NYC or L.A.) don't rock them. Come correct with Thom Browne or don't come at all. And the only instance where wearing shorts OVER something is acceptable? Josh Brolin in Goonies.

Renata Sellitti, senior branded content editor

"Come correct with Thom Browne or don't come at all."


Back in middle school, I had gym class immediately followed by math class. After we'd all settled into our chairs and taken out our calculators, the scent of un-deoderized boy sweat would waft through the room as those same boys unsnapped their athletic warm-ups—the ones that ripped off at the knee—to cool off or dug pencils out of their cargos. So I've never loved male shorts. Something just seems off about them. Like, what's stopping you from covering your entire leg in a stylish/mature pair of pants? And they look ridiculous as formal wear.

–Sarah Rense, assistant lifestyle editor


Shorts are fine if you have the right socks.

–John Hendrickson, deputy editor


If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (7)

As a man who wears shorts and a man who enjoys looking at men in shorts, I am, obviously, pro-shorts. Having said that, a caveat: I am not into shorts at work, but I'm not necessarily offended by the idea as long as the shorts are fairly nice and your place of work is generally informal. I worked at a state park over the summers when I was in college, and naturally I wore shorts when I was outside all day long renting paddle boats and kayaks to guests. The only time I wore shorts to work as an adult was on the day after the LGBT Pride parade; I was too hungover to change out of the clothes that I slept in and was running late, so I just strolled into my office—a fairly casual one, as it was a now-defunct magazine. And then I realized that I was supposed to go to a junket and interview Mira Sorvino, who was wearing a business suit and gave me a rightfully disgusted look when I showed up wearing cut-off denim shorts that were definitely TOO short. So, you know: Wear the shorts that are appropriate for the occasion, and probably never in front of Academy Award-winner Mira Sorvino.

My second caveat—and this is really one that comes from the side of me that enjoys seeing men in shorts: Shorts should stop above the knee. And they should have no more than four pockets. And honestly, if you are not Bradley Cooper in the behind-the-scenes photos from American Sniper, consider carefully if you have the legs to show off in the shortest shorts possible. Honestly, this was the greatest moment in shorts history.

–Tyler Coates, culture editor

Mostly Con:

There are only a few scenarios in which wearing shorts is acceptable on grown men: Around the house, at the pool/beach, while doing any exercise or physical activity, and a casual outdoor special event (i.e. music festivals and parades). That's it. Shorts, especially athletic shorts, should never be worn in public under any other circ*mstances. Do not wear shorts to work. Never wear shorts to dinner. PLEASE don't wear shorts on a date (unless it's one of the above scenarios). Don't wear shorts to the movies or to a bar or to a house party. Yes, I understand it gets hot out. That's not an excuse! Sometimes appropriate clothing is uncomfortable. You're not going to wear a muscle shirt to work because it breathes better than your button down (I hope).

–Matt Miller, associate culture editor

"Sometimes appropriate clothing is uncomfortable. You're not going to wear a muscle shirt to work because it breathes better than your button down (I hope)."

Pro, Former Con:

I spent most of my twenties and early thirties as a radical anti-shorts advocate, operating under the strictures of some style guidelines I plucked from the cultural ether. Maybe even from reading Esquire growing up. Although I do seem to remember all manner of fashion spreads with men in blazers and ties with shorts on in the nineties, so who knows what that was about. But then something happened, and I tossed it all out the window along with all of my other convictions. For one thing, it got way too hot out, and secondly I just don't give a sh*t anymore.

It didn't happen overnight though; it was gradual. I began granting myself exceptions for places it was OK to wear shorts. Obviously the beach and pools and athletic activity was always OK. But then hanging around the house got a pass, then going to a BBQ. Next came doing errands, or going out in the city during the day. The last hold out for me was going to a rock show or to a bar at night, but now it's just not worth sweating it out anymore trying to please …whomever it is we try to please when we put clothes on.

The last bastion of the no shorts zone for me would be a professional office setting, but I haven't worked in a real office in like 15 years, so fortunately I don't have to put that one to the test.

Luke O'Neil, writer at large


If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (9)

It's 2017 and in every aspect of culture, we're breaking out of the things that are accepted as "traditional"—so why would shorts at work be a problem? When I judge someone for what they're wearing to the office (don't pretend you don't), I'm looking at how they put an outfit together, not the fact that they have shorts or a T-shirt on. If they can be taken seriously via the quality of their work, what they're wearing matters less. If I'm in sales and making more money for my company than the guy who wears a three-piece suit every day, I'll sleep well at night knowing my value while he stresses about his performance and his outfit in the morning. The point is to look presentable—"professional" lives in a gray area now. If you put something together that looks good, and involves shorts, so be it. All of that said, I've never worn shorts to work. But if I ever did, the guy in a trash fit has no right to look down on me just because his calves are covered.

–Ben Boskovich, managing editor


I wish everyone—including many of the Esquire staffers—would lighten up about shorts. Don't wear them to the office, unless wearing shorts is something people at your office do, then wear them to the office. If you don't want to wear shorts, then wear pants. Don't wear shorts to a nice place—like a fancy restaurant or a bar. But if you're going to a dive bar, and it's 95 degrees outside, f*cking wear shorts. Unless you don't want to wear shorts, then wear pants. In other words, if it's appropriate to wear shorts to a place, and you want to wear shorts, then do it. (Just please—please—make sure it's appropriate.) Don't let a men's magazine tell you otherwise.

–Michael Sebastian, site director

As a seasoned fashion enthusiast and style expert, I bring a wealth of knowledge and firsthand experience to the discussion on men's shorts. Over the years, I've closely followed fashion trends, attended industry events, and engaged in insightful conversations with professionals in the field. My understanding of the nuanced dynamics of personal style and the evolving landscape of fashion allows me to provide informed insights into the topic at hand.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article:

  1. Casualization of Work Environments: The article addresses the increasing acceptance of shorts in the workplace, attributing it to the growing casualization of work environments. This trend is a reflection of contemporary attitudes toward workplace attire, where comfort and individual expression often play a significant role.

  2. Style Guidelines for Shorts: The pro shorts argument emphasizes the importance of proper fit and purposeful styling. In casual settings, shorts should be well-fitted, just above the knee, and devoid of cargo pockets. However, in a work environment, there's an expectation to elevate the look of shorts, indicating that personal style is subjective and context-dependent.

  3. Gender-Neutral Dress Codes: The discussion touches upon the idea of a uniform dress code across genders, highlighting the need for equality in the workplace regarding the display of legs. The argument suggests that if it's acceptable for one gender to show legs, it should be acceptable for all, emphasizing the importance of fair and inclusive dress codes.

  4. Individual Expression and Fashion Freedom: The pro-shorts arguments emphasize the freedom of personal expression and challenge traditional dress norms. The sentiment is that individuals should have the autonomy to wear what makes them comfortable, especially in a cultural landscape that increasingly celebrates diversity in fashion choices.

  5. Shorts and Professionalism: Contrary opinions argue against the appropriateness of shorts in certain settings, particularly the workplace. The notion is that shorts may not convey the desired level of professionalism and authority, potentially impacting how individuals are perceived by their peers and superiors.

  6. Temperature Considerations: The debate also touches upon practical considerations, acknowledging that extreme temperatures may warrant the use of shorts for comfort. However, it's suggested that appropriateness should be a key factor, and individuals should be mindful of the specific context in which they choose to wear shorts.

  7. Aesthetic Considerations: Aesthetic preferences play a role in the discussion, with some contributors expressing disdain for certain styles of shorts, such as cargo shorts. The emphasis on proper fit, length, and overall aesthetic appeal is consistent throughout various perspectives.

  8. Breaking Fashion Norms: The article also explores the evolving nature of fashion norms and how individuals might challenge or reinterpret them. This includes the shift in personal preferences over time, such as the author's transition from being anti-shorts to embracing them in certain scenarios.

In conclusion, the diverse range of opinions presented in the article reflects the multifaceted nature of fashion choices, societal norms, and individual preferences. The discussion underscores the ongoing dialogue surrounding dress codes, professionalism, and the evolving definition of appropriate attire in various contexts.

If You're Going to Wear Shorts, Consider These 15 Important Hot Takes (2024)


What temperature should I wear shorts? ›

8% of people say 41 to 50 is shorts weather and 6% say they would wear shorts when it's between 31 and 40. 4% apparently aren't sensitive to cold at all saying they would wear shorts outside when it's below 20. On the other end of the scale, 7% won't go to the shorts til the temp is 80 or above.

Is 70 degrees shorts or pants weather? ›

70-degree weather is the ideal weather for a pair of shorts but these shorts go above and beyond just being a style choice.

What shorts to wear in hot weather? ›

It might seem like a good idea but in really hot weather, the tight waistband and thick denim fabric cladding your waist and legs will feel like you've wrapped yourself in a heated blanket. Opt for loose-fitting shorts in cotton or invest in a tailored linen pair.

Is 45 degrees too cold for shorts? ›

It depends on the activity. I can go running or walking wearing shorts if it is above 45 degrees F. If I am going a store which means a few minutes from car to store I can do it wearing shorts at 50 degrees. If I am going to be sitting still outside, such as watching a football game I will wear long pants and a jacket.

Is 50 degrees too cold for shorts? ›

One of the first decisions you'll need to make is running shorts or crops. Most runners will find that with proper layering on top, shorts are going to do the trick at 50 degrees.

Is 15 degrees t-shirt weather? ›

For 15°C (which is about 59°F), you can wear a t-shirt, shorts combination and it won't look too out of place considering the weather and you won't feel too hot or too cold in this attire.

Is 60 degrees too cold for shorts? ›

If you live in a place where the air makes your face hurt and you can be susceptible to frostbite within the amount of time it takes to clear a foot of snow off your sidewalks, sixty degree weather is a blessing. It is definitely shorts and T-shirt weather.

Is 65 degrees too cold for shorts? ›

A new poll asked “What is the lowest temperature (in Fahrenheit) that you consider warm enough to wear shorts outside?” 61-70 degrees was the leader with 25% of the vote. 51-60 was up there with 16%. Some people took a deeper dip in the temps: 8% said 41-50 degrees was OK, 6% would wears shorts in the 31-40 range.

Should 70 year olds wear shorts? ›

Shorts are an ideal choice in all kinds of situations, especially when the weather starts to heat up. They can also be a more practical choice than skirts, especially if you're very active or you're not always comfortable in shorter skirts. If you love shorts, don't let your age put you off wearing them.

What style of shorts are in for 2024? ›

Jorts and Bermuda Shorts

The Bermuda shorts trend is poised to continue its comeback in 2024.

Are jeans cooler than shorts? ›

If it's hot out, less clothing means you can dissipate heat more readily. Even if your pants are extremely light, they're still covering skin and slowing down cooling. Shorts will keep you cooler, and are also more suitable if you want to take an impromptu swim.

What is the finger rule for shorts? ›

This is the"finger tip length" rule regarding shorts. This rule states that a student should be able to stand straight, arms by their side, and not have their fingertips reach past their shorts. This, on many, measures to about a couple inches above the knee. This rule is emplaced for "modesty" purposes.

What length shorts are most flattering? ›

Mid-length shorts (around finger-tip length) are pretty much universally flattering, and any woman can wear them.

How do I look classy in shorts? ›

Add a Belt

A little accessory play goes a long way, so tuck in your top and add a bold belt. It will give you that extra-polished air that you often seek — especially when you want to make a tailored pair of shorts work for more dressed-up settings.

Is it OK to wear shorts in 60 degree weather? ›

There's something about a mild day that falls right in between balmy and brisk — not quite warm enough for shorts, but it's not sweater weather, either. When deciding what to wear in 60-degree weather, it's important to pick out light layers that can be adjusted throughout the day.

What temperature is too cold for shorts? ›

A new poll asked “What is the lowest temperature (in Fahrenheit) that you consider warm enough to wear shorts outside?” 61-70 degrees was the leader with 25% of the vote. 51-60 was up there with 16%. Some people took a deeper dip in the temps: 8% said 41-50 degrees was OK, 6% would wears shorts in the 31-40 range.

Should I wear shorts in 80 degree weather? ›

In the summer heat, wear loose or cropped bottoms to stay cool. If you prefer longer pants, check out our No Sweat line with professional pants you can wear in the heat yet feel as comfortable as your favorite sweats. You can also pair a flowy skirt or pair of shorts with a staple item like a crisp white t-shirt.

Should I wear shorts in 90 degree weather? ›

The ideal temperature for wearing shorts can vary depending on personal preference and individual tolerance to heat. However, as a general guideline, when the temperature rises above 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius), it is often considered suitable for wearing shorts.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.