Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (2024)

Adidas is a world-renowned sportswear company, well-known for its sportswear and sneakers.

It is the world’s second biggest sports brand only after Nike.

Adidas and Puma brands are the biggest competitors in the sports industry but the founders of these well-known companies were actually brothers.

Adolf Dassler was the founder of Adidas.

Whereas Puma was founded by Rudolf Dassler, the elder brother of Adolf Dassler.

In order to completely know the success story of Adidas, you should also know the story of Adolf Dassler.

The story of Adolf Dassler is very inspiring, even though he was a poor cobbler, he worked hard to build Adidas into a billion dollar sportswear manufacturer.

So read on to get inspired.


Adolf“Adi” Dassler was born on 3 November 1900 inHerzogenaurach, German Empire into a poor family.

His father, Christoph Dassler was a shoemaker whereas his mother, Algirdas ran a laundry service.

Theyalso sold homemade slippers to supplement their income.

Adolf Dassler completed his formal education in 1913.

Hefollowed his father’s footsteps to become a shoemaker.

By 1922, Herzogenaurach town became the hotspot for shoemakers, as many of the town’s textile mills had been converted into shoe workshops.

Duringthat time, there were 112 shoemakers for just 3500 residents of thetown.


World War I had a severe impact on the economy and made the lives of the cobblers difficult.

Dueto severe poverty, Adolf Dassler could not afford a decent workingarea, so he produced shoes in the back of his mother’s laundry.

Duringthose times, the supply of the electricity was very undependable, sohe often used to power his machines by connecting them with astationary bike.

AdolfDassler used to generate electricity by pedalling the stationarybike.

And he used to scavenge the debris of the military equipment employed in the war in the hope of finding materials which can be used for shoe making.

AdolfDassler used to repurpose anything he could find which includedmilitary uniforms, helmets, automobile tyres, parachutes, etc.

Sportive spirit-

AdolfDassler always longed to make sport shoes as he himself was a ferventsports fan.

So,he always experimented with the shoes he made in hope of makingbetter sports shoes.

Hedid many experiments; one of them was adding metal spikes to theshoes.

InJuly 1924, his elder brother, Rudolf Dassler joined the business.

Rudolf Dasslerwas two years elder to Adolf Dassler and possessed good workexperience as he previously worked in a porcelain factory and in aleather enterprise in Nuremberg, Germany.

AdolfDassler and Rudolf Dassler joined hands to start a new company, byname Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory (Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik).

Complementing each other-

Thesetwo brothers complemented each other as Adolf Dassler was anexcellent shoemaker and a quiet craftsman whereas Rudolf Dassler wasan excellent marketer, salesman and an extrovert.

Theirbusiness bloomed as they were the perfect partners with Adolf Dasslerhandling the production part and Rudolf Dassler handling themarketing part.

Eventually,their sports shoes became quite popular.

In 1926, they moved out of their mother’s laundry as they were in a position to afford a dedicated workshop to make the shoes.

Theirfather, Christoph Dassler also joined them and they employed a dozenpeople in their new factory.

Inthis factory, they were able to produce a hundred pairs of shoes perday.

Association with sports-

As their company grew in size, Adolf Dassler decided to expand the business outside Bavaria.

So, he travelled to almost all the major sporting events and persuaded many athletes to try the shoes.

Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (1)

Thanksto his efforts, in the 1928 Olympics held in Amsterdam, many topGerman athletes sported the shoes of the Dassler Brothers ShoeFactory.

AdolfDassler later decided to sponsor a top most athlete in the 1936Olympics held in Berlin, Nazi Germany.

Heselected the best shoes and went to the Olympic Village in Berlin andconvinced U.S. sprinter Jesse Owens to wear the shoes of the DasslerBrothers Shoe Factory.

Luckily,Jesse Owens agreed with Adolf Dassler and wore the shoes in theOlympic events.

Atthat time, he was probably the fastest man on the planet.

Thiswas a legendary move as Jesse Owens won four gold medals in the trackevents in that Olympics and broke many records.

Thefame of the company sky-rocketed and the company got internationalexposure because of his success.

Afterthis success, their shoes were known to be the shoes which JesseOwens wore to break many records in the Berlin Olympics.

Risky move-

This was a very risky marketing move as during that time, Germany was ruled by Adolf Hitler.

AdolfHitler wanted to prove the supremacy of the Aryan race through theBerlin Olympics.

Butwhen Jesse Owens won many medals, his plan got ruined.

Luckily, the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory, a small business operating in Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler, escaped his attention, even as they provided shoes to Jesse Owens which was thought to have helped him to win the races thus ruining Hitler’s plan.

In 1930, both Adolf Dassler and Rudolf Dassler joined the Nazi party.

World War II-

World War II erupted on 1 September 1939 when Germany invaded Poland.

Andby December 1943, Germany was losing the war.

So,Germany needed more weapons to sustain the war.

Asa result, the German government repurposed many factories in thecountry to manufacture weapons.

So,the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory was re-modeled to manufactureweapons for Nazi.

Thisfactory made anti-tank weapons and panzershreks.

In April of 1945, the American troops started to invade the Herzogenaurach village.

Initially, the American soldiers decided to destroy the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory because they thought that the factory was producing weapons.

Fortunately, Adolf Dassler’s wife, Käthe Dassler convinced the soldiers that they only make sports shoes.

International clients-

Afterknowing the association of Jesse Owens, an American athlete with theDassler Brothers Shoe Factory, the Americans were glad to becometheir clients.

So,the American stations established near the town became theinternational clients for the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory.

World War II-

Even as this company was able to survive World War II, the German economy was badly hit.

So,to survive, the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory initiated manycost-cutting strategies like scavenging the old war materials, etc.

Andsometimes, due to lack of funds they were unable to pay theirworkers, so they provided them barter with items like yarn andfirewood.

How Puma was born?

Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (2)

Duringthese difficult times, the brothers parted from each other because ofsome quarrels between their families.

And eventually, in 1948, Rudolf “Rudi” Dassler left the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory.

He took a large portion of the workers with him and started a new company, by the name, Ruda.

RudolfDassler took the first two letters from his name, Rudolf and Dasslerand named his company as Ruda.

Later,he realised that the name Ruda was not so athletic, so he changed itto Puma.

RudolfDassler vowed to never speak to Adolf Dassler again in his life.

Slowly,the people of Herzogenaurach took sides with the brothers as most ofthe town’s citizens were employed by one of the Dassler brothers.

Theworkers of one company hated to socialise with the workers of theother company.

Andthe people of the town remained separated for 60 long years.

The town of bent necks-

Herzogenaurachtown was known as the town of bent necks, as the people used to bendtheir necks to see what shoes the other person was wearing and thendecide whether to greet them or to ignore them.

Asthese two companies were located on the opposite sides of the AurachRiver, their admirers became very territorial.

Also, Adolf Dassler and Rudolf Dassler sued each other many times on various trademark and design issues.

Fighting spirit-

The rivalry between these brothers provided them with the fighting spirit by which they were able to become one of the best players in their fields.

Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (3)

Adolf Dassler renamed the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory to Adidas by combining the first two letters of his name, Adolf with the first three letters of the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory and added a letter-i in between them.

Andthe three stripes became the logo of Adidas.

Somepeople believe that Adidas stands for All Day I Dream About Sports(or Soccer) but this is completely incorrect.

Adidasfocused heavily on the sponsorships and technical innovations, bywhich it designed specific shoes to a wide variety of athletes.

AdolfDassler also provided the best shoes of the Adidas to variouschampion athletes and Olympians.

Moving forward-

In 1954, the World Cup final match was also known as the miracle of Bern.

This World Cup was the second World Cup to be held after World War II, the first World Cup after the war was held in Europe.

ThisWorld Cup was held in Bern, Switzerland, as Switzerland stayedneutral during the war and also this country was mostly unaffected bythe war.

Duringthe finals, the very substantial Hungarian team fought with theunderdogs, the West German team.

Many thought that Hungary would definitely win the match, as they scored two goals during the initial phase of the match.

Butthey did not score any goals for the rest of the match.

The match took an unexpected turn, when the German team scored three goals and thus won the match.

So,the newly formed frail German team won the match against the muchstronger Hungary team 3-2.

This German team wore Adidas shoes, also called the Dassler boots.

Itwas believed that these superior boots facilitated the German team toscore victory.

Adidas became very famous because it got associated with the victory of Germany in the World Cup.

Thevictory of Jesse Owens popularised the old Dassler Brothers ShoeFactory, whereas this World Cup victory popularised the new Adidasshoe company and many people noticed the signature three stripes ofthe Adidas.

Rapport with rappers-

Inthe 1980s, Run-DMC was a very popular American hip-hop (rap) group.

Theywere the first ones in the genre to have an album certified gold andthey were also nominated for a Grammy Award.

Theirsong, My Adidas became very popular and in that song they mentionedthat they loved the Adidas brand and they wore the Adidas from thehead to toe.

Asa result, the fans of Run-DMC were motivated to buy the Adidas goods.

Unlike,in the case of Jesse Owens and the German football team, this rapgroup was not contracted by Adidas to market their products but theyindependently marketed the Adidas brand.

Once, the Run-DMC team invited an Adidas executive to one of their concerts and before singing, the team requested the people to raise their Adidas shoes in the air.

TheAdidas executive was very impressed as he saw thousands of Adidasshoes and as a result Adidas signed a $1,600,000 endorsem*nt dealwith the Run-DMC and this became the first ever endorsem*nt deal inthe rap.

Effective marketing-

The marketing strategy of Adidas paid off very well as this brand was associated with the successful athletes and rappers.

Theother notable marketing campaign run by Adidas is Impossible IsNothing.

Footballicon David Beckham and boxing legend Muhammad Ali were involved inthis campaign.

Now,Adidas has endorsem*nt deals with numerous top athletes in thepopular sports like in soccer they have Lionel Messi, in basketballthey have James Harden and in baseball they have Kris Bryant.

Adidasspends almost half of their marketing budget on the athletes toendorse their products by wearing them.

Theyentered the U.S. market in the 1950s.

Initially, Adidas was known to be involved with professional sports but they eventually succeeded to become a part of the every day’s lives of the people.

Theynever reconciled-

Eventhough the Puma was doing great, the brothers never got together.

Adolf Dassler died on 6 December 1978 and after his death, Adidas lost its market share in North America to other companies like Nike and Reebok.

RudolfDassler passed away on 27 October 1974.

Even their death failed to cement their ties and they were buried on the opposite sites of the Herzogenaurach cemetery.

In 2006, a sculpture of Adolf Dassler was unveiled in Herzogenaurach.

In 1989, Adidas went bankrupt after they lost nearly 80 million dollars.

BernardTapie, a French industrialist brought Adidas for ₣1.6 billion andhe shifted the production to Asia.

Eventually,Adidas re-captured the market share in America in the late 1990sdespite facing stiff competition from Nike, Reebok and Puma.

Acquiring Reebok-

Adidas never looked back again from that time and in 2006; they also acquired Reebok for 3.8 billion dollars.

Anotherreason for the success of Adidas can be attributed to its tendency tobe up-to-date with the latest trends.

In August 2015, Adidas acquired Runtastic for approximately $240 million as it realised the growing importance of technology in the sports field.

Runtasticis an Austrian mobile fitness company which combines the power oftechnology with the sports.

So,despite facing countless challenges on its way Adidas became one ofthe most successful companies in the world.

Now, Adidas is much bigger than Puma, as Adidas employs over 59,000 people whereas Puma employs over 18,000 people.

According to Forbes, in 2020, Adidas is the world’s 51st most valuable brand with a brand value of a whopping $12.9 B.

Whereas the brand value of Puma is $4 B.

Rivalry ends-

Therelations between Adidas and Puma greatly improved when on 21September 2009, a friendly football match was arranged between theemployees of the two factories.

Thismatch healed the decades of enmity between the two brands.

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Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (4)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the story behind Adidas?

The story of Adidas is very inspiring.
Adidas was founded by Adolf Dassler on 18 August 1949, Herzogenaurach, Germany.
As Adolf Dassler didn’t have many resources for operating Adidas, he made shoes in the back of his mother’s laundry.
Adolf Dassler ran his machines by powering them with his stationary bike.
He even scavenged the debris of the military equipment in hopes of finding materials for shoe making.
This passion of Adolf Dassler towards shoe making made Adidas one of the most successful sportswear companies.

How did Adidas get famous?

Adidas became internationally famous when Jesse Owens, an American athlete wore its shoes and won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics.
Then in 1954, the German football team sporting Adidas shoes won the World Cup final match.
These two sports events made Adidas very famous.

How has Adidas been successful?

Apart from making the best products, getting associated with the successful athletes made Adidas very successful.

Are the founders of Adidas and Puma brothers?

Yes, the founders of Adidas and Puma were brothers.
Adidas was founded by the younger brother, Adolf Dassler.
Whereas Puma was founded by the elder brother, Rudolf Dassler.
Initially, both of them worked together for Adidas.
But in 1948, due to some family feud, Rudolf Dassler parted to form Puma.

What does Adidas stand for?

There is no full-form for Adidas.
Adidas was initially known as Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory.
But it was later renamed by Adolf Dassler to Adidas.
He combined the first two letters of his name (Ad) with the first three letters of the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory (Das) and added the letter i between them.
Thus, the word Adidas came into existence.

Why did Adolf Dassler create Adidas?

The young Adolf Dassler always wanted to make sports shoes as he himself was a fervent sports fan.
He carried out many experiments like adding metal spikes to the shoes, etc. in hopes of making better sports shoes.
This passion for shoemaking made Adolf Dassler create Adidas.

Which is the bigger Adidas or Puma?

Currently, Adidas is much bigger than Puma.
The brand value of Adidas is $12.9 billion whereas that of Puma is $4 billion.
Which means in terms of brand value Adidas is more than three times bigger than Puma.

Does Adidas own Puma?

Even though both these brands are headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany, Adidas doesn’t own Puma.

What brands do Adidas own?

Adidas owns two brands, namely-
• Reebok sportswear company
• Runtastic, a fitness technology company.

Table of Contents

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Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (5)

Hello folks, I'm Naveen Reddy.
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Inspiring Success Story of Adidas - Youth Motivator (2024)


What is the inspiring success story of Adidas? ›

Highlights to the success story of Adidas

Jesse Owens, an American athlete who wore Adidas shoes and won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics, made the company renowned across the world. The German football team, wearing Adidas shoes, then won the World Cup final match in 1954.

What is the reason for Adidas success? ›

Adi Dassler's secret to success had an additional personal ingredient: He met with athletes (some of them even as visitors in Herzogenaurach), listened carefully to what they said, and constantly observed what can be improved or even invented to support their needs.

What are some interesting stories about Adidas? ›

Adidas presented a new logo—the Trefoil—in time for the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Adidas, long dominant in athletic shoes, faced heightened competition in the 1970s, notably from emerging brands such as Nike. Despite an endorsem*nt deal with the rap group Run-D.M.C. in 1986, market shares declined during the 1980s.

What is the summary of Adidas? ›

adidas AG: Overview

adidas AG (adidas) designs, manufactures, and markets athletic and sports lifestyle products. The company's product portfolio includes footwear, apparel, and accessories such as bags, sunglasses, fitness equipment, and balls.

What is the hidden message of Adidas? ›

The three strips of Adidas logo come from their 3 striped shoe design but also represent a mountain, pointing out towards challenges and goals people need to overcome. It also represents business growth.

How does Adidas motivate their employees? ›

The key focus of our rewards strategy is to attract, retain, and motivate individuals through remuneration and benefits that are inclusive, fit for purpose, and competitive in the marketplace – thus enabling us to achieve our strategic objectives.

What is Adidas main message? ›


We have a clear mission: To be the best sports brand in the world. Every day, we come to work to create and sell the best sports products in the world, and to offer the best service and consumer experience – and to do it all in a sustainable way.

What is the motive of Adidas? ›

Adidas Mission and Vision Statement Analysis in Mind Map
MissionPromoting an Active Lifestyle Improving Sports Exceeding Expectations Creating Innovative Products
VisionCreating the Best Designs Maximizing Athlete Performance Manufacturing Top Quality Products Reaching the Global Market
1 more row

What makes Adidas stand out? ›

The brand's ability to cater to diverse consumer needs and preferences has contributed to its market success. Adidas' focus on product innovation, brand collaborations, and strategic marketing campaigns has enabled the brand to carve out a significant share of the global market.

What is Adidas most famous for? ›

Adidas AG (German pronunciation: [ˈʔadiˌdas]; stylized in all lowercase since 1949) is a German athletic apparel and footwear corporation headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Bavaria, Germany. It is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe, and the second largest in the world, after Nike.

What Adidas stands for? ›

Adidas takes its name from its founder, Adolf Dassler. More commonly called 'Adi', 'Adidas' is an abbreviation of the 1920s shoemaker's name: 'Adi-Das[sler]'. However, many have speculated otherwise, suggesting that the brand settled on the name because it was an acronym for 'All Day I Dream About Sport' or 'Soccer'.

What is Adidas' motto? ›

The Adidas slogan "Impossible is Nothing" originated in 1974 and was derived from a quote by Muhammad Ali , world-famous boxing champion. Ali endorsed the brand making it the most important milestones for Adidas.

What is Adidas vision statement? ›

Adidas' vision statement is "to be the leading sports brand globally by continuously bringing innovation and performance to every athlete." The vision statement is a clear and inspirational expression of a company's direction, intended to influence and motivate employees, customers, and stakeholders.

What to write about Adidas? ›

🏆 Best Adidas Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
  • Adidas Marketing Plan. ...
  • Adidas Company Organizational Structure. ...
  • Adidas Company's Strategic Plan. ...
  • Nike and Adidas Companies' Environmental Scan. ...
  • Adidas and Marketing Communication. ...
  • Adidas Group's Corporate Social Responsibility. ...
  • Nike vs. ...
  • Nike vs.

How has innovation made Adidas successful? ›

However, Adidas has a strong focus on innovation and technology in its products, such as the Boost midsole and 4D printing, which provides superior performance and comfort for athletes. Nike and Puma also focus on product innovation, but they have different technologies and designs.

What is the founding story of Adidas? ›

The company was started by Adolf Dassler in his mother's house. He was joined by his elder brother Rudolf in 1924 under the name Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik ("Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory"). Dassler assisted in the development of spiked running shoes (spikes) for multiple athletic events.

What are the achievements of Adidas? ›

adidas made the Forbes top 10 list of companies that excel in areas such as parental-leave policies, leadership training programs for women, representation of women in upper management, and our response to incidents of discrimination.

Why is the Adidas logo so successful? ›

The Logic of Adidas Success Lies in:

1)A simple logo design, without too much graphic info. - Adidas logo obeys the gold rule of simple logo design. Such a design style makes viewers feel more comfortable - Its logo font and logo shape are clear and simple enough. 2)Adopt a trusted, good-feeling color scheme.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.