Iron in Huel and the Effects of Antinutrients and Vitamin C (2024)

Nutrition can be complicated sometimes. You're told to get all your vitamins and minerals – Huel helps with that – but did you know some can actually lessen the benefits of other nutrients? We take a look at the mineral iron and the potential 'antinutrients' that can affect our body's absorption of it.

Iron in Huel and the Effects of Antinutrients and Vitamin C (1)

Crucial for oxygen transport, cognitive function and your immune system, iron is an important mineral that we should all check we're getting enough of in our diet. But just how much is enough?

The Daily Values (DV) are the amounts of nutrients recommended per day for Americans, the DV for iron is 18mg per day[1]. A good intake of iron is essential for the transport of oxygen around the body by red blood cells, muscle contraction and nerve impulses. If we have too low levels of iron in our blood, then we have iron-deficiency anemia.

Hemochromatosis is a condition where the body accumulates iron. Most commonly it is genetic and uncontrolled, and has been linked to liver cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy, arthritis and diabetes. This genetic condition is most common in the caucasian population. Possibly, as many as one in 250 people have the condition, many of which are undiagnosed and may display no symptoms unless they’re exposed to a high iron intake[2].

There are substances in foods that inhibit the absorption of iron and some other minerals and adversely affect their bioavailability. Consequently, there is a valid concern that the level of iron in Huel Products is not enough. Bioavailability refers to the amount of a nutrient that is absorbed and goes on to have an effect in the body. These substances that negatively affect absorption of nutrients are known as antinutrients – constituents of food that reduce the nutritional value of other nutrients even though they themselves provide nutritional benefits.

Huel Powder v3.0 and Black Edition contain around 39mg iron which works out at 194% of the DV. Although this may seem high, there are several factors that come into play that affect iron status, and it’s important to look at these to demonstrate that regular Hueligans are supplied with the optimal amount of iron from Huel Products.

Huel contains non-haem iron

Haem iron is a type of iron that’s primarily found in animal products and at a level of around 40% of the total amount of iron in them[3] with the rest being non-haem iron. The form of iron that’s found in most plant products is non-haem. All the iron in Huel Products is naturally occurring and is provided by the main ingredients with no additional added. As there are no animal derived ingredients in Huel Products, all the iron present is non-haem iron.

The bioavailability of nonheme iron is more significantly influenced by other dietary factors than that of heme iron[4, 5], and the amount of nonheme iron that’s absorbed depends on how much iron is in your body already; if your iron status is low, your body absorbs more of it from food and if your stores are adequate, then it won’t absorb so much[6]. Typically, heme iron is more readily absorbed than nonheme iron at levels of 15-35% and 2-20% respectively[7, 8]. The absorption of heme iron isn't down-regulated, so if you consume too much, you may still absorb more than you need and this is an advantage a vegan diet has in people with hemochromatosis.

Phytic acid and iron

The most notable antinutrient that affects levels of iron and some other minerals is phytic acid. Phytic acid, also known as inositol hexakisphosphate, is a naturally occurring storage form of phosphorus in plant seeds, and the bound form is known as phytate. The oats, flaxseed, quinoa, brown rice and black beans in Huel Products are rich in phytic acid.

Phytic acid is often portrayed in a bad light due to its antinutrient effect where it reduces the absorption of a few minerals including iron, zinc and manganese. However, its health benefits are often overlooked. Phytic acid is an antioxidant[9-11] and has been shown to be anticarcinogenic[12]. Iron can behave as a free-radical, contributing to oxidative stress which can be damaging to the body, so phytic acid’s ability to sequester and trap iron is beneficial[13]. Phytic acid can also bind heavy metals (e.g. cadmium and lead) and help prevent their accumulation in the body. Read more in our articlePhytonutrients in Huel.

The extent to which phytic acid reduces the bioavailability of iron varies, and there are other constituents in food that come into play and affect the rate. Based on intake data and isotope studies, iron bioavailability has been estimated to be in the range of 14-18% for mixed diets and 5-12% for vegetarian diets in subjects with no iron stores[4, 5]. Recommendations for iron for vegetarians may be as much as 1.8 times higher than for non-vegetarians[5, 14]. However, a vegetarian diet does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of iron deficiency[15], so there are clearly other factors coming into play, such as other constituents of food that promote iron absorption (see below).

Milling grains and removing the bran decreases the phytic acid content of cereals and seeds[16] and the oats in Huel Products are finely milled significantly lowering the phytic acid. In addition, most phytic acid (37-66%) is degraded in the stomach and small intestines[17].

Calcium and iron

Calcium has been shown to reduce the absorption of both heme and nonheme iron but has a greater effect on the latter[18, 19]. However, its effect is not as significant as that of phytic acid, and there is a minimum level of calcium that’s required to cause an inhibitory effect[20]. Furthermore, there is adaptation over time; calcium supplementation was shown to have a reduced effect up to 12 weeks, after which it was not found to change iron nutritional status, due to the compensatory increase in nonheme iron absorption[6, 21].

Huel Products contain a high level of calcium, some naturally occurring and some added in the micronutrient blend in the form of calcium carbonate, but as the level of iron in Huel Products is high and there is adaptation, the effect of calcium has on iron absorption is not particularly strong.

Polyphenols and iron

Some polyphenols have also been shown to reduce iron bioavailability[5]. Huel Products contains some polyphenolic antioxidants from the main ingredients so there may be some inhibition. However, their effect is minimal.

Vitamin C and iron

It’s well researched that vitamin C significantly promotes the absorption and bioavailability of iron and that supplementation with vitamin C has been shown to be more effective at increasing iron status than iron supplements[22]. Vitamin C – also known as ascorbic acid – is therefore a vital substance in combating the effects of antinutrients especially in vegetarians. Indeed, the effect of vitamin C, which is itself also an antioxidant, is that strong that it has been shown to significantly counteract the effect of phytic acid. In one study, phytic acid reduced iron absorption by up to 50%, but adding 30mg of vitamin C counteracted it[23].

Is the amount of iron in Huel optimal?

All the iron in Huel Products is non-haem iron and is all naturally occurring from the main ingredients. The amount of iron in Huel Powder v3.0 and Black Edition is high at approximately 35mg per 2,000kcal, which works out at 194% of the DV. The amount of iron in Huel Ready-to-Drink and Hot & Savoury is significantly lower but still more than adequate and above the DV.

In theory, at a 2,300kcal per day intake of the Huel Powders you could be approaching the safe upper limit ofiron that could potentially be too high. Therefore it would be reasonable for some people, especially those with haemochromatosis, to be concerned that the high level of iron in Huel Products could be dangerous over time. How can we be sure that Hueligans are not at risk of iron toxicity?

The safe upper limit value is based on mixed diets and therefore doesn’t take sufficient account of the large effects of antinutrients; so, equally, some people could be justified in being concerned that they’re not absorbing sufficient iron. How can we be sure we’re absorbing enough, that phytic acid isn’t having a detrimental effect, and Hueligans aren’t at risk of iron-deficiency anaemia?

It has been shown that the effect of phytic acid on iron absorption is dose-dependent[4], but in composite meals with certain vegetables that contain ascorbic acid, there is a much higher uptake[4, 24]; considering Huel Products contain a larger amount of ascorbic acid (300mg per 2,000kcal) than most ascorbic acid-rich vegetables, the absorption of iron from a Huel meal is at an optimum level.

Based on this, the effect of vitamin C compensates adequately for the negative effects of phytic acid and that Huel Products provides an optimum level of iron for absorption.

Main points

  • Huel Powders have a high iron content of 40mg per 2,000kcal or 8mg per 400kcal while Huel Hot & Savoury and Huel Ready-to-drink contains 4mg and 5mg per meal respectively
  • Huel products has a high phytic acid content which could lower the bioavailability of the iron significantly
  • Calcium has a small effect on reducing iron absorption
  • Huel products contains a high level of vitamin C and this is a potent enhancer of iron absorption
  • The amount of iron in Huel products is optimal considering all the factors that inhibit and enhance its absorption


  1. Food and Drug Administrator. A Food Labeling Guide. In: Services USDoHaH, editor. 2013.
  2. Bacon BR, et al. Diagnosis and management of hemochromatosis: 2011 practice guideline by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Hepatology. 2011; 54(1):328-43.
  3. J. Clifford et al. Colorado State University. Iron: An Essential Nutrient – 9.356. Date Accessed: 04/11/19. [Available from:]
  4. Hurrell R, et al. Iron bioavailability and dietary reference values. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010; 91(5):1461S-7S.
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  6. Roughead ZK, et al. Inhibitory effects of dietary calcium on the initial uptake and subsequent retention of heme and nonheme iron in humans: comparisons using an intestinal lavage method. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005; 82(3):589-97.
  7. Monsen ER. Iron nutrition and absorption: dietary factors which impact iron bioavailability. J Am Diet Assoc. 1988; 88(7):786-90.
  8. Munoz MV, et al. An update on iron physiology. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2009; 15(37):4617-26.
  9. Graf E, et al. Phytic acid. A natural antioxidant. J Biol Chem. 1987; 262(24):11647-50.
  10. Hawkins PT, et al. Inhibition of iron-catalysed hydroxyl radical formation by inositol polyphosphates: a possible physiological function for myo-inositol hexakisphosphate. Biochem J. 1993; 294 ( Pt 3):929-34.
  11. Phillippy BQ, et al. Antioxidant functions of inositol 1,2,3-trisphosphate and inositol 1,2,3,6-tetrakisphosphate. Free Radic Biol Med. 1997; 22(6):939-46.
  12. Shamsuddin A. Anti-cancer function of phytic acid. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2002; 37(7):769-82.
  13. Schlemmer U, et al. Phytate in foods and significance for humans: food sources, intake, processing, bioavailability, protective role and analysis. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2009; 53 Suppl 2:S330-75.
  14. Trumbo P, et al. Dietary reference intakes: vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium, and zinc. J Am Diet Assoc. 2001; 101(3):294-301.
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  16. Gupta RK, et al. Reduction of phytic acid and enhancement of bioavailable micronutrients in food grains. J Food Sci Technol. 2015; 52(2):676-84.
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  18. Hallberg L, et al. Calcium: effect of different amounts on nonheme- and heme-iron absorption in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991; 53(1):112-9.
  19. Benkhedda K, et al. Effect of calcium on iron absorption in women with marginal iron status. Br J Nutr. 2010; 103(5):742-8.
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  21. Lonnerdal B. Calcium and iron absorption--mechanisms and public health relevance. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2010; 80(4-5):293-9.
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  23. Siegenberg D, et al. Ascorbic acid prevents the dose-dependent inhibitory effects of polyphenols and phytates on nonheme-iron absorption. Am J Clin Nutr. 1991; 53(2):537-41.
  24. Tuntawiroon M, et al. Rice and iron absorption in man. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1990; 44(7):489-97.

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As a nutrition expert deeply entrenched in the realm of dietary science and health, I've extensively delved into various nutritional aspects, ranging from micronutrient absorption to the impact of different dietary components on overall health. My expertise spans evaluating the bioavailability of nutrients, understanding the effects of antinutrients on mineral absorption, and elucidating the intricate relationship between nutrients and the human body's physiological processes.

The article on nutrition intricacies, particularly concerning the impact of iron and antinutrients on its absorption, resonates deeply with my expertise. Let's break down the key concepts addressed in the article:

  1. Iron Importance and Daily Values: Iron is essential for oxygen transport, cognitive function, and the immune system. The Daily Value (DV) for iron is 18mg per day.

  2. Iron Deficiency and Hemochromatosis: Iron-deficiency anemia arises from low iron levels, while hemochromatosis results in excessive iron accumulation, potentially leading to various health issues.

  3. Antinutrients: Substances like phytic acid, present in certain foods, can inhibit the absorption of iron and other minerals, impacting their bioavailability.

  4. Iron in Huel Products: Huel contains non-haem iron, primarily from plant-based sources, which is influenced by various dietary factors affecting its absorption.

  5. Factors Affecting Iron Bioavailability: Phytic acid, calcium, polyphenols, and vitamin C play significant roles in either inhibiting or enhancing iron absorption.

  6. Calcium, Polyphenols, and Vitamin C: While calcium and some polyphenols can decrease iron absorption, vitamin C notably enhances it.

  7. Optimal Iron Levels: Huel products provide a substantial amount of iron, and considering the presence of vitamin C, they are deemed to offer an optimal level for absorption.

  8. Bioavailability Enhancement: Vitamin C's compensatory effect on phytic acid indicates an optimum iron absorption level from Huel meals.

The references provided in the article corroborate the various scientific studies and findings, aligning with established research on nutrient absorption, the impact of dietary components, and recommended dietary allowances.

This comprehensive coverage resonates with my in-depth understanding of nutritional science and the intricate interplay between nutrients and their absorption mechanisms. If there's a specific aspect you'd like further clarification on or more details about, feel free to ask!

Iron in Huel and the Effects of Antinutrients and Vitamin C (2024)
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