Is Alcohol Free Beer Halal? How to tell | Opening The Bottle (2024)

Is Alcohol Free Beer Halal? How to tell | Opening The Bottle (1)

Observant Muslims must not drink alcoholic drinks, these are considered Haram. Are the new breed of non alcoholic drinks allowed under Islamic Law? Is alcohol free beer halal?

As a general rule, alcohol free beer can be Halal. The beer needs to be 0.0% ABV for the strict Islamic Law to deem it Halal. Nearly all the major beer brands are producing zero alcohol beers. Not all non or low alcoholic beers are 0.0%, meaning it is critical to read the label.

You need to read the label carefully and decide what level of ABV the beer contains, if it doesn’t specifically say.

Below are are the UK and USA definitions of how much alcohol is allowed to be in a beer depending on how it is branded.

If you would like to check out the best beer glasses then you can follow this link to Amazons. A beer just tastes so much better when you drink it from a nice glass, am i right?!

Is non alcoholic beer halal?

As you might imagine, this can be a complex topic with many variations across the world.

The Prophet Muhammad says in theQuran“Every intoxicant is Khamr and every intoxicant is forbidden. He who drinks wine in this world and dies while he is addicted to it, not having repented, will not be given a drink in the Hereafter.”

One of the arguments in Islamic law is only grape juice and wine Haram or all alcohols. Khamr is the Arabic word for wine and intoxication.

A minority would argue that only wine is Haram due to this word. Indeed some majority Muslim countries produce spirits like aarack. Egypt produces wine.

The conservative thinking is amount of an intoxicating liquid is banned, even a mouthful. Where there may be differing practice is if an alcohol is <0.5% ABV and labelled as “non alcoholic”, can this be Halal?

You cant get drunk drinking this strength of alcohol (as ive shown here) but there is still alcohol in the liquid. I know Muslim friends of mine who are happy that this is non alcoholic and that they can drink it.

The stricter approach, and the approach taken for Halal Certification is to only drink a liquid if it is “alcohol free” with an ABV of <0.05%.

For comparison, orange juice would have 0.5% ABV and vinegar 0.2% ABV. All the Halal Certified alcohol free products have and ABV <0.05% and will be labelled as 0.0% ABV.

ABV %Likelihood of being considered Halal
<1.2% – Low alcoholVery unlikely to be considered Halal
<0.5% – Non alcoholicPossibly can be considered Halal
0.0% – Alcohol freeCan be considered Halal
0.0% – Halal CertifiedShould be considered Halal


There is a further consideration from the Quran, is that if you are drinking a non alcoholic equivalent of an alcoholic drink, with others who are drinking alcohol, mimicking them, then this could possibly be considered Haram.

Although that takes the context of the drink a step further. If you are just in your own home with your own family drinking a 0.0% alcoholic drink then this wouldn’t be haram for the purposes of mimicking.

If there is no halal certification should you be able to take comfort that law states alcohol free and 0.0% ABV means just that and this will be inspected and tested independently?

The law allows 0.5% ABV variance in the UK. So a 0.5% beer could be 1%. Could a 0.05% beer be 0.55%? I think it’s very unlikely with modern brewing and computer techniques and all the 0.0% advertising the big companies are doing.

Non alcoholic beer definitions

Description on labelMaximum ABV content
Low alcohol1.2%
Alcohol free0.0%

There are various beer descriptions that you may see and these correspond to differing alcohol by volume content. Low alcohol beer has an alcohol by content percentage of 1.2% ABV or below.

Dealcoholised beer is beer that has went through the fermentation process and then had the alcohol extracted either by vacuum distillation or filtration.

Dealcoholised beer must not contain more than 0.5% ABV. The term alcohol free beer can only be used for a beer where the alcohol has been extracted, as with the dealcoholised beer, but with a remaining ABV of not more than 0.05%.

This would mean it can display 0.0% ABV on the label or state it contains no alcohol. “Non alcoholic beer” however is used in common parlance to describe both dealcoholised and alcohol free beer.

The FDAstate“To ensure that consumers are not misled as to the alcohol content of the product, the statement of identity should be followed by the declaration, “contains less than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume.”

FDA considers use of the terms “dealcoholized” and “alcohol-removed” in the statement of identity of a reduced alcohol wine product to be misleading if the alcohol content exceeds 0.5 percent by volume (…)

FDA does not consider the terms “non-alcoholic” and “alcohol-free” to be synonymous. The term “alcohol-free” may be used only when the product contains no detectable alcohol.”

So both USA and UK both state the only terms acceptable for a “beer” containing no alcohol and at 0.0% ABV is alcohol free. All other terms may have up to 0.5% ABV and therefore not be Halal. EU law however may allow alcohol free beers to have up to 0.5% ABV.

When is alcohol free not alcohol free

As stated above, in UK law, alcohol free should = ABV <0.05%

I live in the UK and Brewdog, a leading beer brand, now has 3 different “alcohol free” beers. As per the law, you’d think that this means they have 0.0% ABV but all 3 actually have 0.5% ABV

Im not sure if this is due to some EU/UK law i’m unaware of but it just goes to show that if you are trying to buy a potentially Halal Beer, just by looking at the description you may buy a 0.5% ABV beer rather than the 0.0% one you wanted.

I would advise to always check the ABV % and ignore the written description. If there is no stated ABV % then i would avoid it.

Alcohol and Islam

lsamic law is clear that Muslims are not allowed to drink any intoxicants, or any drink that may make a person intoxicated.

A “dealcoholised beer” at 0.5% is nearly impossible to get drunk on, you would need to drink litres an hour to get near it but there certainly is a detectable amount of alcohol.

The new 0.0%/alcohol free beers have no detectable alcohol which allows them to be halal but i understand there may be other point of law that an observant Muslim may need to take into consideration.

I am by no means an Islamic scholar but in research for this blog i have seen arguments that if you are drinking an alcohol free version of an alcoholic drink, in the same way or mimicking the way you would if it was alcoholic, this can be considered haram.

So seemingly after buying a Halal alcohol free beer, you may drink it with others who are drinking regular beer and this act may render the alcohol free beer haram. This is a point that you may want to consider with a local religious leader.

Other contentious areas are where the alcohol free beer is made and if that facility is also making alcoholic beer.

Heineken Zero Contraversy

Like most large beer brands, Heineken has a Zero range. As such it has to have less than 0.05% ABV to call itself zero alcohol. They state the alcohol content is 0.03% which complies with that.

In 2019 they were launching themselves in Malaysia however in a Facebook statement the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia stated this beer should only been for non muslims and is considered Haram.

All Heineken 0.0 products are only available at the non-halal zone

Heineken Malaysia Berhad

They stated “All Heineken 0.0 products are only available at the non-halal zone of supermarkets and convenience stores, with clear signage indicating that the product is strictly for non-Muslims, aged 21 and above only”.

In response Heineken issued a press release “The purpose for introducing Heineken 0.0 in Malaysia is to provide a choice for non-Muslim consumers who enjoy the taste of beer, but not necessarily the effects of alcohol, particularly beer drinkers who seek to moderate their alcohol consumption as part of a balanced lifestyle”

How is alcohol free beer made

Alcohol free beer with various techniques. It can be diluted and re-carbonated however this will dilute the flavour. It can be vacuum distilled or filtered as with wine. This is currently the most popular method and keeps as much of the original flavour as possible.

Caveat Emptor

Buyer beware as they say. From my research it seems 0.0% alcohol free beer can be considered Halal but if you are in any way in doubt then you should follow your normal processes and discuss it with your local religious leader. The Heineken Zero issues from 2019 in Malaysia show the whole Islamic community may not think the same about alcohol free beer.

For a full article of 12 non alcoholic beer benefits then click here to read

Is Alcohol Free Beer Halal? How to tell | Opening The Bottle (2024)


Is Alcohol Free Beer Halal? How to tell | Opening The Bottle? ›

It is important to note that not all non-alcoholic beers are created equal. Some brands may contain trace amounts of alcohol, while others may be completely alcohol-free. As Opening The Bottle notes, non-alcoholic beer must be 0.0% ABV for it to be considered halal under strict Islamic Law.

Can Muslims drink 0% alcohol beer? ›

Additionally, non-alcoholic beers are often brewed with other ingredients such as hops and grain, which are both considered halal. However, technically, if they contain any alcohol at all, however minimal, it will be considered haram.

How can you tell if beer is non-alcoholic? ›

The main difference between alcoholic, low alcohol and alcohol-free beer is the amount of alcohol they contain:
  1. Most 'alcohol-free' beer contains 0.05% alcohol by volume (ABV), or less. ...
  2. Low alcohol beer contains 1.2% ABV, or less. ...
  3. The average strength of conventional beers is 4.4% ABV.

Is Heineken 0.0 alcohol-free halal? ›

Unless there is no alcohol inside the beer, all non-alcoholic drinks are without a doubt Haram or forbidden for Muslims to drink.

How do you know if something is alcohol-free? ›

To give you some context, a pint (568ml) of 1% ABV beer contains just over half a unit of alcohol[1], which is why 0.05% ABV drinks can be labelled as alcohol-free.
'Low alcohol' labelling
  1. Alcohol-free: no more than 0.05%ABV.
  2. De-alcoholised: no more than 0.5% ABV.
  3. Low alcohol: no more than 1.2% ABV.
Jul 23, 2020

How does Heineken 0.0 have no alcohol? ›

Heineken® 0.0 is brewed and fermented with Heineken's unique A-yeast and made with top ingredients with gentle alcohol removal and blending to achieve a fruity flavor and slight malty notes. We gently remove the alcohol with vacuum distillation and blend the brew to perfection with premium quality flavor.

Does 0.0 beer have alcohol? ›

Does alcohol-free beer contain alcohol? If you're unfamiliar with alcohol-free beer, this might sound like a silly question. However, most beers labelled as non-alcoholic or alcohol-free do contain a little alcohol – up to 0.5% ABV (alcohol by volume) in most cases.

Can kids buy non-alcoholic beer? ›

While the purchase of non alcoholic beer is illegal for individuals under 21 years old in most states across the USA, consumption is not. So, the good news for you is that you can drink non alcoholic beer under the age of 21, even though you can't purchase it. You might be wondering how that's even possible.

Can a child drink non-alcoholic beer? ›

Experts are saying that giving children even non-alcoholic beer gets them used to the bitter taste of hops. This leads to at-risk alcohol use later on in life with alcohol products.

How to distinguish between alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks? ›

The amount of alcohol in alcoholic and alcohol-free beer is the primary distinction. Alcoholic beers include alcohol typically between 1.15 and 15 percent ABV, whereas alcohol free beer has a much lower percentage of alcohol, usually less than 0.5 percent ABV (in some cases as low as 0.001percent).

Can Muslims drink 0.0% Heineken? ›

Is non-alcoholic beer halal or haram? The simple answer is – non-alcoholic beer is haram, not halal, because it has a small amount of alcohol. The Qur'an forbids it, so all non-alcoholic beer should be avoided by devoted Muslims.

Can Muslims drink kombucha? ›

Despite the fact that kombucha contains a very low amount of alcohol, Muslims consider kombucha halal because the alcohol is produced as a by-product in the fermentation process of the tea. This is a totally natural process that produces such a small amount of alcohol it would not be intoxicating.

Can you drink Heineken 0.0 while driving? ›

Since true non-alcoholic beers don't contain any alcohol (0.0%), consuming them won't result in a DUI. You can only be charged with a DUI for consuming non-alcoholic beer if the police officer thinks you're drunk.

Why do I feel drunk after drinking non-alcoholic beer? ›

Why do I feel drunk after non-alcoholic beer? Although you will not get drunk on non-alcoholic drinks (unless you drink more than 40 pints of alcohol-free beer), you can still get the feeling of being drunk while consuming low alcohol beer with an alcohol content below 0.5%. This is because of the placebo effect.

Can 0.5% alcohol damage your liver? ›

With insignificant amounts of alcohol and fewer calories, it's clear that drinking alcohol-free beer (up to 0.5% ABV) is better than opting for an alcohol-laden equivalent and great for giving your liver a rest.

Is Budweiser Zero completely alcohol-free? ›

It's Anheuser Busch's first 0.0% alcohol brew.

Surprisingly, most “no-alcohol” beers have some alcohol in them – but not Bud Zero – our proprietary de-alcoholization technique makes this beverage truly alcohol-free.

How many Heineken 0.0 equal one beer? ›

Amount of non-alcoholic beers that would get you drunk

According to our calculations, ten standard servings of non-alcoholic beer are equal to one regular beer. This means that one would have to drink around 40 cans of non-alcoholic beers to consume the amount of alcohol it takes to get drunk.

Can you drink Heineken 0.0 while on probation? ›

Even if non-alcoholic beer is not prohibited by law, probation officers may still have discretion to prohibit it for individuals on probation. Probation officers have the authority to impose additional conditions on probationers, such as abstaining from all alcohol, including non-alcoholic beer.

Why is Heineken 0.0 so expensive? ›

You've got ingredients, production/labor, aging, packaging, marketing, distribution, etc. And it's no different in the zero-proof space. Zero-proof makers have to be even more focused on quality ingredients than their alcoholic counterparts. Anyone consuming a non-alcoholic beer or gin doesn't just care about the buzz.

Is non-alcoholic beer OK pregnant? ›

Is Non-Alcoholic Beer Safe During Pregnancy? Yes, non-alcoholic beer is safe during pregnancy. The trace amounts of alcohol in non-alcoholic beer is less than pregnant women may already be consuming in many fresh fruits and juices, including apple juice and ripe bananas.

Can you drink 0.0 beer in the car? ›

If you enjoy the taste of beer without any of the added carbs and intoxication, then you can take non-alcoholic beer on the go because you are allowed to drink it while driving like any other beverage, like water, juice, or soda. There are also no open container laws regarding beers with no alcohol content.

Can you get a hangover from non-alcoholic beer? ›

No hangover

Since there's no alcohol in non-alcoholic beers, you do not get any hangover, mild or severe. All non-alcoholic beers have less than 0.5% ABV. That's the same amount of alcohol you get from a glass of orange juice.

Why do you need ID to buy non-alcoholic beer? ›

There are two reasons why non-alcoholic beer is age restricted: To avoid encouraging children to drink beer. To make it simpler for staff to know when to ask for ID.

Do you have to be 21 to buy Budweiser Zero? ›

Budweiser Zero is an alcohol free brew strictly for adults 21 years of age or older.

What is the youngest age you can buy beer? ›

In 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which required states to raise their ages for purchase and public possession to 21 by October 1986 or lose 10% of their federal highway funds.

What beer has the lowest alcohol content? ›

With the rise of non-alcoholic beers, many companies have created delicious, low calorie options.
  • Coors Edge (0.5% ABV): 45 calories.
  • Becks Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.0% ABV): 60 calories.
  • Heineken 0.0 (0.0% ABV): 69 calories.
  • Bavaria 0.0% Beer (0.0% ABV): 85 calories.
  • Budweiser Prohibition Brew (0.0% ABV): 150 calories.
Feb 18, 2020

Can kids drink coffee? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no caffeinated coffee, tea, soda, sports drinks or other products for children under the age of 12, while adolescents between the ages of age 12 and 18 should limit their intake to less than 100 milligrams per day – about the size of an old-fashioned cup of coffee.

What is non-alcoholic beer made of? ›

Ingredients of Non-Alcoholic Beer

Similar to regular alcoholic beer, non-alcoholic beer is brewed with four standard ingredients: water, grain, hops, and yeast. Water makes up the largest majority of any beer you can find on the shelf.

Is it OK to drink non-alcoholic beer everyday? ›

Although certain aspects of low-alcohol and alcohol-free beers may be better for you than a regular pint, they should still be consumed in moderation. Just like regular beer, they are high in carbs and may lead to weight gain and other health-related issues.

Is beer halal or haram in Islam? ›

This beer is khamr (an intoxicant) and it is haram to sell it , buy it and drink it. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Every intoxicant is khamr and every intoxicant is haram.” Narrated by Muslim, 2003.

What are the 3 types of non alcoholic beverages? ›

Non-alcoholic beverages can be broadly categorized into soft drinks and hot drinks. Soft drinks are drinks which do not have alcohol such as carbonated drinks, tonic water, fruit punch, and sparkling water, among others. Hot drinks include popular beverages such as coffee and tea.

Can Muslims drink non-alcoholic wine? ›

Khamr refers to substances that cause intoxication, and since non-alcoholic wine lacks alcohol, it doesn't possess intoxicating properties. Therefore, non-alcoholic wine doesn't fall under the category of Khamr, making it permissible for Muslims to consume, provided it meets all other halal requirements and guidelines.

Can Muslims drink root beer? ›

Present-day root beer is not an alcoholic beverage, and is not haram. What is Non-Alcoholic Beer? Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in Islam, and the culture associated with drinking alcoholic beverages is not Islamic.

What percentage of alcohol is halal? ›

Consumer products with added ingredients that contain alcohol must have less than 0.1% alcohol, including both added and any natural alcohol, to qualify as halal. At this level, one cannot taste the alcohol, smell the alcohol, or see the alcohol, a criterion generally applied for the impurities.

Can Muslims eat vanilla extract? ›

Eating vanilla is permissible even though it was mixed with alcohol during preparation for two reasons: 1- alcohol is not najis (impure), 2- alcohol does not have any effect on vanilla.

Why is vinegar halal? ›

Summary of answer. 1- Vinegar is a well-known basic foodstuff, made from wine of which the composition has changed so that it is no longer sweet but is acidic or sour. 2- When wine turns to vinegar by itself, without any deliberate treatment needed for it to be changed, it is permissible to eat, drink and handle.

Is kefir halal or Haram? ›

This concentration has no effect, and this drink is halaal, because the basic principle with regard to all drinks and foods is that they are halaal, except that which Islam prohibits.

Can I buy Heineken 0.0 if I'm under 21? ›

there's no age limit for you to buy the Heineken 0.0.

How many 0.5 beers does it take to get drunk? ›

In a pint of 0.5% beer or cider, that works out as 0.28 units, meaning your body will be able to process this alcohol every 17 minutes. In other words, you need to be drinking four pints or more of 0.5% beer or cider per hour to go beyond your body's ability to process the alcohol.

Does Heineken 0.0 taste like real beer? ›

Taste. Both Heineken zero and the standard Heineken have the same characteristic fruity notes, a crisp taste and a malty body. The first mouthfuls are identical in flavour. The only difference comes through in the aftertaste.

How many beers does it take to get drunk for a non drinker? ›

Generally speaking, it takes about 3-4 beers for the average person to feel tipsy, and around 5-6 beers to become legally intoxicated. However, this can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may feel the effects of alcohol after just one or two beers, while others may need more than six to get drunk.

How many beers does it take to get a non drinker drunk? ›

Generally, an average-sized man will need four to five beers to get drunk, while an average-sized woman will need two to four beers. The alcohol absorption and body reaction to alcohol vary depending on the weight and height of a person.

What is the least liver toxic alcohol? ›

Take a look at this list of the least-damaging alcoholic drinks from Legends at White Oak to help you drink consciously.
  • Red Wine. ...
  • Light Beer. ...
  • Tequila. ...
  • Gin & Rum & Vodka & Whiskey.
Mar 7, 2021

Is alcohol-free beer safe for your liver? ›

Non-alcoholic beer, nevertheless, can still contribute to liver damage. It's still not a safe option for those worried about liver-related medical conditions or who are already suffering from medical issues with their liver. It is also dangerous to those suffering from pancreatitis.

How much alcohol does it take to permanently damage your liver? ›

Long-term intake of more than 30 g of absolute alcohol per day increases the risk of alcoholic liver disease; liver disease is nearly certain in long-term consumption in excess of 80 g of absolute alcohol per day.

Can kids drink non-alcoholic beer? ›

While the purchase of non alcoholic beer is illegal for individuals under 21 years old in most states across the USA, consumption is not. So, the good news for you is that you can drink non alcoholic beer under the age of 21, even though you can't purchase it.

Which non-alcoholic beers actually have no alcohol? ›

Bavaria Wit Non-Alcoholic Wheat Beer (0.0 percent) Cobra Zero Non-Alcoholic Beer (0.0 percent) Jupiler 0.0% (0 percent)
Here are a few alcohol-free beers:
  • *Beck's Blue (0.05 percent)
  • *Bitburger Drive (0.05 percent)
  • Budweiser Prohibition Brew (0 percent)
  • *Heineken (less than 0.03 percent)
Sep 30, 2019

Will Budweiser Zero show up on a breathalyzer? ›

Conclusion. Non-alcoholic beer contains a very small amount of alcohol, usually less than 0.5% ABV. While this is not enough to cause intoxication, it can still be detected by a breathalyzer.

Is less than 0.1% alcohol halal? ›

In order to be Halal compliant and certified, foods must contain less than 1% ethanol than that been produced by natural (aerobic) fermentation. However, the level is lower for beverages, which must contain less than 0.1% ethanol in order to be classified as Halal.

Can Muslims drink alcohol free wine? ›

Khamr refers to substances that cause intoxication, and since non-alcoholic wine lacks alcohol, it doesn't possess intoxicating properties. Therefore, non-alcoholic wine doesn't fall under the category of Khamr, making it permissible for Muslims to consume, provided it meets all other halal requirements and guidelines.

Is it haram to drink 0.5% alcohol? ›

Drinking non alcoholic beer is permissible according to some scholars. It contains 0.05% alcohol. The reason behind its not being prohibited is logical. The rule about beverage or any other food is that if it makes you drunk(intoxicated) consumed in a large quantity, then that is haram even for just a sip.

Is less than 0.5% alcohol haram? ›

Thus, a drink that has 0.5% of alcohol is not halal – lawful or permissible. It would be like cooking your meat in a pan that has just been used to prepare pork.

What is the minimum alcohol halal? ›

Hence, in juice considered as halal due to lower of alcohol content. While cider or alcoholic beverage is haram due to above alcohol level permitted which is above of the 1%. Besides, cider vinegar or vinegar is halal by the interpretation of hadith of permissible conversion from alcoholic to vinegar itself.

What is 0.0 alcohol level? ›

BAC 0.0%: There's no alcohol in your blood (you're sober). BAC 0.02%: At this percentage, you may experience an altered mood, relaxation and a slight loss of judgment. BAC 0.05%: At this percentage, you may feel uninhibited and have lowered alertness and impaired judgment.

Is 1% alcohol in food haram? ›

It is not permissible to use it in food or drink in any way whatsoever…. The one who cooks meat with alcohol and consumes the juice is to be subjected to the hadd punishment, because the essence of the alcohol is still present.”

Is vodka haram in Islam? ›

Drinking alcohol is considered haram, or forbidden, in Islam. As proof of the prohibition, Islamic scholars and Muslim religious authorities typically point to a verse in the Quran, the Muslim holy book, that calls intoxicants “the work of Satan” and tells believers to avoid them.

Can Muslims drink prime? ›

If viewed in terms of ingredients, PRIME drinks are safe for Muslims to drink. The ingredients used in this beverage itself are suitable for vegetarians and do not contain alcohol. The ingredients are electrolytes, coconut water, vitamin B, BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), and many antioxidants.

Why can't Muslims wear gold? ›

Gold contains rays which pass through body skin and influence blood cells. This is quite true for men (2). But it does not apply to the women because there is a layer of fat between the skin and flesh in women, which does not exist in men.

Why do Muslims use bidets? ›

It is universal. To a certain extent, he's right — it's a problem if toilet paper is not available everywhere at all times. If you're Muslim, however, there's an additional bathroom need that has to be met: There must always be a small vessel, to be filled with water, with which to wash your nether regions.

Can Muslims drink alcohol in small amounts? ›

According to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), if a substance intoxicates in a large amount, it is forbidden even in a small amount. Hence, most observant Muslims abstain from drinking alcohol at all costs.

Is non alcoholic beer bad for your liver? ›

Non-alcoholic beer, nevertheless, can still contribute to liver damage. It's still not a safe option for those worried about liver-related medical conditions or who are already suffering from medical issues with their liver. It is also dangerous to those suffering from pancreatitis.

Can you drink non alcoholic beer in Saudi Arabia? ›

With alcoholic drinks prohibited under Islamic law, beer sales in the Saudi Arabian market are totally reliant on non alcoholic beer.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.