Is Dun Dunbar Castle real from A Castle for Christmas? (2024)

Most people have watchedA Castle for Christmasby now and are wondering whether or not Dun Dunbar Castle is real. The castle is so beautiful and huge that I wouldn’t mind exploring it for a day or two. But, can you actually visit Dun Dunbar Castle, or is it just a work of fiction?

While the film may start off with the famed author, Sophie Brown, traveling to Scotland to escape a scandal, she eventually falls in love with Dun Dunbar Castle and hopes to own it one day. Most of the Netflix movie takes place in the castle, and we learn a lot of cool information about Dun Dunbar over the course of the film.

InA Castle for Christmas, we see tourists take a tour around the castle, and it instantly makes us wonder if we can do the same. We share with you if Dun Dunbar Castle is a real castle or if it’s fictional down below.

Although there were was a very believable backstory told about Dun Dunbar Castle in the film, the castle is not real. Sadly, Dun Dunbar Castle is just a fictional castle created for the movie. However, in real life, there was a Dunbar Castle located in Scotland, but it’s no longer in use.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Dun Dunbar Castle shares a similar name to Dunbar Castle. I think the writers intentionally used a similar name because the movie takes place in Scotland. However, the history of Dun Dunbar Castle in the film and the true history of Dunbar Castle are vastly different.

I would’ve loved to tour Dun Dunbar Castle, but I guess I’ll just have to live vicariously through Sophie. Be sure to check outA Castle for Christmas only on Netflix. Would you like to seeA Castle for Christmas 2?

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Is Dun Dunbar Castle real from A Castle for Christmas? (2024)


Is Dun Dunbar Castle real from A Castle for Christmas? ›

Sadly, Dun Dunbar is as fictitious as this Netflix fable, but Scotland has no shortage of castles to explore, including the real ones featured in A Castle for Christmas. Much of the film was shot on the Dalmeny Estate and Dundas Castle, both just a few miles outside of Edinburgh.

Is the Dun Dunbar castle real? ›

Dalmeny House, South Queensferry

The most important location we see in this entire Netflix movie is the fictional Dun Dunbar Castle. This is where Sophie finds the Duke of Dunbar and starts her interesting and complex story with him.

Where is Dun Dunbar castle in A Castle for Christmas? ›

Dalmeny House, a Gothic Revival mansion to the north-west of Edinburgh, was used as the location for the film's Dun Dunbar Castle. Tantallon Castle was also used as a filming location. Parts of the film were also shot in South Queensferry. The village of Culross in Fife was used to portray the village of Dunbar.

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24 Oct Filming at Dundas Castle

Earlier this year, we had the pleasure of welcoming HeeHaw Productions to Dundas. The Castle was used for a number of scenes in their new film, Christmas in Scotland.

What happened to Dunbar Castle? ›

The castle surrendered and was destroyed after Mary had fled to England. Much of the ruin was demolished in the 19th century to build the harbour. The remains of the castle are very fragmentary, and continue to deteriorate. There are impressive vaults by the harbour.

Is Dunbar a real place in Scotland? ›

Dunbar (/dʌnˈbɑːr/) is a town on the North Sea coast in East Lothian in the south-east of Scotland, approximately 30 miles (50 kilometres) east of Edinburgh and 30 mi (50 km) from the English border north of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Was Christmas in Scotland filmed in Scotland? ›

Filming for Christmas in Scotland took place in Culross in February. And while details of the project were hidden from locals, some became part of the production as extras for scenes filmed in the the Red Lion Inn and other areas of the village.

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Exteriors of the castle are Dromoland Castle in Clare, Ireland. Like in the movie, it is also a hotel, in fact a resort.

How many castles are in Scotland? ›

It's estimated Scotland has more than 1,500 castles scattered across its rugged landscapes, with the earliest structures dating to the 12th century. While many stand in ruins, others have been restored and transformed into living museums that attract lovers of history, architecture, and manicured gardens.

What does dun dunbar mean in Scottish? ›

The name Dunbar itself comes from the Gaelic "dun" meaning "fort and "barr" meaning "summit". The lands were granted by King Malcolm III to the Earl Gospatric who had lived further south in Northumberland in the 11th century but had been forced to flee by William the Conqueror.

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Hamish is played by Barley, a Lurcher cross that's done quite well for himself in the film industry.

What do Scots think of A Castle for Christmas? ›

Scots react to new Netflix Christmas film shot in Edinburgh - and they are not impressed. A Castle for Christmas was partly filmed at Dalmeny House in Edinburgh, but despite being set and filmed in Scotland, locals were not happy with how the production played out.

What is the Easter egg in the Merry Scottish Christmas? ›

Are there any Easter Eggs in A Merry Scottish Christmas? There are! Look for a nod to the Party of Five clan, the Salingers, and big brother Charlie, in A Merry Scottish Christmas. Also keep an eye out for a familiar face who you or may not see waltz or tango, but you will see him do the "highland fling".

What castle was used in a royal Christmas? ›

Her new home in the film is the real-life Peleș Castle in Sinaia, Romania and it quickly became my favorite aspect of the whole movie. It's the quintessential location for a cheesy romantic Christmas movie to take place.

Is the castle in the Christmas Prince real? ›

This remarkable sequence, along with many others in the film, was shot at Peleș Castle in Sinaia, Romania. The castle, constructed between 1899 and 1902 during King Carol I's reign, was intended as a residence for the Royal Heirs to the Romanian throne.

Is the castle in Outlander real? ›

Midhope Castle in Outlander is not technically a tourist attraction. The real-life Outlander filming site is located on a private working farm at Hopetoun Estate. Lallybroch, or Broch Taurach, is the Fraser castle in Outlander- the home and farm of Jamie Fraser.

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This final battle scene and indeed all the exterior shots of Nockmaar Castle were filmed at Dinorwic slate quarry in North Wales, just outside Snowdonia National Park. This former slate quarry has been used for many films and is now home to a slate museum and an adventure park.

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