Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (2024)

LONDON, United Kingdom — The fashion education sector is booming. As the scale and scope of the industry has grown over the last decade, and social media has opened up a once secretive business to the masses, the appeal of fashion as a career opportunity has grown with it, leading more and more young people to pursue fashion education.

"Fashion education has grown enormously in scale compared to ten years ago," says Sara Kozlowski, Director of Education and Professional Development at the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). "In some cases institutions have experienced enrollment increases tripling student populations."

In the United Kingdom, there are more than 30 colleges and universities now offering fashion degree courses, with thousands of fashion design graduates each year. And, private institutions like the Condé Nast College of Fashion and Istituto Marangoni are also muscling into the fashion education market — setting up programmes in China, India and beyond to meet the burgeoning interest in fashion education in Asia's fast-growing economies.

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (1)

So, how to navigate this increasingly complex fashion education landscape? The purpose of the BoF Global Fashion School Rankingsout today is three fold: it aims to assess the value and impact of this growing sector, in hope of aiding prospective students in making informed choices about pursuing higher education in fashion; it acts as a tool for universities and colleges to improve their education offerings; and it serves as a resource for the wider industry to engage in a discussion about fashion education.

The ranking is based on a rigorous methodology incorporating 60 different data points gathered directly from a shortlist of 24 top fashion institutions, surveys completed by 4,032 students and recent alumni, feedback from 88 HR professionals and global fashion influencers and our own BoF analysis of 21 undergraduate and 10 graduate programmes around the world.

First, the good news: students are generally “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the teaching (83 percent), the library and study materials (83 percent), and workrooms, buildings and campuses (76 percent).

Students were particularly complimentary about their teachers. “Tutors are of a very high calibre and with relevant experience from industry or still work within industry. [They] are very good at recognising potential and pushing students to produce their best work,” one former student from Central Saint Martins comments.

"I really believe FIT is among the last remaining US fashion schools that provides students with an adequate education in garment construction and patternmaking. It's a quintessentially old-fashioned technical school, which has advantages and disadvantages alike," writes an alumnus of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.

"The teachers were absolutely golden, each and every one of them has a story to tell that made me want to pursue a career in fashion even more," adds a student from Polimoda.

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (2)

However, in other areas, there remains a significant gap between the expectations of these students vis-à-vis their actual experiences while in school and after graduation. In particular, many students were significantly less satisfied with the support in finding employment.

“Brilliant school, brilliant exposure, zero help afterwards,” says one former Central Saint Martins student.

“Parsons tested my work ethic and exposed me to a diverse student body and resources, but poorly prepared students for the realities of job placement and career development,” echoes a Parsons alumnus.

Indeed, only 57 percent of the 4,032 students in our survey are satisfied with careers services, just 53 percent are satisfied with networking events and only 49 percent are satisfied with the quality of recruiters on campus. And afterwards, many disappointed students report that they end up taking jobs outside of fashion, or not finding jobs at all. With BA tuition fees costing an average of $18,000 per year and MA tuition an average of $23,000 per year, students are clearly looking for a better return on this significant investment.

“More emphasis is needed on career options and specific design career fairs need to be implemented as this is lacking in the programme,” says a student from Australia’s Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. “Unfortunately there was not much help when it came to graduation and career advice. This was left up to myself,” adds another.

The underlying root cause of this global fashion education issue may be something experts have dubbed “The Project Runway Effect.” While many young people are attracted to working as fashion designers due to the growing visibility of the industry on television and social media, the growing popularity of fashion education has not been matched by a corresponding increase in fashion design jobs.

According to statistics compiled by the CFDA and the Department for Education, in 2013 there were 17,370 reported jobs as ‘fashion designer’ in the United States. “It’s estimated that each year about 10 percent of the total job pool are graduating from undergraduate programs and entering industry with degrees in fashion design, which in turn has created an oversupply,” says the CFDA’s Kozlowski.

This means that each year, the US fashion sector would have to make room for 1,700 new fashion design graduates either through attrition or market growth, which seems highly unlikely. And as more and more graduates emerge each year, there are fewer and fewer jobs on offer.

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (3)

Institut Français de la Mode, Paris, France | Source: Courtesy

It's a phenomenon that also holds true in the UK, home to seven of our top ranking fashion schools. According to data compiled by Graduate Prospects, only one in seven UK-based fashion design students graduating in 2014 found employment as designers, with the rest taking on roles in retail, marketing, sales and administration. So, while more than 85 percent of fashion design graduates ultimately find full-time employment, most of them will not work as designers.

Caroline Rush, chief executive of the British Fashion Council, is working with careers services at UK fashion colleges to improve the range of fashion related jobs that students are informed of before enrolling in university.

“Even now, I think if you go to a career advisor at school and say: ‘I want to work in the fashion industry,’ they say, ‘Well, you have the chance to either work in retail or to be a designer,’ and don't understand all of the other roles that go around that. You end up with this vicious cycle where you’ve got young people who think that they want to be a designer, when actually their skills might be better suited to a different role, either a skills-based role or even management or administration work,” says Rush.

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (4)

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia | Source: Courtesy

But, all is not lost. In a fast-changing fashion marketbeing reshaped by new business models, emerging technologies and shifting consumer values, there are many new career paths emerging in fashion.

“Although there is currently an imbalance of supply and demand for design graduates, the landscape is poised for new sectors within innovative and hybridised specialisations that include digital manufacturing, social innovation, sustainability and new business models,” reports Kozlowski. These new roles are increasingly important to the future of the fashion business, and offer graduates new ways to participate in this exciting sector.

However, fashion students and alumni participating in our survey report that they feel unequipped with the practical business skills and training they need to thrive once they enter full-time employment or go on to start their own business.

Only 58 percent of students are satisfied with their business training, only 54 percent of students are satisfied with work placement opportunities and only 44 percent of students are satisfied with teaching on sustainability in the curriculum, the lowest satisfaction scores in our entire survey.

“It’s one of the most prestigious schools in the world when it comes to fashion, and just that in itself opened a lot of doors for me,” writes one Central Saint Martins alumnus. “There is a lot of controversy around the training at Saint Martins though, like the fact that we didn’t have a single technical class or business course throughout our BA. If you want to have that you are told you can go somewhere else.”

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (5)

Drexel University, Philadelphia, United States | Source: Courtesy

Interestingly, the most reputable schools, including Central Saint Martins, Parsons and The Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp receive among the lowest scores in this regard. Of course, students at the top schools might be expected to be those with the highest expectations, so they are the hardest to please, but what’s clear is that theseschools have a long way to go before satisfying the needs of the most talented, high-potential fashion students.

Conversely, those schools that did provide the best student experiences are neither those with the best reputations, nor those that are the most selective. Perhaps the most surprising outcome of our Global Fashion School Rankings was the outstanding feedback from students and alumni from schools off the beaten path, suggesting that prospective students may want to carefully consider a wider range of colleges when making decisions about higher education in fashion.

"Overall, I couldn't ask for a better experience," comments a current student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, 10th in our BA ranking. "Since coming to Drexel I have become more creative, hardworking and driven. None of that would have been possible without the exemplary staff at Drexel. My teachers have challenged me creatively and are always available for positive feedback on both my designs and my craft. They help in making sure that the students who really want to be there thrive and produce great work."

One former student from Kingston University just outside of London, 3rd overall in our BA ranking, writes: “Impeccable teaching from tutors who really care and want to help develop you to the best of your potential. Industry links are unrivalled, with many well-paid international internships on offer.”

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (6)

Bunka Fashion College, Tokyo, Japan | Source: Courtesy

A student at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo, ranked 2nd overall in our BA ranking raves: “Not being a native Japanese speaker, the first few months were overwhelming, yet exciting. It is like riding a bicycle for the first time — Bunka will hold the handles for you, teach you how to pedal and slowly let go. Suddenly, you’re having the ride of your life, and you know you did because you learnt from the best.”

As the market landscape continues to shift, fashion educators would be well advised to listen to their students and re-think the balance of their course offerings to better reflect the changing needs of the industry. At some schools, this is already happening.

This year, the London College of Fashion launched a new Fashion Business School, following the pioneering Centre for Sustainable Fashion, established in 2008. The Pratt Institute has opened its own Centre for Sustainable Design, integrating environmental and societal design principles into its programmes. Drexel University is in the midst of developing new graduate programmes in interdisciplinary design, in keeping with industry developments, the University of Creative Arts in Epsom is further developing its Design Business Institute, launched in 2014, andPolimoda is developing platforms to support fashion entrepreneurship.

What's clear is that the fashion education landscape is in an exciting period of flux. We hope that our Global Ranking of Fashion Schools will provide fodder for discussion and debate in the years to come as the fashion industry enters a new period of growth and expansion.

What do you think constitutes a high quality, rewarding fashion education? Share your thoughts in the comments below.To view the full BoF Global Fashion School Rankings 2015 and learn more about our ranking methodology, click here.

Is Fashion Education Selling a False Dream? (2024)


Are fashion schools worth it? ›

Our analysis has shown that a fashion degree can lead to a lucrative career and can absolutely be worth the price, even when it's quite expensive. Even if you have to take out loans of $100,000 or more, it can still be worth it in the long run. The key is to make sure you choose the right fashion career.

Are fashion schools real? ›

A fashion school offers degrees that are specialized for students who plan on pursuing a career in the fashion industry. They often offer several different majors or specializations.

What fashion designer did not go to fashion school? ›

COCO Chanel

She was raised by nuns that taught her how to sew. By 18 years old, Chanel left school and never pursued a higher education.

What is the success rate of fashion designers? ›

So, while more than 85 percent of fashion design graduates ultimately find full-time employment, most of them will not work as designers.

What is the number 1 fashion school in the world? ›

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) ranked No. 1 on the list of the Best Fashion Schools In The World For 2023, according to a new study by the CEOWORLD magazine; Parsons School of Design placed second on the list, followed by the Drexel University's Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design at No. 3.

What is the point of going to fashion school? ›

You get to learn from academics and practitioners who have a wealth of industry experience and knowledge that will better prepare you practically and theoretically to take on the world of fashion.

Do fashion schools look at grades? ›

Candidates are evaluated based on class rank, grades in college, preparatory coursework, and a student essay. We generally consider applicants with a strong B average. Students applying to Art and Design programs must submit a portfolio for review. Letters of recommendation are not required.

How hard is it to get into the fashion Institute? ›

It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 6,966 undergraduate students. Admissions is fairly competitive as the FIT acceptance rate is 59%.

What is the most prestigious fashion school? ›

The List: Best Fashion Schools in the World, According to Expert Reviews
  • London College of Fashion. ...
  • Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) ...
  • Central Saint Martins. ...
  • Parsons School of Design. ...
  • Istituto Marangoni International.
Mar 21, 2023

What gender are most fashion designers? ›

While the vast majority of students who obtain a degree in fashion are women, men still dominate the industry. The Council of Fashion Designers of America study titled The Glass Runway found that of the top 50 fashion houses in the world, only 14% of them are run by female executives.

Why do most fashion brands fail? ›

One of the main reasons why retail brands fail is because they've launched poor quality products that customers aren't willing to pay for. Some brands attempt to decrease manufacturing costs by skimping on raw material quality or first-class equipment which reduces the quality of products significantly.

Is it hard to break into the fashion industry? ›

While it is often a competitive field, opportunities vary according to your training and skills, the employer, your role, and where you choose to live. A career in fashion typically requires creativity, attention to detail, and an understanding of both industry history and upcoming trends.

What race buys the most designer? ›

Fashion Designer Race
Fashion Designer RacePercentages
Hispanic or Latino11.9%
Black or African American7.3%
2 more rows
Sep 9, 2022

Which age group is most interested in fashion? ›

In 2021, 31 percent of U.S. users who visited fashion retailers' sites were aged 25 to 30. Additionally, 17.8 percent of online fashion website visitors were between 18 and 24 years old. Only 8.2 percent were 65 years and older.

What is the average age to become a fashion designer? ›

The average age for someone working in this type of role is 35 years, which is below the average age of all occupations that sits at 40 years.

What is the #1 fashion college in the US? ›

Which is the top fashion school in the US? A. The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), New York, NY is the top fashion school in the US. The school offers 48 degree programs in fashion and other creative and business professions and is consistently ranked as one of the best fashion schools.

What is FBI fashion College ranked? ›

  • Name of the Institute: FBI Fashion College.
  • Country: Australia.
  • Continent: Oceania.
  • Country Ranking: 169.
  • World Ranking: 21231.
  • Institute Impact Ranking: 20701.
  • Institute Openness Ranking: 7420.
  • Institute Excellency Ranking: 7190.
Apr 5, 2022

What is the best country to study fashion? ›

Best countries to study fashion design
  1. The United Kingdom. If you're serious about studying fashion at some of the best design schools in the world, then the first stop is London – the heart of the fashion world! ...
  2. The United States. ...
  3. France. ...
  4. Italy. ...
  5. South Africa.

Can you go to fashion school without knowing how do you sew? ›

Q: Do I need to know how to sew and draft patterns? A: Not necessarily, but you should familiarize yourself with garment construction. It's a common misconception that you must know how to sew to be a fashion designer. This is actually where a lot of my frustration with fashion schools is rooted.

Do college students care about fashion? ›

“Viral terms such as #Rushtok and #OOTDs are flooding the internet with new styles daily, and nearly half of college students say that it's hard to resist the temptation of fast fashion. In fact, “a troubling one in three Glen Zers confess that they feel addicted,” the report said.

Do you have to take math in fashion school? ›

Fashion design focuses on designing and creating clothing and accessories. For this major you'll take lots of fashion design classes. But you'll also need to take classes in the arts, science, math, and social sciences to earn your bachelor's degree.

What GPA do you need for fashion school? ›

What GPA Do You Need To Get Into FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-Los Angeles? FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-Los Angeles's average GPA is 3.15. FIDM-Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising-Los Angeles does require GPA.

What GPA do you need to get into fit fashion school? ›

The average GPA at Fashion Institute of Technology is 3.56. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.56, Fashion Institute of Technology requires you to be around average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, and very few C's.

What level of education is fashion? ›

Fashion designers typically have a bachelor's degree in a fine arts or business field such as fashion design or fashion merchandising. These fashion-focused programs teach students about textiles and fabrics and how to use computer-aided design (CAD) technology.

What are the odds of being a fashion designer? ›

Based on the number of “international star designers” in the last 10 years and the number of people who have entered the profession, the estimated odds of becoming an internationally famous designer are roughly 160,000:1.

Do most fashion designers go to college? ›

Most fashion designers hold an art and design bachelor's degree. During a fashion design program, students study fabrics, fashion theory, and color theory. They also learn how to create styles using computer-aided design (CAD) software.

Do you need SAT for fashion school? ›

What do you need to apply to fashion school? Essentially, the same requirements as a standard college application with a portfolio. SAT and ACT test scores are generally optional unless you want to be in the honors programs or apply for merit scholarships.

What are the top 2 fashion schools? ›

For an explanation of ranking criteria, click here.
  • Savannah College of Art & Design, GA. ...
  • Fashion Institute of Technology, NY. ...
  • The New School Parsons, NY. ...
  • Pratt Institute, NY. ...
  • Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, CA. ...
  • Drexel University, PA. ...
  • Rhode Island School of Design, RI. ...
  • Kent State University, OH.
Aug 24, 2022

Which country is the cheapest to study fashion design? ›

Which country is the cheapest to study for fashion designing? Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, and Belgium are the top countries with the best yet most affordable fashion designing courses for international students.

Is there an Ivy League school for fashion? ›

In the College of Human Ecology . The Fashion Design and Management major is unique in the Ivy League, combining a strong liberal arts foundation with excellent training in fashion design and the business of fashion.

What personality type are most fashion designers? ›

The average Fashion Designer tends to be an optimist who works with energy and enthusiasm. Their passion can be infectious, and their excellent social skills likely make them a naturally persuasive person.

What personality types are fashion designers? ›

Fashion designers tend to be predominantly artistic individuals, meaning that they are creative and original and work well in a setting that allows for self-expression. They also tend to be enterprising, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others.

Who dominates the fashion industry? ›

France is the leading country for the fashion industry in the world, according to the Brands Countries IPX by IFDAQ.

What is the biggest fashion mistake? ›

The 8 biggest fashion mistakes you might be making, according to a stylist
  • Not tucking in your shirt.
  • Forgetting to remove the tacking stitch on a coat.
  • Following antiquated fashion rules.
  • Under-dressing for the occasion.
  • Ignoring the wash instructions on your clothes.
  • Washing your jeans too often.
  • Hanging your sweaters.
Mar 13, 2023

Why do poor people wear expensive brands? ›

And people living in low-income neighborhoods–the ones who are relatively well-off compared to their neighbors–are nevertheless worried that they'll be misperceived as resource-poor. So they purchase expensive and conspicuous goods, to make sure their resources are visible to outsiders.

Why is the fashion industry so bad? ›

Waste problem of the fashion industry

Only 15% is recycled or donated, and the rest goes directly to the landfill or is incinerated. Synthetic fibers, such as polyester, are plastic fibers, therefore non-biodegradable, and can take up to 200 years to decompose. Synthetic fibers are used in 69% of our clothing.

What is the least stressful job in fashion? ›

Apparently you should join the fashion industry. On the list of least stressful jobs are seamstress/tailor, jeweler, and hair stylist. Of course, there are some more lucrative options, like audiologist, dietitian, and university professor, but those don't sound nearly as fun.

How drastically is fashion industry waste? ›

The fashion industry overproduces products by about 30-40% each season, contributes roughly 10% of all global carbon emissions and is the world's second worst offender in terms of water and plastic pollution.

Who buys fast fashion the most? ›

The target audience for fast fashion is consumers aged between 18 and 24, while women and young girls consume fast fashion more than any other demographic group.

What brands do black consumers love? ›

Brands like Apple, Nike, and P&G have consistently created powerful campaigns that have resonated with Black consumers.

What designers do wealthy people wear? ›

For a quick sartorial 101 on "quiet luxury," read on for our list of the most luxurious brands the wealthiest shoppers love to frequent.
  • Brunello Cucinelli. ...
  • Stefano Ricci. ...
  • Cesare Attolini. ...
  • Loro Piana. ...
  • Kiton. ...
  • Brioni.
Jan 24, 2023

What fashion mistakes age you? ›

Fashion Mistakes to Avoid Looking Older
  • too many pastel outfits.
  • too much black.
  • baggy everything.
  • out-of-date eyeglasses.
  • the wrong lingerie.
  • out of date and too many new trends.
  • unflattering lipstick.
  • pantyhose.
Apr 14, 2023

How does Gen Z feel about fashion? ›

According to Forbes, one in three Gen Zers feel as if they're addicted to fast fashion. Social media perpetuates the circulation of trends — and subsequently, fast fashion brands — and encourages buyers to prioritize cheapness and convenience over quality.

Why does Gen Z love fast fashion? ›

It's a trend that analysts say is fueled by a social media culture that pressures youth and young adults to never wear the same outfit twice, as well as an industry that has made impulse buying and returning items far easier.

Is fashion a good industry to get into? ›

Fashion Can Be A Good Career, But It Depends On What Path You Pursue. From a high level, there are 3 different types of fashion careers you can pursue. Having your own brand, working as an employee for a brand, or being a freelancer. As I mentioned, I've done all 3.

Is it hard to be in the fashion industry? ›

Getting your foot in the door of the fashion world can be a challenge. It's an extremely desirable industry to work in, which means it's equally as competitive. But, there are lots of opportunities out there and several things you can do to increase your chances of getting a job in fashion!

Is fashion design a good career path? ›

It's amazing,” he says. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 2.5% employment growth for fashion designers between 2021 and 2031. In that period, an estimated 600 jobs should open up. Fashion designers come up with concepts for clothing, accessories and footwear, and they create patterns based on those ideas.

What GPA is needed for fashion designer? ›

The average GPA required to get admission is 3.42 which makes it a moderately competitive school for fashion design.

What is the best degree for fashion? ›

The best majors for fashion industry employment include fashion management, brand management, art history, graphic design, and entrepreneurship.

Is the fashion industry stressful? ›

Fashion companies tend to make everything stressful and as if it were of vital importance. But those who work in fashion do not save lives and many tend to forget it.

Do fashion majors make money? ›

Basic Facts on Fashion Design Earning

Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fashion designers average $37.24 an hour or $77,450 a year in earnings. In other words, half of the fashion designers employed in the industry make less than this figure, and half make more.

Is the fashion industry oversaturated? ›

The fashion industry is oversaturated right now and it's overwhelming. Looking at trend-forecasting website WGSN during fashion week, I was blown away by how many shows there were in New York, London, Milan and Paris.

How to start in fashion industry with no experience? ›

How to work in fashion with no experience
  1. Reach out to your network and ask for help. ...
  2. Strategize your internship. ...
  3. Be honest. ...
  4. Bring enthusiasm, willingness to learn. ...
  5. Analytical, data-driven and practical. ...
  6. Create your own opportunities.
Jan 1, 2023

Why is it so hard to break into the fashion industry? ›

Getting a foot in the door of the fashion industry may be daunting. It's an extremely competitive world where cool creatives and sassy strategists have to work together to keep up with rapidly changing trends and a demanding audience who are spoilt for choice.

How do I know if fashion design is for me? ›

If you enjoy sketching garments and working with fabrics and trimmings, a fashion design career could be right for you. When considering a career in fashion, you should assess your ability to draw and cut patterns to prepare garments as this skill is essential for a career in fashion.

Do fashion designers make enough money? ›

Some fashion designers earn reasonable salaries while others earn very little. Most fashion designers rank between these two extremes. The average salary for a fashion designer is $15.98 per hour . The mean salary for fashion designers was $74,410 per year, or $6,200 per month.

Is it fun being a fashion designer? ›

As a result, fashion designing is a really exciting career since it constantly entails having fun and having a creative mind while coming up with a new product, style, or design.

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