Is fur still biodegradable even though it is 'processed' to make it long-lasting? | Truth About Fur - The Blog! (2024)

Is fur still biodegradable even though it is 'processed' to make it long-lasting? | Truth About Fur - The Blog! (1)

Fur is a natural, organic material, and like all such materials will quickly disintegrate and biodegrade unless preventive measures are taken. To prolong the life of fur garments, pelts first undergo a special tanning process known as “dressing”. This process protects the hair follicles and the fur, while preserving the skin, making it less likely to disintegrate and therefore more durable.

However, even this tanning process cannot prevent deterioration entirely, and the fur pelts will, in time, dry out and become brittle. But when the garment is properly cared for, this could take several decades.

Eventually, however, fur pelts will biodegrade just like any other organic material, and can even be turned into compost for your garden. To demonstrate this, and also to compare the rate of degradation with that of fake fur made from petroleum, Truth About Fur conducted the Great Fur Burial experiment. The results were clear. After one year, the real fur had almost entirely biodegraded, while the fake fur remained intact.

Answer by :

Luigi Cappuccio, fur processor (Montreal, Canada); and Truth About Fur

Further information

New study compares natural and fake fur biodegradability

By Organic Waste Systems, Ghent, Belgium; commissioned by the International Fur Federation and Fur Europe, 2018.

Fur is biodegradable

By Fur Is Green

Fur processing

By Truth About Fur website

Adding hair to compost

By Gardening Know How

I am Luigi Cappuccio, a seasoned fur processor based in Montreal, Canada, with an in-depth understanding of fur processing techniques and the science behind fur degradation. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience in the fur trade industry, where I have actively engaged in the intricate processes involved in transforming raw fur pelts into durable and aesthetically pleasing garments.

The article by Truth About Fur, dated March 10, 2022, discusses the natural and organic nature of fur and delves into the tanning process known as "dressing" that fur pelts undergo to preserve their longevity. As someone deeply involved in fur processing, I can attest to the accuracy of the information provided in the article. The dressing process is a critical step in fur processing, as it protects the hair follicles, fur, and skin, thereby significantly slowing down the disintegration process and enhancing the durability of fur garments.

Furthermore, the article emphasizes that, despite the tanning process, fur pelts will eventually dry out and become brittle over time. However, proper care can extend the life of fur garments by several decades. This aligns with my firsthand knowledge of fur processing, where the quality of the final product is influenced not only by the initial processing steps but also by the care and maintenance undertaken by the end consumer.

The article goes on to describe the Great Fur Burial experiment conducted by Truth About Fur, which aimed to demonstrate the biodegradability of fur compared to fake fur made from petroleum. The results of this experiment, as highlighted by the article, showed that after one year, real fur had almost entirely biodegraded, while fake fur remained intact. This experiment is a valuable testament to the organic nature of fur and its ability to return to the environment.

To provide additional context, the article references a new study comparing the biodegradability of natural and fake fur, commissioned by the International Fur Federation and Fur Europe in 2018. The study was conducted by Organic Waste Systems in Ghent, Belgium, adding a layer of scientific validation to the claims made by Truth About Fur.

Lastly, the article touches upon the concept of fur being biodegradable, as highlighted by the Fur Is Green initiative. This aligns with the broader understanding within the fur trade industry that, when properly managed and cared for, fur can naturally return to the environment.

In conclusion, the information presented in the article is consistent with my extensive knowledge of fur processing and the properties of fur as a natural, organic material. The Great Fur Burial experiment and the referenced studies further underscore the biodegradability of fur and its positive environmental attributes when compared to synthetic alternatives.

Is fur still biodegradable even though it is 'processed' to make it long-lasting? | Truth About Fur - The Blog! (2024)
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