Is it okay to tell an interviewer you are nervous? (2024)

It’s completely normal to feel nervous before a job interview. However, deciding whether or not to admit your nerves to the interviewer is a common dilemma many candidates face. There are pros and cons to acknowledging your nerves that are important to consider.

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Quick Answers

Here are some quick answers to common questions about mentioning nerves in a job interview:

  • It’s generally okay to tell an interviewer you’re nervous as long as you keep it brief.
  • Mentioning your nerves shows honesty and humanity if done appropriately.
  • Focus on taking deep breaths and thinking positively – don’t dwell on your nerves.
  • Keep body language confident and avoid fidgeting even if you say you’re nervous.
  • Shift quickly back to your qualifications and enthusiasm for the role after mentioning nerves.

The Pros of Admitting Nerves

There are some potential benefits to briefly acknowledging you are a bit anxious:

  • Shows honesty: Admitting your nerves demonstrates you are willing to be upfront. This can build trust and rapport with an interviewer.
  • Highlights humanity: It shows you are human just like everyone else. The interviewer may find this humility and vulnerability appealing.
  • Tempers expectations: If nerves are affecting your performance, it provides context and may reduce pressure slightly.
  • Opens communication: The interviewer may provide reassurance and advice to help you relax.

As long as you keep it brief, acknowledging nerves can build connection and show you are self-aware. However, dwelling on anxiety or using it as an excuse is not recommended.

The Cons of Admitting Nerves

There are also some potential downsides to think about when deciding if you should tell an interviewer you’re nervous:

  • Shows lack of confidence: Excessive focus on nerves can raise doubts about your ability or readiness for the job.
  • Wastes interview time: Spending too much time discussing anxiety takes away time to highlight your skills.
  • Ruins first impressions: Leading with anxiety focuses on a negative instead of making a great first impression.
  • Comes across unprofessionally: Dwelling on fears may show immaturity rather than polished confidence expected for most roles.

While an occasional acknowledgement is understandable, an overemphasis on nerves can leave the wrong impression. It’s important to minimize time spent discussing anxiety.

Best Practices for Mentioning Nerves

If you want to briefly open up about interview jitters, keep these tips in mind:

  • Bring it up quickly and move on – don’t belabor it.
  • Say you’re excited or eager, which casts it in a positive light.
  • Emphasize your interest and preparation for the role.
  • Make clear you still feel capable of performing well in the interview.
  • Avoid apologizing or dwelling on anxiety excessively.
  • Use confident body language and steady voice tone while discussing nerves.
  • Pivot swiftly back to selling yourself and your qualifications after mentioning anxiety.

The key is acknowledging nerves without making them the focus. Keep it brief, stay positive, and transition smoothly back to why you are an excellent fit for the job.

What to Say When Acknowledging Nerves

Here are some examples of ways to briefly and positively mention interview anxiety:

  • “I’m really excited for this interview – I have to admit I have a bit of nervous energy since this is such a great opportunity!”
  • “I’m eager to share all the qualifications that make me an excellent fit for this role. I have to say interviews always make me a little nervous, but I feel ready to have a great discussion about my background.”
  • “I’m feeling very motivated about this position, although these interviews always bring out a few first-date jitters! But I’m confident we’ll have a productive conversation about my skills.”

In each case, the nerves are mentioned but not dwelled upon excessively. The focus shifts to positivity, excitement and capabilities.

What Not to Say About Nerves

Some phrases about anxiety are better to avoid, such as:

  • “I’m really nervous – I hope that’s okay.”
  • “I’m sorry I’m so anxious, interviews make me really stressed.”
  • “I’m pretty nervous. I’m probably going to mess this up.”
  • “Honestly I’m extremely nervous right now. I’ve never been good at interviews.”

These overly apologetic or doubtful statements linger too long on the nerves. This frames anxiety in a negative light rather than shifting quickly back to positive reasons you are a strong candidate.

Nonverbal Cues Matter

Even if you mention being anxious, be sure the rest of your body language remains confident and calm:

  • Steady, lower-pitched voice tone
  • Good eye contact
  • Upright, open posture
  • Relaxed facial expressions
  • Engaged listening
  • Avoid fidgeting

This shows nerves aren’t truly interfering with your ability to communicate effectively. Nonverbals aligned with your words builds trust and rapport.

Set the Right Tone from the Start

Ideally, it’s better to avoid mentioning nerves in your very first remarks when entering the interview. This prevents anxiety from flavoring the first impressions you make.

You have time to get a feel for the tone and build some rapport before assessing if it feels right to acknowledge nerves. Pay attention to cues from the interviewer – in some cases, it may be better not to mention anxiety at all.

When unsure, focus your first remarks on positive excitement and appreciation for the opportunity.

Connect Nerves to Enthusiasm

One effective approach is pivoting quickly from nerves to why you want the job:

“I have to admit I’m a little nervous – this role seems like an excellent career move I’m really excited about!”

Framing anxiety as stemming from enthusiasm about the position is constructive. Just follow up with why you’d thrive in that role.

Speak With Your Actions

Even if you mention being nervous, you can quickly counterbalance that with calm, thoughtful responses that demonstrate readiness for the job:

  • Ask perceptive questions based on research about the company.
  • Provide thorough examples of achievements relevant to the role.
  • Present a clear understanding of how your skills would benefit the employer.
  • Speak knowledgeably about the field and industry.
  • Exhibit warm, professional interpersonal skills.

Your overall performance is what matters – a brief nervous mention can be overcome by showing your capabilities.

An Occasional Acknowledgment is Understandable

It’s perfectly natural to feel anxious in high stakes interviews. A passing acknowledgement is unlikely to single-handedly tank your chances if handled maturely. However, dwelling excessively on anxiety can leave the wrong impression.

With practice over time, those interview nerves tend to diminish. Gaining experience and confidence makes anxiety less likely to be an issue that needs addressing. But while you work to manage a nervous disposition, an occasional brief mention is understandable.

Focus on Controlling Nerves

Preparation and mental attitude adjustment are your best tools for managing interview anxiety:

  • Thoroughly research the role, company, and likely interview format and questions.
  • Practice your responses out loud until they feel polished but natural.
  • Review your qualifications and accomplishments so they are top of mind.
  • Visualize yourself calmly answering questions and connecting with the interviewer.
  • Arrive early to get settled – rushing can heighten nerves.
  • Use breathing, affirmations, or other techniques to stay centered in the moment.
  • Go in with a positive mindset – focus on showing your best professional self.

Proper planning and mental preparation help minimize nervousness. Having more control over anxiety reduces the need to mention it during interviews.

Consider Alternatives to Stating You Are Nervous

Some other options to acknowledge anxiety without directly saying “I’m nervous” include:

  • “Thank you for the water – my mouth always gets dry in these formal interviews.”
  • “Whew, these rooms get warm when you’re in the hot seat, don’t they?”
  • “Sorry, would you mind repeating the question? My mind blanked for a second.”
  • “I really appreciate you taking the time to interview me today.”

With creativity, you can respond to anxiety subtly without having to directly announce you are nervous. Just quickly pivot back to the substantive answers.

When Is It Best Not to Mention Nerves?

Some situations when it may be better not to acknowledge anxiety include:

  • Very formal, strict interviews where nerves may be frowned upon
  • You have severe anxiety that will significantly hinder performance
  • The interviewer seems impatient or short on time
  • It’s already apparent you are anxious based on shaky voice, sweating, etc
  • You cannot move quickly past it to focus on positives

Every interview has a different tone. If nerves threaten to excessively sidetrack or undermine the discussion, it may be safest not to mention them.

Offer Reasons You Will Perform Well Despite Nerves

To demonstrate anxiety won’t interfere with your work, you can follow a nervousness mention by stating:

  • “Even though interviews make me nervous, I’m extremely interested in this role and well prepared to take it on. Here are some top qualifications…”
  • “While I have butterflies, I know I can get the work done based on my track record of success. For example…”

With reassurance, you can still pivot smoothly to selling your abilities, despite brief nerves.

Should You Admit Nerves if Not Asked Directly?

Whether to offer up feeling anxious if the interviewer doesn’t explicitly ask is a judgement call. If nerves are interfering with your performance, it may be worth acknowledging proactively.

However, if you are keeping composure well, it may be better not to raise anxiety as an issue. Let your confident responses speak for themselves.

Consider if saying you are nervous would negatively cast doubt or take up valuable time better spent highlighting your assets. If unsure, sometimes less is more.

Change the Narrative About Nerves

Rather than viewing nerves solely as a negative, look at anxiety as an indicator you care about doing well and landing this opportunity. Reframe it as the positive symptom of motivation that it often is.

Let that energy fuel you to put your best foot forward, not hold you back. Anxiety doesn’t have to be a barrier – harness it productively.

Remember: Interviewers Expect Some Nerves

It’s easy to forget interviewers are very accustomed to candidates being anxious. A small show of nerves is nothing they haven’t seen before.

As long as you keep your cool overall and shift focus to your abilities, a passing nervous mention likely won’t be a deal breaker. Don’t let anxiety spiral by assuming you are the only one who experiences it.

Should You Tell a Recruiter You Are Nervous?

Generally it’s better to be honest about nerves with a recruiter before the interview than spring it on the interviewer unexpectedly. The recruiter may be able to provide coaching or reassurance.

However, be brief and frame it productively:

“I’m really excited about the role! I have to say I’m always a bit nervous before interviews, but I’m prepared and looking forward to connecting with the team.”

Stick to quick mentions to the recruiter. Use interviews to focus on qualifications, not anxiety.


It’s understandable to feel anxious before big interviews. Whether to tell the interviewer depends on weighing brief honesty against spending too much time on nerves versus strengths. Keep mentions concise, pivot quickly and let confident actions speak louder than words.

With practice, anxiety tend to decrease. But while managing nervousness, view anxiety as stemming from caring, not as a sign you are doomed. Remind yourself interviewers expect some jitters and look past them to focus on abilities.

Strike a productive balance between acknowledging anxiety and selling your skills. With preparation and a positive mindset, nerves can fuel success rather than hold you back. Go in ready to put your best foot forward.

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Is it okay to tell an interviewer you are nervous? (2024)


Is it okay to tell an interviewer you are nervous? ›

Acknowledging your nervousness can indeed be seen as a sign of honesty and self-awareness if done appropriately. A brief mention that you're excited about the opportunity and that it may be causing some nerves can humanize you to the interviewer.

Should you tell an interviewer that you are nervous? ›

“I'm a little nervous.” Acknowledging that your nerves are getting the better of you might actually help you shake off your nervousness. Most interviewers have been there, too, at some point in their career and will understand.

Is it bad to say you have anxiety in an interview? ›

There's no shame in admitting you struggle with mental health issues. In fact, being open about these issues can be beneficial to your professional future. By talking to a potential employer about your mental health issues, you show that you are willing to be open about them and manage these issues.

Do interviewers judge you for being nervous? ›

Some hiring managers show empathy and try to put you at ease; others have concern that if you can't overcome nerves in an interview, you won't on the job, either. A relaxed but professional posture and good eye contact throughout the interview project the confidence and professionalism you want.

Is anxiety a good weakness to say in an interview? ›

Pick a weakness that you actually have trouble with. The interviewer will often ask you further questions about this weakness, and they will be able to tell if you are lying or hiding something. One that is fixable. You don't want to tell the interviewer about the crippling anxiety you've had since you were seven.

Can nerves ruin an interview? ›

Sometimes feeling nervous or anxious can make you feel shaky or forget what you're going to say. But remember that the person interviewing you might also be nervous. They know people get anxious at job interviews. So they'll see past your nerves if you can answer their questions.

Can one bad answer ruin an interview? ›

In a job interview, every word counts. Even one bad answer could kill your chances at getting hired, Eric Yaverbaum, CEO of Ericho Communications, tells CNBC Make It. Yaverbaum has interviewed thousands of candidates throughout his 40-plus year career as a public relations expert.

Can you be denied a job because of anxiety? ›

The Americans with Disabilities Acts (ADA) protects employees from discrimination based on a disability—including mental health conditions like depression or anxiety.

Should I tell a potential employer I have anxiety? ›

Like any other health problem, if your mental health issue does not affect your ability to do your job, you are not legally obliged to tell your employer about it. The same rule applies if you're going through an interview process. But keep in mind your workplace health and safety obligations.

How to ace an interview when you have anxiety? ›

Here are 12 ways to overcome your interview anxiety:
  1. 1 Prepare for your interview thoroughly. ...
  2. 2 Practice your answers. ...
  3. 3 Picture your success. ...
  4. 5 Eat well and exercise. ...
  5. 6 Lower your stress levels. ...
  6. 7 Increase your confidence. ...
  7. 8 Take deep breaths. ...
  8. 9 Pay attention.
Jun 30, 2023

Can you do bad in an interview and still get the job? ›

Don't freak out yet. Plenty of candidates thought an interview went terribly and lo and behold, found out they scored the job in the days or weeks afterward. It might sound like a rare occurrence, but it happens more often than you'd think.

What percent of people are nervous at interviews? ›

You are in the overwhelming majority. According to a 2018 study, roughly 93 per cent of Americans get nervous during job interviews. Getting the interview jitters is such a familiar feeling that, indeed, has resources online to help people relax and feel calm before meeting prospective employers.

How do you know if an interview went well? ›

7 Signs Your Interview Went Well
  • Good nonverbal feedback.
  • Drill-down questions were asked.
  • The conversation was natural and easy.
  • Personal connections were made.
  • You were offered a tour or personal introductions.
  • Future steps were discussed.
  • You feel confident the position is for you.
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What is the safest weakness to say in an interview? ›

Example weaknesses for interviewing
  1. I focus too much on the details. ...
  2. I have a hard time letting go of projects. ...
  3. I have trouble saying "no" ...
  4. I get impatient with missed deadlines. ...
  5. I could use more experience in … ...
  6. I sometimes lack confidence. ...
  7. I can have trouble asking for help.
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How do you answer "Why should we hire you?"? ›

Here are some additional examples to build your response to “Why should we hire you?”:
  1. You have a passion for the work and proven abilities.
  2. You have differentiated experience in this field.
  3. You have exceptional drive and determination to succeed.
  4. You have unique skills that separate you from other candidates.
Jul 31, 2023

Is it OK to say shy as a weakness in an interview? ›

Shyness. If you are a person who tends to be shy, you can use it as a weakness in a job interview. Candidates who are shy have a very good chance of success in an interview. Simply prepare well for the interview, determine how best to present your shyness and consider how to overcome it.

Is a little nervousness okay? ›

Anxiety isn't always a bad thing. A little bit of anxiety and nervousness can help prepare you to deal with threats, perform your best, and motivate you to keep working toward your goals.

What not to talk about in an interview? ›

Things you should never say in a job interview
  • Anything negative about a previous employer or job. ...
  • "I don't know." ...
  • Discussions about benefits, vacation and pay. ...
  • 4. " ...
  • Unprofessional language. ...
  • "I don't have any questions." ...
  • Asking what the company does. ...
  • Overly prepared answers or cliches.
Mar 10, 2023

How do I say I am nervous? ›

Build your Vocabulary: 8 ways to say 'I am nervous'
  1. Anxious. Instead of saying I am nervous about XYZ, you may use anxious like - I am anxious about checking my exam results today. ...
  2. Bundle of nervous. ...
  3. Freaked out. ...
  4. Butterflies in tummy. ...
  5. Pins and needles. ...
  6. Uneasy. ...
  7. On tenterhooks. ...
  8. Worried.
May 19, 2022

How do I reply to "I am nervous"? ›

They told me things like:
  1. “You don't need to be nervous. ...
  2. “You can reframe this and be happy you get to do it even better!”
  3. “You've got this!”
  4. “Yeah, you can think about this differently!”
  5. “You need a different mindset, instead of anxiousness.”
  6. “Maybe you should use the tools you teach your clients to calm down.”
Jan 18, 2022

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.